To Usurp Death





Sexual Interest:





Weaknesses ( Optional ):

History (Optional ):

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Name: Kastanie Tildeath

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Bi-Sexual

Species: Carnage Dragon

Personality: She's usually outgoing and curious. She'll make a joke out of a lot of things but in most cases she gets unusually quiet. She speaks to herself most of the time when she is actually talking to her magic. She'll be the first to step up protect others. At times she may be very territorial and possessive.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mlyxt969tq1rw73t5o1_500.jpg.f2ff7d630a714ad7d06ae3c402dd6e11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mlyxt969tq1rw73t5o1_500.jpg.f2ff7d630a714ad7d06ae3c402dd6e11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: She can change into Dragon form. Carnage Magic- It's a living form of mana. It can take many forms, solid liquid, gas, or a light like form. The moment it touches something it immediately starts to devour it. Like millions of hungry carnivores. Once it touches even a finger it will devour that and the rest of your body through the method of traveling through your blood stream. It can sometimes lay dormant.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Carnage magic has a will of its own and can turn on this user if it isn't handled properly or if the user isn't emotionally stable.

History (Optional ):

Extra: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/night_sky_dragon_by_kokodriliscus-d4fnzkk.jpg.b072d554eda96dcca2f5f3f453c4abf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/night_sky_dragon_by_kokodriliscus-d4fnzkk.jpg.b072d554eda96dcca2f5f3f453c4abf7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sam Cross

Age: 17

Sexual Interest: Hetero

Species: Human- Knight

Personality: He's very laid back and nonchalant about things around him, but also very perceptive. He tries not to fight for no reason, but definitely will, given the circumstances



Powers: 100 Sword Beast- Sam inherited a massive sword collection from his father. Each sword is different, and in all, suits pretty much any situation in battle.

Requip- Has the ability to change his equipment mid-battle; that includes both swords, shields, and armor

Bladed Soul- Each sword changes his magic and physical abilities; strengthens some and weakens some. (I'll give info on the sword on every switch.)

Magic- Sam can cast magic of each type. The type and base strength of the magic depends on the sword equipped


Weaknesses: His weaknesses depends on his equipment
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Kylesar1 said:
Name: Sam Cross
Age: 17

Sexual Interest: Hetero

Species: Human- Knight

Personality: Not the type for small talk, he prefers not to brag. Instead, he cuts straight to the action. He's not malicious though, and doesn't pick on the weak.



Powers: 100 Sword Beast- Sam inherited a massive sword collection from his father. Each sword is different, and in all, suits pretty much any situation in battle.

Requip- Has the ability to change his equipment mid-battle; that includes both swords, shields, and armor

Bladed Soul- Each sword changes his magic and physical abilities; strengthens some and weakens some. (I'll give info on the sword on every switch.)

Magic- Sam can cast magic of each type. The type and base strength of the magic depends on the sword equipped


Weaknesses: His weaknesses depends on his equipment

Name: Alisha (Alexander) Diamond

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Bisexual

Species: Human

Personality: Alisha is shy, quiet, gentle, motherly, protective, and kind-hearted. She doesn't like hurting people, or really, she's against it. She does, however, hurt others when they hurt her friends. Her other personality, Alexander, is quite the opposite of Alisha. He enjoys hurting people and has even killed a few people for his own amusement. He's insane, cold-hearted, loud, hot-headed, and extremely unstable.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-30_13-28-50.png.fe95be7ffae589f14f87fbac0d593d04.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-30_13-28-50.png.fe95be7ffae589f14f87fbac0d593d04.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: She is able to control and manipulate shadows and nightmares. She can hide in them, trap someone in them, make anything out of them, and make someone live through their worst nightmare.

History: Alisha was abused as a child, her parents being alcoholics and her main abusers. Alexander was born from this to protect her and ended up realizing her power and murdered her parents and bullies. She then went into hiding in a forest near the ocean and built a home for herself there.



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ShadowHuntress said:
Name: Alisha (Alexander) Diamond
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Bisexual

Species: Human

Personality: Alisha is shy, quiet, gentle, motherly, protective, and kind-hearted. She doesn't like hurting people, or really, she's against it. She does, however, hurt others when they hurt her friends. Her other personality, Alexander, is quite the opposite of Alisha. He enjoys hurting people and has even killed a few people for his own amusement. He's insane, cold-hearted, loud, hot-headed, and extremely unstable.

