Time-Bomb (an action/sci-fi/romance RP SIGN UP)

Ah, mornin' everyone! 
There. My post for the day.

Aaaand, the jerk award goes to Josef. =_=

I wonder how all this will play out...
Morning, morning all. I will give your Elizabeth character something more to work with Brie, at the moment I qm pressef for time with a school lab.
My apologies I hope things haven't gotten too far I've been out of commission due to a sinus infection. I'll get too it as soon as I can today
Aww. I find that absolutely adorable!~ Josef is such a jerk! Gloria is going to be such a hopeless romantic! xD she's so oblivious to the world :3
Ah, all these posts about getting sick! I hope you guys and your family members get better! ^^

Pai... What is Glory trying to do with her breast? xD Are you trying to show off her bewbies? xDDD She's so childish and sweeeetttt... <33
Yes. Yes I am trying to make her show off her large chest (without her even knowing it *shot*). Since I read something about Josef's team mate having a large breasted woman, I remembered that Gloria herself had large boobs...BOOOOOBS! BOOBIES!! *shot*

It's funny how different they are, but at the same time absolutely adorable. Josef made me feeling somewhat annoyed at him, but fangirl at the same time. What is THIS?!

You wanna know what that is Pai? Do you really wanna KNOW?

It's THIS: [media]

Ahhh link... Y U NO WORK?!
Speaking of Germans, and fangirling, I totally died when I saw this:

It's TFA Blitzwing done in a TFP style. So beautiful. So. So. So beautiful, I just had to share with somebody
AHHHHH! Mr. Bean!!!


*On another note, is extremely frustrated at being a failure*

I can't draw for shhhhheeeeeeiiittt.
Hot dang that gorgeous work of art!

I love those eyeeeeeesssss <33

Wat? Wat failure? Everybooty can draw! I do especially well on stick figures~~~~~~ orz. ( ^_^ )

~/ \~ (wiggles) 
my fail right there.... Ahahahaha xD
I know. He's one of my favorite characters of anything ever, and I just love that somebody could put him in another verse like that.

Those are one of his three sets of eyes.


That crazy asshole has three personalities, three faces, three different styles in one body.

Totally nutburgers.

Yes, yes failure. Not everybody is as awesome as you, heh.

That's a problem.

Now your partner doesn't have a partner themselves.......

But no matter, I hope you're alright and that everything turns out okay. :) Best of wishes.

We either need to find another person to join PRONTO or have one of us play another character
Pai!!! I just got back and read your post!!



Ohman, now I have to do something... Lol.

I'll have probably one last reply before I go to bed, but it might take a while... orz. 

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