Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals [Inactive]

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
Toaster Muffins submitted a new role play:

Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals - Finally, a place for weirdos like us!


Many in Twilight Falls would say that Miss Tilith Rosewood is one of the most generous women around. She takes in supernatural kids (vampires, fairies, werewolves) and gives them a home, much better than the parents who didn't want their child for being who they were. She provides them a large, extravagant house with tons to do, and lots of people to socialize with. She...
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(Um, I would prefer it if you all did not post until I started the roleplay...) 
Elise was laying on the couch. One of her stupid soap operas was on and she was completely invested in it, somewhat blocking out everyone else.

Somehow, being the new kid, Angie was feeling like the odd man out. Despite wandering the halls for someone to talk to, she found that most preferred to ignore her. Or maybe they just didn't see her. She hoped it was the latter. Very often, she would bump into someone. Each time she would mutter a "Sorry" under her breath in courtesy and bow her head apologetically. Not that any of them cared.

She tried her best not to stare. But there were so many strange creatures! She never knew any of them had existed. She didn't know much about herself, save for the diary her mother had left her. It made so much more sense to her now. But her current task was to find her way back to her room. Without bumping into anyone else.

Her tail twitched occasionally. So many people. She would have fun getting to know them. IF she ever actually spoke to them that is. She sighed, hoping against all hopes that someone, anyone, would try to talk to her. They weren't so much of strangers now, she'd seen them around the house in the couple of days she was here. But she STILL couldn't find her way to her room!

She sighed and leaned against the wall of one of the many corridors and let herself sink down. She decided to stay there till their next meal so that she would find Mrs. Rosewood and ask her to take her to her room. And probably have her put up a sign saying, "Beware of the friendly Kitsune! She doesn't bite!"

Walking down the road with a piece of paper in his left hand, constantly peering to it making sure he has it right directions, holding it further out in front of him so he could use the sunlight to see it as his umbrella did it's job stopping the sunlight from hitting him. After a few more minutes he was convinced he was on the right track, placing his hand into his pocket with the slip of paper; keeping there as he walked, one hand in his pocket, the other holding his umbrella up that rested on his right shoulder. After a five minute walking period he reached the front of the new structure, new to him anyways, peering at it from the roadside as he looked around as if to reassure himself he was in the right place. Slowly he walked up to the front steps, slow is his favorite speed.

As he reached the door he attempted to peer in through glass but still couldn't see anything. Raising his left hand from his pocket in a fist-like manner, he knocked four times on the door hoping someone could confirm this is the location he should be in, the place he heard about and the place he was given directions to "Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals". Patiently awaiting with note in hand he hoped he wouldn't be standing outside too much longer, it has to be on of his least favorite places.
Whispios peered searchingly at the girl for a few moments, his cold eyes beaming onto her face, after a bit he'd shake his head handing her the note that he was given, which had directions and the name "Tilith Rosewood's House for Unwanted Supernaturals" written on it. Once he'd have the note taken from him, he move his umbrella off of him, showing the distinctive skull pattern on it right before he folded it up.
He would peer at her a little bit longer before taking a step inside of the house before mumbling quietly almost with no sound to his voice. "It's the right place then?" Lifting his right hand he scratches his cheek awkwardly still looking a the girl.
Standing there still he looks at her a little longer before looking straight ahead at the place. "How does this place work? And I guess I should ask how much it costs to stay here." He'd quickly look back at her with his blank face like normal.
"Do you not live here? I'd hope you'd have the information... I guess I'll take that tour." Shrugging he sets his umbrella down by the door looking around once more seeing people here and there. "How many people actually live here?"
As he follows her around her peers into a few of the rooms, seeing why this place is for the supernatural. "You never introduced yourself. Aren't tour guides supposed to introduce themselves to everyone before the tour starts?"
Rosaleen was walking along the sidewalk, whispering her destination under her breath merrily. She had lost the slip of paper earlier though didn't seem to care. Humming to herself she would begin to gaze at the houses she was passing, and soon would come across a large house. "Ooh! Pretty!" She cooed softly, how a child would probably. Then she would walk up and loudly knock on the door, awaiting a reply.
Nodded looking at her. "Oh, uh forgot about the part where I have to say my name. Whispios, but I guess people just call me Whisp as it seems easier. Excellent cliche name though." Hearing the knocking on the door he peers back at Rose, "I believe someone is here."
Rosaleen would continue waiting a few moments longer, adjusting her backpack while she waited patiently. Hopefully this was the right place. 
Rosa would smile as she reponsed, "Hello!" Then she would ask, "This is Tilthe Rosewood's house, right?"
"Thanks, I'm Rosaleen, or Rosa for short." She smiled again, stepping inside.
Slowly he'd wander off from his free tour guide, looking around the house, maybe someone to speak to about this. He'd continue off, peering inside of any open door to get a feel of the place, not apologizing if he looked into someones room while they were in there, he'd just carry on. Mumbling to himself as he moved along he wouldn't even look passerby's in the eye.
LynxAmelia said:
She sighed and leaned against the wall of one of the many corridors and let herself sink down.

As he continued his walk around the house he saw someone who could possibly help him. "You are sitting on the ground in this place, which must mean you feel comfortable enough here... maybe you know. How much is the cost to live here?" Shrugging he'd peer down at the girl noticing right away as to why she was in this place.

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