Time-Bomb (an action/sci-fi/romance RP SIGN UP)

Doctor Disharmony

Senior Member
Imagine a time where you literally are not able to choose who you spend the rest of your life with. Yes, that's right, welcome to "The New World". To maintain order, peace, prosperity, and balance (as they claim to say) the now-united-governments have issued direct orders as to who you will be "falling in love with". According to the program, when you are five years old they take your entire genetic makeup and compare it to a database containing all other information regarding the set up process. They use this to partner you up with another human being in the database, and every "Love Harvest" you and millions of other people are set to meet this person for the very first time. Here's the catch: While the planet's leaders (that's right chicos and chicas, EVERYBODY participates. This means some diversity. You can have a character from any place in the world) displays this as something that simply gets rid of the heartaches of going through potential lovers, what they are actually doing is making sure you end up with a person who will provide perfect offspring and keep a world order (Hitler would be so proud).

That is why there are some people who are heavily against this. Others find it to be an amazing thing, no matter what.

Welcome to a time where riots rule the streets, where everybody is required to where electric metal collars on their necks, where their are flying cars and virtual realities and clones, robots, high-tech weaponry, and the possibility for an all out war!

This will be a wonderful love story taking arranged marriages to a whole new level, filled with action, adventure, intense science fiction, violence, romance, and much more.



*You MUST be literate. Bad grammar will NOT be tolerated.

*NO ONE-LINERS. NO TWO LINERS OR THREE LINERS EITHER. A minimum requirement of one paragraph is set. For special cases, I will allow a shortening, but this will not be a routine thing.

*Because this is, in fact, a romance roleplay, there will be romantic things and whatnot. But if something starts to get too kinky, then fade to black!

*NO FIGHTING AMONGST ROLEPLAYERS! Sure, your characters can argue, but if you are getting into a heated and ill-minded discussion, take it away from the RP and do not allow your bickering to affect the others. It's just not fair.

*Remember, your characters are not required to love their "match". Sure, they will most likely be tricked into loving that person by the codes or they may actually fall deeply and truly infatuated with one-another. I just thought I should let you know you have options. For instance, wouldn't it be interesting if you were paired with one person but actually fell for another person? There are a TON of possibilities!

*I don't want to see a bunch of the same type of character. Give me variety! I also don't want to see a whole ton of Americans. Give me Germans, Russians, The British or the Irish, Chinese, Japanese, and Canadians (those are the nations united in the program)!!! Remember, have fun with it!

* We need an even number of males and females. I would like 6-10 people to participate. So once we have three girls, I don't want any more girls until we have three guys. After that, if anybody else wants to join we will keep doing that until the limit of 10 has been met. I think that 8 people, however, would be best.

*Keep only one character unless it is absolutely necessary for a person to have two. If you are going to have a Rebel Leader or a Loyalist Leader, then you can have two characters.

*Have fun!!!!!!!!

Here is some more basic information you should know: http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/time-bomb.11828/



Age: (16-21. Unless you are a loyalist/rebel leader, but then you must PM me about that. Keep in mind, legal limits are different in this world. So a person whose 16 CAN actually be paired with a 21 year old).

Nationality: (Are you German, Russian, American, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, British, or Irish?)


Appearance: (A photo is required. It may be anime or realistic, as long as it is a good depiction for your character. If there are any alterations, be sure to list it bellow the picture.)


Upper Class or Lower Class?: (It is a big part of the story line)

Partner: (You can choose this after everybody is signed up or whatever)

Faction: (Are you a Loyalist, a Rebel, or a Neutral? Again, let's have some variety!)

Occupation: (This is not required for upper class)

Basic Personality: (About a paragraph. Leave some room for expansion, but I also don't want to see just a few adjectives. )

Upper Class:

1 male

1 female

1 male

1 female

1 male

Lower Class:

1 female

1 male

1 female

1 male

1 female

Crossed out means that one of the spots for a specific arrangement is no longer available.

Name: Selina "Sparky" Adare

Age: 16

Nationality: American

Gender: Female


Height: 5"3

Upper Class or Lower Class?: Lower Class

Partner: N/A

Faction: Rebel all the way!

