To Usurp Death

Name: Kardia Siegfried

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Species: Human (Mage)


Ambitious and cunning, Kardia isn’t afraid to manipulate people in order to get what she wants. She tends to be a bit of a hard-ass, but is also bitingly sarcastic, and also tends to crack jokes at grossly inappropriate times. She also finds provoking people with poor tempers to be very amusing, which, on top of the rest of her personality, makes her out to be kind of a huge asshole. She is sometimes nice to people, if she finds them interesting, and she tends to be loyal and protective to whoever she deems worth her time.


Black hair, reaches her mid-back in length

Hazel eyes (Gold when she uses magic)


Tattoo of a vine around the back of her neck and around the side


(Left is her normal, human appearance, and the left is when she takes on demonic attributes)



Once she kills a creature, she is able to take on certain attributes that they (or their species, if they are not human) used to possess. This can be certain powers, physical features, or even full forms, but what she takes away from a victim is not up to her to choose. As of now, she can take on the strength, speed, and partial appearance of a demon, she can take the form of a hellhound, and the healing capabilities of a witch.


Though she isn’t exactly an expert with larger weaponry, Kardia is brilliant with small knives. She uses them in addition to her experience of fighting on the streets (paired with prior training) to kick ass and take names.

Shadow Travel

Kardia can instantaneously travel anywhere, as long as it is in a 50 mile radius of her. Any farther and she runs the risk of leaving a part of her body behind.

Sixth Sense

Kardia has a strong sixth sense, though she sees it as less of a supernatural ability and more of a very good gut instinct. She is usually able to know whether someone is deceitful or truthful, whether they have good intentions or bad, and whether or not a situation is a trap.


  • With her ‘Absorption’ ability, it’s downfall is that, if she absorbs someone/something that is under a curse, then there is a possibility that she will be subject to it. A curse she absorbed has caused the muscular tissue and some cognitive ability in her body to slowly degrade. (She takes a steroid to slow it’s effects, but it only delays the inevitable.)
  • Her ‘Absorption’ power has one other drawback; due to the fact her power involves her absorbing the soul of the being/person she killed, they lie semi-dormant within her, since she can’t actually ‘digest’ them because she is human. When she uses her power, she wakes them up just enough so she could activate her power. If she overextends her abilities, then she risks awakening them enough that they can actually take over her body. She can also near constantly hear them speak. (Isolde, Baskerville, and Raphael.)
  • She is claustrophobic, and tends to avoid underground.
  • When she shadow travels, she runs the risk of leaving a part of her body behind if she travels farther than 50 miles.


  • Kardia is fluent in Russian and French. ( Kardia is Russian by birth, and her parents had her take extensive French lessons when she was younger.)

  • Theme Song: (I don't even know why I just feel it)

  • [media]


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CelticSol said:

Name: Kardia Siegfried

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Species: Human (Mage)


Ambitious and cunning, Kardia isn’t afraid to manipulate people in order to get what she wants. She tends to be a bit of a hard-ass, but is also bitingly sarcastic, and also tends to crack jokes at grossly inappropriate times. She also finds provoking people with poor tempers to be very amusing, which, on top of the rest of her personality, makes her out to be kind of a huge asshole. She is sometimes nice to people, if she finds them interesting, and she tends to be loyal and protective to whoever she deems worth her time.


Black hair, reaches her mid-back in length

Hazel eyes (Gold when she uses magic)


Tattoo of a vine around the back of her neck and around the side


(Left is her normal, human appearance, and the left is when she takes on demonic attributes)



Once she kills a creature, she is able to take on certain attributes that they (or their species, if they are not human) used to possess. This can be certain powers, physical features, or even full forms, but what she takes away from a victim is not up to her to choose. As of now, she can take on the strength, speed, and partial appearance of a demon, she can take the form of a hellhound, and the healing capabilities of a witch.


Though she isn’t exactly an expert with larger weaponry, Kardia is brilliant with small knives. She uses them in addition to her experience of fighting on the streets (paired with prior training) to kick ass and take names.

Shadow Travel

Kardia can instantaneously travel anywhere, as long as it is in a 50 mile radius of her. Any farther and she runs the risk of leaving a part of her body behind.

Sixth Sense

Kardia has a strong sixth sense, though she sees it as less of a supernatural ability and more of a very good gut instinct. She is usually able to know whether someone is deceitful or truthful, whether they have good intentions or bad, and whether or not a situation is a trap.


