This is the End.


By reading this, you have now become part of this disaster.

Now, DO NOT stop reading this. You're life could depend on it. I'm serious.

By reading this, you have more knowledge, and you may have a chance of surviving.

This is it.

The End is Coming Near.

and ιт ѕтarтѕ now.



Welcoмe тo нell

I never thought this would happen. Being part of a team, and saving the world. I thought I would end up working at a thrift store. Having a girl-friend every weekend. But I guess this is better. In someways. In other ways, it horrible. You and your team carry the world on your shoulders. And everyone's lives are at stake, and you and a couple of other kids are the only ones who can save everyone.

It's a lot to take in. But, I don't think anyone else is going to do it.

I live in Montana, where the rest of us live. I don't know where, but somewhere within the state.

I know this because I got a call one day, from a lady named, Rosa Ridden. And she said there are others like me. And that we are all suppose to meet her where ever she lives.

And so now, I'm packing light. To go meet her at the capital of this state.


Wish me luck, because your live depends on it.

Oh, and by the way, my name's Emmett. And I'm seventeen.

And you'll probably see me and my team fight the world's worst people, on TV.

And if you do have the chance to see it, cheer us on and cross your fingers.

We'll need all the luck we can get.

Wakes up "another day in this h***hole" grabs a gun strip cleans it and puts it a holster"dang running out of ammo"
Ashlee woke up in her small apartment in Montana to a phone ringing itself off the hook. After the first few rings she gathered the courage to pick up the phone right next to her bed. "'Llo?" Ash mumbled. The female voice on the other end introduced herself as Ms. Rosa Ridden. Then she said that Ashlee was to meet her and the other savers of the world in Helena. Soon. "Wh-wha...?" Ash replied groggily. But the voice on the other end was already gone. Ughh. Sh*t. Can't a person get any rest around here? I mean, I know I have to save the world but COME ON PEOPLE, Ashlee thought. Then she dropped the landline phone on the floor and dropped herself back on her bed.

When she woke up in a few hours, Ash began packing, but only things that were necessary. Like five pairs of pajamas and three backup toothbrushes. I never was good at packing light, she thought to herself, surveying the two duffel bags and one rollaway luggage she had planned on needing. Ah, screw it. Ashlee ended up taking a small backpack with a change of clothes, her phone, a charger, pencils, and a notepad. She wore this outfit to leave her house.
Birkita woke up, she had things packed from last night. Since she lost her family she's been living in a motel. Leaving extremely early and brought her bow and Olympia out of the bag for defense. She walked around, the fate of the world is in her and many others hands.
Tom slung his pack on his shoulder and continued walking. Before he left he got a call telling him to go to Helena. Such a weird name. 'I hope it ends better then Helen of Troy,' he thought reaching the city limits. He then went inside the limits and began looking for the "others like him."
Birkita looked at her map to Helena, knowing where to go, she marched off onto the streets. It wasn't pretty, she walked with a stone face, trying to ignore the beggers and the poor families she needs to help. But, she must save the world. No time to waste. She was close since she's in Montana. Keeping her weapons close she marched day and night and finally reached it. Looking around, Birkita looked for others.
Tom walked down the streets when he bumped into somebody. Collecting himself he mumbled. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Then he looked up and saw the girl in the face. The message repeated in his mind, 'The ones like you." He then looked her in the eyes and smiled. "Going to save the ay'e?" (Sorry I my posts might be a bit piratey i just watched pirates of the Caribbean.)
Birkita walked through and bumped into this guy, she looked into his eyes questioning. But, he smiled and said, "Going to save the ay'e?" I guess she found someone like her! She contained her excitement then nodded and stook out her hand, "I'm Birkita, and you are..?"
He stared at her hand having no idea what she was doing. "I am Tomus. But call me Tom." He then went back to looking at her hand wondering what she was doing. "If I may ask why are you sticking your hand at me?" His hand fell to his bow wondering if she was threatening him.
Birkita smiled at his question, she just shook his hand. "Ever heard of a hand shake?" She asked and nodded, she kept this look at him for a few seconds. Feeling happy she found someone, but noticed she was still holding his hand. "Oops sorry" She let go and wiped her hand on her jeans. Then looked around, "Where are the others?" She asked
"What is a hand shake," he said with his confused face on. "Lets go somewhere more private." He then pulled her deep in a alleyway. "We don't want people to overhear." He then let go of her. "You are the first one I have met. Have you found any others?"
Birkita laughed before being pulled into an alley. "No I haven't" She answered. "Have you?" She asked, but looked around, "Yeah, this is superr private alright" She said sarcastically. But, blew it off and looked at him. "You need some food? Water?" She packed her bow, but kept her Olympia in hand. 
(Hey I'm going to bed, rp in the morning![Central Time])
"That would be nice. But I haven't ate or drank in weeks. If you don't count rain and stream water." He then smiled thinking it was a joke. "No I have not found any others would you like to come with me and find them?"
Birkita opened her bag and gave him an apple with two granola bars. "This will help keep you going, if you need more, ask me" She found an apple herself and ate it. "And sure we can go" She said with her mouth full.Birkita swallowed and was ready.
Tom looked at the food then looked at her. In a few seconds the food as gone and in his stomach. This would keep him alive for a day or 2. "Then lets go." He then began to walk out of the ally way looking closely.
Emmett looked at his suitcase and sighed. "Another day." He said to himself, and closed it shut. He grabbed his keys and headed towards the front door. "Bye Ma." He said, hugging her, and then his little sisters, Agnis and Max. "Be good."

