• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 & 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 - Characters


.𝐁𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐀𝐦.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

  • intro

    are you the devil?


    very witch and vampire knows the tale of the Hallowed Father and the Revenant Mother. The God Witch tried to save his true love, only for her to return wrong. Twisted by a bloodlust, she turned her firstborn son and daughter, and...the rest is history. The two supernatural types clashed in wars that lasted millennia, underneath the very noses of the mortals that dwell on the Earth. The most notorious clash was the Underwar of Boston, which started when the 2nd Heir to the Coven Unitatis and her family were brutally drained dry by a rouge vampire clan, which was the point of revelation to the mortal of the supernatural world. Now, exposed to the world, the witches and other supernatural entities have wasted no time asserting their once-cloaked strength into the world. The powers that be have changed positions, co-existing in a sort of way with the mortals of the world.


    The Coven Unitatis has made quite its share of enemies along the way. From slavery to genocide, they've had their hand in the cookie jar for far too long. And, they've pissed off the wrong witch. As he assembles a tribe of his own to annihilate the heinous elitists that ruined the life of someone he loved, it would seem that the age-old tale of revenge is sparked anew on a grand scale. And, as he would tell you himself:

    "All Glory to the Scorned."

    Welcome to the world of Throne & Sickle, an RP I'm creating to house two characters I made that never got any chance to be used. The world of this RP involves the supernatural and their ways. Ultimately, this is a tale of revenge and the higher purpose it can serve. This, like many tales like this one, will change the very world for our characters as they know it. There will be war. There will be romance. There will be lots and lots of blood. Are you ready to watch the elite fall to their knees?





best served


dark fantasy



spots open




♡coded by uxie♡

"Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge."


Age: (if you're playing a vampire, this determines your hierarchy position)

Species: (include Queenborn Witch Rank if you are trying for that position)

Gender Identity:

Sexual/Romantic Orientation:


Appearance: (Description or fc. This is the appearance they have when most humans look at them. If your character has a "monster/beast/inhuman" form, feel free to add those details in as well.)

Personality & Background: (use paragraphs, bullet points, or whatever makes you feel comfortable with this section. If you have any questions or lore-heavy contributions to the world, run it by me first.)

Aspirations & Fears:


Abilities: (Vampires aged 350 and above get one specialized power outside of the ones described in the roles section. All younger vampires don't have a defined power, but their base skills are incredibly heightened. Witches can have skills in ONE of the Four Greats, as listed in the appropriate role. Furthermore, they can have 1 bailiwick--an incredibly potent skill-- based on whatever Great they can manipulate. Other creatures have skills appropriate to their mythos, and I don't mind working with you to tailor those abilities to suit the RP best.)

Extra: (Anything you feel fills out your character more)

Momento Mori: (This is an acknowledgment that you're aware your character might be killed due to inactivity or through story progression. You're welcome to apply with a new character at any time--or, we can talk about the resurrection of the deceased character if you just want a good plot point. Just say a quick little blurb agreeing to the possibility.)

LMK When you're done so we can review your character!
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-hidden scrolls where you least expect them-




an event regarded as a portent of good or evil.

  • requisite.

    full name

    Varrick Boone




    Cis Male




    Prodigal Son


    Witch - Queenborn




    Willy Cartier

    hair colour

    Brown cascades of a dark river that flow over his shoulder and end in the middle of his back.

    eye colour

    Dark Brown


    Lean and defined, but not overly muscular.


    5"10 / 157 lbs.


    A little grungy, definitely Nirvana-core. But, he mostly dresses for comfort and practicality.

    distinguishing features

    His face always sits in a cheerful resting position. Even when he's not smiling his eyes are. He has a small scar on his eyebrow and a stick poke tattoo of a smiley face with x's in the eyes located on his hip.

♡coded by uxie♡
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the vampire​



a feeling of needing or wanting to drink something.

  • requisite.

    full name

    Asilas Évreux‎


    372 years


    Cis Male










    Aaron Taylor-Johnson


    Ash Brown--wild and mainly untameable.

    eye colour

    Green Hazel with a Silver ring around the pupil


    Muscular, defined and refined over time.


    6"3 / 200 lbs.


    Sy's style is based on how he is feeling for the day. He has many clothes, jewelry, and accessories that give depth to his look. He usually sports a darker vibe of clothing, accentuating his form and showcasing his eclectic nature.

    distinguishing features

    An almost otherworldly glow that intensifies with his hunger and mystifies everyone he meets. That, paired with an intoxicating visage, draws more than enough attention for him to bypass the need for modifications.

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • 서예슬

    gloom bloom

    in life there will be death, and in death there shall be life..

    • expression acolyte.

      full name

      Desdemona “Mona” Nightingale




      Cis Female


      Pansexual, Demiromantic


      April 13th






      Victoria Pedretti


      Ash brown with strands of blonde, long and with a slight wave.

      eye colour

      Greyish blue with flecks of green


      Thin and toned from working outside, though her petite body and short stature would hint otherwise.


      5’4” / 140 lbs.


      Comfortable, often flowy with soft fabrics or slightly baggy. Very rarely does she dress up in anything overly fancy or elegant. She tends to wear lighter colors with pretty patterns, though she does have some old hand-me-downs from her teen years that were part of her grunge phase she wears on occasion.

      distinguishing features

      A youthful and joyful appearance that helps people assumptions that she is of the nature type of witch or even have some fae ancestry, neither of which are true. Most people can’t remember ever seeing her without some sort of smile or soft expression, but as her true powers suggest and the faint dark circles under her eyes hint at the long nights spent communing with the dead while she works in her mortuary. An earthy scent follows her, not that of the forest, but that of the disturbed hallowed ground of a grave freshly dug with hints of her floral perfume. Though she has never confirmed nor denied her having tattoos, she has a noticeable circle on her chest over her heart that by its design looks almost like it is bleeding into her veins and spreading subtly outward and up through her neck.