  • With her ‘Absorption’ ability, it’s downfall is that, if she absorbs someone/something that is under a curse, then there is a possibility that she will be subject to it. A curse she absorbed has caused the muscular tissue and some cognitive ability in her body to slowly degrade. (She takes a steroid to slow it’s effects, but it only delays the inevitable.)
  • Her ‘Absorption’ power has one other drawback; due to the fact her power involves her absorbing the soul of the being/person she killed, they lie semi-dormant within her, since she can’t actually ‘digest’ them because she is human. When she uses her power, she wakes them up just enough so she could activate her power. If she overextends her abilities, then she risks awakening them enough that they can actually take over her body. She can also near constantly hear them speak. (Isolde, Baskerville, and Raphael.)
  • She is claustrophobic, and tends to avoid underground.
  • When she shadow travels, she runs the risk of leaving a part of her body behind if she travels farther than 50 miles.


  • Kardia is fluent in Russian and French. ( Kardia is Russian by birth, and her parents had her take extensive French lessons when she was younger.)

Denied. Accepted.
bitch i have literally left scars on a dude using a magnet.

Name: Doodlebob

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Unknown

Species: Paper sponge

Personality: He's evil and doesn't use his words, usually saying Minoy- Min- Yoy. He'll deceive anyone he can and will never fail at killing if he puts his mind to it.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/180px-DoodleBob.Pencil.jpg.e983db32ae9fddc4e4709117594e32aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/180px-DoodleBob.Pencil.jpg.e983db32ae9fddc4e4709117594e32aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: He can draw things up with his magic pencil and can also erase objects.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

History (Optional ):

Extra: ( This is a joke. Not an actual character. )



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Light said:
Name: Doodlebob
Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Unknown

Species: Paper sponge

Personality: He's evil and doesn't use his words, usually saying Minoy- Min- Yoy. He'll deceive anyone he can and will never fail at killing if he puts his mind to it.

Appearance: View attachment 118122

Powers: He can draw things up with his magic pencil and can also erase objects.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

History (Optional ):

Extra: ( This is a joke. Not an actual character. )
you're grounded.
Name: Telieos

Age: Any age chosen.

Gender: Either gender Telieos chooses to be.

Sexual Interest: His/Her sexuality depends on the current gender or mood.

Species: Separate child of Grimm. Morph Demon

Personality: Telieos is the type to get others on their side to succeed. Telieos will stoop low enough for their own survival. Being compassionate to only those whom who seem useful.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_20150506_090831.jpg.0c7e218233bddacdc3308277829ce237.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_20150506_090831.jpg.0c7e218233bddacdc3308277829ce237.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/IMG_20150724_223931.jpg.899ebde315ac8c94d673cd8c4cc1ac1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/IMG_20150724_223931.jpg.899ebde315ac8c94d673cd8c4cc1ac1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: As a morph demon Telieos can morph into almost any living and non living object.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Holy water. Telieos can only morph into things seen before and can only morph into one thing at a time.

History (Optional ):

Extra: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_20150506_085834.jpg.4dc80056da93558ea4896069dcbc5559.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_20150506_085834.jpg.4dc80056da93558ea4896069dcbc5559.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Telieos's demon form.



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(Sorry for the spoiler spam. The sheet got too long (':3))


Avex (Last name unknown).





Sexual Interest:


Human - Exiled Angel


"Silence is a true friend that never betrays."

Avex is one of the few Exiled Angels. Once a servant to a Holy Deity, he has been exiled to the land of mortals. He seems to be an extremely silent one. He expresses himself through actions, typically ones of emotion. It is rare for the boy to speak louder than a mere whisper as he has learned through many, many cases the mortals here betray (not to imply he is immortal) your trust. They are mere villains disguising themselves with a smile, at least in his mind. Avex offers some ability, however. He is incredibly wise and intelligible, only on the rarest occasions not reading with his crooked, wire-framed reading glasses. He fights for good, for those who cannot fight for themselves. He stands for justice, despite his exile. He does all he may to uphold the remaining goodness that resides in the realm.


