The explanation that I ran across on the White Wolf forum was that the Dragon Kings had something to play with that. Their kind of like anckers, in that groups of individual Dragon-Kings could only be in one alternate world at a time. So, If Fred, this name is purely arbetrary, is in one alternate, then he can't be in any other. When the world wa fixed, all the alternates become one reality, some of the beings that were in their individual realities came with them. these were mostly mortals, but a few other things came through as well. This supposidly came out of an Inc Monkey selection, so please take it with a gram of salt.
Since the rest of it jives with everything else I've heard about the period, there might be some truth to it. I can't say one way or the other.
Since the rest of it jives with everything else I've heard about the period, there might be some truth to it. I can't say one way or the other.