      Commune: an ability that is more passive in nature, she can see and speak to the dead. The lost souls still bound to the earth for one reason or another, sometimes stuck in the imagery of their death because they refuse to move on from it and others as normal as any other person walking the street because they don’t realize they have passed. All lost souls however, know subconsciously that she can see them and feel a pull to be around her because she can communicate to/for them to the world of the living far better than most other means. While she can also summon souls to talk to if they are willing to speak, those that do not have a very steep investment of time, energy, and materials to do so. Her powers with Necromancy can supplement some of the material if their corpses are on hand for her to use to solidify the pull between them, but normally that isn’t the case.

      This is also not accounting for the spirit in question to be particularly fruitful with their answers. While they are incapable of outright lying to her, not every spirit is aware they are lying or have the information to answer certain questions, because they only remember their perspective as they had lived it. Spirits that have been around a long time and have lingered can know more of current events past their death, but they‘re not many of those around in populated areas. Though there are some loopholes to that (ie. area of frequent deadly car crashes, hospitals, graveyards, etc), these spirits depending on their temperament may need to be bribed and have the capability to lie since they weren’t summoned.

      Necromancy: her bailiwick and what most of the supernatural world would consider her magnum opus, or rather her techniques involving it to safeguard the bodies of loved ones who have passed from being disturbed is. Either way, despite her being only an Acolyte, she has an adeptness with necromancy that rivals those who are considered stronger than her in power. While she is not capable of the same level of feats as them, she has a wider range of feats to perform with her use of it that they may not as she isn’t as limited in her scope.

      No one would expect an undead army of great warriors from the past being risen by her, but one or two fake skeletons to do little chores around the house is more feasible and ethical, since she has quite a few spirits who pop in to see her from time to time as thanks and get a kick out of being bound temporarily to Bonehilda. It would last longer if she was using their actual bodies, but she wouldn’t so carelessly raise the dead for something she could do herself. Though one of the more unique things she can do that most other expressionist witches might not, is the ability to transform a large area of ground to be hallowed or desecrated. While it is way easier to desecrate ground, just from her being a dark witch, walking upon it barefoot could be enough, hallowing the ground is a much more involved process requiring a ritual to be done to pull the dark impurities of the ground out.

      On the other hand, those same rituals are a dark magic specific version of her necromancy magic she uses to help assess corpses through the residue left on them post death, pre burial. Where as she is pulling dark magic from the ground that taint it, she is identifying the traces of any magic on the departed.

      Hexology: The vast knowledge of curses, jinxs, and the mean-spirited harms meant to either ruin someone’s day or life. While she doesn’t partake in dishing them out as they are normally intended, her vast knowledge of them and how they work is what makes up the foundation of her knowledge of identifying them to neutralize their impact. In some cases even being able to make wards against them depending on the spell that makes them up. There isn’t many ways to completely negate a dark spell in its entirety, but making it non-fatal is more within the realm of possibility, especially with how specific their counters boil down to.

      That being said, the vastness of what spells they could be do require her to do some investigating and probing to narrow down the right way to counter them due to the intent to harm needing far less guidance than the intent to protect. Choosing the wrong ones could very well hurt the very person who asked for her aid in the first place.

      Potion Brewing: Most people associate potions for witches of the nature great, and for good reason, as Mona‘s talents for potion brewing are definitely skewed from her great. Death related tonics, poisons even, and recipes that prioritize the use of fatal materials. It’s her best brews, and arguably better than most nature or miracle greats that try, and by far their normal potions are better than the mediocre ones she makes. They do their purpose, with arguably some kind of downside if she doesn’t make sure to keep her hands covered when she is handling her ingredients, most coming from her own garden that she tends to just as carefully.

      It took her a long time to figure out that trick, but since doing so she has curbed a lot of the ill side effects that come from her making potions that aren’t tailored for harm. Just like she has found that certain potions that are meant to ward dark magic tends to leave rashes or blisters on to her skin when they splash on her, taking a long time to heal afterwards. Incidents like those as she was learning were the starting point for her practice as she continued the knowledge her mother had started to find how certain things effected her magic.

    ♡coded by uxie♡
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    I smell your skin
    Cool and soft against my lips
    I feel the knife
    Still against my fingertips


    Scary Bitches

    character name

    Lola Cosette Archambeau


    150, appears in her mid-30’s


    October 31, 1874

    gender identity

    Cis female, too old to care about her pronouns








    French, though she currently resides in Japan


    Disgraced nun, past embalmer, currently ruling her part of the world- Japan


    Helena Bonham Carter

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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  • bhumika nithya valli

    # land nymph / banyan dryad

    # simone ashley

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    in a week






    Bhumika Nithya Valli


    Nini (family & loved ones only) — most just call them Bhumika, or Bhumi for short.


    looks 24, is 174




    dryad (of banyan tree)

    gender identity

    agender, femme presenting (she/they)

    sexual/romantic orientation





    Bangalore, India


    implied SH (in body modification, visage), murder & death (history)




    long, brown-black curls that falls past her tailbone. despite little to none care given to it, their hair looks luscious and well taken care of. just wears it as is, or in a bun when she means business. though her family asks to braid them sometimes, and she lets them.


    deep brown


    tall & toned

    height / weight

    5'8" / 135 lbs

    distinguishing feature(s)

    extremely long hair, chiseled facial structure

    body modification(s)

    all of their scars fade over time, albeit taking decades, as carving on trees would. but they has one, a scar on their left palm.


    fairly simple, Bhumika mostly fashion plain dresses out of plants or natural fibers. never really accessorizes anymore, though she likes collecting shiny baubles. the flowers in her hair were not her choice (they just pop in if they're happy or in love, or was put there by others). only wears flat shoes or sandals, and only when she has to.