Normal Form

When in Exiled Form



  • The Exile: This is one of the few remaining abilities of Exiled Angels. Normally, an Exile would appear like any other human (aside from having paler skin). If an Angel finds his/herself in a difficult situation, it is possible for them to draw the small amount of holy Essence from themselves. This causes their wings to return, along with giving them enhanced reaction time and power. Think of it as an overcharged adrenaline rush. This ability is limited to the amount of Holy Essence that remains in the Exile.
  • Lord of Crows: Avex has connected well with the avian population in the realm. He has gained the ability to call upon and command large flocks of the nasty creatures. They can be killed just as easily as any normal bird, though when their hearts do beat.. They beat with hatred.
  • Commander of Light: Even as an Exile, all Angels retain the ability to shape and command light. He may forge sunlight into weapons, walls and various projectiles. However, with this magnificent power comes many downsides. After becoming exiled, the Angel must work and sacrifice much more to command the Light they have been Exiled from them. It is common for them to bleed or stop casting midway through the incantation due to the pure strain on their bodies and minds.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

  • Exile's Curse: The once happy memories of being with the Higher Deities turn to nightmares. Every happy memory twisted and demented into a sheer torture. Avex is unable to sleep at all, dark rings beneath his eyes. To even remotely relieve the nightmares that come to him, he must consume the flesh of Demon-kind.
  • Extremely emotional.
  • Lacks temper control, despite his intelligence and wisdom.

History (Optional ):

(I will post this later).

Avex said:

(Sorry for the spoiler spam. The sheet got too long (':3))


Avex (Last name unknown).





Sexual Interest:


Human - Exiled Angel


"Silence is a true friend that never betrays."

Avex is one of the few Exiled Angels. Once a servant to a Holy Deity, he has been exiled to the land of mortals. He seems to be an extremely silent one. He expresses himself through actions, typically ones of emotion. It is rare for the boy to speak louder than a mere whisper as he has learned through many, many cases the mortals here betray (not to imply he is immortal) your trust. They are mere villains disguising themselves with a smile, at least in his mind. Avex offers some ability, however. He is incredibly wise and intelligible, only on the rarest occasions not reading with his crooked, wire-framed reading glasses. He fights for good, for those who cannot fight for themselves. He stands for justice, despite his exile. He does all he may to uphold the remaining goodness that resides in the realm.


Normal Form

When in Exiled Form



  • The Exile: This is one of the few remaining abilities of Exiled Angels. Normally, an Exile would appear like any other human (aside from having paler skin). If an Angel finds his/herself in a difficult situation, it is possible for them to draw the small amount of holy Essence from themselves. This causes their wings to return, along with giving them enhanced reaction time and power. Think of it as an overcharged adrenaline rush. This ability is limited to the amount of Holy Essence that remains in the Exile.
  • Lord of Crows: Avex has connected well with the avian population in the realm. He has gained the ability to call upon and command large flocks of the nasty creatures. They can be killed just as easily as any normal bird, though when their hearts do beat.. They beat with hatred.
  • Commander of Light: Even as an Exile, all Angels retain the ability to shape and command light. He may forge sunlight into weapons, walls and various projectiles. However, with this magnificent power comes many downsides. After becoming exiled, the Angel must work and sacrifice much more to command the Light they have been Exiled from them. It is common for them to bleed or stop casting midway through the incantation due to the pure strain on their bodies and minds.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

  • Exile's Curse: The once happy memories of being with the Higher Deities turn to nightmares. Every happy memory twisted and demented into a sheer torture. Avex is unable to sleep at all, dark rings beneath his eyes. To even remotely relieve the nightmares that come to him, he must consume the flesh of Demon-kind.
  • Extremely emotional.
  • Lacks temper control, despite his intelligence and wisdom.

History (Optional ):

(I will post this later).



-A.I.D.E.N (Artificial Intelligence of something something something.? help me decide?)-


-Data not found-



Sexual Interest:


But unless someone is into robots he is probably hopeless


-Artificial Intelligence-


Even though being a AI Aiden has learned everything about human culture, language, war, love, and social standards from the internet. So he has developed a personality to interact with humans easier. He is sarcastic, funny, obviously smart,


Aiden originally had one form but of course this was a problem because he couldn't move so he made another form so he could travel with ease




Weaknesses ( Optional ): The stationary can not move from hanging off the ceiling

History (Optional ):

