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Fantasy The Wyrd of the Black Dogs | Characters



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  2. Group

The Wyrd of the Black Dogs

Here is the character sheet. You can fill out multiple characters as needed! You also donʼt have to follow this format strictly, as long as all the necessary information is there.

Name: Insert the name of the character, including aliases
Title: Does the character have any official title by which they are recognized? (e.g. Captain of the Royal Guards)
Place of Birth:
Where was the character born, or where do they originate from?
Class: What type of role do they fit in combat? If the character is a non-combatant, then what is their role? If they do not have a role, write “lazy guy”
Faction/Organization: Do they work in an organization or support a faction? There can be multiple factions/organizations here, depending on the situation

Picture: Optional

Physical Description: Self-explanatory. Include any tattoos, markings, piercings, makeup or facial scars.

Typical Clothing: Obviously your character is not going to be wearing the same outfit day in and day out, but what is their general style, if there is any?

Personal Effects: Do they have any items that are precious or important to them?

Other: Optional, include any other details that you want

Personality Traits: What are some personality traits and dispositions they have? These can be subject to change, or context-dependent

Strengths: What are their strengths? These can be physical and mental

Weaknesses: What are their weaknesses? These can be physical and mental

Biography: What is their story? What has happened to them prior to the events of this narrative?


Preferred Weapon: Optional if the character is a non-combatant, which weapon have they extensively trained under?

Fighting Style: Optional, is there anything to note about their fighting style?

Abilities: Magical or otherwise

Weapons and Equipment: Optional, do they have any specific weapons or equipment that they keep to themselves? (These can be lost or changed for other items)

Armor: Optional, do they wear any specific armor outside of whatever they can find or standard-issue equipment?

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  • 1742476258992.png
    Name: Assassin 29A78 "Smoke" Thak-Rane (Holy Name)
    Few know much of Jokir- the distant country in the far west. The nation is composed mostly of farms surrounding the three cities- Wan, Mal, and Yor. The country is peaceful, mainly importing the unique herbs and crops that grow in the soil- known for their healing properties. Most people who visit only see the cities and the closer farm lands- they never question the lights coming from the mountain ranges that exist at the edges of the territory. At the peaks of these three peaks lay identical monasteries. No outsider has dwelt there- with the high elevation and elements killing any non Jokir- but within is the training grounds for the order of Thriken. Smokes temple commands assassins and warriors- operatives that work bounties and missions given by the Order. There are no mixing between the monasteries, so the others role is unknown. The people worship The Yalor (Inner) Gods. The mythology speaks of an ancient world of Sand and Obsidian- surrounded by a glass prison. One is a trickster god, known for his love of trading and gambling. The second is known for beauty and art, protecting the people and keeping peace. The third is simply known as the Weeping God of the Sun.
    Gender: Whatever The Order needs
    Age: 20 Years spent training- ten years in the field. Age when they where selected is unknown.
    Race: Jokir-Ane
    Place of Birth: earliest memories are in the monasteries.
    Class: As an Assasin of Thriken
    Faction/Organization: Order of Thriken

    Picture: Too variable to show an image

    Physical Description: Variable- though their size is generally between four feet tall and six feet tall. Scars do not remain on the skin after a month or so, and every other feature changes.

    Typical Clothing: Though disguises are common, Smoke will occasionally be ordered to wear his order uniform- flowing black robes, leather armor- a cloak and face mask.

    Personal Effects: Seal of the Thriken, A roughly drawn sketch of a face.


    Personality Traits: Smoke has been slowly broken into nothing but a tool- simply completing missions, training, and sleeping. They are an expert actor, perfecting roles for missions and impersonating targets if need be. Smoke is devoted to their missions and the Order, never straying from the laws and restrictions the order has given them.

    Strengths: With only slightly above average strength, Smoke relies on dozens of combat forms- each adapted for general enemies, adaptable. They are skilled in many weapons and poisoning- as well as acting.

    Weaknesses: The Herb that is used to shift their form is addictive and painful- forcing the bones into a proper position, forcing skin and hair from their body if need be, but Shadow needs to rip the unneeded features from their body so the new disguise can grow. The herb will one day kill them- or worse, if a form isn't changed within 3 months, their body will shift and contort- trying to emulate random bodies. This creates a horrific creature, bones unnaturally formed and replaced- skin peeling off as more layers grow at a quick pace.


    Preferred Weapon: Although their every moment of free time is spent training on new combat forms and weapons, the typical crossbow and shortsword are the preferred weapon.

