Time-Bomb (an action/sci-fi/romance RP SIGN UP)

I guess I'll do it since you have other rps to tend to. :) Unless you want to do it. I perfectly fine either way.
Ohtankyou pai! *Huggles* But I might, or might not reply late. My siblings are shouting for food like infected zombies... It's... so scary. O_o 
Ahhh! I did it! Josef isn't too happy about the pairing he's in! xD I hope Gloria knows how to take his sarcasm. orz.
Yay! You did it! But Gloria being Gloria, she'll probably get pretty sad that her partner doesn't like her! lol the mom thing was hilarious. 

summer said:
Also, who would like some free fanart? (Probably of the soon to be couples?) I need more stuff for my DA. :)
Sample of my sketches (although this one isn't finished yet):

View attachment 18773

Aww, but I don't want to make Gloria saaaad. She looks so adorable! xD

Yeah, I am. Why? O_o 
Just read your reply in the RP and I feeeeeelllll baaaaaaad. xD
I follow you on deviantart.... It's a small world after all!~ 
Haha! You should. Just kidding!~ That's just Glory being Glory! xD
Ah, I followed you back too~ ^^

Your webcam gif. = I like. <3

The mini Josef in my head told me that I should make Gloria suffer for being Gloria. I duct taped his mouth for good measure. xD
Aw thank you!~ :3

I know!~ He's so hot~ Dem quads and pectoral muscles~

Hahaha! Poor Josef, it's going to hurt to remove that. My sister once actually taped my mouth shut. And man, did it hurt to take it off.
Ohgawd pai, I have an idea and I swear..

Dis is gunna be gooood. *Evil laugh while creepy organ music plays in the background*
wat O_o *ominous music begins to play* was it.... MURDER?! *flashes of lightning and rows of thunder in the background*
It was indeed... *lightning flashes, thunder rumbles* murder. And I think the murderer... Is somewhere in this house. *lightning flashes again thunder rumbles as well*


Ahahaha, I dunno why, but your comment gave me that idea. xD
Oh, Winston! Whatever shall we do?

We must defeat it with...the power of...love. *activate sexy music*

I want to be part of your no.

I have no idea what I just wrote. So what's going to happen between Josef and Gloria?
Ohohoho, but Pai, I'm done with it... Just one teeeny tinnny thing left.

Lol. Power of love... Waddafu?

Okay, what do you call the place or thingy where they finally go to be a "couple"? :3
PAI! It was short but...

I had a huge mental block coming in. orz.

But I swear.. I think it will make you happy. I think... xD
I applaud you! I loved it~ it shows his good side, but at the same time how much of a jerk he is! xD My reply will most likely be very slow since I'm on a phone right now, and my autocorrect hates me.
Thank chew Pai! *Huggles* You're awesomesauce!

Yeah he has that side, and he's a jerk as well! You can call kim Jerkaisser! (Kaisser<-- some king of king/leader. )

That's alright, take your time! :)
Since I don't have italics on my phone, the thoughts won't be in italics until I am able to get a hand on a computer. So, yeah. It was a little rushed, but I hope you like it!~
'Mornin, guys and gals and robots and assassins!

paipai and summer: Yes, it is called the Registry and it is located on the top of the building. You'll be able to see it in the picture I provided in the "information" section.

I think your characters are perfect for one another
G'day mate!

Oh. It's called the Registry. Well, E for Effort! Then again, last night my brain was tired and sleep deprived, I must've not seen it. Oops!

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