    supernatural form

    she keeps her facial features and rough body shape still, but any other feature is highly different from her more human form. Bhumi's long head of hair turns into a puff of leaves atop which acts more like the crown of their head more than "hair"; their hair is more the long roots that cascades below them, longer even than their human hair, 'til they touch the ground, all around them, though scarce at the front. their arm the branches, their body the trunk, their legs too, it splits to two, which, like a banyan tree, are more like the roots merging with the main trunk.
    (i don't know if i described it well but it's essentially this but this)

    face claim

    Simone Ashley



    quiet, observant, impulsively impulsive, nurturing (tough love ver.), honest,

    Bhumika is the type of person that has a hard time relaxing, even now that they have an eternity to do so. restless, and always have to do something, or have some kind of responsibility, as they were given a second chance at life, so they wants to make sure they gives back to nature, and the universe. they're still learning to be patient, now that time is on their side, though it's a hard thing to do. back then, she was explosive, and highly impatient. to call her impulsive wouldn't do it service. she lived day to day, do anything in the spur of the moment, what her heart willed. so now, sometimes, they could be impulsive, though it becomes a rarer occurrence as the years go by.
    Bhumika is the youngest dryad in their area, but that didn't stop her to assume the role of an older sister figure to them, ever the protector. she has been making sure no harm comes their dwelling's way, and so she's earned a bit of reputations with nymphs everywhere, too. so now they aren't only the protector of their forest, but others have called for her help in dire moments, and she's always answered. they like feeling needed, has a bit of a savior complex from a twisted form of survivor's guilt.
    Bhumi is friendly enough and she has a warm aura naturally, sometimes even motherly, so making friends is an everyday thing to her. socializing drains her energy so fast, though, even before, they were always an introvert, only chatty to a select few. they've become a bit of a pacifist and mischievous too, and they chalked it up to being changed to a dryad. but they've always been wary, so while they may seem open, strong caution and distrust is always there, at least at first. towards everyone, really, but especially humans.



    Run! Devi, run!
    Nini, they’re here! Nini watch out—

    reawakening was tough. i couldn’t move yet i was fully aware for a couple of weeks. stuck, unmoving. encased in a trunk. i know i’m not dead—i’m aware of sounds, though my vision hadn’t returned. the flowing stream, the gush of winds, song of birds. the sun was warm. on my… skin? never mind that. where was i? where am i? the forest, right. we were running. …..we? me, and who? love, i miss them, i…. love them. her. oh god, they took her, they killed me—

    Nini detached from her tree, chest heaving, taking quick breaths, air in and out fast to and fro her lungs. oxygen flowing through her again now. she was unclothed, her tattered garb was folded neatly under the tree, covered by foliage, she just—escaped? detached—detached. from a tree. what? she could remember dying, so why would she….. something’s approaching. a- a tree? a tree was walking towards her. is this a hallucination? this can't be the afterlife.

    panicking, Bhumika picked up the neatly folded saree and haphazardly put them around her body, and make a run for it straight away. she was stopped immediately, scooped out so effortlessly by an elder banyan dryad's roots. she was held in place as they gathered, taking their sweet time with it, too, around her. they told her resisting was futile, then explained her life now, what she is, and how there's no use of running from it.

    though they don't really understand it either. they saw it all as it happened, Bhumika's parents leaving their daughter's lifeless body under the tree she just 'escaped' from. they even saw her death, the previous day, as her and Devi tried making a break from it to the woodlands. tears fell down her face, and she could feel the roots loosen, as she was no longer fighting back.
    they all saw her resurrection, the dawn that followed, before the rot even began to take her, the figure they instinctively knew, yet have never seen, nor have heard of Her ever visiting. faint light aglow all around Her, like a divine aura, as She walked until they reached Bhumika, then reached down to her, and with Her touch, she was swallowed by a tree. they laid await, taking care of the tree that held her for months, that turned into years, decades, until finally, almost thirty years later, she was awake, their sister now.

    her days after was chaotic and restless. she couldn't even keep a plant alive; she had people at her beck and call, gardeners to do that for her. and now she is one with it, one herself. it was a steep learning curve for sure. and they prevented her from leaving until she could get a hold of it. motivated by the need, and want, and the love she had for Devi, she fought through, and quickly learned that was her mistake. so she let them in. the force of nature itself, all around and inside her, and with time, they became one, and she was now truly one of them, in full, abilities and all.
    with permission to leave, now her own person once more, free to do whatever she wanted, she did not. afraid of what she would find, maybe. definitely. so she stayed among her new family.

    and then things were calm. a gentle breeze, where she could do whatever she wanted to, and be tied by the ridiculous norms no longer… naps in the firm hugs of a trunk, her literal lifeline, encased by parts that were both her and something bigger than herself. like a baby in her mother’s womb, safe, eternal, without worry.
    frolicking, gardening, enjoying the smell of fresh flowers and the sound of the leaves rustling and watch their colors change again, and again, and yet again… right. she wasn’t made for this. things were too inert—too peaceful. everything was always changing yet nothing was, and she could only stay for so long. there were still parts of her that was human after all.
    after a few more years of building the courage to discover what was out there, worried for what the decades that had taken place would change, she finally did.

    she returned to town, disguised, of course, though badly. whoever cared anyway? no one spry would recognize her. she was probably erased from all their life, having brought shame to her bloodline that caused her death in the first place.
    her parents were dead. shock didn't come. it's been almost a century, after all. it would've taken another miracle for them to still be alive.
    Devi was, too. she went to her house, disguised as a maid, and found a portrait of her family. she'd gotten married, a smile on her face, a baby cradled on her arms, two young boys on either side of her. was the smile genuine? she liked to think not. she'd almost forgotten what she looked like, seeing her aged face twenty years later almost shattered her soul then and there. drowned in agony, every step she took was like a familiar stab to her flesh, yet she perused the house until she found a solo portrait of a young Devi, the same smiling face she recognized, from before Bhumika foolishly formed a not well enough thought plan for them to run away. where were they to live? what a stupid girl. it only caused misery for both of them.

