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Fandom The X-Men Academy

Aaron followed the others to the basement with his bowl in his hand. The soup was still coming out of the bowl and at that point he panicked. "Euhm... Can someone help me?" He didn't look at anyone in particular, he just needed someone who could help him fix this problem. A small, or rather said big, puddle of soup formed around him.

Aaron tried to concentrate to stop the stream. But unlucky for him it did the opposite. Instead of stopping it just came faster. Aaron sighed and looked around with a hopeless expression on his face.
Buck walked back into the building, half exhausted from the fight. She needed to practice on her moving bubble shield, that part was the most exhausting. Buck walked into the dining room to get some water, but everything was soaking wet in... Was that soup?! She looked around and saw some guy panic because... Was that soup that kept coming out of a bowl?! Buck was confused but put a big bubble shield around the bowl so it would go over the floor anymore and gave the guy a smile. "You should leave some soup for the others too, you know?" She joked and walked up to him, sticking out her hand. "The names Buckingham, like the palace, call me Buck." She smiled and waited for the other to introduce himself as well.

(Have to go to work, be back in like 9 hours or so -.-")

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Alyssa Jackson

Her eyes widened when she saw Jeremy collapsed. She bit on her bottom lip nervously as she called out towards Logan and Hank for help while running to Jeremy's aid. "Oh my god. Is he going to be okay?" She asked them as they looked at each other then back at her. "He's going to be fine, just need to get him charged up." Alyssa had a confused look plastered upon her face as she thought about it. "Ohhh. Now I get it but I never done anything like this before." She said just as Logan hoisted Jeremy up in his arms and walked towards the outside.

"Just concentrate. You can do it." Alyssa nodded her head after Logan's kind choice of words. She concentrated long and hard then next thing she knew, she felt a rush of wind go through her body, thunder rumbled in the skies above her and she felt a slight zap come down from the sky and wondered if it had hit Jeremy. She had her eyes closed because she didn't want to kill him. But when she opened them, she saw Logan nodding his head in approval. "I think he's going to be alright." He said while leaving him there on there ground.

"You're just going to leave him on the ground?" Alyssa said while pointing to his body. "He can get up on his own." Logan scoffed while walking back into the mansion. "Kids." He muttered towards Hank, who lowered his head and followed Logan inside. Alyssa rolled her eyes while rushing to Jeremy's side, kneeling down beside his body as she tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "Hey. You okay?" She asked him while helping him make it back towards his feet.

"Yeah, i think so."He said with a slight groan, parts of him still hurt but felt rejuvenated enough that it didn't matter. He sat up easily getting to a comfortable sitting position, giving a smile to Alyssa."Kinda difficult not to be waking to the sight of you, though can i still request mouth to mouth resuscitation?"
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(OOC: Aaron is in the basement with the rest)

Aaron chuckled nervously and looked at the bubble who grew because of the amount of soup just kept growing. ''Euhhm.. The name's Aarona an euhm.. I'm sorry about the soup'' He shook her hand and smiled nervously at her. ''I'm really sorry'' he sighed and looked at his shoes. ''But I really don't know how to stop it'' He told her about that one time he almost drowned himself in soda. And about that one time that he accidentally filled his room to the ceiling with gummy bears. He didn't tell her that the latter wasn't really an accident, but let's just keep that a secret.
Alyssa Jackson

She eyed Jeremy after mouth to mouth comment. She gave him a stiff slap on the arm then rose up to her feet once again. She walked away from Jeremy after his comment as she entered the mansion then locked the door behind her. Her eyes looked over at Logan as he was interrogating the hell out of Pyro. She smirked and smiled then saw as Hank walked over to unlock the door, raising a brow as to why Alyssa would lock the door anyway.

She went upstairs to her room and closed the door behind her, sitting on her bed with arms folded. Alyssa doesn't really know why she was mad at Jeremy's comment, she actually thought it was pretty funny. She guess she was mad because he still hasn't given her an answer about the date question.