Occupation: Recently Recruited Military Member, but previously worked in Rune City's library. She is a high-ranking Rebel officer who is very well acquainted with the leaders of the organization.

Basic Personality: Selina is probably the most willful person you will ever meet. She refuses to be pushed around by anybody, be they her superiors or equals. She's the type of person who will always stand up for what she believes in, and is willing to do whatever it takes to defend that very thing. Accordingly, Selina is incredibly passionate regarding her views and shall express them in her last dying breath. She is also exceedingly loyal, cunning, witty, clever, and anti-social. This girl strives to do what she sees to be the right thing, even if it means getting herself in the biggest shit-load available. Her intelligence, determination, and dedication make her a near perfect member in the Rebellion, as she excels in tactical strategy and combat. Her intense love for machinery not only earned her the nickname she hates dearly, Sparky, but also earned her a special place amongst those fighting for justice. She is very generous and thoughtful, protective and defensive, but can have trouble getting along with others. However, you will find this hardcore fighter turn into a seemingly different person when she is around a person in need.

But you will see times when her temper gets the better of her. Especially being that she is as against the Love Harvest as can be, her partner can expect some....eh...."trouble".
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Name: Daniel LaFleur

Age: 20

Nationality: Canadian-French/Japanese

Gender: Male

Appearance: Daniel

Height: 6'1

Upper Class or Lower Class?: Lower Class


Faction: Neutral

Occupation: Miner

Basic Personality: Daniel is a strong willed and hard working young man, dedicated in all aspects of his life. Extremely friendly and outgoing he is quite a charming young man in almost any situation. He is extremely intelligent even though he was home schooled by his Japanese mother, well versed in current technology as well as being fluent in over seven different languages. He is neither for nor his he against the Love Harvest since his parents were brought together because of it and even after years together their happiness never faltered. Unlike most people Daniel was taught the old ways, the martial ways, by his mother who wished to preserve her bloodlines culture.

(Hope it's acceptable.)
Name: Josef Franz Vaughn

Age: 18

Nationality: German

Gender: Male

Appearance: He had burns all over his body; too many to count. People say that he looks too old for his age, too vicious, too cruel. He can’t remember what he was like back then, he even laughed at the memory of his mother calling him an angel. His body is different now, just like his father’s, but not in a bulky sort of way. You can expect this from a guy using one of those so-called mech suits. He hated those suits, and especially that damned collar. It nearly killed him once; searing pain shot through his body the moment he tried to remove it. He’s used to it now though, but maybe a bit more awkward in it still; a voice in the back of his head wishing that it would kill him someday. Since when did he turn so emotionless? He seldom flinches when he gunned down live flesh, in accordance to the rules. They were right, it’s just what those rebels had said. They were spawn of the devils.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Flippy.600.1428321.jpg.e7b5a832cf3cdfd87f1afa92b6133c40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Flippy.600.1428321.jpg.e7b5a832cf3cdfd87f1afa92b6133c40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5’6”

Upper Class or Lower Class: Lower Class

Partner: -To be determined-

Faction: Neutral

Occupation: Military member, was recently a miner.

Basic Personality: Screams, agony, the smell of blood, and gunpowder. That was all Josef had ever known in his entire life. His comrades say that he’s bordering on madness, says he should fall back and be a rebel or something, but Josef knows full well that he’ll never make it as one. He just doesn’t care too much. He’d been labeled as a “puppet” to the current government for being a soldier, reckless for diving right onto rebel grounds, and emotionless for simply not caring about anything at all. Even so, things may change. He may actually find something, or even someone to keep him happy. But as far as things are going, that “change” doesn’t seem to anywhere near.

(Please tell me if I needed to change something. I haven't reviewed it very well)



  • Flippy.600.1428321.jpg
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Name: Euryale T. Sage (Eury)

Age: 17

Nationality: Irish/mongolian


Appearance: View attachment 18469


Upper Class or Lower Class?: Upper Class,but not by choice.


Faction: Rebel.