    Bhumi returned back to her now home, and entered a state of hibernation, moping in the delayed sorrow and grief.
    when she got out, it was like hell has decided to migrate to the land of the living. death and destruction was everywhere, so she rose to the occasion and became a self-proclaimed ranger.



    Devangi Manjula Shah, deceased.
    historians call them the best of friends. Bhumika planned a plan for them to run away and leave to sail across to a foreign country. they never even made it far before Bhumika was captured, and killed, blamed for kidnapping and planting devilish thoughts into their daughter's head by the Shah's.

    the Vallis

    Bhumika's parents, deceased.
    though Bhumika brought shame unto them, they still loved her, and since they can't do a proper / traditional burial for her, they left her to rest in under a banyan tree in the forest.



    like the damp grass that yields to me

    growing, taking care of, shaping and manipulating plants. most of the times, she uses this for good, helping with reforestations anywhere she's called, or on her own initiative. when it's time to fight, they makes good use of this ability, often exerting themself. and she focus on using roots to attack, instead of branches or other.

    we lay here for years or for hours

    Bhumika can sense the overall well-being and conditions of their immediate environment and natural setting, especially forests. they're physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually in sync with environment, which allows them to perceive and understand not only what happens in nature but if it is in harmony with natural order. [1] this includes "talking" to trees (not literally), and mapping the terrain (takes time, as in she would have to get in a sort of meditative state for at least several minutes).

    so still and discreet

    like a tree that could keep on growing, given the right environment and nourishment, the only way for them to truly die is setting their tree on fire or induce it with rot. ordinary weapons that only slashes or puncture doesn't really deal damage, especially in their full dryad form. if her limbs are severed, it would take years up to a decade to grow back. decapacitation still make her as good as dead, though if returned to her tree quick enough, they wouldn't "die" necessarily. though it would take around a century for them to heal from that.

    so long we become the flowers

    they can enter a hibernative state on their banyan tree back home. they would be barely lucid at this state: barely aware, almost becoming a non-sentient being temporarily, resigning to nature itself. she could return to her humanoid form at any moment, of course, given they've rested long enough (could be years) if her magic were depleted. their 'family' (dryads of the same forest) can help put her in this state, often after she exerted herself.
    she could also harden her skin, changing it to bark, to be able to withstand damage more. Bhumi could also filter water, to a degree, so they're hardly picky with their water.
    not getting enough sunlight & water is harmful to them, like vitamin deficiency or dehydration.




    - she knows it's more wishful thinking than anything, but she's still hoping her long lost love would be reincarnated, and they can be together again.
    - somehow an even more unrealistic hope of hers is for all wars to end. at least for it to not cause harm to nature and all things living.


    fire, height, tight spaces


    - stares. hard
    - just... grabs... soil.
    - drinks so much water one day and none the next.
    - can't help but revive dead plants everywhere she goes. real strong compulsion


    travelling, the tranquil sounds of the forest, lazy days laying under the sun (when it's rare. when it's her everyday life, she hates it), booze


    industrialization & modernization, fire, electricity, war, death, humans, traffic, pollution, fireworks,


    - her favorite pastime is finding couples who goes into secluded wooded/foresty areas and nag them until they go home, especially younger ones..


    emento Mori.

    i hereby relinquish the rights to this character's life shall i flee. for plot purposes is fine too.



    ♡coded by uxie♡

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all the while, i’ll await my armored fate with a smile.

  • requisite.

    full name

    tanaeve, (tahn-ayve) referred to as “tana”.


    150, though she presents herself as twenty three.


    cisgender female.


    demisexual, panromantic.


    july fifteenth.


    forest fae.



    height + weight

    5’3, 121 lbs.


    mesomorphic, more on the muscular side with an athletic, yet curvy silhouette.


    halle bailey.


    the ability to grow new flora: limitations incurred - current flora must be in a dying state and growing flora takes a lot of energy away.

    the ability to heal dying fauna: limitations incurred - fauna must be inhuman and greatly affects her lifeline: with every fauna she has healed to a healthy state dependent on size. larger fauna require more resources and thus take away more of her lifeline (20 years) and a defect is imposed on the creature (such as a loss of limb, loss of an eye, etc) while smaller fauna take away less resources and only require half of that. furthermore, it is also dependent on biological intelligence. for example, humanoid creatures are more biologically and emotionally intelligent, and healing only goes so far. that being said, she only heals creatures of a species who are in dire state, meaning either nearing extinction or endangered to further the lifecycle of that species.

♡coded by uxie♡
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i’m not your friend, or anything damn.

  • requisite.

    full name

    evangeline belvoir


    twenty five.


    transgender female.


    pansexual, panromantic.


    draug hunter.


    witch - divination queenborn.



    height + weight

    5’10, 143 lbs.


    ectomorphic build, inverted triangle silhouette.


    hunter shafer.


    dream-hopping: baliwick: a type of astral plane experience that occurs during one’s dreams: the ability to have an out of body experience, opening portals to energetic things, a remote viewing experience.

    prophetic visions: the ability to see things before they happen. typically by vision, however sometimes by clairvoyance.

    sword wielding: though not a magical ability, evangeline has taken a strong adeptness to sword wielding, as most of her magical powers do not inflict physical damage. she mostly uses this skill for draug hunting, but has no qualms in saying “off with your head!”.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Sobol the Blind


Sobol “Sobi” Federova





Gender Identity:

cis-male, he/him

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: homosexual/homoromantic

Occupation: Sobol is a seer in the popular Russian touring circus, Lunnyy Tsirk. His stage name is Sobol the Blind. Lunnyy Tsirk is currently making their way around New Las Vegas.

Witch Power Status: Secondier

Appearance: fc: Imran.anj

Pale, milky eyes, shrouded in black sunglasses, lain behind long lashes. Sunlight filters through the slats of white blinds, setting bronze skin aglow and glittering. Curled, beetle black hair sits almost artfully styled atop a heavy head. Bone white teeth stretch into the facsimile of a smile that seems haunting despite the full lips framing it. Thin hands and cut glass jaw, gold drips from ears a thousand times over, encases bony fingers with costume gems, wraps around a long neck. It encircles fragile wrists and prominent ankles, tiptoeing the line between delicate and starved.

