Warrior of the Mighty One.
Buck smirked as Alonzo shouted at her. It was so much fun to tease him sometimes, easy too. She gawking her arm around Aaron's neck when Alonzo asked what she was doing there. "This mutant here," she pulled Aaron closer to her, almost choking him, needs help and since you're the first one that popped into my head, I thought maybe you could help. He duplicates everything he touches and has trouble controlling his powers, we need something that can help him console it. I was thinking that he could maybe duplicate your precious plants until he has it under control, I almost broke my neck this morning and I almost drowned in soup thanks too this guy." Buck nodded her head towards Aaron before beaming and smiling at the others as well. "Quick introduction." She said. "I'm Buck, 19, can create force fields and walk on walls, I don't care if you guys have plans or not, but we have a giant ball of soup somewhere in the basement and I need you guys to help me eat it, so I hope your hungry."