Basic Personality:Have you ever saw a girl that just seemed off, as if she wasn't really stable.Did you look at her and get chills when she looked back at you with eyes that went right through you, or felt like she was looking into your soul.Well,folks that is my wonderful Eury. Eury is a secretive girl who keeps to herself,and isn't the most trustworthy,mostly because if she has the choice between saving herself,or saving you she will almost always pick herself.This doesn't mean she is a bad person just confused.She grew up in a house where you tricked,and used each other to get better gain.If you could use someone and get a better chance,then why not?

Accepted! I adore him, you really put in a lot of work and he came out beautifully. Nothing needs to be changed, nothing at all.


She's wonderful and very interesting, I can't wait to see how she interacts with others. But the link to your photograph is not working, so if you could please fix that everything would be just dandy. Also you need to put down an occupation. When that's all cleared up, you're good to go!
Can I add a backstory section to my bio? I love backstories, and writing them out helps me get a nice grip on my character)
I had originally intended for back-stories to be revealed later on in the roleplay (mysssttteerrryyy) but I really have no problem with it. ^^ Go for it!
Name: Isaak Azarov

Age: 18

Nationality: Pure Russian, although thanks to his time in England, he is good enough at English to be understood well enough and form proper sentences.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Couldn't really find much in the way of pictures. His hairstyle and clothing are much classier than the one in the picture, but the face seems the closest to my own mental image. His left wrist has a bar code tattoo on it, that stretches from below his palm to midway down his forearm. The other wrist has '#55931' on it. Both tattoos are dark, with high contrast, and are used in his home town as quick ID precaution, especially useful for someone potentially vital to Russia's markets. His hairstyle is well trimmed, usually slicked back, and a dark brown, which is nearly black. His eyes are also very dark, with gold glints in direct sunlight. He usually wears a long sleeved button up, with his tattoos peeking out.


Height: A nice 6’ 4” (nearly 2 meters)

Upper Class or Lower Class?: Upper Class

Partner: -Open-

Faction: Nonchalant, really. It’s pretty much a massive grey area to him. He doesn't like the whole idea of artificial love, but it isn't something he cares to get involved with enough in order to be able to form an opinion. He's sort of accepted it as part of life, and whether it stays or goes, he'll simply continue on his merry way.

Occupation: He is working towards a business degree. His family is rich enough to the point where he doesn’t need to work, but he enjoys staying busy. His grades have been pretty quite good, and he's on his way to a degree

Basic Personality: Cunning, charismatic, the perfect liar and ever so clever, he could control the world from shadows if he wanted to. Luckily for the world, Isaak is far more interested in ruling the market out in the open. Despite a strong interest in business, Isaak is generally a very relaxed. He feels no real need to use his skills unless he is threatened, and is rarely serious. His calm nature and lack of real motivation to use his persuasion skills can sometimes hinder his chances at success, but he's happier to simply sit back, watch, and crack a few jokes. Isaak is loyal and will stick to his word to a flaw. He will loose his moral compass if it comes to keeping a promise or helping out one of his mates in trouble, which makes him easy to persuade to do wrong. He's not too gullible in general, but once he knows you, he'll never consider the possibility of betrayal or manipulation.
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Name: Gloria Clauzel

Age: 19

Nationality: Canadian, eh?

Gender: Female



Height: 6'2

Upper Class or Lower Class?: Upper Class

Partner: OPEN!

Faction: Neutral Loyalist

Occupation: Pssh! Who needs jobs when you have money?

Basic Personality: Coming from a rich and powerful family, Gloria isn't one of those stuck up princesses. Shy and very self conscious about her massive height, Gloria is a very soft spoken young woman who tends to stay on the safer side. Although, secretly, she likes the thrill of adventure but is too scared to try and get out of her little safe haven. Not one to talk a lot to strangers, Gloria is easy to warm up to and is very friendly once you get to know her. Gloria doesn't have a very high self esteem and is easy to upset. Not one to get angry, Gloria tends to cry in sadness than burn with rage. She's very oblivious to the world around her and is quite curious about different things.

You did fabulously, Paipai. Consider yourself accepted. 