Personality & Background:

Sobol Federova, born partially blind to a young Russian witch on the outs with her family, was bundled in black cloth and left in the snow outside the town. The wailing of the child attracted all manner of beast, but it would be the wild dog, covered in mange that would offer him her warmth and protection through the night. In the morning, as the Lunny Tsirk caravan traveled slowly through the packed snow, Sobol’s crying would ring out across the expanse, alerting those who stopped to listen. Sobol, with no one to speak for him, was taken in among the other displaced freaks. Homed, pale eyes and all. The dog would become his first companion, his first mother in a way. As Sobol grew, so did his blindness and prophetic powers. By age ten, Sobol was showing great aptitude for glimpsing shards of the future. He also said goodbye to his first dog. At age twelve, Sobol was introduced as Sobol the Blind, the young seer touring the world in a Russian circus. By fourteen, Sobol was completely blind, using any means of getting around, from a new dog trained to guide him to canes and other carneys. It was in these days that Sobol would be confronted with the atrocities of the world. Protected as he was by the warm linings of his circus family, prophets and the things they see can be coveted. Nearly killed in a kidnapping attempt, his dog mercilessly shot, and a few of his family members gravely injured, Sobol, and Lunnyy Tsirk went underground for months. When they resurfaced, Sobol was changed. Now fifteen, he traded guide dogs for guard dogs and open kindness for a facade of luxurious mystery. Draped in gold and silk, Sobol left his prophecies far more pointed. He charged higher prices and periodically left the caravan to weave visions for the wealthy and noble. Gone was the young boy who hugged his dog and his friends, who gave away sights for pennies. Instead sat a young man who acted for the masses but would bite with sharp teeth with the slightest provocation. Like the dogs at his feet, Sobol grew to be more and more sharp, more and more aimed. He didn't need sight to know who could be trusted and who couldn't. He only needed their hands in his own. Sobol is not cruel, but he is rarely kind. He is not scared but he is aware of his vulnerabilities. He's a smart man, incredibly loyal, and observant. He's a wonderful actor and performer but at his deepest he is able to laugh and find those rare golden moments among the dredge and muck.

Aspirations & Fears:

Sobol hopes to help Lunnyy Tsirk make such a name for herself, her performers never again have to worry about the things in life that should be guaranteed. He has a strong fear of guns. After the kidnapping attempt, the fake guns in Lunnyy Tsirk were thrown out as many of the other performers felt the same.


Sobol has a strange sense of humor, it isn't cruel but sometimes it fails to make sense for others. He also has an uncanny ability to connect with canines, training them comes easy and he inspires great loyalty from them.


Prophetic Visions (bailiwick): Sobol can see past, present, and future events when touching a person or charged belonging.

Aura Sensing: While Sobol is completely blind, he can still almost feel the aura that a person gives out. It helps greatly with identifying who exactly he is speaking with.


Sobol currently owns a single, all black, BEO, or East-European Shepherd. The dog, who is three years old, is named Norka for her minky fur.

Momento Mori: (all good in the hood here!)

coded by: @s e v e n

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Othello Amos de'Roos


"Harrowing, isnt it?"

Ive had to repeat the same tales more times than I would care to count.



Name: Othello Amos de Roos

Age: ~400 years (slept through a generation)

Species: Vampire

Gender Identity: Tired old man

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pan/Demi

Blood Baron.

A bit thicker in build in muscle and slight softness, 6'2, greying brown hair that is kept short with a beard and gently curved mustache, and pale honey colored eyes that can switch from looking tired but friendly to visceral murder in microseconds.

His regular attire consists of the same outfit in varying layers. At the base is a simple black high collared shirt buttoned right under his jaw and matching pants. Bit of a uniform. Then a ridiculously heavy embroidered wrap with chains to keep it in place... and his cane, a 30lb sledge hammer in disguise, for being 'serious'. Occasionally shows up in satin robes when comfortable.

Personality & Background:
Not concerned with power but wants stability, so, power is a side effect of that desire. Calculating, pensive, pretty chill all things considered, unhinged in the ways most old vampires are, likes what he likes, good humored, wise, somewhat possessive but has that behavior in check. Likes to read. And murder. Within reason on both accounts.
Bit of a bear.

How Othello tells it~
"Ive had to repeat the same tales more times than I would care to count," Othello muttered as he rearranged the cards in his hand, "And I prefer listening to the stories of others. When they are willing to tell them."
"Last I heard of a lich was when I faced one," he passes,"I am from Oltenia, 'lesser Wallachia', modern day Romania. Most people dont know of it over here, but Wallachian boyars maintained leadership against the Ottomans in that region for quite some time. I left before it fell."
"My family managed a bit of land. A few generations worth. Housed a lot of people. Solved problems. Not that it mattered in the end."
It was at this moment that Othello genuinely wished he had something to imbibe in. Some drunkards blood to disappear into. Even if he wasnt telling the whole story, it was still rather unpleasant. Regardless he persevered. Using cryptic language and metaphor to hide from the reality of it.
"The lich was razing entire settlements to the ground. My family led an affront to face it. Our region was at stake," Othello pauses, adjusting his usual tale to better fit the modern understanding of things. "The initial plan worked. But we didnt account for the retaliation. Every remaining fighter died without their boots on."

