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Futuristic The Zelrian War

LegoLad659 said:
Welcome back ( :) ) We had just agreed on skipping ahead a little bit, just by how much I don't really know. I know at least two hours for the new AI to finish, but I thought I'd let TeaMMatE chime in too since he needed a skip too.
I don't really care.
TeaMMatE11 said:
I don't really care.
Ah, okay. Do we just want to skip to the next day, then? I feel like that would be easiest, unless anyone has any objections.
I agree, next day. And we need some goal, some plot progression. Maybe we're sent on a mission of some sort?
Vespertide said:
I agree, next day. And we need some goal, some plot progression. Maybe we're sent on a mission of some sort?
Probably a good idea, yeah. While I do have a sort of plot to follow, it's not very long, and we'd probably need a lot of filler if not a second plot to go along with it if we don't want this to be over really quickly xD

Does anyone have any ideas?
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Well, we're a starcruiser, right? Should there be a planet or colony where the Zelrians are attacking, and we get there and it's too late? Or we think it's too late, and then it turns out they have cloaking tech and we get ambushed but somehow survive, and we're forced to live on the colony for a bit while we're repairing our ship, and then other aliens show up and we have to deal with them?

Or we could just turn this into a Star Trek episode.
It occurs to me now that I probably should've posted that in a message so everyone didn't see it. Oh well.
Hey, I just thought up of an idea. There could be some elite fire-team. Kind of like a Spec Ops squad or something. If you guys could allow it, I could set up a character who can be the leader of it.

Skip to 1:41 of the video. This is what I'm talking about.


Also thinking up of a character (and also a new race) that is kind of like Zelrian, but maybe a bit more cooperative towards humans.

Introducing Prometheans. (though if this kind of character was already made.....fml xD )

HimeragiSeiker said:
Hey, I just thought up of an idea. There could be some elite fire-team. Kind of like a Spec Ops squad or something. If you guys could allow it, I could set up a character who can be the leader of it.
Skip to 1:41 of the video. This is what I'm talking about.


HimeragiSeiker said:
Also thinking up of a character (and also a new race) that is kind of like Zelrian, but maybe a bit more cooperative towards humans.
Introducing Prometheans. (though if this kind of character was already made.....fml xD )

Sorry, due to how long it's been since anyone's responded to this roleplay, I believe it's well and truly dead. Sorry about that ( :( )

If you'd like, I'd be okay with you guys reusing the idea though.
LegoLad659 said:
Sorry, due to how long it's been since anyone's responded to this roleplay, I believe it's well and truly dead. Sorry about that ( :( )
If you'd like, I'd be okay with you guys reusing the idea though.
oh...dammit xD
Wow. I forgot about this...

Well, I'm looking for new RPs, so PM me if you guys have any new ideas!
DefendKebab1918 said:
Well there seems to be people interested such as myself and pingu as well as LocoBlock maybe restart it?
You guys are welcome to if you want to. I'd personally rather not GM another game - It's never ended well at all. I'm only GMing an RP right now out of desperation, because I really wanted to see if I could actually execute the idea I had well. It hasn't been going well either, so I'm done GMing games.
LegoLad659 said:
You guys are welcome to if you want to. I'd personally rather not GM another game - It's never ended well at all. I'm only GMing an RP right now out of desperation, because I really wanted to see if I could actually execute the idea I had well. It hasn't been going well either, so I'm done GMing games.
I knowh what you mean,I tried GMing too and it did not end well for me or the rest of the group.
DefendKebab1918 said:
I knowh what you mean,I tried GMing too and it did not end well for me or the rest of the group.
Yeah, I've GMed a few games, and absolutely none of them were any kind of active. I don't know if it's just me or bad luck or what, but it keeps happening and at this point I'd rather just not risk being disappointed yet again than maybe have a slim chance of actually making something that takes off.

So yeah, you guys are welcome to reboot this idea if you like, and I may even re-apply Nathan and/or Emma there (Not Jared for obvious reasons). But I'm not GMing it.
LocoBlock said:
I can GM just my rp never get enough people.
I can usually get a decent amount of people, it's just that either they all vanish the moment the RP starts or the RP itself never ends up going anywhere fast enough for anyone :/
LegoLad659 said:
I can usually get a decent amount of people, it's just that either they all vanish the moment the RP starts or the RP itself never ends up going anywhere fast enough for anyone :/
Look at the two in my signature and you'll see what I mean.

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