Who was she kidding? Someone like Jeremy didn't want to go out with the likes of her - Or does he? Alyssa shook her head as she raised up from her seated position off her bed and grabbed a book off of her shelf then sitting in a chair nearby as she began reading.
Jeremy just sat there confused at the sudden u-turn of Alyssa as he rubbed the area she struck. The only thing he figured was the reason that his flirting was taken the wrong way,which has happened to him in the past. He was always a flirt with both men and women, it was his usual way of making banter with friends whether he meant anything by it or not. He decided to leave her be for the moment to let her cool off and explain himself with an apology later. He found himself worrying slightly if she would accept his apology or not which he was strange for him as he normally didn't care of people liked him or not.

He tried to shake thought away from his mind as he watched her leave before getting to his feet. He walked inside when he noted a quizzical look from professor Hank:

"Something went wrong with Miss Jackson?"

"Women, who knows right?" Jeremy commented jokingly.

A quick chuckle came from Hank for what Jeremy assumed was his sexism joke before he said:"No, just have to know what look for."He then walked off with the look in hanks eye showed an understanding that was beyond Jeremy. Jeremy stood there confused pondering the meaning.
Ryder Novan

Ryder stared at the people in the room he was in. His eyes softened to a light emerald. He sat in a ball position, and thought to himself. I need to help them! But I'm not using that form!

((Sorry for Short Posts, kind of dealing with other things ))
Buck watched as her bubble filled up with soup and shot a strange look at the guy known as Aaron. She then turned to Bobby and Anna and nodded at them with a smile signing that it was safe. She then looked at all the noobies, most of them looking afraid. "Nothing we couldn't handle." She said with a wink. "Go check out your rooms or the entertainment room… Just don't head outside." She mumbled and turned back towards her bubble shield and knocked on the hard glass like surface. "Maybe we should put this in bowls and put it in the freezer." Buck leaned against the shield and looked at Aaron with a curious look. "If I knock you out, will it stop?"

Bobby smirked at the comment and patted her shoulder as he lead the others out together with Anna.
''Wait what?'' he asked with a shocked and nervous tone. He looked at the bubble and sighed. ''I'm sorry for'' He pointed at the bubble while looking at his shoes.''That. I'm not really good at the whole controlling your powers thing'' Aaron looked at her and tried to smile. But it just looked uncomfortable. And why shouldn't he be uncomfortable? It's his first day and he already screwed up.

''Nice bubble'' He said while looking at the bubble. Aaron was sure it was unbreakable. But that wasn't necessary a good thing. What if the stream doesn't stop and the bubble grows so big that we can't push it out of the doorway? Aaron tried not to think about that. ''And if you're wondering.. this isn't the first time something like this happened'' Stupid powers.. Why can't he have something more practical. Like flying?
"Since you can't control your powers I can believe that." Buck laughed. "It's not a bad power though, don't worry about it. Everybody goes through that faze, I had it too and still have it sometimes. It's not like I can do anything special, just create bubbles and walking walls." She shrugged and pushed the ball into a roll. When it wouldn't fit through the door she cursed. "Maybe we really need to eat it all…" She hummed. "Can you do this with everything? Just objects or living things too?"
''I have no idea'' he said. Aaron focused his attention on the soup and tried to stop it. It didn't stop, but it did slow down. And after some minutes the soup stopped multiplying. Aaron sighed and smiled. ''I never tried it on living creatures'' he said. Than he thought about what she said and sighed. ''I think so'' He didn't feel like eating soup. At least not for a week. Maybe even a month.
Jeremy walked to headmistress office, putting aside his girl issue for another more weighty issue. Storm sat behind her desk working through some paperwork, Jeremy leaned casualy on the doorframe.

"You laughed at my comment on the superpowered vigilante group."He said nonchalantly which Storm jump slightly in surprise.

"Mr Hale, you are meant to knock first."She said simply a slight annoyance in her tone of voice returning to her work."You need something then?"

"You told me this was just a school for mutants! That my powers won't be used in some sort of turf war!" He said angrily approaching her desk.

Storm put down her work and sighed rubbing her eyes.

"If i had my way you and the other kids wouldn't have but..."She explained regretfully."We couldn't foresee they would do that. Staff here are working to prevent you being involved in this again. You don't have to worry about it."

"You think i will buy that after what happened?"He said trying to calm himself down.