Appearance: View attachment 116877

Powers: She is able to control and manipulate shadows and nightmares. She can hide in them, trap someone in them, make anything out of them, and make someone live through their worst nightmare.

History: Alisha was abused as a child, her parents being alcoholics and her main abusers. Alexander was born from this to protect her and ended up realizing her power and murdered her parents and bullies. She then went into hiding in a forest near the ocean and built a home for herself there.
Name: Ace/Hybrid



Sexual Interest:Hertrosexual

Species:Demon/Human Hybrid

Personality: Ace is a calm and collected guy. He's kind and friendly to even strangers and he always tries to do the right thing,but he will still fight.


Powers:Aside from physical strength and speed Ace can use any weapon to perfection as long as it's original purpose was to be used in combat. In addition to that if Ace has very acute hearing and is very adaptive to situations. Now Hybrid is still technically Ace he's just more demon like and he has scales and fangs over his body , Hybrid's powers just boost all of Ace's powers.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): If a weapon's original purpose was not meant to be in combat he will not know how to use it. If Hybrid's in control Ace will lose most of his rational thought.

History (Optional ):

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[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Name: Ace/Hybrid


Sexual Interest:Hertrosexual

Species:Demon/Human Hybrid

Personality: Ace is a calm and collected guy. He's kind and friendly to even strangers and he always tries to do the right thing,but he will still fight.


Powers:Aside from physical strength and speed Ace can use any weapon to perfection as long as it's original purpose was to be used in combat. In addition to that if Ace has very acute hearing and is very adaptive to situations. Now Hybrid is still technically Ace he's just more demon like and he has scales and fangs over his body , Hybrid's powers just boost all of Ace's powers.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): If a weapon's original purpose was not meant to be in combat he will not know how to use it. If Hybrid's in control Ace will lose most of his rational thought.

History (Optional ):


Name: Hunter Killgore

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Straight as they cum

Species: Hybrid Phoenix

Personality: Sarcastic and strays from a fight when there is no reason for it but will put you on the ground if you get in his way of his mission. He does not open up to many ( meaning your not going to get past his sarcasm unless you know him really well)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1249264-bigthumbnail.jpg.9ca7f21a965f74b4eed0f7c851ca1d42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1249264-bigthumbnail.jpg.9ca7f21a965f74b4eed0f7c851ca1d42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: like a normal phoenix Hunter is very hard to kill because phoenixes are the masters of rebirth. Hunter can not come back to life but because he is still hybrid phoenix he has insane healing abilities close to rebirth. Hunter can also transform into a phoenix by will but when he does not find it necessary he just uses his great close combat abilities.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):Yet to be defeated so Hunter could care less if he had weaknesses.

History (Optional ):

Extra:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/b43e996792935dad1142868df4413a9c.jpg.e0bdf00e6a12e007845d51d765b786d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/b43e996792935dad1142868df4413a9c.jpg.e0bdf00e6a12e007845d51d765b786d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kristy Numillia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Poison Mage

Personality: She's sweet and helpful. She'll never give the okay for violence. Though when her own life is at stake, she can change completely.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/white_haired_anime_girl_by_evermoredragon-d4iows1-3-3.jpg.b81c22ada4ddceeae2d3ca1d3b5284be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/white_haired_anime_girl_by_evermoredragon-d4iows1-3-3.jpg.b81c22ada4ddceeae2d3ca1d3b5284be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: She can inject lethal poison into anything she touches. She can also blast it out in a gas or liquid form. Sometimes even put them in foods or drinks.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Her loving nature holds her back from fighting and protecting herself.

History (Optional ):




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Name: Antonio Gray

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Human/Shadow hybrid

Personality: He is often quiet, getting lost in his own thoughts. When he thinks of something, though, he can go on and on about it. He can use big words, but sometimes he tried to 'get on everyone else's level' which can come across insulting. He can be blunt and thoughtless about what he says, but he is quick to apologize. He lacks a lot of the skills that most people have when it comes to giving compliments or just talking in general. He usually keeps his emotions well hidden, but if he meets someone that understands him, he can get hyper. He enjoys sitting back and observing people, which often leads to him thinking he knows someone, even though he hasn't talked to them.


