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Fandom To Galar with a bar of soap to the face

Gordie, wondering about the slowpoke, didn’t see that the two others were going over to them. He then walked towards Christina, since he was getting their tickets for the train.

Of course, Chris was at his and Bede’s house, doing chores. The first thing on the list was to clean the house. Knowing he did better with music on, he went over to the music player, and put on his favorite song. As it started to play, Chris started to clean the kitchen first. He swept until there was no more dust to be swept, then he went on to the next step of the process, and did the same thing, you know, clean the kitchen until there was nothing else for that step. Chris kept cleaning like that, until he was done cleaning the kitchen and was ready to clean the next room. After that room was done, he went on to the the next room until the entire house was clean and spotless.

(that’s the song)
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”excuse me?” She asked making them turn the psychic trainer taking some interest. “I want to explore there but I wanna see all of Galar first. May have have a brochure of the isle?” The man nodded giving it to her and the man with the hat tapped her shoulder which was a big mistake s it made her jump. “My apologies madam. I am Avery and this is my friend Klara. I do hope you visit soon.” He said with a smile she knew all to well and tried to give him a hint “okay I know that smile and I appreciate it if we battled sometime but..I’m taken..” she knows she was making it as excuses but it just slipped out so naturally cause she said it to get out of bars, and Gordie right behind her it looked more legit. She just didn’t like confrontation unless it involved som of interest. Avery though dispite being a gentlemen to to point it makes her puke, showed the side she was worried about. His sin. After studying Pokémon and battles for so long she can tell a battle style of a trainer before the battle even begins. She wanted out of this conversation cause of how he was body language and personality was showing ,to the others he was being composed but even her Lycanroc Lucky saw it and was snarling. An Aura dangerously corrupt selfish, the putting of one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of others. If this aura wasnt fixed. It would be a mess.

Bede came back with letters and groceries in hand and almost dropped him seeing the house clean. “Okay..I might like this new roommates thing.” he said with a smile.
Gordie, wanting to make sure Christina was oki, walked over there. Seeing that she was uncomfortable, he went to go ask if anything was wrong.

Chris, hearing Bede, floated down the stairs. “Welcome home.” He welcomed the latter, smiling softly. “Do you need anything? I can always help, we are roommates after all.” Chris asked him, continuing to float in the air. He had already done all of the chores for the day.
Bede shook his head “Unless your good at riddles...actually..” he looked at him curiously. “Are you a guardian of the fairy types? Or some type of lab mutant? No offense it’s just that i never saw anyone with wings.” He noted pointing to them “Sorry if it’s rude to stare at them but their shiny and pretty and it’s hard not to.”

Avery looked at the the man rather cold like then back at his prey and smiled “well if you are armored by this man there would be a sign of proof right?” Chrissy blinked in confusion but was now caught off guard “Show me the applin he gave you?” “W-what?” “In glar if you love someone you give them an applin as a symbol of admiration of that person. No applin mean you’re bluffing little pidove.” Chrissy grunted and wanted out bad. But luckily they were leaving when their train arrived. Chrissy backed up and tried not to cry.
“I’m the gaurdIan of the fairy types, oh and none taken.” Chris said smiling softly once again. As he was about to say something else the door was kicked down, and the Fae hunters came in, ready to take Chris away.

Gordie looked at the Avery coldly. “Don‘t worry about it Angel, I’ll make sure that he knows who he’s dealing with.” He told Christina, trying to cheer her up.
Bede snarled trying to fight them off but was knocked out cold. When he woke they were gone..something in his heart grew...it was pure anger...he was gonna find them...and he was gonna kill them.After he cleaned up his face first. And made sure his fairy friends were alright.

Chrissy blinked at the nickname and looked away flustered “Gordie.. R-relax I said it on reflex I should had asked if you were okay with it..and I didn’t know about the customs here.” She was being honest and walked to the wild area and her eyes sparkled. It was large, massive and beautiful a heaven for field researchers like her! She pinched herself a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “Ow.ow.ow Ok I’m not dreaming this is gonna be the best research trip OF OUR LIVES!” She cheers and her Pokémon cheer as well.
Gordie smiled, happy that Christina was happy as well. It pained him to see her upset. It was then at that moment, he knew.....that he would do whatever it takes to make her stay.

When Chris and the Fae hunters got to their hideout, he was set in a chair. Then, the Fae hunters bound Chris by his wrists and ankles, before forcing him to drink something that tasted sweet. After he unwillingly drank it, his irises were two shades darker than they were before.
The hateerene went on a murderous rampage with bede following. Keeping an aura that matched theirs the screams of agony heard but he didn’t care. Their trail led to the person he cared about. In a way he sort of blacked out. it was when he was washing his hands he realized he murdered people to get to his roomate. He knew he had a medical condition that made him blackout but he hoped protecting others in a blackout counted.

That night she went To the hotel cause they had plenty of time to explore in the morning and she looked through her emails. “Let’s see. Saliva samples, blood samples, Oooh shuckle samples...aww only 4 out of 10? “ she thought for a moment and sent a reply then continues and saw a message from Prof willow. “Dear Cristina...how is Galar? People in the lab are going fine but Blanche secretly misses you and your sass. I knew it’s time to let you be your creative scientist self but being one means you need to find a perfect place for your lab...and live...” she was starting to cry realizing what this meant..”That’s right as of this email we...we...all see you as a Graduate of the Tri birds lab and hope to see you spread your Articuno wings.” She was crying cause she was happy but at the same time she was a bit scared.
Chris, of course was not the same anymore. His personality stayed the same, but there was something off about it. The Fae hunters then let Chris go and find Bede. Once Chris found the latter, he tackled hugged Bede.

Gordie, overseeing this, pulled Christina into a hug, whispering into her ear that it was going to be okay. After all she had him.
bede walked home carrying him and sighs. "Im gonna have to explain to nana that i blacked out again.." he grumbled as he began beating himself up that he was on a streak of behaving but messed up over protecting his roommate..but to him it was worth it. "She might double my medication for a while till im stable."

Chrissy smiled and looked at him "Yeah.. and i justr became a graduate so i have plenty of time to look for a space and get some funding money.Maybe try the tornament along the wway?"

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