To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

Hm... Are we allowed to make up lore for a character? Or do we have to confirm it with you? Also, I plan to create a hybrid class between a priest and a warrior, a sort of paladin class if you will. Do we have to type up an entire description for the hybrid class as well?
Creating up your own lore is fine by me, honestly. So no, you don't have to confirm that with me, you're free to do as you please.

As for your Hybrid class, although you don't have to type up an entire description for your class when creating one, at least SOME information would be very nice. :)
Basically how the roleplay starts off is, you and the others will be at lord Orwald's throne room after receiving a message to participate in a behind-the-scenes plot to assassinate Sethos Achimu, place a human in power of the Godbane territory and end the war for good. Whether Orwald is really doing this for his sake or for the sake of his entire kingdom is of course, debatable.

After ranking you all up from a long year of committing yourselves to the Cledoria Inquisition; which my character will then be introduced as he interrupts the meeting, Orwald will then group us all into a small party of soldiers, with the task mentioned before at hand. Then, he will let us run off into the cruel world, thus opening us up to the role play's main goal.

And the main goal is simple: kill Sethos, regain control in the Godbane Territory under human leadership, and bring back peace to the land of Neosia. Upon completion, you all will be branded as the heroes who successfully halted mankind's inevitable destruction.

At least, that's if we all succeed. Maybe it ain't as simple as it seems...

From there, we pretty much have free reign to do as we please. Whether we help the Humans/Elves within the various skirmishes that will occur very often within the role play; which if we ignore them, an Elven/Human/Demon city will fall, be retaken, etc. (Participating in these skirmishes can help our End-Game Act, too, if a human skirmish within the Godbane Territory pops up. Having an army by the ready for when we decide to assassinate Sethos will help our chances of success.)

We could take on the many temples and ruins in search for valuable equipment, we can own property if we so please, we can investigate crime due to our party being higher than police authorities, we can help random bandit raids for rewards, anything that's appropriate, we can do it!

We have to keep in mind that, heading out to kill Sethos right at the start of the role play is SUICIDE, since our party will be filled with pretty much a bunch of F-Ranked soldiers. Sethos being S/X-Rank. While we are out adventuring, acquiring better weapons, armor, and skills will raise our chances of survival.
Lovely. You know what we should do? Commit suicide. (-u-)=b

Here's an idea. Considering we would be given a mission by the king of Orwald, the team's first reaction would obviously attempt to take down Sethos from the beginning. As they travel towards Godbane Territory, they complete some side-quests and so forth. When they get to their final destination, they're shot down immediately and have to back track.

Just an idea. Now that I think about it, the king is pretty sadistic for sending a bunch of F-rank people to fight Sethos. We don't even have some magic item or something. Haha! xD

Alright, sounds good. I patiently await to get this roleplay started.
Hehe, that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea! X3

And yeah, what a jerk! :P

I'm very eager to see how things play out, considering all of the freedom we will have from point A to point B.
Are you suggesting that my ideas are bad? >:( Just kidding. I know they can be bad. xD

Are the others aware that the roleplay is up? Do you want me to advertise it to get new players?
Haha XDD They aren't bad at all, though!

And, I did tag them when I posted the skeleton sheet, so. Ragg and Ani seem to be MIA, though...

Last I recall, Prizzy might end up joining us. I know that Der Kojote is working on his, and Shura was planning to check the role play out sooner or later.

But yes, you can go ahead and advertise owo)7
@Archdemon, can you explain your character sheet for me, please? Is that all you're going to have, aside from the missing images, or do you actually plan on fitting your character to the lore of this role play?
Darksoul90 said:
@Archdemon, can you explain your character sheet for me? Is that all you're going to have, aside from the missing images, or do you actually plan on fitting your character to the lore of this role play?
I sorta need the pics, since I'm reusing him. Please post my old CS for me so that I can keep the pics so I don't have to spend hours trying to find them.
Archdemon said:
I sorta need the pics, since I'm reusing him. Please post my old CS for me so that I can keep the pics so I don't have to spend hours trying to find them.
Here's the link to the old character sign up thread. Rather than having Dark search for it, the character sheet should be somewhere in that thread. :)
Pai, you are a life-saver.

Back to what I was asking for, Arch...

Do you intend on keeping your character sheet exactly the way it is, or are you going to edit it?
I'm going to edit it but every time I try to retrieve the pictures they don't show up. All I'm asking is for you guys to post the pics so that I can reuse them! I don't know why I can't copy them, I just can't. So I beg you to post the pictures for me so that I can actually edit my CS.
Alrighty who, give me a moment and I'll post them for you. :)

It turns out that you were unable to copy and paste the images due to the fact that they were uploaded thumbnails. After RpNation was cleaned up, the files were deleted but the images still persisted because they were thumbnails. I simply googled the image and got new ones from different sources for you. :)

Here's the picture for Ren:

And here's the dragon:
Then I suppose Musi is in the clear xP

And good job, Arch! :)

Other than small spelling/grammar mistakes here and there, I'd say it's actually pretty decent! :D

Pai, what do you think?
Archdemon said:
Agreed with Dark. The history is short but sweet, gives us a good idea of what happened without tedious detail. The personality is well balanced and from what we saw from the previous roleplay, this character is definitely not a perfect little Mary Sue. Despite some tiny grammar and spelling mistakes, it's lovely. :)

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