    Fighting Style: There is a wide range of abilities based on the form Shadow has taken, ranging from a more aggressive style for larger bodies, or more agile forms for when in their smallest form.

    Abilities: None

    Weapons and Equipment: The Order has numerous weapons cashes and a few lairs hidden away in the slums of a few major cities. Shadow carries the common weapons of the Order, a shortsword and crossbow- each able to be disassembled and hidden among clothing or personal effects.

    Armor: The common armor of a Thriken Assassin is made of well treated leather, always shined to perfection. There are numerous pockets to hold knives, poisons, and anything else needed for a mission.

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Name: Ariodate ‘Merry’ Merighi
Title: Lieutenant
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Varian Republic
Class: Officer/Scout/Sapper
Faction/Organization: Black Dogs, formerly of the Bluemarks

Physical Description: He is a somewhat gangly, tall man, standing at around 6’2. His skin is a light olive shade, and he usually has a military bearing to him. He wears his hair long, reaching his shoulders, which he ties up when in the field. He looks older than his age—due to a lifetime of fighting, and because of his beard. He wears his beard a little long, but with the mustache clipped to a stubble. His face is a little long—‘horse-like’ is a frequent insult thrown against him, but not entirely inaccurate—with an aquiline nose and eyes set deeply in, topped off with a rather bushy pair of eyebrows.

Typical Clothing: Hailing from the Republic, he has an unusually picky taste regarding his clothes, but his choices are also pragmatic. He usually prefers frock coats and a well-made shirt, as well as fine riding shoes; not too many frills, should he need to move around without too many restrictions.

Personal Effects: A necklace bearing the image of Iun: an open book. It is partially made of gold and therefore may sell for some petty cash.

Personality Traits:
  • Passionate. He feels very strongly about his beliefs, and often feels the need to act upon them. This extends to his ‘republican’ opinions and his firm patriotism regarding the Varian Republic.
  • Loyal. He is relatively loyal, as far as mercenaries go. A stable life above everything else! He is also loyal in a personal sense, and tends to stand by his friends.
  • Courageous. Or reckless. It depends on the perspective. This leads him to make social gaffes sometimes, so he might not be the best bet for a situation that requires good talking. On the other hand, if you need someone working a dark cave alone, he’s your man!
  • Aggressive. Which makes him somewhat of a jerk. Somewhat. He tends to prefer solutions of brute force rather than diplomacy or cunning, which is a little odd considering he’s a scout. ‘Charge!’ is permanently fixed into his vocabulary.

  • Tough. He has great stamina and can endure harsh weather. A consequence of being a scout and, therefore, spending several nights roughing it outdoors.
  • Perceptive. Also a result of being a scout. He can note details and changes in an environment quickly, which can make the difference in a life-or-death situation.
  • Intelligent. To be a sapper, that is a requirement! He is learned, can read and has had an education in the School of Iunas.
  • Duellist. He knows how to swing his sword, how to throw feints, parry and riposte. Which is a lot more than can be said for the average swordsman.

  • Excitable. As a result of being both passionate and aggressive, he’s quick to make decisions, which may not always have favorable outcomes.
  • Weak. He may be tough, but he is certainly not strong! He shouldn’t be the first pick when it comes to wrangling a dragon.
  • Stubborn. He tends to hold to his beliefs and opinions firmly, which can lead to, at best, frustrating conversations—and, at worst, a debilitating incapability of seeing the bigger picture.

History: Ariodates spent most of his younger life in the inner districts of Daruvan, the capital of the Varian Republic, in a more or less well-off family. His father was a senior accountant in a modest trading company, but which still had decent returns. His childhood, however, was plagued due to his tense relationship with his siblings: he was born very late, and so had siblings that were much older than him. As a result, for much of his childhood, he perceived the family’s household to be suffocating. At the age of sixteen, he enrolled in the School of Iunas, studying engineering for some four years, before signing on to the Bluemarks out of a poor sense of wanderlust. He went on several trips to the West, where he cut his teeth and honed many of his skills. He eventually made it to the role of Bluemark constable, but felt that his training as an engineer was being underutilized. For whatever reason, he was repeatedly being assigned as a scout rather than an engineer. He chalked it up to the whims of the bureaucracy, but eventually he retired and switched to the Black Dogs. With the Black Dogs, he went on several missions in the Cantons as an engineer, before eventually being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and head sapper of his division. Unfortunately, the commander of his division subsequently died in a freak accident involving black powder, leading to him being hastily transferred to a different division, hastily jury-rigged together from other diminished divisions. He acted as an engineering consultant in this new division, which was however placed rather unfortunately in the Duinar Empire just prior to the Emperor’s assassination…

Other: Has a noticeable Varianese accent that serves as an immediate tell for his origins.

