gen, you viper
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Cromwell's Quarters, Album Castellum, Delphi
An hour or so later....
An Early Morning Visit
The ceremony had been over for more than an hour and a half by the time Emerson knocked on the doors to the Lord Chancellor’s apartments. He had to knock several times, and was considering the utility of just heading back to his own guest suite for a few hours sleep, by the time the other man opened the door.
“Good morning,” Emerson said with a yawn. “You wished to see me?”
Cromwell, who had not intended to fall asleep at all and as a result had ink smudged on his cheek from the document he was editing, did his utmost to appear wide awake as he responded.
“Yes. Indeed. Come in.” He stepped aside, wondering if the way he said that sounded as awkward as it had felt. He heaved a great sigh and rolled his shoulders, looking around for the supplies he had sent for earlier.
“Your… hands, I found out later what it is that happened. I wish I had been there to divert the Dowager Queen somehow. I’m shocked to learn that someone else came to your rescue however. I could’ve sworn he wasn’t fond of you in the slightest.” That was putting it lightly, Nuri resented Emerson’s existence stubbornly. But perhaps that was subject to change out of spite for his mother’s disrespect towards his marriage and guests.
“I would have been all right, I always come up with something,” Emerson said airily, as though he hadn’t felt a very real fear only a few hours ago. “My palms will heal fine, Minister Brennan is more than adept at bandaging me up by now- I used to do that trick loads of times, the scars are hardly noticeable, even if you know to look for them.”
Emerson chose not to comment on the ink stain, instead looking about the room. Tasteful, but a bit… Less minimal than he was expecting.
“You know, you can decorate your rooms in Redhill if they aren’t to your liking,” he suggested.
“Ha,” Cromwell said, attempting to sound humorless but failing at the mention of the decorations in his room. He fondly kept them just the way they were, pretending that he simply couldn’t be bothered to have them redorated, or de-decorated really, to how they had been before Meera’s ladies had gotten a hold of them.
Cromwell had trouble keeping the small smile from his face as he abandoned the supplies he’d found off to the side in favor of examining the bandages on Lord Emerson’s hands, who politely resisted the urge to snatch them away. Cromwell took them in his own and inspected their wrapping. They were indeed well done. He couldn’t complain or insist on redoing them.
“The decor was all an elaborate gift from the Queen, at the time a Princess, and her ladies a few years ago. I do not possess the level of taste they do. They declared my living quarters sad and unacceptable. So they set about…” He gestured, “Fixing it up in the way they thought I might appreciate.”
“Well, they showed admirable restraint,” Emerson decided. “I would have demonstrated no such respect for your preferred color palette,” he joked, noting only the occasional pop of color against the majority of neutral tones.
“No, I imagine you wouldn’t have.” Cromwell wasn’t quite joking, he let Emerson’s hands go and stepped over to the table in the middle of the room, where the wine was. Lord Emerson enjoyed challenging him in strange ways.
“Speaking of ladies, you were uncharacteristically harsh with Lady Nyme. I could have sworn you were all thick as thieves. Almost as if she had thwarted certain political intentions with her being here that the crown had in mind for her. Ones she was almost entirely unaware of until… well her parents should make it clear to her upon breaking their fast I should think.” Cromwell teased.
“She’ll get over it,” Emerson said sharply, uncharacteristically harsh once again. “And you can keep your speculation about my feelings to yourself,” he warned. That wasn’t why he was angry with her, not really, and he didn’t want to think about the real reason.
That she was stupid and reckless and endangering her friends, and he couldn’t stop her from making all the same mistakes as he had.
“Something to drink?” Cromwell offered as he poured more into his own goblet.
“No, thank you,” Emerson said, after a dry swallow. “I think I’ve had enough for the night- Or the day, I suppose,” he said wryly, aiming for a lighter tone.
“You would think everyone had, and yet tonight the wine will pour heavier than ever. Please sit, there’s several things at large that have gone on since last I was here. And annoyingly, I can not stay to fix them directly after the Crown’s little incident.” Cromwell sat on one of the many cushions surrounding the table and invited Lord Emerson to do the same.