Othello was born in modern day Romania, where his family originated in the 1600s. Till a vampire began razing villages to the ground, killing all those who stood in her way using unique necrotic abilities.
Except Othello.
He was hardy in life, so the plague only ravaged his left leg. He stood his ground. Which amused his sire.
The transference into his unlife didnt fully rid him of the necromantic damage, rendering him a weak side, though giving him an immunity to her natural born talents. Regardless he was useful. And she was terrifying. His service at his sire's side ended when she disappeared into the ether after two hundred years or so. By then, Othello was too tried to do much else than to disappear.
Waking up into the modern era, he eventually garnered a name for himself as a blood broker. Finding that his blood had predictable regenerative properties, a now rare and potent bloodline, he tailor makes doses of what he calls 'vitalitatea sinelui'. Consuming these vials results in humans feeling an adrenaline pump, giving them temporary but powerful constitutional boosts. Younger vampires receive a short-lived buff to their regenerative abilities, while older vampires usually sneer at the stuff. But, those who were curious enough, would feel their vitae in a new way, opening the possibilities for a better understanding of themselves. If but for a moment.
Trading such vials in exchange for human blood was simple, and he soon rose to the top of the underground blood trade, where he works with clients ranging from other vampires, to the Russian mafia, and even the occasional witch.

Aspirations & Fears:
He wants to enjoy life outside of vampire society. Though he is still constantly dragged into things, especially given his profession. His only fear is being chained to someone like his sire, or worse, for her to come back.

Othello sometimes goes by Amos.
His favorite book, to date, is 'Anna Karenina' by Tolstoy.
Likes to garden, but rarely has the time to do so.

Simply put, he has incredible constitution. He is naturally stronger than most vampires, though not as agile, and can take damage like its his job (about 60% faster than kin outside of his bloodline).

Is fluent in Romanian, Russian, and English.
His sire's favorite use for him was as her personal battering ram.

Momento Mori:
All things must come to an end.

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
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use right arrow key to scroll

You are shaking fists and trembling teeth. I know: you did not mean to be cruel. That does not mean you were kind.


full name

Sascha Voss


The Drowned, The Man in the Lake, He Who Sings


Näcken from Germanic mythology and folklore


Appears to be 23, though he has lost track of his true age


Male | He/Him




Music Tutor




A thousand eyes they see all the worst in me


5'2" (157 cm)


110 lbs (50 kg)

Human Appearance

A fair young man of slender build, with long silvery hair that trails to his waist and piercing blue eyes, with smooth pale skin that is without blemish.

Monster Appearance

His fair skin takes on a shine that glimmers in the light when he moves, as if he is being viewed from under water. His movements become graceful and lithe, like a predator stalking its prey. Though his eye color remains the same, his pupils become slits and his hair moves ethereally as if floating through water. His smiles turn sharp, revealing pointed teeth and his fingers become tipped with claws perfect for rending flesh from bone.


Hakken on Twitter/Instagram


A thousand nights I've spent counting all my sins

Sascha hides his fragile heart behind sharp words and cold glances. He is terrified of falling in love again only to lose them like he lost Engel, so he pushes everyone away. Loosing someone can't hurt him if he didn't have them to begin with. But deep down, underneath the pain and anguish lies a broken man that desperately wants a connection with someone.




~ Sascha will sometimes slip back into German when he is upset.
~ Has a staring problem, sometimes forgets that its rude or intimidating to maintain eye-contact for prolong periods of time.
~ His silvery hair quickly draws the eyes of those around him.
~ Hoards instruments, has an entire room in his apartment dedicated to storing them.


Falling in love again and loosing them like he lost his first love.


Is redemption out of reach? Is this all I'll ever be?

~ Sascha lived in his pond deep in the woods, it was a peaceful if boring existence
~ The rumors of a creature that feasted on human flesh kept the humans away from him, until one day one man braved the fearful whispers and went searching for this 'beast'
~ At first Sascha was cold towards Engel in an attempt to drive the man away but he kept coming back and slowly, Sascha felt the ice around his heart beginning to crack
~ He fell into love before he knew it and the two shared their first kiss under a clear night, only the stars their witness
~ But his dreams of a life with the man he loved shattered like glass upon flagstones
~ Blood tainted his water and his wail echoed through the forest, fingers grasping at Engel's lifeless form left on the banks of his pond, a mark carved in the skin above his heart.
~ Sascha took up the violin that he used to play music for Engel, a violin Engel himself had carved, and poured his rage and anguish into a song, his voice joining the melody in a haunting cry as he took his revenge on the villagers that be believed had killed his love
~ One by one he lured the villagers to his pond and by the time the sun crested the horizon, the water was full of bodies
~ Sascha carried his lovers still form away from the carnage and buried him on a hill where he would always have a clear view of the stars
~ The rumors of the massacre followed Sascha as he wandered through the world, townsfolk fleeing at the sight of him.
~ Present day finds Sascha as a music tutor, hiding among those whose ancestors used to fear him so.
~ His life was monotonous, a way to pass the time but everything came crashing down the day he saw a mark that looked painfully familiar to him and now he will not rest until he uncovers the true reason Engel was murdered.


Laying down my past I scream, this is not the end of me


So this is my origin, can't take back who I've been

Engel Voss

Sascha's first love and one he lost all too soon. His dreams are haunted by Engel's lifeless eyes gazing unseeingly up at the stars he loved, his pale fingers clutching a carved pendant that Sascha wears hidden underneath his clothes.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.


But it's where I start again


(Vampires aged 350 and above get one specialized power outside of the ones described in the roles section. All younger vampires don't have a defined power, but their base skills are incredibly heightened. Witches can have skills in ONE of the Four Greats, as listed in the appropriate role. Furthermore, they can have 1 bailiwick--an incredibly potent skill-- based on whatever Great they can manipulate. Other creatures have skills appropriate to their mythos, and I don't mind working with you to tailor those abilities to suit the RP best.)

Momento Mori

Let him embrace the sweet relief of death; maybe Engel would be waiting for him with opens arms and a smile on his face.



♡coded by uxie♡
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Ilya Novikov

vampire and opera singer.


Ilya Novikov




cis male (he/him)


107 (appears 22 years of age)

sexual/romantic Orientation.