-Data not found-


The only way to really kill Aiden is to defeat the original because he could just make more copies of himself but it is in control of an entire underground facility. He controls every inch of this facility of traps and puzzles making getting to him almost impossible

((was kinda going for Glados + Ultron kinda thing))
LOLMAN101 said:


-A.I.D.E.N (Artificial Intelligence of something something something.? help me decide?)-


-Data not found-



Sexual Interest:


But unless someone is into robots he is probably hopeless


-Artificial Intelligence-


Even though being a AI Aiden has learned everything about human culture, language, war, love, and social standards from the internet. So he has developed a personality to interact with humans easier. He is sarcastic, funny, obviously smart,


Aiden originally had one form but of course this was a problem because he couldn't move so he made another form so he could travel with ease




Weaknesses ( Optional ): The stationary can not move from hanging off the ceiling

History (Optional ):

-Data not found-


The only way to really kill Aiden is to defeat the original because he could just make more copies of himself but it is in control of an entire underground facility. He controls every inch of this facility of traps and puzzles making getting to him almost impossible

((was kinda going for Glados + Ultron kinda thing))

Accepted. I haven't been getting any notifications but this one.

Name: Chael ‘Chai’

Age: Appears to be physically 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Asexual

Species: Human (Psychic)


What she lacks in height (5’0”), Chai makes up for in sheer attitude. Chai mouths off to anyone who is sharp or disrespectful to her, and, armed with a colourful vocabulary and a hot temper, tends to get in trouble with authorities of both humans and supernaturals. She also tends to make people angry with her general attitude of not giving a single fuck. Despite her sharp attitude, harsh words, and hard heart, she is actually very troubled, and tends to cling strongly to people she perceives as a mother figure. Chai is also very knowledgable about the supernatural world.


Powers (black for description, red for weaknesses):

Astral Projection

She can separate her spirit from her body as a form of communication. As well as this, she can enter empty ‘vessels’, where spirits have left behind the body.

When she is away from her body, she is basically in a comatose or death-like state, which leaves her completely defenseless to physical attacks. Also, her body is vulnerable to possession from spirits or demons, as her body is essentially an ‘empty vessel’.


Chai can read the current thoughts of those she has physical, skin-to-skin contact with (i.e, holding hands, a touch to the arm, a punch, etc.)

The length of the contact dictates how much information she gets out of it.

It’s difficult for her to get a read if they have a) put a mental block in place, or b) aren’t open for her to read their thoughts.

Death Whisper

Chai can see, listen, and communicate with the spirits of the dead, and uses their insight to get vague images of the future, or events beyond her knowledge.

More malicious spirits can feed her false information, or scream/talk incessantly to disorient her.


Through enchanted keys, Chai is able to teleport to whenever the keys are enchanted to take her. (Also, if someone recites a certain spell, they are able to summon her.)

The keys are a one-way trip, and the trip between point A to point B can be dangerous if the user loses sight of where they are going, as they are essentially using the underworld to shorten the travel.


  • From her conversations with the dead, she has picked up on how to speak French.

  • As she grows older, Chai has been consistently getting new powers as her brain developed.

  • Messenger to the van Fenrirs.

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CelticSol said:

Name: Chael ‘Chai’

Age: Appears to be physically 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Asexual

Species: Human (Psychic)


What she lacks in height (5’0”), Chai makes up for in sheer attitude. Chai mouths off to anyone who is sharp or disrespectful to her, and, armed with a colourful vocabulary and a hot temper, tends to get in trouble with authorities of both humans and supernaturals. She also tends to make people angry with her general attitude of not giving a single fuck. Despite her sharp attitude, harsh words, and hard heart, she is actually very troubled, and tends to cling strongly to people she perceives as a mother figure. Chai is also very knowledgable about the supernatural world.


Powers (black for description, red for weaknesses):

Astral Projection

She can separate her spirit from her body as a form of communication. As well as this, she can enter empty ‘vessels’, where spirits have left behind the body.

When she is away from her body, she is basically in a comatose or death-like state, which leaves her completely defenseless to physical attacks. Also, her body is vulnerable to possession from spirits or demons, as her body is essentially an ‘empty vessel’.


Chai can read the current thoughts of those she has physical, skin-to-skin contact with (i.e, holding hands, a touch to the arm, a punch, etc.)

The length of the contact dictates how much information she gets out of it.

