Time-Bomb (an action/sci-fi/romance RP SIGN UP)


All the feels is the world are coming to me now. STOP IT FEELS! xD

Oh lawl. You found it adorable even after the crew's weird conversation? xD I swear I had blanked out momentarily and had nothing to think of so I thought. How about random conversation? Why the heck not? xD
So, what do you think? Is Gloria a mermaid, a fish, loose, or tight? lol That was funny. Oh, random conversations, how I love you so~
Gloria's probably all like. "Oh. He's a mermaid. I wish he was taller and all those scars kind of put me off." lol jk Gloria would be happy to get anyone xD
Oh no you did not! <-- (In a southern bell accent xD )

"I mainly don't have preferences, but I wish she's a petite, tanned girl who can look after herself, and don't cry as much." Lololol, but yeah, he doesn't exactly have preferences so anyone will do. :3
Okay MIA report I am still in this, I am just not going to be able to keep up post for post as I will try making a post a day (I am in Pharmacy school) and trying to keep my head above my expenses. So if I falter a day (it won't be a regular occurrence), know that what i don't make in number of posts i will try to keep in quality of posts.
Thanks a bunch for telling us, Drifter. No worries at all.

:big grin:

And by the way Vibora.....


Dear GOD! That was awesome.
[QUOTE="Doctor Disharmony]Thanks a bunch for telling us, Drifter. No worries at all.
:big grin:

And by the way Vibora.....


Dear GOD! That was awesome.

Why thank you, I try.
A ball would be a splendid idea. I am introducing a few new characters when my turn comes up. Mr. William Fortescue, Victor's father will present the devil's advocate view of the "Harvest" & it will give a bit more depth to the storyline and Kojiriu Takimura the head of the Yakuza & Takimura crime family. IM me for details Doctor so I can fill you in. The rp is going well, I like the interplay & character development all 6 of us bring to the table. I just want to create conflict & see if we can take the characters out of their comfort zone & the building!

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