These words have power.
Okay so here's the dealio, Alice, the blue eyed, blond haired beauty? Yeah she's gone. Cake |
That's where you come in.
More Below
After that Elizabeth is brought into a Mental Hospital, claiming you as the Mad Hatter as soon as she laid eyes on you. You will be playing a detective on the case and doctor for her since she refuses help from anyone else, it's up to you whenever you start to believe her just don't make it too soon or too late. Elizabeth can die in this don't forget that, she's a young unstable girl in a mental hospital being accused of murder after all and she's impulsive. You're not a real doctor, the medical center and the police force have conceded to allow you to "play" her doctor so that she takes the prescribed medicine and talks, they expect you to give them all the answers they want. It's your choice how you take this, but be careful. Mad Hatter does not have to be a boy.
Okay your cue on entering is first decided by MH (Mad Hatter) if the MH goes home early without Elizabeth then you are to "follow" him home and show yourself once he's inside. Your entrance can be however you want, casual, horrifying, comedic, whatever you feel is necessary to convince him that Wonderland is real. You'll be the only character that can go in and out of Wonderland as you please, you'll have more information on Wonderland then the others so feel free to make up new things to spice the role play up a bit. Another thing Elizabeth and you have known each other for a while, you helped her slip into her Wonderland hallucinations. The Cheshire cat is a boy.
Let me get it out of the way, I don't know much about how your character will be except that your entrance can be at any moment after the Cheshire meets the Mad Hatter, it's up to you how you introduce yourself. You are the closest friend to Elizabeth considering that she's kept you in stuffed rabbit form for years of her life, your death was a sort of release enabling you to take your form, and be released to Wonderland. Be creative with the White Rabbit please, I'm making this character gender neutral meaning that the White Rabbit does not have to be a boy.
Now here are a few things to remember in this role play:
- People can die. I can't stress this enough, Elizabeth is being suspected for murder and (depending on the Mad Hatter) might be sent away permanently to a mental hospital! So you have to be careful and work together, no one is going to get anywhere if we don't communicate.
- I'd a paragraph response, and respond every day or so to make sure the roleplay doesn't burn out.
- If it wasn't obvious, I'd like to make it clear that I am playing Elizabeth (AKA Alice)
- I know this might be a bit of a strange idea, trust me I've gone through it in my head and wondered what made me come up with it but I honestly don't know. I imagine though that this isn't going to be a soft pastel roleplay, please don't enter if you're not okay with horrific moment including extreme violence, mentions of blood/gore.
- Make the plot thicken with your own words, it's true I wrote this but you're contributing! Please remember that you're more than welcome to add you're own twist into this.
- This isn't a 'First come first serve roleplay, I'd like to see other interpretations of the characters choose which one fits best with the roleplay. Make sure that each character has a chemistry to each other, and could be interesting to see interact.
Have fun with this! It's Alice in Wonderland after all, place your profile below of the character that you want. The roleplay is officially done after all parties make it to Wonderland, after that it's over, if those who participate want to keep it going then BAM we will.
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