He stood back up and saw his father. "I'll be seeing you Leland." He said, never calling his father 'Dad', but calling him by his name. "I'll be gone for a bit. You know. To college." He said, lying to his parents. He didn't want to tell them that he was off to save the world. Because if he did, he won't be able to. And everyone's lives are at stake.

He smiled to him family he would miss.

He grabbed the door handle and opened it. The sun greeted him as he walked to his car. He popped open the trunk, trowing his suit case in. And then he got in the driver's seat of his 2013 red mustang. He opened the window and waved his family 'good-bye.'

"I'll be back in a couple of years." He said, and closed the window. "If I don't die." He mumbled to himself, turning the car on. He watched his family wave to him, his sisters smiled, his father waving, and his mother crying. He put on some black shades and he drove out of the driveway.

"Now let's go kick some evil butt." He grinned.

And before he knew it, he was on the high way headed for Helena.

About half n' hour later, he arrived. He parked next to a building where Rosa told him to go to meet her. In the STW Building. He wondered what 'STW' meant, but he shrugged it off. He got out of the car, standing next to it. He wore a casual outfit.

He sighed and walked in the building, not knowing what would await him.

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After the long train ride to Helena, Ashlee exited the station and tried to remember where the lady on the phone had told her to meet the others. Some building... Well that's helpful. Where should I go? She asked herself. Just then Ash saw a building with a sign that said: "STW Building". Out loud, she said, "Hey! That rings a bell!" Then she shut up at the looks people were giving her. Ashlee noticed a seemingly expensive red sports car pull up to the building, and a guy get out of the car and enter. Wonder if he's part of this, too, Ash thought as she entered the building. Addressing the casually-clad guy, Ashlee asked, "Are you part of the save-the-world people too? If not this could be kind of awkward..."
Picks up a gun grabs mp3 puts in headphones and puts gun in holster and heads to the STW building.Opens the door and pulls out gun and strips the gun " am I late ?" Cocks the gun loads it then puts it back in the holster and smiles.pulls hood over head.
Tom lead her to the STW building and saw the gathering people there. He smiled and looked behind him. "I think we have found the group he then walked forward and stood there awkwardly. When he saw the gun he took a step back and his hand fell to his bow. "Why do you have that out." He then pointed to he sign saying, "No weapons weapons allowed." He then pulling his hoodie farther over his bow.
"Oops sorry but um I need this with me at all times so let it go im fine. Not like im going to shoot you." puts headphones in ears "Besides this is the place right?" sits down. "Because if its not ill give you three seconds to answer. Why are you here part of the group?"
Emmett looked up to see a girl walking towards him. She had just left the building. She had medium long hair, dark as the night. And she had bright green eyes that people could see from miles away. She wore an outfit that most guys loved seeing on a girl. Including himself. "Hello." He said, bowing his head a bit, and pulling the sun-glasses off a bit. He grinned and nodded. "Yeah, that's me all right." He said, standing up, and then leaning against his car.

He heard noise and cocked his head to towards a different direction. There were two more guys coming this way. They looked similar, both having messy blonde hair and almond eyes. And both with light skin. One had closed eyes, a stern look. The other seemed more open, an was carrying a gun. And his hair seemed seemed to curl upward a bit, while the others was wrapped around his head. He heard then arguing, and smirked. "Be careful with that. I hope you know what you're doing with it." He crossed his arms and stepped away from his car, locking it. "Oh, and the name's Emmett." He said, introducing himself. "And you are?" He said, gesturing to all of them.
Ashlee watched Emmett pull off the black sunglasses for probably too long, and noticed that he had long eyelashes. She then abruptly introduced herself to the group as well. "Um, I'm Ashlee. Also from the save the world thing." She noticed the other guys and hoped she wasn't going to be the only girl. Then she saw another girl with brown hair. Relieved, she added, "You can call me Ash if you want. I'm sixteen, live by myself so I didn't have to come up with an excuse to leave." With an awkward half-laugh, she looked down at her boots. Ash shifted and played with her hair, waiting for someone else to put themselves out there in an introduction.
Seeing the woman walk out of the building he rolled his eyes. He seemed it be the only boy that could keep his eyes off her. He stepped up there and saw the car. He almost ran to it and stared. He then turned to its owner. "How did you get that," he asked his eyes still on the car straight from heaven.

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