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Fantasy There's a Beat

Mr.Lurkings Looked At Iurden "Actually , I like to do thinks , More Interests...." he stretched "In my Class , because I was originally a Elementary Teacher we have a In-Class Currency , which , I still use , you can earn it by helping out around the class or by getting high grades on Test , and turn them in to me , for , say a soda , or a snack , or the ability to use the wall to charge your phones , and so on " he sat back in his Chair and faced the whole class "So were All going to write our names and Personal Traits...not to personal dont worry....On pieces of paper , shuffle them in a bucket and then the entire class grabs prices out of the bucket and Matches them to people , one incorrect Guess = you losing one point and getting it correctly means you get one point , however many points each person has in the end is How Many Trap Coins you get , that being our Currency"

Zack sat at the back of the class watching , he Then rose his hand "Do Our Old Trap Coins Count? "

Mr.Lurkings Smiled "Their worth 2 Trap Coins each , a little bonus to anyone who saved them"

Zack softly nodded and lowered his hand

(everyone please message me 3 - 10 traits of your Character )
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Gwen quickly wrapped up her conversations with 2 nods and a smile in thanks for the Graham cracker. She was glad she had gotten to at least begin to get to know her classmates- and with that small bit of happiness began to read the rules of class as they were written on the board. She wouldn't have to worry about the phone part since she didn't have one to play with even if it was allowed- and the rest of the rules seemed pretty reasonable.

Gwen quickly glanced at the final addition to their class- Ally- another hopeful chance at a friend. Before she could even think about motioning her to sit closer to them though, the teacher's announcement about in class currency and the activity caused her to re-focus her attention on the front. Quickly, Gwen began to try to brainstorm some of her own traits- always a harder task than it sounded. Her paper sat blank for several minutes before she could actually start to write things down.

((Ah, sorry for the trouble, but I still can't direct message people yet... not enough posts- could you message me first? Then I can respond. Sorry for the trouble!!))
( Its no problem , I understand ^-^)

( Its no problem , I understand ^-^)
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Ally jotted down her list, although a bit apprehensively. She didnt know if it was right of her to be disclosing information this soon to a classroom of people she'd never met. She'd like to, but it sounded a bit... awkward. Nevertheless she'd finish and continue drawing. Hoping perhaps someone might strike up conversation with her
Iurden sighed and layed his head down on the desk muttering something about not being creative enough and started to write the notes writen on the board. He heard someone move seats and looked around to find that the other girl had moved and is now sitting next to cecily.
(Sorry about the RP going dead for abit , I got sick meaning I got very procrasination-ee ,and Im still sick so sorry if it gets worse xD well anyway I sadly have to skip over Minxa xP but you guys ready? after this we can actually do non-boring stuff because the day is totally a half day and in-school Rping is boring .-.)

"Alright Can Everyone pass forward their sheets please?"

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