Emerson snorted at the euphemism. Instead of sitting as indicated, he laid himself out on his back across several cushions, so that the top of his head grazed against Cromwell’s thigh. He pulled a flask- water, presumably- from his own pockets and poured some into his open mouth, his eyes falling closed as he listened.
“Before we arrived at the Capitol, King Averett tasked me with ensuring that should Lord Brutus be here he was to be kept far away from the Prince. A task I did not think necessary, as I would know if Lord Brutus had set foot in Album Castelum. Moreover, I personally threatened him to stay away when I had him thrown out.” Cromwell took a swig of wine.
What an interesting task that Avery had set for Cromwell- Even more interesting, that he had failed to tell Emerson of it.
“Unfortunately, he’s here anyhow. Apparently, the Dowager Queen silenced my clerk and Lord Brutus has been in Album Castelum for some time now, training and attending meetings. Turning a new leaf in his duties apparently, under the thumb of the Dowager Queen herself.”
“A problem, I presume, since His Majesty intends to cut his hand off?,” Emerson fished.
“Does he? I thought he was posturing.” That was the punishment for rapists in the Belethan army, did the King consider Brutus a rapist? Or was this simply jealousy over another man having touched his husband?
Is that why the King seemed to dislike him so much? At least as far as he knew, the King didn't intend to cut his hand off. It would certainly be a problem if he did- Cromwell needed his hands.
“Well kindly inform the King that while soldiers require no trial to be declared guilty of a crime punishable by limb detachment, nobles do. In either kingdom.”
Emerson laughed lightly- He didn’t expect Cromwell to understand the nuances of Beleth’s military justice. At least Cromwell had confirmed his suspicion, and Emerson almost wished he’d denied it instead.
“And yes, it is a problem, it was far better when Brutus was useless and focused on chasing his next opportunity for pleasure. His aunt used to handle affairs in representation of Vergina while his mother handled the running of the region. They are extremely reasonable people whose main interest was keeping the peace and doing their duty well. Brutus is an inherently selfish creature who is less likely to be so amenable. What’s worse, is that as a Lord he has the power to be a problem. All of the lesser houses in Vergina answer to him.”
“The Dowager Queen Agora is intending on using him somehow and in a way that runs contrary to the treaty. She’s working against me. And given how many nobles are wearing her mark, she’s been busy.” He grabbed the string of pearls laying on the table and pulled them up, dangling them over Emerson's face so he could see.
“They’re fashioned into a noose, and the men cut off their hair to signify seniority over those who did not fight in the war.” He tossed them back onto the table, annoyed.
A noose- How charming, Emerson thought as he opened his eyes to take in the necklace before closing them again. If they kept it up, they might yet meet a real gallows.
“She is not taking her lower rank well I think. In my opinion, the better the new King and Queen establish themselves as the authority the more she will act out, but the weaker her influence will get. And we can further undermine her influence by further solidifying the ties between our two kingdoms. I’ve taken the liberty of vetting through all eligible and age appropriate matches for the Princess Graceling. Their families have all agreed to hold off any engagements for the next full year, and are amenable to the arrangement should they be so lucky.”
“My, you have been busy,” Emerson said, opening his eyes with a smile, impressed. Even if ‘all’ the possible matches Cromwell deemed appropriate were only a few, it was still quite a bit of work in a short time.
“The only problem is, I’m not positive this initiative will be taken well coming from me. Your King feels a certain way about me.” Cromwell tilted his head, “I can’t imagine why.” He said dryly.
“I would guess it’s due to your prodigious talent for acting like an ass,” Emerson told him frankly. “But luckily, you and the Princess are of the same mind- I was delegated with compiling a ranked list of your eligible bachelors,” he admitted. “Specifically she would like ‘someone who is taller than me, but not excessively so’ and ‘can do at least four different dances’. She’s also partial to brown eyes, but I warned her that some compromise would be expected.”