Powers: He is super smart and has undeniable skill with electronics. Sometimes it almost seems like he can communicate with them. His shadow has its own personality. It is very skilled when it comes to hand-to-hand fighting. It's kind of like a guardian angel.

Weaknesses: Sometimes his shadow prefers not to help him, so he can get easily hurt if that is the case. His shadow can get injured, which causes him pain, although no wounds will be visible.


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Shadow said:
Name: Antonio Gray
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Unknown

Personality: He is often quiet, getting lost in his own thoughts. When he thinks of something, though, he can go on and on about it. He can use big words, but sometimes he tried to 'get on everyone else's level' which can come across insulting. He can be blunt and thoughtless about what he says, but he is quick to apologize. He lacks a lot of the skills that most people have when it comes to giving compliments or just talking in general. He usually keeps his emotions well hidden, but if he meets someone that understands him, he can get hyper. He enjoys sitting back and observing people, which often leads to him thinking he knows someone, even though he hasn't talked to them.


Powers: He is super smart and has undeniable skill with electronics. Sometimes it almost seems like he can communicate with them. His shadow has its own personality. It is very skilled when it comes to hand-to-hand fighting. It's kind of like a guardian angel.

Weaknesses: Sometimes his shadow prefers not to help him, so he can get easily hurt if that is the case. His shadow can get injured, which causes him pain, although no wounds will be visible.


What species is he?
I'm not really sure, I kinda came up with the idea and I wasn't sure what to call it. Should he be a Human/Shadow hybrid or something like that?
Name: Eclipse Altair

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Night Hybrid

Personality: Eclipse is shadowy and quiet. She likes to be alone, and hates small talk. She observes and watches, and through that she can come to know an enemy's weakness. When she's in an argument, she doesn't insult the other person, she merely stares at them from her unnerving eyes. She has a way of making people feel uncomfortable, that is, if they notice her. Eclipse seems to sometimes fade into the darkness in the corners of a room. She doesn't curse very often, but when she does she never curses in English, preferring Latin. She is very, very good at hiding her true feelings.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-3_19-2-7.png.8060dc12ee31f33c7911718e8902c4b6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-3_19-2-7.png.8060dc12ee31f33c7911718e8902c4b6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Eclipse has the ability to manipulate shadows and starlight. Her shadow ability is best at night, though it works fine in the day. She can knit the shadows into a sword or another weapon, or make them into a semi-solid shield. She can use starlight only at night, seeming to gather the light from the stars and form it into a blue light that can be molded like the shadow. However, she does have a sword made out of the light that is always present, even in the day. The starlight that she uses always comes out as blue, and sometimes the shadows have a bluish tint to their inky blackness.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Eclipse hates the day, if that can be called a weakness. Since her fighting power is a lot stronger at night, that's when she comes out. She is completely terrified of fire, and due to that it's the most efficient way to break one of her barriers.

History (Optional ): Eclipse was born exactly on the moment of a total lunar eclipse. Her mother said that her powers were obviously due to it. However, when Eclipse was about six her mother and father were killed in a fire. Since then, she has always had an unhealthy fear of the flames. Her starlight used to sometimes come out as red and a burnt orange, but after the fire she purposefully changed it to blue, the opposite color of the fire. She has lived on her own, growing stronger as she hides in the darkness.

Extra: She likes cats a lot, and sometimes a shadowy cat companion can be seen walking beside her.



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[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]Name: Eclipse Altair
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Night Hybrid

Personality: Eclipse is shadowy and quiet. She likes to be alone, and hates small talk. She observes and watches, and through that she can come to know an enemy's weakness. When she's in an argument, she doesn't insult the other person, she merely stares at them from her unnerving eyes. She has a way of making people feel uncomfortable, that is, if they notice her. Eclipse seems to sometimes fade into the darkness in the corners of a room. She doesn't curse very often, but when she does she never curses in English, preferring Latin. She is very, very good at hiding her true feelings.