Preferred Weapons: A curved saber; the curvier, the better.

Fighting Style: Either blow them up or strike them first. In any case, it is better to finish things up quickly.

Abilities: Nothing too much out of the ordinary, but his duties as a scout and a sapper necessitates that he is good with traps, hunting and mining. He is also good with throwing knives, odd as that may sound.

Weapons and Equipment: He always carries a belt of throwing knives and a tulwar—recognizable for the golden filigree on its handle and scabbard—he received during a campaign in the West. Aside from that, during large-scale combat, he may opt for standard-issue halberds and crossbows.

Armor: Most of his armor is standard-issue black plate with linen padding, but he has customized his gear with a shoulder cape of fur fitted to his left pauldron. He also wears a fur cap instead of the standard-issue metal skullcap and his armor is ribboned with tribal talismans from several campaigns in the Cantons.
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Name: Postumus Janius Brutus
Title: Lord of Windkeep
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Duiran Empire
Class: Politician
Faction/Organization: Independent, but sympathetic towards the Levellers

Physical Description: He is a broad-shouldered, heavy set man, with salt and pepper hair cropped short; skin the color of corned beef; and an uptight bearing, owing to years of service as part of the Anvil, although he is not as self-serious as some of his former compatriots. He stands at around 5ʼ8. His face is weathered from labor—unusual for an aristocrat—, with wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. He keeps his face clean-shaven, although leaves intact a short pair of mutton chops.

Typical Clothing: He prefers to wear simple clothing—yet within the bounds of elegance—such as a long-hemmed tunic and a pair of fine hoses, with leather sandals. On occasions he may wear the robes preferred by the aristocracy of the country.

Personal Effects: A triangular pin with a brass finish. A symbol of the Anvil.

Personality Traits:
  • Honest. A life in law has given Brutus an uncompromising attitude towards the truth; and, likewise, a deep repulsion for deception. That, of course, does not mean he spills out everything willy-nilly, but in common matters he will prefer to tell the truth than anything else.
  • Ascetic. In spite of his noble lineage, he dislikes displays of money and power—he prefers a simpler approach to life. As in all things, the middle way is preferable: Brutus is a man of moderation.
  • Calm. Experience in clerical work and the navigation of life-threatening situations has given Brutus an eerily calm head. He is able to maintain his cool and is not easily given to anger and other extreme emotions, except in the most rarest of circumstances.
  • Rational. His preferred way of dealing with things is systematic—a side-effect of working within the universal, order-focused ways of the Anvil and Duin, the deity of order. He is also able to keep personal matters separate from business, which some may interpret as a kind of coldness.

  • Strong. Brutus is pretty beefy naturally, and his training in the Anvil has made him even more bulkier. In his off-time, he likes to wrestle and exercise, which has given him—for a noble—an uncharacteristically fit body.
  • Strong-minded. He is not easily given to lapses in his mental state; illusions and temptations rarely affect him too much.
  • Friends. He has friends in the Anvil, and therefore has some pull in issues of legal import.
  • Wealth. As the lord of Windkeep, a territory benefiting from good soil and the irrigation channels of the Tanith river, he receives a more-than-modest income from his land and its crops.

  • Tactless. Perhaps as a result of his preference for honesty, he finds it very difficult to dissemble and maintain tact in certain social situations. His straightforward ways may be perceived as antithetical to nobility.
  • Old. He maintains his physique as best as he can, but the fact of the matter is that he is old—and not a fighting man anymore. His bones are beginning to creak and he heals slower from injuries.
  • Limp leg. He has a slight limp in his left leg, as a result of an injury he suffered during his time in the Anvil.
  • Cold. For the sake of order, he might be willing to do things that some may perceive as very distasteful—and perhaps even disloyal.


Preferred Weapons: He is trained, like many of the field members of the Anvil, in the use of a two-handed sword, although it has been years since he has fought and his skills have rusted.

Fighting Style: Very defensive, using the length of his greatsword (in the event that he has one) as a way of controlling the area.

Abilities: No particular abilities, aside from a scholarly education at the Royal Academy and whatever he has learned from the Anvilers.