“Hm…” Cromwell nodded, thinking, “I think at least one of them has brown eyes. I wasn’t particularly focused on those qualities, truth be told.” This must be part of his ‘talent for acting like an ass’ as Emerson called it.
He moved a lock of hair from Emerson's face carefully, slowly, “At least she can be assured that all Theren nobles dance excessively, especially the eligible ones. Both of the late Prince Magnus’s progeny are made available, Lady Feona will hold off Gaius’ wedding date a year, to break the engagement if necessary. Though I think he may be a tad too old to be appropriate.”
“I would think so,” Emerson agreed, relaxing into Cromwell’s hand. Grace herself probably would not care, but Avery would almost certainly object. “And we’ve broken enough engagements as it is.”
The Theren nobility were not inclined to view the Beleth royal family favorably as it was, there was no reason to cause further resentment.
“Agreed, nonetheless I thought it prudent that all options were offered. Out of respect for the Princess’ rank.” Cromwell liked the way Emerson's eyes fluttered shut, and experimentally ran his fingers through more of his soft hair as he continued. Watching keenly for any indication of discomfort and enjoying that the redhead only relaxed further under his hands.
“The heir to Argos, Cassius, is available; he is Lady Mercy’s older brother. I hear that he is uncommonly kind, though maybe not the brightest mind. Pylos has two sons in her age range, one of them stands to inherit the region as heir, he did not attend the wedding, and instead was left to run Pylos in his parents' stead while they attended. His name is Sirius. I believe you stopped the younger from dueling someone from a lesser house earlier, that one is Quintus. Which leaves the heir to the House of Thebus, Draco. He was at his mother’s side all night… I don’t think he’d be taller than Princess Grace. He’s just at her height I believe.” He joked.
Emerson snorted. “Well he’s young, perhaps he still has growing to do,” he suggested idly before continuing. “His Majesty is going to have a headache tomorrow, regardless of what we may do to heighten it,” he said. Avery held his alcohol well and had not given many visible signs of his drunkenness, but Emerson knew him better than most.
“I shall inform him that I have asked you to assess possible matches for the Princess based on their political appropriateness, while I judge their characters- And their dancing,” he said. “If he objects, I can tell him the truth- That we are doing no less than his sister herself asked for,” he said simply. Perhaps Emerson was also a bit drunker than he appeared, to be openly admitting to Cromwell even a subtle manipulation of his king.
“He’ll likely be more comfortable if he feels she has a chance to make her own judgments- When is Lord Gaius to be wed? She could attend as a representative for Beleth, and meet some of the prospects then,” Emerson suggested. “Or Cokinos usually holds a tourney in mid-spring, the families could be invited- And meet possible matches beyond just the Princess. Let’s see… All the immediate cousins are dead, already married, or- Well.”
Emerson was fairly certain that Grace and Avery’s mother had had at least one brother, but beyond that he had really no idea. As far as the court was concerned, that branch of the royal family did not exist.
“He’s got the nieces and nephews, but they are far too young and too far away, and their mother would never allow it. There’s some eligible second cousins though, I think. And of course,” he said with a wave of his hand in the air. “All the various bachelors and bachelorettes of the noble families.”
“Mmmmm.” Cromwell's chest rumbled, pleased with the outcome of these suggestions, “Co-mingling should be encouraged, Theren nobles are practically all cousins as is. I’ll have to contrive some way to change their perceptions on the viability of matches made with Beleth.” Probably best done by ensuring that the ladies from Theren already present in Beleth married well. And quickly.
“Speaking of co-mingling…” His fingers traced to Emerson's lips, running across them back and forth lightly, “How amenable are you to sitting on my face? Right. Here.” He tapped those lips, watching intently.
Emerson chuckled, opening his eyes in a lazy smile, and darting his tongue out to lick at Cromwell’s fingers. “Fairly amenable,” he allowed. He’d never given Brennan an estimate on when to expect him, after all.
“But we have another problem that I can hardly imagine you are unaware of,” he said more seriously, turning his head to fix his gaze against the Chancellor’s. “You’ve said the Dowager Queen is working against you. How are you certain that she is not working in line with her daughter?”