Appearance: (it is the attached file sorry I couldn't find it online again)

Powers: Eclipse has the ability to manipulate shadows and starlight. Her shadow ability is best at night, though it works fine in the day. She can knit the shadows into a sword or another weapon, or make them into a semi-solid shield. She can use starlight only at night, seeming to gather the light from the stars and form it into a blue light that can be molded like the shadow. The starlight that she uses always comes out as blue, and sometimes the shadows have a bluish tint to their inky blackness.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Eclipse hates the day, if that can be called a weakness. Since her fighting power is a lot stronger at night, that's when she comes out. She is completely terrified of fire, and due to that it's the most efficient way to break one of her barriers.

History (Optional ): Eclipse was born exactly on the moment of a total lunar eclipse. Her mother said that her powers were obviously due to it. However, when Eclipse was about six her mother and father were killed in a fire. Since then, she has always had an unhealthy fear of the flames. Her starlight used to sometimes come out as red and a burnt orange, but after the fire she purposefully changed it to blue, the opposite color of the fire. She has lived on her own, growing stronger as she hides in the darkness.

Extra: She likes cats a lot, and sometimes a shadowy cat companion can be seen walking beside her.

Shadow said:
I'm not really sure, I kinda came up with the idea and I wasn't sure what to call it. Should he be a Human/Shadow hybrid or something like that?
Both accepted
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]Name: Eclipse Altair
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Night Hybrid

Personality: Eclipse is shadowy and quiet. She likes to be alone, and hates small talk. She observes and watches, and through that she can come to know an enemy's weakness. When she's in an argument, she doesn't insult the other person, she merely stares at them from her unnerving eyes. She has a way of making people feel uncomfortable, that is, if they notice her. Eclipse seems to sometimes fade into the darkness in the corners of a room. She doesn't curse very often, but when she does she never curses in English, preferring Latin. She is very, very good at hiding her true feelings.

Appearance: (it is the attached file sorry I couldn't find it online again)

Powers: Eclipse has the ability to manipulate shadows and starlight. Her shadow ability is best at night, though it works fine in the day. She can knit the shadows into a sword or another weapon, or make them into a semi-solid shield. She can use starlight only at night, seeming to gather the light from the stars and form it into a blue light that can be molded like the shadow. The starlight that she uses always comes out as blue, and sometimes the shadows have a bluish tint to their inky blackness.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Eclipse hates the day, if that can be called a weakness. Since her fighting power is a lot stronger at night, that's when she comes out. She is completely terrified of fire, and due to that it's the most efficient way to break one of her barriers.

History (Optional ): Eclipse was born exactly on the moment of a total lunar eclipse. Her mother said that her powers were obviously due to it. However, when Eclipse was about six her mother and father were killed in a fire. Since then, she has always had an unhealthy fear of the flames. Her starlight used to sometimes come out as red and a burnt orange, but after the fire she purposefully changed it to blue, the opposite color of the fire. She has lived on her own, growing stronger as she hides in the darkness.

Extra: She likes cats a lot, and sometimes a shadowy cat companion can be seen walking beside her.

Google "Black Rock Shooter"
Name: Thalia Elterion

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Human/Griffin Hybrid

Personality: Thalia is a feisty, vicious ball of fury when she's mad. She'll stop at nothing to be victorious, even if it kills her. When she's happy, she's loud and boisterous and thinks that everything's hilarious. She hates to be alone, and always wants someone to talk to. Thalia loves to fight, and is very adept at it as well.


Human form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-3_18-44-44.png.d61732993029dabe58702baef4bf86e5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-3_18-44-44.png.d61732993029dabe58702baef4bf86e5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Griffin form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-3_18-52-23.png.3844fb45d085a8e11abab9bc39e242f7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-3_18-52-23.png.3844fb45d085a8e11abab9bc39e242f7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Thalia's true form is a griffin, and can turn into one whenever she pleases. However, it is easier to stay a human. Unfortunately, even when she's a human the ears, wings and tail are still there. She can disguise these by wearing hats, long dresses, and folding her wings. When she's a griffin she is able to shoot white fire out of her mouth, and her claws and beak are razor sharp. Fire does not harm her.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

History (Optional ):

Extra: Thalia prefers cold climates.

Is that okay?



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Kobresia said:
Name: Thalia Elterion
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Human/Griffin Hybrid

Personality: Thalia is a feisty, vicious ball of fury when she's mad. She'll stop at nothing to be victorious, even if it kills her. When she's happy, she's loud and boisterous and thinks that everything's hilarious. She hates to be alone, and always wants someone to talk to. Thalia loves to fight, and is very adept at it as well.