Weapons and Equipment: Nothing specifically. He still keeps his Anvil-issued greatsword in his home, although more as a memento than an actual instrument.

Armor: Nothing.
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Name: Aurox Hollowborn, Auros/Auro as potential nicknames for those who are close to him.
Title: Trainee
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Dragonfolk
Place of Birth: Can’t Remember, the most remembered place was somewhere in the cantons.
Class: Training to be a well-known mercenary
Faction/Organization: None in particular

Physical Description: About 5’3’’ weighing around 173 pounds. He has a skinner figure but is slightly more muscular than the average person. He has dark blue scales travelling from his upper legs all the way up to his mid-chest from his dragonfolk race. He also has a long dragon-like tail and small horns. His tail changes colors based on the emotion he is feeling.

**Red:** Anger
**Orange:** Anticipation
**Yellow:** Joy
**Light Green:**
**Forest Green:**
**Blue:** Sadness
**Purple:** Surprise
**Deep Purple:** Disgust

Combinations of these colors will be shown to depict emotions that are a combination of the other 8, example being love = joy + trust . The color of his tail corresponds to the colors of the vials as well.

Depending on the level of the emotion- the tail will become more or less saturated

Lastly, in times of extremely passionate emotion (hatred, ecstatic, etc.), his eyes will begin to leak the color of the emotions he is feeling.

Typical Clothing: Casual yet lazy, often just wearing simple clothing that allows him to blend into crowds. Typically can be found wearing rundown and older hoses, a one colored tunic, and a few leather boots. He still has an area for his tail to stick out of his hoses, so it is always in the public’s view.

Personal Effects: Their sketchbook, and the belt containing their vials of liquid mana.

Personality Traits: What are some personality traits and dispositions they have? These can be subject to change, or context-dependent

Aurox has a unique personality system, being completely devoid of real emotions, he uses a liquid mana he produces via his ability to create artificial emotions. While they do let him feel things, they struggle to extend to more complicated topics like empathy/sympathy, and are often out of place or awkward in certain moments. These artificial emotions also cause him to switch between emotions rather quickly.

Cool Head - He has the ability to remove the syringes that allow him to feel emotions- therefore if needed being able to make decisions without the influence of emotion and purely based on facts.
Quick Learner - Aurox is able to learn things rather quickly- paying close attention to details and attempting to repeat them.

Weaknesses: His lack of real emotions sometimes makes it harder for him to connect- or makes him easier to manipulate. He also has a rather short-term memory, forgetting many details about people or why he was fighting for something.

Other: He often tries to hide the fact that he has no emotions as much as possible, though it tends to slip loose sometimes, or admitted when he is close to others. Additionally, he must periodically refill these vials of liquid mana, as the more emotions he feels, the more they drain.

Preferred Weapon: None quite yet, as he is still in training. The weapon he is most familiar with is a bow and arrow.

Abilities: The ability to generate more of this liquid mana to feel emotions from his fingertips, though this takes rather long.

He is slowly working not only to improve the speed of this- but to potentially turn this into a weapon.

Weapons and Equipment: The liquid mana is stored in vials on a specially made belt, all the vials have a small syringe that subtly injects the mana into his leg allowing him to feel these emotions. If this is removed, he can no longer feel the emotion corresponding to said vial.

A small backpack carrying a few pencils, chalk, and a leather bound sketchbook.
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Name: Elara Reyleth

Title: Professor of the Elemental Arts

Gender: Female - Although Gender distinction is more of a human drivel

Age: 35

Race: Elf

Place of Birth: The Varian Republic

Class: Healer/Elemental Mage

Faction/Organization: Professor at the Royal Academy but also has connections to the Levellers

Physical Description: Most people would likely agree that Elara’s eyes are her most striking feature. Her eye color is reminiscent of emeralds found in the deepest of the dwarven mines. Their shade is a rich, saturated, light green hue. Although green eyes were a common eye color, her eyes have more of an ethereal look due to her elven descent. Her eyes are slightly narrow, but tilted upwards at her outer corners giving them a fox-like appearance. She has long blonde hair that stops just below her knee when it’s not tied up. Her blonde hair is pale, so much that it looks white in certain lighting. Her eyebrows are thin and she has incredibly long eyelashes that most women pine for.

She’s taller than most women at the academy, towering at an impressive 5’11”. (Ironically she’s considered rather short among her elven peers.) She has a thin figure with skinny long limbs and a slender waist. Her bosom wasn’t overly flat nor was it excessively well endowed. She lacks muscle definition, but her wide hips stand out, especially in more form-fitting clothing.

