The Regal Rper
Mad Scientist
Alphus chewed the remaining bite of his blueberry pancakes in silence. And for a time, his stomach felt satisfied. Until it lowly growled for more, and so with a rise from his seat by the kitchen counter he went to fetch exactly that. Since Miss Drake and Miss Sycleia's departure he'd said little to virtually nothing. During that time one could argue the desire to make pancakes had perhaps been a bit more pressing matter at hand given how famished he was, but at the same time one could argue that was nothing but an excuse. And as such he'd done something you don't regularly do when in a room of people you're trying to connect to.
He distanced himself.
He'd chosen not to move towards the other Titans, the remaining two being with him; Huge and Steve. But instead sat at the counter, and now he was trying to think of a means to strike up conversation. After the spiel he'd given on his conviction he had to believe the others had their own reasons for being here. The question was: "Should I ask?"
Setting three pancakes on the plate he opened the fridge, reached for syrup and proceeded with it towards his seat- Huge and Steve's conversation more of background noise than something he was actually paying attention to. At least until he heard Steve's repeated question again:
" You had the chance to meet any of the others yet?"
And his reaction and response was kindled once again. "No." Alphus interjected-- at least he thought he had--"I haven't. But I do believe that is precisely the opportunity the opportunity Miss Drake and MIss Sycleia are gaining right at this moment." And just as he said that he set his plate down and pulled out the stool to it.
"If I...may be so forward" he continued, "why did you decide to join the Titans? Steve? Huge? "