"Yes as this is all we have for you right now and you will have to accept it. We will keep you students informed when we have something and it necessary, not before."She said in a raised voice in attempt to reinstate her authority. Jeremy could swear he heard thunder as she spoke."And i will not tolerate this disrespect any more. Understood?"

"Yes..Ma 'am."He said seeing no other alternative.
Buck stared at Aaron and raised a brow. "Are you always this nervous?" She questioned. "I'm not going to eat your or anything, you know." She rolled the bubble away so they could walk thought the opening. "We'll see what to do about that later, maybe the headmistress has an idea… Maybe Alonzo can use it to feed his plants." She laughed and walked through the hall. "I'm going to check on the others… Want to go with me? it's not like you have much to do." Buck said. "Just don't touch anything. Maybe you should wear gloves or something." She mumbled and walked up, heading towards the Headmistress' office. Storm was talking with one of the view kids… Jerry was his name, or something like that, Buck couldn't really remember. "Yo." She said to the guy and stepped into the office. "Storm we've got a problem." buck said. "It has something to do with a soup filled bubble shield in the basement that we can't get out."

Ororo sighed and rubbed her temples, first Jeremy Hale and now Buckingham. "First of all you should knock."

"Oops." Buck smiled which earned her a glare from Storm.

"And I'm not interested in one of your ideas gone wrong again." Ororo said. This had not been the first time.

"That hurts." Buck said and grabbed hold of her t-shirt above her heart. "I saved the basement from drowning in soup. We have enough to feed Africa! It's true." She said and nodded at Jeremy. "It really is." She whispered to him.
''Only when I screw things up'' he said. ''And sure why not'' He followed her to the headmistress office. ''Maybe I should'' he chuckled softly and smiled at her. Why haven't I thought of that? He walked next to her and smiled when he saw the office. Storm could definitely help them with their soup problem. When he heard what Buckingham said about the soup he could feel his face turning red. ''Sorry'' he said with a nervous chuckle and he placed his hands in the pockets of his vest. ''I didn't do it on purpose'' He didn't look anyone in the eyes and tried to smile at them. But you could see that the smile was forced and rather uncomfortable.
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"Sorry? That's pretty cool. Do the same with beer or vodka and you will have a friend in me for life."Jeremy commented returning to his previous humorous tone after listening to the two people who entered."In fact, i could use that for a freshers part...."He made as if he just realised Storm was there and turned shifty."We can discuss it later."
The teachers were leading the students out of the basement and she saw the kid with the soup and thought to help but some girl had already formed a bubble-like shield around it so she just went out anyway. She decided just to go to her room when she realized she had a shared room. She went up to the head mistress. "Can I please have a separate room?" Helena asked. "No, this is a great experience to share a room with someone. No separate rooms no exceptions." She said and walked off. She walked slowly to her room and opened the door to her room and saw that her room mate had not arrived yet. She sat on her bed thinking about the events of the day. Helena was so scared off the people who had attacked so she put that out of her mind and tried to make one of her school books levitate, but only accomplished it shaking and moving slightly around the desk.
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Aaron nodded at Jeremy with a smile. Sure if you don't mind drowning in vodka. He smiled at his dumb thought. It's not like he hates his powers. Because be honest if you can make a bag of gummy bears endless wouldn't you do it? Although the first time he ate them they tasted horrible. Now they taste just like the regular gummy bears you buy in the store.
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Alyssa & Alonzo Jackson

She continued to stay in her room until she noticed that he brother had disappeared shortly after she was talking to Jeremy. Her delicate brow raised up as she closed her book then tossed it on the bed. She lifted herself up from her seat position then walked out of her room. To avoid running into Jeremy, she walked along the backside of the mansion and was in the kitchen in no time. She walked out the door and immediately made her trek towards Alonzo's greenhouse.

Upon entering, she eyed the area until she seen him. "Hello there again, dear brother." She spoke softly while reaching out to touch one of the flowers but her hand was caught once again by him. "Do not touch!" He said while releasing his grasp upon her hand, placing his clipboard and pen down on the desk.