Homosexual (Sub/Bottom)/homoromantic


Opera Singer (Tenor)

Baby, look at me,
and tell me what you see?
You ain't seen the best of me yet,
Give me time, I'll make you forget the rest!
I can catch the moon in my hands-
Don't you know who I am?
Remember my name

i can still recall our last summer;

Appearance: Ilya has wavy brown hair that reaches a tiny bit past his chin, and striking blue eyes. His skin is ivory in color and he stands at 5'7'' with a weight of 125 lbs. He is effeminate in appearance and is borderline androgynous when it comes to his lithe stature.

Personality & Background: Ilya was born with a silver spoon in his mouth - the youngest son among six children, he was born into Russian Nobility during the Romanov era in St. Petersburg, Russia. Of course being the youngest, he was spoiled the most, especially by his mother. His parents were often found in the court of Czar Nicholas II, and when he turned 16 Ilya was finally able to join them in mingling with fellow nobles and even royalty from other countries.

To say he had it easy was an understatement: anything he wanted he received without question, with servants attending to him night and day, and as he got older he frequented many balls in search of a suitor. While he obviously had to hide his homosexuality, he was lucky to have found like-minded older men (typically in their late 20s and early 30s) that he could court and play silly love games with.

Ilya's world of course came crashing down in the year 1917 where two very traumatic events rocked his entire world: the Russian Revolution saw the end of the Romanov dynasty as well as created a new system of government thanks to the Soviets; and in the midst of this uprising, Ilya was kidnapped and forcibly turned into a vampire by a man who tricked him with great powers of seduction. While Ilya never saw that vampire again (and he could go for an eternity not seeing him ever again in all honesty), he gained a thirst for blood and would appear forever twenty-two until only God knew when.

It was here that Ilya began to suffer his first of many hardships; once a pretty noble who got everything he wanted, now he was fleeing his homeland in tattered clothes as a creature of the night. Luckily for him, he was taken in by a clan in Prague and he settled there for ten years under the tutelage of the clan's leader, learning how to hone his vampiric skills and to become more confident in what he was. During this time, he performed the ritual that would keep his more human appearance so he could blend into society better, using a crystal to contain a sliver of his soul with the help of a witch and a silver token. It is thanks to this ritual and these items that Ilya decided to walk among mortals once more in the 1930s.

Ilya had been born with a beautiful tenor voice and loved to sing growing up, thus, he wanted to use his voice to get ahead in the world. He started off in small establishments such as pubs, singing for the crowds who were captivated by his lovely voice. When the second world war began, Ilya found himself fleeing once again, this time from Europe to America, leaving the clan in Prague behind but staying in contact with them as much as possible. From the late 1930s to the present day, Ilya remained in America keeping a low profile until he decided to resume singing for smaller establishments just as he did before in Europe. In a short time, he was discovered by someone with connections to the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, and it was there that Ilya began his operatic career as "The Lovely Tenor."

In the present day, when it was revealed that vampires and other supernatural creatures did in fact exist, Ilya breathed a sigh of relief. He no longer felt the need to hide his true nature, and even if mortals rejected him for it, his beauty and voice were enough to stun them into silence, to make them love and adore him. He decided to go on a national tour, where his latest stop landed him in New Las Vegas for a performance. He isn't into the political affairs between vampires and witches, and is focused on himself and having a good time with handsome men.

Aspirations & Fears: Deep down, Ilya is a very insecure person, which is why he's so obsessed with people loving him and worshipping the ground he walks on. Being a perfectionist as well, he refuses to be less than spectacular - especially when he is onstage performing. He has a constant fear of being seen as "not good enough" and not just as a singer but as a person in general. On top of this, he is also afraid of commitment and falling in love, which is why he prefers flings with other men rather than something solid. His greatest aspiration is to be remembered fondly by all who hear his voice...or well, to be remembered at all.

Quirks: Ilya has OCD and must have everything in his home arranged in a certain way and in certain colors/designs in each room. One thing out of place and he will break down into a huge tantrum, and it isn't pretty when that happens.

Abilities: Alacrity (Ilya can move with great speed to the point he is almost a blur to the human eye); heightened senses (Ilya's sight, smell, taste, sense of touch and hearing are heightened to where he can sense things even a mile away); Seduction (Ilya can use his beauty and charms to woo mortals, specifically mortal men, into doing whatever he wants them to do. The effect only lasts up to five minutes and does not work on witches).

Extra: Ilya can speak Russian, French and English.

Memento Mori: Accepted and acknowledged.

i still see it all...

memories that remain.

♡coded by uxie♡

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i am an animal, you see that. i don't have words, they didn't teach me words

  • requisite.

    full name

    Avdotia Blackfort


    around 100, presents as 24


    male | he/him


    demiromantic | bisexual


    occasionally a performer at any bar that will have him





    human form

    pale, angrodynous young man, with choppy, straight thin white hair that goes up to his shoulders. fully black eyes. skinny, often wears old, tattered clothes.

    stallion form

    a black, extremely dark horse with a pure white mane and tail.


    shapeshifting; can turn into a horse or human form at will. his human form is a little more flexible, he can make himself look slightly older or younger, and slightly alter his body type, but he always smells a little like dirty water, and his skin feels a little slimy if you pay attention.

    underwater proficiency; can't drown, is a good swimmer, is physically stronger in water than on land.

♡coded by uxie♡





  • the

    Diet Mountain Dew,
    Baby New York City
    Never was there ever
    A girl so pretty

    I Bet On Losing Dogs


    character name

    Pimrinth Love


    57, appears to be 23


    May 13, 1967

    gender identity

    Not applicable, femme-aligned (she/they)








    Scottish, though she currently resides in Japan


    Lola’s handmaiden, also doubles as the house’s caretaker


    Sabrina Carpenter

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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art by



"I prefer to listen."

The Faceless False Prophet

Name: Anathema, true name is Collette Maria Notkin
Age: 55 (looks to be about 27)
Species: Queenborne/Kingborne
Gender Identity: Tired Lady
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pan

Information Broker. Discrete Messenger.