It’s difficult for her to get a read if they have a) put a mental block in place, or b) aren’t open for her to read their thoughts.

Death Whisper

Chai can see, listen, and communicate with the spirits of the dead, and uses their insight to get vague images of the future, or events beyond her knowledge.

More malicious spirits can feed her false information, or scream/talk incessantly to disorient her.


Through enchanted keys, Chai is able to teleport to whenever the keys are enchanted to take her. (Also, if someone recites a certain spell, they are able to summon her.)

The keys are a one-way trip, and the trip between point A to point B can be dangerous if the user loses sight of where they are going, as they are essentially using the underworld to shorten the travel.


  • From her conversations with the dead, she has picked up on how to speak French.

  • As she grows older, Chai has been consistently getting new powers as her brain developed.

Name: Butch Reaver

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Women

Species: Ghoul


- A very calm and relaxed individual. There's hardly anything that can rial him up, except for when his life is in danger. He's very straight forward and up front with someone he doesn't like, but tends to sweeten the truth to people he does. He's pretty charming for the most part, when not in his diseased form.


[ Normal Form ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8d2d818efb2ad585d2d46ca9f3f0f423.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8d2d818efb2ad585d2d46ca9f3f0f423.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Diseased Form ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a231b3f2c04b8670caf8b8a7dbc0a43f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a231b3f2c04b8670caf8b8a7dbc0a43f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


• Can only be killed by injuring his heart.

• His bones are black, and they are 4x stronger than regular human bones.

• He can tear off the skin on his body whenever he wants, and it will regenerate fairly quickly.

• He can morph his arms into black bone scimitars. Only when the skin/flesh has been peeled off.

• He has crows following him during his diseased form, and they will either attack him or help him during a fight based on his performance. Total of 100 crows overtime.

• He will be overtaken by crows and turned into a human scarecrow if deemed too unworthy, summoning up to 500 crows to his aid. He cannot move however, since his spine will be bolted to the ground.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Anything that can damage his heart. He MUST have entered his diseased form before he can use any of his abilities.

History (Optional ): [Will develop as RP progresses.]

Extra: @SimplyCarnage will be my ally like always >.< if we have to we will fight each other last.



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[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]Name: Butch Reaver
Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Women

Species: Ghoul


- A very calm and relaxed individual. There's hardly anything that can rial him up, except for when his life is in danger. He's very straight forward and up front with someone he doesn't like, but tends to sweeten the truth to people he does. He's pretty charming for the most part, when not in his diseased form.


[ Normal Form ]

View attachment 123617

[ Diseased Form ]

View attachment 123618


• Does not feel pain, and does not bleed from piercing of skin or flesh.

• Can only be killed by injuring his heart.

• His bones are black, and they are 4x stronger than regular human bones.

• He can tear off the skin on his body whenever he wants, and it will regenerate fairly quickly.

• He can morph his arms into black bone scimitars. Only when the skin/flesh has been peeled off.

• He has crows following him during his diseased form, and they will either attack him or help him during a fight based on his performance. Total of 100 crows overtime.

• He will be overtaken by crows and turned into a human scarecrow if deemed too unworthy, summoning up to 500 crows to his aid. He cannot move however, since his spine will be bolted to the ground.

Weaknesses ( Optional ): Anything that can damage his heart. Poison will not affect him due to not having a steady bloodstream in his diseased form. He MUST have entered his diseased form before he can use any of his abilities.

History (Optional ): [Will develop as RP progresses.]

Extra: @SimplyCarnage will be my ally like always >.< if we have to we will fight each other last.

Change the no pain and no bleeding part because ghouls did in fact feel pain and they did bleed. Then your accepted.
Name: Demi Deuce

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Men

Species: Engineering General


/Demi has a stern but semi curtsy outlook on life, she always bears a smile if treated right, and will always protect those close to her. She even has a slight connection to her robotic troops, and will tend to feel bad whenever they are destroyed.\


~ Demi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.dfd8bd7095927def66945ad006d1e530.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.dfd8bd7095927def66945ad006d1e530.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Robotic Troop

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.670fb01bf0a1bce6912eab32054b1b97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.670fb01bf0a1bce6912eab32054b1b97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


- Has control over a star in the sky that houses 500+ robotic troops. She controls what they wear/use/do through her phone.

