[There Will Be No End] Updates or Important Announcements

Harlan said:
So, I can't lead any scenarios solely by myself is what you are implying?
You can... after I approve it. x3

I don't want anything knocking the RP too far off balance because a lot of it is a mystery and you guys don't even know what is going on. xD

[QUOTE="The J]Hmm... If it's possible, might I make one?

Sure if you want to PM Me and start making one that is fine.

divyansh said:
Well if i am dusk slave and i can end up killing rikki i dont mind :C
ThatsAPaddling said:
divyansh, you sadistic bugger.
Also, I don't mind being a dusk when Felix dies, as long as I know how to be one.
Trust me, you guys don't want to be Dusk. I have better things for you guys to be haha. x3

everyone i found the secret behind rice's conspiracy, dont let ur chara die! QwQ
Why don't you skip all formalities and just give my character the crown to Alestan? Since you're already planning something better for me.
Alright guys, I just wanted you to know that the real of the RP will be starting when we get to Falkell. A lot of the journey down the river will be about a bit of bonding time with other characters. After that things will start to get a bit more interesting.

Please don't be afraid to interact with each other.

So I wanted this game to be ran in an almost open world type way. So I wanted to give you guys a bit more freedom to go about and do things not only on your own but with others that dive away from the main story line.

Ask before you start, but please be aware that you can no be in two places at one time.

Here are the Role Play Prefixes and options that are available.

Role Play Prefixes:

Only I may use



- There will be only one Map thread and I will update it constantly as you guys travel. A lot of it is on the go. So If you want to make up names and have me update that it totally fine.


- Again, only one of these. I might make a second one for non-RP related OOC. But that is a big but.


- This will be main active story line of the RP.

Players may use


Side Adventures

- If you leave to go do something by yourself or with another person that is not part of the group and you want me to run it, then I will be more then happy too. However I won't do it via the Main thread. I will narrate with your through the adventure.


- If you don't want me to run a side adventure when you leave the main story line and just run something solo-- please do confirm it with me. After I say goo, you can make your own giant post or lots of little solo posts for other people to read. Saying you are out of the main story line.


- If a few characters have exited to a private sport or meet up during the night away from other characters, then you can open a Dialogue so not to hold up others in a Dialogue lock. This is not to be mixed up with a 'side adventure'. This is purely a scene of


dialogue between two or three characters. No more then that.


- If two of your character want to fight it out, that is totally fine. I just don't want five pages of post and dialog lock because of your duel. So you will move it to this thread and we just have no more need to wait on you.


- This will be for threads that are finished and no longer needs to be or should be posted in.

If you have any questions and such ask in the Q and A or OOC and tag me!
You would be running to catch the boat that is about to leave down the river. I'll tag you in the OOC and let you know when it is time and give your character a look over.

Please watch this thread!!

Again I am making a roll call. Those who are MIA have a bit to respond to me and claim your activity or if you are dropping out.

Posting this here so it doesn't get drowned out by OOC.

Roll call: All Current Players

@LupusDeUmbra , @Paranoia , @MrMopp, @Kiotaro

M.I.A.: @divyansh, @The J

Inactive: Jon_14, jukeboxingirl90, SodaPop, AmericanEagle, Harlan
Hey guys I do want you to know that this is a serious toned RP.

I don't want this to constantly be thrown off by a lot of joking. I don't mind a joke every now and again, but please try and stay serious!

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