Height: 6’0
Weight: 170 pounds
General: Makes an effort to make sure no one knows what she actually looks like. People could recognize her by her tone of voice, which has a low feminine timber to it, with an Cascadian accent.
Clothes: Wears a reflective mask that is difficult to remove. Many layers of grey and black clothing, hood included. Sensible shoes.

Personality & Background
Morally grey diplomat. Pragmatic, clever, tough, kind once you get below the layers.

Anathema was born to two immigrant parents as Collette Maria Notkin, somewhere in the Rockies of North America. She never settled down anywhere, though her and her folks kept to themselves anyway. Her affinity for controlling the elements around her came to no surprise and was even expected. Although her parents were somewhat weak in magic, Collette seemed particularly gifted in terraforming. She was praised for it. Though it was unknown to Collette why they kept her away from others.
Due to the childhood loneliness, Collette made her own friends. Dolls made of living wood, almost golem like creatures of clay, animating them through her own humors. She quickly learned how numbing having too many 'friends' caused, her parents discovering the new development in her abilities after they found her sitting outside, surrounded by moving figures of animals and people made of smooth stone, wood, and plants. Collette had been out there for hours, staring off into space while her 'toys' moved about in shambles, as if they were putting on a sort of play. She didnt come to until most of the toys were destroyed.
Just before her teens, Collette began experimenting with her puppets. What materials made for the best bodies. How much of herself she could put into them. And so, naturally, it wasnt long until she began to wonder if she could put more than just herself into these dolls. She tried with animals, though nothing beyond physical augments seemed to happen. Bird puppets could now fly, but they didnt sing unless she prompted them to. So, confident that nothing bad would befall them, Collette plucked an aspect from each of her parents. To her disappointment, the puppets only gained her parents abilities, not their personalities or free will. She was still without friends.
Collette was allowed to go to school in her teens, though it was restricted. A few of her classmates became friends, or more acquaintances, but there was always something barring her from connecting with them. An absence she could not describe. Largely, she wasnt interested in what most people her age were fascinated about. She didnt understand why her classmates cried, or most any emotion at all. Collette had feelings of her own of course, but they seemed to be buried, or came up at the 'wrong' time. Nothing like her peers. But she tried. The rest of her adolescence was spent observing people. Trying to understand them. Become apart of something. Though, even with those she was considered close to, even though most people saw her as a friendly and pleasant person, no one truly knew her. Although she could mimic their behaviors, see their perspective, she still didnt understand her peers and their motivations. Even her parents were beginning to feel like a seperate species.
So, one night, she left.
Without a word, Collette decided to try and find people she could connect to. Shirking her name for one she felt fit her better. It wasnt until she reacted the city that Anathema started her own small business cultivating her gifts to get by. Using her 'dopples' to seemingly have her teleport around town, being killed but never dying, infiltrating businesses and organizations, trading information that only insiders would know. Making enemies as well as allies.
Things became dangerous rather quickly. To avoid anyone finding out about her and her abilities, and given that she couldnt make exactly identical dopples even of herself, Anathema donned the mirror mask. Six masks for six bodies.
It wasnt until she started to make a name for herself as an information broker that she met Prue Boone. Anathema knew about the Boone bloodline. A bit about their prophecies. But the aura from Prue's child out shown her own like the moon to the sun. The brightest soul Anathema had ever seen. It was the first and last time Anathema plucked a fragment of a fetus' soul to make a dopple. Since then, Anathema has kept a keen eye on Varrick Boone, adjusting her dopple whenever she had the chance, not pushing her luck around the old vampire. This also pulled her further into witch politics. Though there is still more she wishes to learn. To observe.

Brutally honest if not a bit curt.
Makes a point not to be cruel to animals or children.
Secretly a bit jacked and is quite nimble.
Wise. Charismatic enough to get by.
Lies by omission but otherwise has excellent candor.

Aspirations & Fears
Likes: Music, letters, exploration.
Dislikes: Bright light, bureaucracy.
Fears: To be perceived without understanding.

Mimic: (The combination of Nature and Expression magics) Anathema can create a body double of anyone she can physically see. On the surface, this 'dopple' is created through anathema's observations of the person, so some dopples have mannequin like features. It is impossible for her to make an exact copy, even of herself, so there is always a tell, particularly small ones. Internally, she plucks a small part of a nearby person's soul to bind with her own within the dopple. The dopples themselves have no thoughts or memories, but instead shares a telepathic link between themselves and Anathema. Whatever the dopple hears, sees, feels, Anathema also has a connection to.
Because of this, Anathema can only have 1-6 dopples at a time, the maximum being the most difficult to maintain, causing her to have to 'sleep' in order to focus (only five can be properly active at one time).
When a dopple 'dies', the soul fragments return to their original hosts. It feels like a rubber band snapping back into place.
Anathema can make a dopple in a split second, but she is limited by who is around her, and what materials are nearby to use for the body.
Dopples preform their abilities better the more the vessel looks like the original.
It is possible for her to create a dopple of herself, but they only have her ability to 'mimic'. Therefore only useful for footwork and recon.

Nature: The creation of vessels through her will. She creates the body of her 'dopples' from materials found around her. The highest quality dopples are made directly from flesh and bone, whereas the lower quality dopples can be put together with whatever fibers are nearby. Like a homunculus.

Expression: Binds an aspect of a soul to a vessel. A fragment which preforms the soul's abilities. If its her own soul, then it forms a telepathic connection that works like a puppet. No more than two soul fragments can inhabit a vessel, otherwise it becomes unstable.
Souls like to be in bodies they are familiar with.
Anathema can 'sense auras' by examining the soul in front of her, giving her a good idea of its capabilities. This is a general potency scale that determines the 'size' of a soul and doesnt give her any specific information.

Wants genuine connection with other people. But her expressive magic has affected her mind and soul, making her move through life like an observer from the outside.
She chose a mirrored mask because of that feeling.

Momento Mori
"Even in death, some part of me will live on~"

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
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