Okay. We have 6 people right now (a pretty good number). But if any of you know somebody who would like to join (so we can have maybe 8 people), that'd be awesome. I'd like to be able to start by this afternoon (whether or not we have the extra 2-4 roleplayers).
Name - Victor Fortescue

Age - Almost 21

Nationality - UK

Gender - Male

Height - 5'10

Upper class

Faction - *Rebel see below

Occupation - International Criminal

Appearance - Victor is sturdy and lean with a trim swimmer's physique. Wavy thick raven-brunette locks that highlight to a mid tone in direct sunlight. Piercing coffee dark eyes with a twinkle of hazel gold. He has a sturdy yet smooth jaw-line, strikingly handsome smile. He stands just a bit above average and dresses professionally always.

Personality - Victor is living a double life trying to escape his father's footsteps & make his own mark in the world. He is charming, spoiled, eccentric and a risk taker. Victor built the back bone of his kingdom on diplomacy leaving the dirty gritty parts of it to hired help. A jet set playboy who cannot settle down; He can be seen with a new woman every evening. At that Victor is a cunning manipulator drawing support from the Aryan brother hood because of their need to draw upon a pure blood lineage.

He also garners support from the Kokore-kyu or Black Dragon society known as the Yakuza* due to requiring a non-foreign or Gei-jin ( ancestry in their organization). In other words Victor is an actor with three hearts & six faces.

He is use to the lavish lifestyle, and is a parasite who feeds on the needs of others to keep his lifestyle. A black-market salesman keeping his lifestyle by the Rebellion's armament needs.
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Name: Elizabeth Baileys

Age: 17

Nationality: British

Gender: Female



Height: 5'3

Upper Class or Lower Class?: Lower Class

Partner: Victor Fortescue

Faction: Neutral

Occupation: Recruited in the army the minute she turned 16, but Elizabeth worked as a tailor in her family's clothing shop.

Basic Personality:

Born and raised in the Lower Class, Elizabeth never once questioned her position, tribute in life. However, when you're the only child of truly aspiring parents, you learn to dream. One could only imagine what it's like to not have to work day in and day out, acquire such glamorous outfits, and have others attend to your every need and want. But, that's as far as she went with having such needs, knowing she couldn't possibly achieve them. But, from time and time again, her parents openly expressed how the 'Love Harvest' could possibly give Elizabeth her chance, she found herself excited for it rather than completely against it.

As you can guess, if you asked anyone who knew the girl, Elizabeth is quite an imaginative type of person. They'd also tell you that she's a sweet, caring type of girl who wouldn't hurt a fly unless told to do so. She followed the rules all her life like a good little citizen, but with her IQ being higher than others, she couldn't help but question motives of the 'united-government'. With the constant romance novels she read, Elizabeth falls easily to having the 'perfect person' and hoped that her pair is who she is looking for. Not like you have a choice right? Well, with the right persuasion and the wrong person, you'd imagine what a goody little two shoes can turn in to.
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Accepted and accepted!

This means we are good to start. Guys and gals, you can all figure out who your partner will be.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

And for other people, the thread is still open to join.
Yay! Thank you 8D!

And question, does your partner have to be like your character? or can their personalities be polar opposites?
Okay I know close to no one here, sooo..As a group we might want to discuss the most interesting pairings for the story line, or draw numbers, or everyone can pick and I will take who's left?
Their personalities can be completely opposite if you want.

But I do agree with Drifter. I think we should all talk about who we think would be interesting to pair up with.

I actually think that Elizabeth and Victor might be an interesting pair.

Selina and Isaak would also be an interesting pair.

Same with Gloria and Josef.

^Just ideas
Elizabeth and Victor. I like xD Bwahaha.

I don't mind who is picked for Elizabeth honestly :3 All the guys are completely diverse from her so I'm happy with anyone :3
Well, you guys choose. Those were just some suggestions on what I came up with based on what would be compatibly intriguing couples.

But I also like Elizabeth and Victor. THAT would get interesting for sure.
I'm perfectly fine with that. Victobeth or Elizator? Selisaak or Isalina? Glorisef or Joria? We still have a few lone wolves without pairings though.. 
Hello? Is anyone still alive? QAQ

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