Everything's Shiny Cap'n
- One on One
Ruby wasted no time in delving into the tidbit of information Jasper had slid her way and Grim had to struggle to remain stone faced and not break out into a smile as she prodded him with curious assumptions. Instead he folded his arms over his chest and took a deliberate step towards her so that she would have to angle her head back to look at him.
"Dark horse?" He scoffed out the words, his mouth curling down in mock displeasure. "Stallion is more like it... all wild and-" he leaned down his hands bracketing her hips on either side of the bed as he hovered over her, a wry smile curling over his lips- "untamed." He gave her a frim kiss then, one that told her in no uncertain terms that despite his words he'd do anything for her. Pulling away he settled onto the cot next to her, his back leaning against the wall and his legs resting easily over the edge. "Jasper convinced me to go twice- though once he started getting into it I bailed. I didn't need to see him like that." Grim's nose crinkled at the memory of Jaspers bare backside as he eagerly rushed for Martha. In an effort to think of something else Grim slid his hand over to Ruby's lacing his fingers with hers.
"I think if anyone could turn this place around it would be you Ruby. You have this annoying trait where you inspire others to be... good." Grim rumbled out, his hand squeezing hers as they lounged together. When the contact of their hands wasn't enough he unlatched them and threw his arm over Ruby's shoulder, drawing her tight to his side. "I don't know how you do it, but it's fucking awful." He chided sarcastically and yet fondly at the same time.
He held her like that for a long while, and they watched as the shadows began to grow longer as the day passed. They played games, cards mostly- falling back on the game that had brought them together in the first place, and when their tummies were full of more canned stew the three of them decided to curl up together on the small cot. With Stanley pressed against his back and Ruby nestled at his chest Grim felt a sense of peace so deep that he couldn't help but almost feel choked up about it, there was no place he would rather be. The cellar was dark, save for the soft pale moonlight that filtered through one of the high up windows and Grim took advantage of the light, his gaze turned down to Ruby as she slept.
"I love you little one." He whispered the words.
Jasper came for them the following afternoon, looking incredibly mussed but well loved all the same. The men that surrounded him seemed to stiffen as Grim emerged from the cellar, helping Ruby up the final step, and Grim took great pleasure in knowing that despite everything there were still folks out there that still feared him and what he was capable of.
"There's my adorable friends!" Jasper held his arms open wide and Grim spotted a number of marks on the artists neck that had not been there on his last visit. "See guys, I told you he isn't scary anymore." Jasper gestured to Grim like he was nothing more than a kitty cat. Grim growled in response and one of the men startled, struggling to keep his footing. That just made Jasper laugh some more and he turned his kind gaze to Ruby. "Are you ready for this sweetheart?"
"Dark horse?" He scoffed out the words, his mouth curling down in mock displeasure. "Stallion is more like it... all wild and-" he leaned down his hands bracketing her hips on either side of the bed as he hovered over her, a wry smile curling over his lips- "untamed." He gave her a frim kiss then, one that told her in no uncertain terms that despite his words he'd do anything for her. Pulling away he settled onto the cot next to her, his back leaning against the wall and his legs resting easily over the edge. "Jasper convinced me to go twice- though once he started getting into it I bailed. I didn't need to see him like that." Grim's nose crinkled at the memory of Jaspers bare backside as he eagerly rushed for Martha. In an effort to think of something else Grim slid his hand over to Ruby's lacing his fingers with hers.
"I think if anyone could turn this place around it would be you Ruby. You have this annoying trait where you inspire others to be... good." Grim rumbled out, his hand squeezing hers as they lounged together. When the contact of their hands wasn't enough he unlatched them and threw his arm over Ruby's shoulder, drawing her tight to his side. "I don't know how you do it, but it's fucking awful." He chided sarcastically and yet fondly at the same time.
He held her like that for a long while, and they watched as the shadows began to grow longer as the day passed. They played games, cards mostly- falling back on the game that had brought them together in the first place, and when their tummies were full of more canned stew the three of them decided to curl up together on the small cot. With Stanley pressed against his back and Ruby nestled at his chest Grim felt a sense of peace so deep that he couldn't help but almost feel choked up about it, there was no place he would rather be. The cellar was dark, save for the soft pale moonlight that filtered through one of the high up windows and Grim took advantage of the light, his gaze turned down to Ruby as she slept.
"I love you little one." He whispered the words.
Jasper came for them the following afternoon, looking incredibly mussed but well loved all the same. The men that surrounded him seemed to stiffen as Grim emerged from the cellar, helping Ruby up the final step, and Grim took great pleasure in knowing that despite everything there were still folks out there that still feared him and what he was capable of.
"There's my adorable friends!" Jasper held his arms open wide and Grim spotted a number of marks on the artists neck that had not been there on his last visit. "See guys, I told you he isn't scary anymore." Jasper gestured to Grim like he was nothing more than a kitty cat. Grim growled in response and one of the men startled, struggling to keep his footing. That just made Jasper laugh some more and he turned his kind gaze to Ruby. "Are you ready for this sweetheart?"