- She can issue battle commands either directly, or by selecting an AI. She is vulnerable doing it directly though, even though it's a lot more effective than AI.

- Is able to create different weapons and skills for her troops, this takes a lot of time.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

- Has no special body abilities, making her incredibly vulnerable to attack

- Rely's on Butches help for security a little too much, her being somewhat complacent on the battlefield.

- Has very little battlefield experience, since she barely discovered the system recently.

History (Optional ): (me and Kai will come up with something as we RP!)

Extra: Sorry it took so long, don't really like playing as a supernatural. If I'm considered 'OP' let me know, I'm only trying to even the playing field a little.



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Name: Grimm Van Fen'rir

Age: Unknown just ancient

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Layla ( @CelticSol )

Species: Deity of Death and Torture in some religions he's also considered to be the deity of mercy, balance, life, judgement, and punishment.

Personality: He's laid back and would rather joke than take anything seriously. He likes to get in your head or be the cool adult type. Somewhat like Cheshire Cat.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/317867-bigthumbnail.jpg.adaf260c1e081ea568854ddfc792de76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/317867-bigthumbnail.jpg.adaf260c1e081ea568854ddfc792de76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: He can make any weapon or object appear and can shift his own form. He still feels pain and bleeds from damage but due to his enhanced body and healing ability wounds aren't fatal. By the simple thought he can collect someone's soul. He can also keep torture victims alive even if the heart leaves the body due to his powers.

Weaknesses ( Optional ):

History (Optional ):

Extra: He's the husband/mate of Layla.



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Simi & Timor


Both are physically 6-9 years old

Older than than Grimm

560 (turned into a demon around the age of 6 or 9)



Sexual Interest:




Deity of Fear and Nightmares



Simi is very childish, as she is locked in the mindset of a child due to the fact that she was turned into a demon very young. She is very affectionate to almost everyone and loves to give hugs to everyone, regardless of who they are. She also enjoys toys and games, as most children do. She However, the demon portion of her, paired with poor treatment through her life, has made her extremely sadistic, savage, feral and wild, and her reputation as a merciless psychopath precedes her child-like appearance. When she fights, he does not rage and rave; she has a playful, child-like giddiness as she inflicts pain on her enemies. She is fearless in the face of battle by both childish ignorance to danger and mental conditioning.

Unlike her brother, Timor is very controlled and calm, seeming overly serious. She is very apathetic and does not grow attached to people easily, often brushing them off or finding them boring. However, she is very cunning and ambitious, so if she sees that there is something to gain, she will use tact and trickery to get her way. She is an excellent liar and actress, and often tricks people into believing she is an innocent child until she acts like her herself. With her brother, she cares for him to an extent, but she keeps him at arm's length due to his power.


Simi has very pale skin, almost ashy in colour and seeming bloodless, and orange eyes. She is thin to the point of looking starved.

Timor looks almost identical, except her eyes are steel grey.



(Weaknesses in black)


Simi can phase her body through solid objects. She uses this as a weapon by rapidly phasing and unphasing her hands through her enemies.

Due to her short attention span, she has a tendency to get stuck.

If someone finds a way to stop her phasing, this weapon does not work.

Extremely accelerated healing/ adaptability

Simi is capable of healing grave wounds in a matter of seconds or minutes. Along with this, her body adapts to foreign objects (such as a knife to the face) very quickly, and allows Simi to act around it.

Her healing is so immediate that, in the case of a broken bone, it will simply fuse together incorrectly. Healing broken bones is excessively difficult, and requires rebreaking them until they are in proper position.

The only way to kill her is to dismember her and burn the remains.


Simi is extremely strong, to the point where she could crush concrete as easily as someone would crush a clump of sand.

She tends to very easily hurt people, as she can’t control her strength.


Simi is very fast and agile, and is capable of doing a large amount of acrobatics due to her small size.

(Weaknesses in black)

Shape shifting

Timor is able to change her body into absolutely anything someone is afraid of. This includes non-living objects. (She can turn into pure darkness, animals, reptiles, etc). She also is able to adopt attributes of what she transforms into. (For example, if she were to shift into Grimm, she could use some of his abilities to a less powerful extent)

Because of this, she technically doesn’t have a physical body.

Fear Inducement

Timor, as the Deity of Fear, is capable of inducing an intense fear that can drive people to madness to anyone close to her. She can also create powerful illusions to inspire fear.

