Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]


Drunken master
Things you should know:

I've decided to offer up to 5 bonus points for each of character backstory and some nice artwork.

More to follow if/when necessary.
Sounds good to me. Can we hold off on the IC thread until everyone's gotten their characters in? I haven't even finished developing and fleshing out my concept... -_-
Thanks. I'm still trying to finish my Abyssal character up for xarvh's game, so attempting to think about two different characters around the same time is making my head swim. @_@
Yeah, holding off would be nice. I too am in the middle of building a character for another game (which will be done soon, Myllinnia, I swear!), but I will have my stuff in as soon as I can.
A bunch of games on this forum use a houserule that makes it so that the purchase of each Sorcery/Necromancy initiation Charm provides provides you with a free spell (in my own game, I require that spell to be the associated Countermagic). Would you be open to implementing it here as well?
Upon asking Sarky (who is currently playing the Civilisation boardgame in my kitchen), he says that rule's in place. I don't think he's limiting it to countermagic, though.

He'd like to note that this is a Realm game, and sorcerors have a certain social stigma attached. Just so you're aware.
Hahaha, nice. Thanks!

By the by... I don't think I've ever played the Civ board game. I know I've seem it somewhere, though. How is it?
Yup, Sorcerers get a free spell, no, it's not limited to Countermagic (if you think you're able to get by without it that's entirely up to you :) ), you can forego up to 2 starting charms for more spells. Anyone choosing to have their character attend the Heptagram gets a dot of Reputation ("not OUR sort of people"), for being a an icky demon-summoning Immaculate Philosophy-shunning oddball.

Civ boardgame will take you 6-7 hours to play. Probably a whole weekend if you use the advanced rules. But it's interesting. Like Risk, but with better mechanics.
Only two starting Charms can be swapped? Damn... Gonna have to pick carefully. Any chance you'd allow just one more :P ? Starting with Essence 3 is a bit taxing (especially for Dragon-Blooded), so spending BP on extra spells is going to be pretty much nigh-impossible.

How are you on starting with texts and such of spells (ie: a copy of the White and Black Treatises, or something like that)?
I don't see much of a problem with that. Realm sorcerers tend to have easy access to spells. It's getting the XP and free time to study, practice and learn them when they could be amassing vast wealth and glory that keeps most Dragon-Bloods from knowing them all.

In other words, fine, but you'll still need to spend XP and time learning new ones. And a large book of First Age lore just lying around like that could prove a tempting target for thieves. Just saying, is all. I'm not for a minute suggesting that someone is going to nick your stuff... ^_^

And ok, you twisted my arm, you can swap up to 4 charms for spells if you REALLY want to. :)
But of course. Time shouldn't be as much of an issue, if the assumption that Elemental Concentration Trance works with training Spells is correct (since the only way to get spells aside from making them from scratch is to have them in text form and ECT works on absorbing knowledge from text).

And as far as thieves go, the White and Black Treatises are available anywhere in the Realm (provided you're a Dynast) for Resources 3 (Artifact 1) or in the Threshold for Resources 4. Of course, they could make a pretty penny off it, but it's not like these things aren't difficult to come by :P . That said, if I make some of my own customized assortments of spells in text (with your blessing, of course), those may be quite a bit more attractive, especially if some of the spells within them are less commonly used/known of.
fhgwdads05 said:
But of course. Time shouldn't be as much of an issue, if the assumption that Elemental Concentration Trance works with training Spells is correct (since the only way to get spells aside from making them from scratch is to have them in text form and ECT works on absorbing knowledge from text)
What about the Salinan Working?
My understanding was that once you'd progressed through whatever trials the Working required for a given level of sorcery, anything at that level was pretty much fair game to learn and use. Learning sorcery is a fair sacrifice in itself.
Huh? The Salinan working allows for just about anyone and everyone to be initiated into the Emerald Circle. In order to actually learn spells, you still have to go about it the normal way - through weeks with studying texts and practice, or spending months (or potentially years, if you don't have a lab/materials) creating them.

EDIT: You can't learn a spell without having text-based knowledge of one. If you don't have the actual theories and explanations down in writing, you're basically (re)creating a spell from memory (which takes a hell of a lot longer).
Chaka said:
Oh, I know, I meant can't sorcerors learn spells without texts via the Working anyway?
Those cases are so rare I'm not bothering to do anything with them. :)
Yep. But just to make sure: Was I correct in my assumption regarding Elemental Concentration Trance and learning spells by studying texts? (that it works)
It works in so far as you can learn the theory of the spell in a jiffy. Practical training in the spell however can't be boosted, and that'll still take up time.

I assume that learning a new spell is equal parts theory and practical, so using Elemental Concentration Trance to get the Theory down quickly will HALF the time needed to learn that spell. So if a Solar Circle spell takes 3 weeks to learn normally, you could use that charm to do it in just over 10 days.
Fair enough, so roughly 3 days and a few extra hours of training (assumed four, as normal training is eight hours in a day) instead of a week.

Is it also safe to say that Elemental Concentration Trance can be used to train one's Lore ability? After all, Lore governs the various knowledges and sciences, and one could only assume you'd train that by reading books on the subjects. ;)

EDIT: For spells, that's with a tutor; without one it's more like eight days (a week and a day) instead of two weeks.
Interesting idea. I'm going to say yes, but only if you're reading books you've not read before. I think failing an Intelligence/Lore roll upon examining a book would qualify it as previously unread. :)

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