"So, when is your date with Jeremy?" Alonzo asked her but his sister's face told the story that there wasn't going to be a date. "Oh, sorry." She shrugged her shoulders then looked up at him again with a smile. "It's fine." She said while wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "Come on, brother. Let's go back into the mansion and see what's in store for us this year." Alonzo nodded his head then wrapped his arm along his sister's shoulders. "Yeah, let's go see." They both smiled at each other and walked up towards the mansion, entering the kitchen.


Across the street, there was a woman with long, blonde hair that cascaded down to her mid-back. She had a somewhat seductive appearance about her as she stood there, hands on her hips and a smirk dancing across her feminine features. As soon as the last car passed, she walked across the street but was held at the gate by one of the guards. She looked towards the guard and raised a brow then placed her sunglasses on the top of her hair. She looked towards him with a sultry smirk and all it took was one look before the gate opened before her eyes. "Thank you." She spoke softly while resting the sunglasses back on the bridge of her nose then continued her walk up to the mansion doors.
Ryder roamed around the mansion not paying attention to anything. He ended up outside and walked into the garden. His deep ivy colored eyes glanced every way before he realized he was lost. "Great.." he uttered with a roll of his eyes. He took out his pen, that represented his first activation of his powers. "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!" he spoke with a calm voice.

Before he could say stop, his whole appearance changed to him with two long ponytails, and wearing a sailor uniform.
"Cool, i will hold you to it dashing replicating man."He said with a smile and wink at Aaron, he turned to the other girls there."Bubble queen and ma'am, i will see you lovely ladies later i am going to get my self a cleaner pair of clothes. Preferably something in less mud and petrol smell. Yuck...So yeah. See yah."

He stepped out and walked towards his room. Despite his jovial tone he felt anything but, the events of the fight still fresh in his mind. He didn't like this, he was robed in to another conflict with promise of milk and honey. He did this before and it didn't come out of it well and now his higher up is tight lipped about. He walked it into his room, sat on his bed and sighed frustratingly. The worse part he couldn't avoid it, it was either here or prison and he prefered a guilded cage rather that a jail. Even if he could avoid jail, he had no where to go and was sick of a street life. He laid on his bed and tried to calm himself with a nap.

(Catch you guys later! "drops smoke bomb and disappears in a puff of smoke";-)

Episode 2: She's Back; Pyro's Escape

Alyssa & Alonzo Jackson

After a horrific first day at the mansion, she never thought classes would be starting so soon. She never thought that a fight between the Brotherhood and the X-Men would happen on the first day either. Alyssa thinks that Headmistress Munroe should rethink the decision of starting classes but who was she to tell her that. Her eyes scanned the perimeter as she reviewed over herself, leaving her room with a pencil and notebook. Alyssa caught up with her brother at the top of the stairs. "Morning, Alonzo. How did you sleep?" She spoke towards him as he smiled towards her. "Morning, Sis. I slept well. Yourself?" She sighed with shrug of her shoulders. "You know how that goes." Alyssa responded as they reached the bottom step.

They both waved towards Bobby and Anna, who were walking hand in hand with smiles placed upon their faces. "I honestly think that he should see Kitty and not her." Alyssa spoke while sitting down on the couch in the main lobby then jumped slightly as a knock came upon the door. The knock was calm and sensitive and almost quiet. Alonzo walked over to the door as he reached for the doorknob but was stopped by Professor Logan. "Kids, sit down and don't answer the doors." Alonzo nodded his head then took a seat beside his sister, watching Logan as his expression told the story.

"Emma..." Logan said as his eyes studied over her body. "I thought... You weren't.." Emma smiled up to Logan then removed the sunglasses from over her eyes as she walked inside, sidestepping Logan. "Ah, feels good to be back." She eyed the brother and sister duo on the couch and looked at them with disgust. "Things sure has changed around here, huh?" Logan face was still in disbelief. "Storm! You might want to get down here." Logan called out as Emma chuckled. "She's still here? Where is the rest of the gang?" She questioned towards Logan, who didn't bother to answer her questions but luckily Ororo came down before he could.