Her loved ones (i.e. Her brother and Simi) are immune to this.

Sleep Inducement/Dream Manipulation

Timor is the Deity of Nightmares, so she can induce sleep on anyone if she touches them. Once they are asleep, she can manipulate their dreams into nightmares.

She can’t give them good dreams, only nightmares.


Because of Fear being a universal thing, Timor is both in one place but everywhere at once. Along with this, she is nearly invulnerable, unless magic needed to slay a God is used against her.

If something happens in another place to her/the host she took over, she can get very distracted.


  • Simi can’t speak English, and speaks Latin exclusively unless outfitted with a translator

  • Despite the fact she is older, Grimm is more powerful than she is.

(This took me for-fucking-ever, sorry lmao)
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CelticSol said:


Simi & Timor


Both are physically 6-9 years old

Older than than Grimm

560 (turned into a demon around the age of 6 or 9)



Sexual Interest:




Deity of Fear and Nightmares



Simi is very childish, as she is locked in the mindset of a child due to the fact that she was turned into a demon very young. She is very affectionate to almost everyone and loves to give hugs to everyone, regardless of who they are. She also enjoys toys and games, as most children do. She However, the demon portion of her, paired with poor treatment through her life, has made her extremely sadistic, savage, feral and wild, and her reputation as a merciless psychopath precedes her child-like appearance. When she fights, he does not rage and rave; she has a playful, child-like giddiness as she inflicts pain on her enemies. She is fearless in the face of battle by both childish ignorance to danger and mental conditioning.

Unlike her brother, Timor is very controlled and calm, seeming overly serious. She is very apathetic and does not grow attached to people easily, often brushing them off or finding them boring. However, she is very cunning and ambitious, so if she sees that there is something to gain, she will use tact and trickery to get her way. She is an excellent liar and actress, and often tricks people into believing she is an innocent child until she acts like her herself. With her brother, she cares for him to an extent, but she keeps him at arm's length due to his power.


Simi has very pale skin, almost ashy in colour and seeming bloodless, and orange eyes. She is thin to the point of looking starved.

Timor looks almost identical, except her eyes are steel grey.



(Weaknesses in black)


Simi can phase her body through solid objects. She uses this as a weapon by rapidly phasing and unphasing her hands through her enemies.

Due to her short attention span, she has a tendency to get stuck.

If someone finds a way to stop her phasing, this weapon does not work.

Extremely accelerated healing/ adaptability

Simi is capable of healing grave wounds in a matter of seconds or minutes. Along with this, her body adapts to foreign objects (such as a knife to the face) very quickly, and allows Simi to act around it.

Her healing is so immediate that, in the case of a broken bone, it will simply fuse together incorrectly. Healing broken bones is excessively difficult, and requires rebreaking them until they are in proper position.

The only way to kill her is to dismember her and burn the remains.


Simi is extremely strong, to the point where she could crush concrete as easily as someone would crush a clump of sand.

She tends to very easily hurt people, as she can’t control her strength.


Simi is very fast and agile, and is capable of doing a large amount of acrobatics due to her small size.

(Weaknesses in black)

Shape shifting

Timor is able to change her body into absolutely anything someone is afraid of. This includes non-living objects. (She can turn into pure darkness, animals, reptiles, etc). She also is able to adopt attributes of what she transforms into. (For example, if she were to shift into Grimm, she could use some of his abilities to a less powerful extent)

Because of this, she technically doesn’t have a physical body.

Fear Inducement

Timor, as the Deity of Fear, is capable of inducing an intense fear that can drive people to madness to anyone close to her.

Her loved ones (i.e. Her brother and Simi) are immune to this.

Sleep Inducement/Dream Manipulation

Timor is the Deity of Nightmares, so she can induce sleep on anyone if she touches them. Once they are asleep, she can manipulate their dreams into nightmares.

She can’t give them good dreams, only nightmares.


Because of Fear being a universal thing, Timor is both in one place but everywhere at once. Along with this, she is nearly invulnerable, unless magic needed to slay a God is used against her.

If something happens in another place to her/the host she took over, she can get very distracted.


  • Simi can’t speak English, and speaks Latin exclusively unless outfitted with a translator

  • Despite the fact she is older, Grimm is more powerful than she is.

(This took me for-fucking-ever, sorry lmao)


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