Objectively, most humans consider her beauty otherworldly - but she realizes most humans aren’t around many elves. She feels she looks quite common and unimpressive especially in the midst of her own kind. Despite being 35, she looks to be in her early 20s.

Typical Clothing: Ordinarily she’s dressed in formal wear for her lectures at the academy. Long skirts with blouses or loose fitting dresses are her usual attire. If you were to ever see designs on her clothing it’s usually of the floral kind. Very rarely, is she seen in anything too revealing or tight as she’s usually quite bashful about showing her body. Most of the time she’ll have her long hair tied up in a ponytail with a blue hair tie.

Personal Effects: She always wears a blue hair tie given to her by her twin brother before they separated.

Other: -She occasionally has nightmares relating to her childhood trauma. -She practices the Mara-Far religion.

Personality Traits:

  • This could be a result of her elven lineage, but elegance emits out of her being. From the graceful way she walked, to the melodic way she laughed at passing jokes, she embodied poise and finesse with ease.
  • A pacifist at heart, she detests fighting. In her eyes violence was generally foolish and unnecessary. She prefers a diplomatic approach to most things. She believes discussing disputes leads to more productive outcomes.
  • Although already quite intelligent, She’s drawn to reading and learning new things. She likes expanding her knowledge.
  • A modest individual, she's never been involved in any romantic relationship - although that’s because she has one goal in mind at the moment
  • Kind and reassuring, students flock to her seminars due to her nurturing and comforting nature.
  • Calm and collective, nothing is usually able to get her angry.


  • A master of the Air, Water, and Earth elemental arts. While she primarily specializes in healing magic, she has a firm understanding of many offensive spells. (A job related difficulty, as the academy expects her to learn and educate the students in offensive spells. She’s quite unsettled about this.)
  • Elara is a very quick learner as she spent most of her life studying and amassing knowledge to get to her position.
  • Compassionate. There is no hesitation with her kindness for others. She likes to see the best in people before looking at the worst.
  • Driven. Once she has a goal, she does everything in her power to get it accomplished. Currently she only has one objective…
  • In tune with nature. Despite being away from her homeland, she still practices the Mara-Far religion. Her connection to the natural world has never wavered.


  • Fire Magic. While most elf’s at her magical level have been able to learn all four of the natural elements, Elara has never been able to connect to fire due to its destructive and wild nature.
  • Her offensive spell power is weak, but due to her pacifist nature, she refuses to use most offensive spells anyway. Even in the most disastrous of situations she will find other alternatives than to fight - which in certain circumstances - can make a situation more perilous than it should be.
  • Terrible at hand to hand combat. If one does manage to get close enough to her and knock her staff out of her possession , there isn’t much she can do to defend herself.
  • Struggles in High-stake situations. In scenarios where it requires making tough decisions that aren’t so diplomatic, she can be at a loss. Trying to appease everyone comes at a price - and regrettable it’s her ability to think on her feet.
  • Fire magic inflicts a fight or flight response due to a traumatic childhood experience.


Elara was raised deep in the forests of The Varian Republic. She grew up with a very tight knit elven tribe called the Varian Bloomcircle. Both of her parents were High Elves who abandoned her and her twin brother Taric at the age of three, choosing to ascend to elemental realms beyond human domains. Due to this, Elara and Taric were extremely close and learned everything together from communicating with animals to connecting with magic and being in tune with the natural world around them. They learned how to use magic for healing, crafting, and even play. Taric was always the better magic user out of the two and she looked up to him greatly. He protected her and looked after her as if he was an older brother despite the two of them being the same age. Her childhood was filled with tranquility, laughter, and love.

Everything changed however, when Taric suddenly went berserk on their 13th birthday. He was exceedingly good at fire magic - more so than certain adults in the tribe. During their coming of age ceremony, he without a warning, began to ablaze everything in his path. No one could stop him as his magic was amplified tenfold due to their ceremony commencement. He was surrounded by a fire prison so not even Elara's cries could reach him. By the end of the night, there was nothing left. Much of the tribal homes that were built into the trees were either gone or dispersed into dust. Taric had also vanished after his rampage leaving Elara to take the brunt of the aftermath. She was exiled from her tribe for her brother's crimes and left to fend for herself.

