(this cs was created using @FireMaiden and @Umbra Regalia 's)
NamePlease enter your character's first and last name, as well as middle name if you would like.)
Age (16+):
Race (Reaper or Winged): (You can be either if you prefer)
Physical description: Please describe your character's physical appearance. If you do not wish to have a picture, this is needed and even if you have a picture this is strongly recommended to help us.
Mental State: Please list any mental disorders, or impairments your character has. Also mention if there is any medication they take, last mention if they are sane or not and why (If they are not sane)
Outfit: (optional. If you choose to include on, remember this is a dystonia future, and to include a half/full face mask (For the winged)) (If you are a reaper this is not optional and reapers must have a cloak over them)
Angel/Reaper rank: (If you dont know what this is please look at the rules)
Wings (if you are a Winged)(picture is allowed here):
Preferred Weapon/any current weapons:
Preferred fighting style:
Skills/Talents (at least three):
Strengths & Weaknesses (at least 3):
Fears (at least three):
Likes (at least three):
Dislikes (at least three):
Combat Experience: Please describe your character's experience with combat, and explain. (ex. Generic Character used to take karate lessons, granting him the experience with martial arts)
Bio(optional): (highly recommended)
Mannerisms (habits, things they do like nail biting):
Theme: (Optional)
(Hope i didn't miss anything that was needed)
NamePlease enter your character's first and last name, as well as middle name if you would like.)
Age (16+):
Race (Reaper or Winged): (You can be either if you prefer)
Physical description: Please describe your character's physical appearance. If you do not wish to have a picture, this is needed and even if you have a picture this is strongly recommended to help us.
Mental State: Please list any mental disorders, or impairments your character has. Also mention if there is any medication they take, last mention if they are sane or not and why (If they are not sane)
Outfit: (optional. If you choose to include on, remember this is a dystonia future, and to include a half/full face mask (For the winged)) (If you are a reaper this is not optional and reapers must have a cloak over them)
Angel/Reaper rank: (If you dont know what this is please look at the rules)
Wings (if you are a Winged)(picture is allowed here):
Preferred Weapon/any current weapons:
Preferred fighting style:
Skills/Talents (at least three):
Strengths & Weaknesses (at least 3):
Fears (at least three):
Likes (at least three):
Dislikes (at least three):
Combat Experience: Please describe your character's experience with combat, and explain. (ex. Generic Character used to take karate lessons, granting him the experience with martial arts)
Bio(optional): (highly recommended)
Mannerisms (habits, things they do like nail biting):
Theme: (Optional)
(Hope i didn't miss anything that was needed)
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