Cromwell had made a good show of supporting the treaty, but it might only be that- Emerson knew that his loyalty was to Queen Meera. And if her intention was to support the treaty… Well, she had an unusual way of doing so.
“Oh that, you needn't worry.” Cromwell smiled wryly, “As it would turn out, this wedding wasn't according to her plan either. The Queen informed me that her mother nearly screamed her head off when she informed her that she required a wedding to take place as soon as possible.” He languidly traced Emerson's ear. “Corroborated by servants' accounts of the rather memorable morning.”
“Apparently, the queen’s mother only supported her match after some sort of correspondence with the Prince. Something about competition apparently.” Cromwell could see why Agora would despise the match. Basilius was not her idea of a strong man, a good regional choice, nor a proven leader.
Emerson looked up at him, unimpressed by these reassurances. “Having this child cedes her authority- To her mother, or to her husband… Or to Beleth,” he said. He knew that Avery did not want to restart the hostilities… But he would, if he felt it was necessary. “Theren is more advanced than Beleth in matters of the body, but even we have solutions to this. If she truly means to abide by the treaty, why has she not ended the pregnancy already?”
“Are you asking me why rationality has been placed behind emotion?” Cromwell tweaked the ear he was tracing, “Funny, that's a question I have to ask every day and of everyone.” He noted annoyedly.
“All these people, making every little thing so difficult instead of listening to reason is why I don't get any sleep.” He removed his ministrations and decided more wine was what he needed, he could feel a headache coming.
He would kill the Dowager Queen if he needed to, whatever heir Meera produced too if necessary. He'd kill them all and install a new monarchy, a new nobility, if it would free the chokehold their petty squabbles had on the little boys they sent to war.
“We won't go back to war, I think the blood of the common folk has been shed enough. The nobility think that people without rank are as disposable as a rag, but when I’m done with them, they are too.” He said airily as he stared at the ceiling.
Emerson laughed, but instead of his cheer from earlier, it was a dark and hollow sound. Everyone was disposable to someone, and he couldn’t decide if he was impressed or amused that Cromwell thought such things were up to his decision. “His Majesty cannot afford to be any softer to Theren than he already has, without risking war in Beleth,” Emerson warned. “He will raze this country to the ground to prevent violence in his own. And for what,” Emerson asked. “A child she will one day hate?”
He sighed, shifting slightly. “I am sure Queen Meera envisions a happy future, and I doubt she is interested in hearing from me on the topic,” he admitted. “But I know what it is, to be the son who stripped his mother of her birthright. She does not just carry a child, but a seed of resentment that will grow, faster and stronger than its twin.”
“What reasonable conclusions you've arrived to.” Cromwell noted, deciding that the flow of information for tonight was to be cut off. As much as Cromwell strangely yearned to reassure Emerson with all the murderous contingencies he had in place, doing so would reveal far too much to the King of Beleth than was wise.
Perhaps far too much to Emerson himself. The redhead would look at him in disgust if not disbelief. He wasn't sure which he disliked more.
“Say what you mean to say, instead of asking me to give you what does not exist. It's annoying.” He shifted, looming over Emerson. Rethinking his original plans of devouring the redhead. He'd never been softer in his life.
“I mean to say-” Emerson frowned, trying to remember where he had been going, and then frowning deeper as he reflected on what he had said. He’d had no intention to tell Cromwell of the weakness in Avery’s rule, or of his own insecurities.
“I mean to say,” Emerson decided with a sigh, looking enviously at Cromwell’s wine cup but instead reaching up. He gently wiped the smear of ink from Cromwell’s cheek and tugged the other man’s face towards his own. “That I get very morose when I am drunk,” he said softly. “And I think both of our moods would improve, if you were to prevent me from talking much further.”
Cromwell rethought the rethinking he'd done about what he was going to do to Emerson. The speed of which just annoyed him further.
“Hm.” He grunted, before grabbing his jaw and obliging Emerson's request.
code by @fudgecakez