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"These stinking rich people..."

Jade blinked in surprise as she felt Hikaru put her arms around her and shook her head. "It's fine." She said. "I'm not uncomfortable." She noticed Fujioka waving to her and smiled a little, waving back as she got in position to play Volleyball, on the same team as Hikaru.
"Are you good at playing volleyball? I am not that great at it..." said Hikaru with a smile. Hikaru went to her position as well, but she looked over at the guys and noticed Matsumoto. "You know... sometimes I wonder why the girls like him so much.. " said Hikaru.

Standing behind Keme in the distance the strange girl was just muttering to herself. "What should I do? Ayanami told me to make friends with her... I am not sure how to even approach her."She started to walk towards Keme, but moved back again.

Kazuki was absorbed in his rematches that he didn't know Keme was in the same gym.

Akihiro has always been a kid who was good at tennis and his stamina was in good shape too, so having rematches over and over really didn't bother him. "Matsumoto, don't be such a sore loser. It doesn't look that good," said Akihiro.
Jade shrugged at Hikaru's question. "I'm decent I suppose." She said before looking in the same direction as Hikaru and rolling her eyes. "Same here." She muttered before the game started and she served the ball to the other team.
"You seem like your pretty good at it," said Hikaru as she watched the ball carefully. When the ball eventually came back to their side, Hikaru slid to try and keep it in play, but instead it hit the girl that was following Keme around.

The girl had moved closer again and was suddenly hit by a volleyball. "What...? Just happened?" She fell to the ground

Hikaru's eyes widened when she saw the girl get hit. She rushed over to the girl and said, "Hey, are you okay?"
Jade also hurried over to the girl and knelt beside her. "Well, she isn't unconscious, that's good." She said as she offered the girl her hand. "Are you ok? Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?"
The strange girl that got hit by ball started to touch her head, and she noticed that Keme was holding out her hand towards her. At first she hesitated to take her hand, but she thought to herself: This is my chance. I can take advantage of this situation. She ends up grabbing Keme's hand and says, "Yes, could you take me to the nurse's office? I am feeling kind of dizzy..." The girl starts to look away from Keme because the guilt she felt from her lie.

Hikaru looks at Keme and says, "You can go ahead and I'll cover for you."
Jade nodded her thanks to Hikaru and helps the girl up. "You can lean on me if you need to." She said as she began guiding her to the nurse's office. "I'm Jade Keme by the way. What's your name?" She asked.
The girl hesitated to answer, but she thought it would pointless to lie about her name. "My name is Yumeko Minami... Thank you for your help..." Yumeko started leaning on Keme to fake her dizziness.

Kazuki happened to see Keme when she was walking off with some girl with glasses. Where is she going? he thought to himself.
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Jade nodded and supported Minami the whole way to the nurses office. "It's no trouble. I'm sorry you got hurt." She replied as they walked down the hall.
"Thank you for your help. I just feel dizzy..." replied Yumeko. Yumeko started to feel more guilt because of Keme's genuine kindness. Something no one really had. "I actually have something to say to you..."
Jade glanced over at her curiously. "What's that?" She asked as they neared the nurse's office.
Yumeko started to think to herself about whether or not to tell Keme the truth. "Ummm... I...." said Yumeko unable to betray Yukino Ayanami. "It's about... Aya...I mean thanks for taking me to the nurse's office. I don't want to get bullied again like before. I can't say it.
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Jade blinked in confusion when she started to say Aya then nodded uncertainly. "No problem..." She murmured as she helped her sit down on one of the beds and told the nurse what happened. "Are you alright if I head back to the Gym or would you rather I stayed a bit?" She asked.
Yumeko touches her head and smiles. "I'll be fine... I hope... I think I should just lay down," replied Yumeko. "I shouldn't be any more of a burden than I am right now."
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Jade frowned as the girl said that. "You're not a burden. You got hurt. It happens. Don't worry about it. Just feel better." She reached over and patted her shoulder reassuringly.
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Yumeko smiled at Keme's words. This isn't the time to be feeling happy over words. You need to help Ayanami thought Yumeko. "Thank you again for bringing me here. Could I... maybe hang out with you tomorrow..?" said Yumeko. She felt like she needed to be friends with Keme so Ayanami would praise her.

Kazuki was being kind of nosy and stalkerish; he had left the gym to follow Keme and no one said anything because his family was one of richest in the school. He didn't really follow that well, so he was just standing in the middle of hallway wondering which way she went. Feeling kind of stupid for his actions he started to think about going back. He started to head toward the gym, but he ended up walking to a vending machine. He was feeling kind of thirsty.

Meanwhile back in the gym, Akihiro was still playing tennis. He didn't really care for Matsumoto leaving because he was kind of bored playing with Matsumoto over and over again.
Jade blinked in surprise at Minami's request but nodded softly. "I don't see a problem with that. You seem like a nice girl." She said and offered her an unpracticed smile, seeming not used to it though it seemed the appropriate thing to do at the moment. She then turned to the door. "If you don't need anything else I'm gonna head back to the gym. Feel better."
"That was one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me..." said Yumeko as she faced down. Yumeko wasn't use to people actually being nice which caused her to feel more guilty. Yumeko looked up when Keme headed to the door. "See you..."
Jade began walking back to gym when she spotted matsumoto. "What are you doing out here."
Surprised by the sudden voice behind him, Kazuki jumped a little because he wasn't expecting anyone to be around. "He turned around to face Keme. "I didn't expect to see you here. I was... just getting some water..." replied Kazuki as he held up a water bottle he got from the vending machine.
Jade nodded and started walking past him. "Ok, well, gym is almost over, we need to get back."
Kazuki surprised again by the fact she knew he was suppose to be in gym. "Does that mean you saw me in gym?" He didn't move for a bit and started to follow Keme. "Were you watching? You didn't see everything, right?" Kazuki was hoping Keme didn't see him losing to Fujioka.
A bit disappointed that she didn't watch, but Kazuki was also relieved she didn't see him lose to Fujioka multiple times. He replied, "Oh." Kazuki started asking Keme questions because this was a moment he was alone with her without Fujioka. "So why did you leave gym class? Did something happen?"
Jade didn't look at him as she replied. "One of the girls in our class, Minami, got hit in the head with a volleyball and I brought her to the nurse's office."

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