Ororo stopped in mid-step as she couldn't believe it neither. "Emma?" She questioned her name to make sure it was really her. "In the flesh." Emma said while looking towards Logan and Ororo now. "How that possible?" Emma smirked at Ororo's question then answer. "Anything's possible if you put your mind to it." Emma responded with a smile. There was a brief silence and Alyssa took this as a chance to speak. "Uhm, are we still having classes today?" She asked as Ororo's eyes narrowed towards her. "Yes. Classes are being held today. And it looks like you guys are late to Hank's class. Off you go then." She waved her hand for them to go to class.

"Follow me please Emma." Ororo said while turning heel and walking towards her office. Both Emma's and Ororo's heels clicking against the floorboards as Logan's boots trampled the floor towards her office. Upon them entering her office, she closed the door with her lowered and sigh escaping through her parted lips.

Alyssa and Alonzo basically bumped into each other as they entered Professor Hank's class. "Headmistress Munroe said we were going to be late." Alonzo huffed, seeing that they were the first ones there. Professor Hank laughed then cleared his throat while whistling as both Alyssa and Alonzo stared at him, taking their seats. Alyssa sat in front, dead center while Alonzo went to the back.

''Maybe you should wear gloves or something''. The whole night he thought about that sentence. That's why he decided to do it. It might look stupid, but if he's lucky he wouldn't have accidents. Like a never-ending stream of soup. The whole walk to the classroom felt kind of awkward for Aaron. It was warm and the gloves weren't really like the one most superheroes wore. They were winter gloves. The ones you wear when it's freezing outside. When he almost arrived at the classroom he realized that gloves wouldn't work. He didn't touch the bowl of soup when he made it endless, he knocked it off the table. So gloves or no gloves, it wouldn't make a difference.

When he finally arrived at the classroom he knocked at the door. Realizing that that wasn't necessary he walked into the classroom. ''Good morning everyone'' He said. When he looked around him he saw that there were only three other people in the classroom. Aaron decided to sit alone in the front of the class. He grabbed his pencil case to grab a pencil.

The soup. Out of nowhere the bubble with soup popped up into his mind again. He jumped out of his seat which made his pencil case fall. An amount of pencils, too big to actually fit in that small case, fell out from the pencil case. ''Euhm.. sorry'' he said while picking up the pencil case. Lucky for him the pencils stopped coming out. But the floor was still covered with a big amount of pencils. He looked at the pencil case and than back at the floor. Really? Well at least it's not soup... But what did they do with it? Wait... did they clean it already? Or is it still there? Aaron couldn't help but face palm. Which made him drop his pencil case again. The sound of pencils coming out of the pencil case made him face palm again. Looking down he saw that he stood in a 'puddle' of pencils. ''I'll pick them up'' Said Aaron with a sigh.
Ryder looked at his surroundings, he never thought he would be in a class room. He tried to pay attention but his mind kept drifting to the events the day before. He hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, because he had been hoping he could master his powers. He gave a sigh to himself as he even thought about it.

He started to write notes in his notebooks on whatever the subject was, the entire lecture was boring to him. He remembered why he dropped out of high school. But he couldn't, he came here with a goal. He had to master his powers, he had to prove himself worthy. But until then he had to sit through meaningless, well meaningless to him anyway, lectures about stuff he didn't know.
Buck woken up then the sun came through the curtains hitting her on the face. She opened her eyes and looked at the time. She stared at the alarm for a good second before she jumped out of bed, cursing like a sailor. "Cant believe I'm late on the send day as well." Buck growled as she pulled on her pants and summer sweater, not noticing that it was backwards. She stumbled out of her room pulling a boot just like yesterday and hurried down the hall towards the classes as she swung her backpack over her shoulder.

She crashed through the classroom door where Professor Hank was teaching. She hurried towards her seat by the window, pushing tables to the side to gain more speed, trying to act as if she had been there from the start even though it was clear that she wasn't. She pulled her chair back, but in her hurry she stepped on a pencil and fell forward. Creating a bubble shield around herself, forcing tables and chairs towards the floor with a very loud thump and crash.

Buck carefully looked at the teacher through her lashes.

Hank was glaring at her. Buck laughed nervously and waved, but when Hank growled she quickly removed her bubble, put her table up right and took a seat on her hair. She grabbed a notebook from her bag and picked up the pencil she had tripped over and started writing "I will not be late again" 200 times as class continued.

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