Human form:

View attachment 117706

Griffin form:

View attachment 117709

Powers: Thalia's true form is a griffin, and can turn into one whenever she pleases. However, it is easier to stay a human. Unfortunately, even when she's a human the ears, wings and tail are still there. She can disguise these by wearing hats, long dresses, and folding her wings. When she's a griffin she is able to shoot white fire out of her mouth, and her claws and beak are razor sharp. Fire does not harm her.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

History (Optional ):

Extra: Thalia prefers cold climates.

Is that okay?
Yes. Accepted.
Name: Devil

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: shadow

Personality: Quiet and hate being looked at. If you are her friend she opens up more and talks and laughs a lot more but if you have never met she seems very dark and quiet.


Human form:

Demon Form:

Powers: Devil is able to take the form of a normal human and has inhumanely strength and speed, but if in battle she goes into her demon form where she is able to shoot dark magic beams and has a scythe that is razor sharp and can generate her power though that.

If this enough?
TellurideDevil said:
Name: Devil
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: shadow

Personality: Quiet and hate being looked at. If you are her friend she opens up more and talks and laughs a lot more but if you have never met she seems very dark and quiet.


Human form:

Demon Form:

Powers: Devil is able to take the form of a normal human and has inhumanely strength and speed, but if in battle she goes into her demon form where she is able to shoot dark magic beams and has a scythe that is razor sharp and can generate her power though that.

If this enough?
Yes. Accepted
Name: Jaeson Daedalus

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Human/Seraph

He is a grand person, one of good virtue and heart. He enjoys a witty story along with some casual drinking. He holds his morals closer than most would think, despite his fluctuate attitude, he can bolster a very bold and ecstatic personality. Whereas, as the situation would demand, he could become hardened and cruel. He has limits to this cruel side of him however, he will do his absolute best to stick to his code, and so far, he has been successful. He will not kill.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/08fb641617e57a21c9e1a65be5926f8e.jpg.1ddebeb21e2f561064ba245c847e17ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/08fb641617e57a21c9e1a65be5926f8e.jpg.1ddebeb21e2f561064ba245c847e17ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bladesman- He is skilled with most things with a sharp edge, not so much with a blunt.

Strong- He carries a great-sword that he can wield with one hand, efficiently, but he can use this sort of strength to his advantage, to keep his friends alive.

Durable- He has taken blows before, the scar on his face should indicate so. Don't ask him about it, he was traumatized by the events and hates to speak about it.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

-Has a soft spot for women.

-If torn between an emotional decision, he may try to do what he can for both people, inevitably ending in failure.

History (Optional ):

(Nameless swordsman, should he be interacted with, the story may be dug out of him.)


Missing his left arm. This is why he has to wield his great-sword with one arm. He also bolsters two wings, neither of which he reveals in public, he can force their components to disappear, making him appear as normal as any other man.



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TheeeIrish said:
Name: Jaeson Daedalus
Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Human/Seraph

He is a grand person, one of good virtue and heart. He enjoys a witty story along with some casual drinking. He holds his morals closer than most would think, despite his fluctuate attitude, he can bolster a very bold and ecstatic personality. Whereas, as the situation would demand, he could become hardened and cruel. He has limits to this cruel side of him however, he will do his absolute best to stick to his code, and so far, he has been successful. He will not kill.


View attachment 117815


Bladesman- He is skilled with most things with a sharp edge, not so much with a blunt.

Strong- He carries a great-sword that he can wield with one hand, efficiently, but he can use this sort of strength to his advantage, to keep his friends alive.

Durable- He has taken blows before, the scar on his face should indicate so. Don't ask him about it, he was traumatized by the events and hates to speak about it.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

-Has a soft spot for women.

-If torn between an emotional decision, he may try to do what he can for both people, inevitably ending in failure.

History (Optional ):

(Nameless swordsman, should he be interacted with, the story may be dug out of him.)


Missing his left arm. This is why he has to wield his great-sword with one arm. He also bolsters two wings, neither of which he reveals in public, he can force their components to disappear, making him appear as normal as any other man.

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