One Thousand Club
Location: Titans Tower, 10F, Classroom A
"My biggest fear lays not on the unknown, but the unpredictable.
"My biggest fear lays not on the unknown, but the unpredictable.
That is why I fear my dreams, why *I* sleep with an eye open."
Sir Les Paul
Neon Valkyrie
The Regal Rper

Waking up. For some to wake up and intake the light of rising sun can be inspiring, hopeful, even a peaceful welcoming to the rested eye. It was at the morning when people decide what to do, unconscionably reviewing their agendas, planning on their super-computer like minds the next step, the next phrase, the next hour and so on until they rest - and even then, they still think further into the future.
Huge, he always woke up just moments before any sort of light reaches his room. His body always surrendered and beaten on the floor with nothing but a solitary pillow to hold his head. Hands interlocked and resting above his belly. But instead to plan his agenda, he has it all around him. Notes and notes surrounding his body like leafs of a tree covering around the base, unorganized for anyone but him.
But he liked to feel like this, the only emotion he was capable to comprehend, to understand to full extend of its purpose. Defeat. Anatoli's words were still walking on his head, The Commander's long glance still piercing on the back of his head - and the unpredictable anger change with shame.
Leonard began some training before taking a shower, some push-ups and what not fight movements he had memorize. He picture himself in his previous combats and, with the help of some retrospective, figure out other ways to reach the take-down of his opponent.
He took shower only because he understood he was no longer alone; and people take showers. Even that seem to be need of changing. The warm water untouched, it was coldness what Huge wanted to feel, to be fully awaken and ready.
He searched for his things and began to dress himself afterwards: A brown shirt, some old pants which has lost its color, and over all his well trusted hooded-coat and his red bandana that he hides in one his pockets and uses only in cover missions. Once gear up, he took what deems necessary to the class.
Everyone took it differently, so much can be said. Huge? No. He was indifferent what Agent-Black-haired-Johaness felt. It was his job to deliver the information and his to make it useful. Whatever sign of lack of objectiveness completely eludes him, like a machine that suddenly wants to insert a joke in the middle of a sentence, neither funny or of his business.
But to watch Batman in action, that was something he wanted to see - the one Leonard felt to be inspired of. The use of gadgets, the tech, the capability to deceive your opponent of to who has the combat superiority. But that was not what he saw. He saw - saw.
a child, wounded, alone - and about to die. His brain could understand the logic behind the scene and wanted people wanted him to see. But his heart saw something different.
Nevertheless was not enough to break the surface, his face looked as pale and indifferent as always. He grunted as he took his notes away and his pencil all back to his pocket. The small bag he had across his chest hardly feels like as burden, he attempts to walk outside only to be stopped by the voice of Marie who he has hardly paid attention to.
She wanted to eat together, all of them together, as a team. The idea slip away from his mind, his eyebrows raising as his beard covers his lips. He manages only to say little in respond, "Mhm-" his glance diverted from her to Alphus, as if he could have a different opinion, "Do you agree?"
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