She was at a loss, left orphaned and alone, she traveled to the capital of The Varian republic where she slept in city street for weeks. She had just about given up on life until a Duinar merchant saw the beautiful child on the busy boulevard and decided to take her in. She was then taken to The Duinar empire and provided with the best education and housing anyone could ask for. Eventually , she was given a job as a professor due to her high proficiency in magic. However even now, she still searches for her brother.

Preferred Weapon: An oak staff with large red ruby nested at the top in a twist of vines of leafs.

Fighting Style: She’s usually in the backline providing support.
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Name: Sir Alois de Garnier
Title: Captain of the New Division, 'The Rogue'
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Kingdom of Jul
Class: Knight
Faction/Organization: Formerly the Royal Chevalier Order

Physical Description: TBD.

Typical Clothing: TBD

Personal Effects: TBD

Personality Traits:
  • Knightly Knightly Knight​
  • Surprisingly Liberal for a Julian​
  • Loves Wine and Women​

  • Good With Numbers​
  • Etiquette​
  • Holy Shit He's Killy​
  • Self-Aware​
  • Tactics Schmactics​
  • You have offended my honor, sir!​
  • Nah, I'm Gonna Do My Own Thing​
  • Magically Dead​
Biography - TBD

Preferred Weapon: A fine lance and shield- though he is quite exceptional with his sword, if it comes to such unpleasantry.

Fighting Style: He leads from the front- a daring, dashing figure. He entrusts much of the tactical decision-making to his lieutenants, while he inspires the men.
  • Name: Cecilius (Cecil) Strype

    Title: Master of Strype Trading Company
    Gender: male
    Age: 48
    Race: human
    Place of Birth: Swornkeep (Duinar Empire)

    Class: wealthy merchant, philanthropist, political activist

    Faction/Organization: The Levellers

    Other: Character Theme Song

    Physical Description: Medium height and weight with a bookish-man’s physique, pale skin with barely perceptible freckles, blue eyes. His two most memorable facial features are his bulbous nose and his curly, almost to the point of unkempt, graying hair.

    Typical Clothing: Stylish. Custom-tailored. Expensive.

    Personal Effects: Glass of Forgery Detection. A palm-sized disc of durable aquamarine glass, enchanted to reveal the face and name of the author for any bit of writing one inspects through it. Anyone can use this item. These fantastic treasures are both exceedingly rare and pricey.

    Personality Traits:
    Cultured - As a distinguished member of the Duinar Empire’s affluent merchant class, Cecil has the refined etiquette and tastes of an aristocrat.​
    Cunning - What Cecil lacks in charm, he makes up for with razor-sharp political and social instincts. He frequently schemes, patiently undermines, and almost never acts impulsively.​
    Loyal - Cecil is a steadfast supporter towards those he loves and respects. Even when they make mistakes, he forgives or overlooks. His enemies judge this a vulnerability. His friends and family consider this a virtue.​
    Managerial - Before he ever reached adulthood, Cecil possessed the temperament and talents of an executive. Assertive. Industrious. Indefatigable. Cecil’s proven to be a highly capable, though a somewhat austere, leader.​

    Well-connected - Cecil has forged incredibly valuable connections (friendships, in some cases) through his business endeavors, his political activism, his patronage of the arts, and his hobnobbing with genteel men and women.​
    Wealth & Assets: Cecil owns and manages the second largest trading company inside the Empire. He employs over 900 men and women. The Strype Trading Company has various assets, including warehouses, caravans, and three stables. Cecil‘s younger brother, Rhodri, owns a posh hostelry in Swornkeep, which the Strype family frequently makes use of. Additionally, Cecil co-owns an Ironway theater, and sponsors — as well as sporadically writes for — the Levellers’ political pamphlet Unfettered Ideas.​

    Effete - In regards to their physicality, none of the Strype men are impressive. Whenever Cecil finds himself face-to-face with a bellicose hoodlum — and he occasionally has — he is at an obvious and dangerous disadvantage.​
    Proud - As a lord in all but title, Cecil feels strongly that some lifestyle choices, and even entire industries, are beneath him. And further, beneath his family.​

    Fighting Style: He trusts (hopes?) his pen will be mightier...

    Abilities: See 'Personal Effects'

    Weapons and Equipment: It’s fashionable within the Empire for upper-class men to carry a sword, and Cecil usually adheres to this trend. His blade of choice is an ornate cutlass whose previous owner was (reportedly) an infamous brigand who lost his life while attempting rob a Strype Trading Company caravan. Cecil never bothers to train with the weapon, but it’s proven to be a delightful conversation piece.

    Armor: None
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