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The Wyrd of the Black Dogs
The Wyrd of the Black Dogs
Here is the character sheet. You can fill out multiple characters as needed! You also donʼt have to follow this format strictly, as long as all the necessary information is there.
Name: Insert the name of the character, including aliases
Title: Does the character have any official title by which they are recognized? (e.g. Captain of the Royal Guards)
Place of Birth: Where was the character born, or where do they originate from?
Class: What type of role do they fit in combat? If the character is a non-combatant, then what is their role? If they do not have a role, write “lazy guy”
Faction/Organization: Do they work in an organization or support a faction? There can be multiple factions/organizations here, depending on the situation
Picture: Optional
Physical Description: Self-explanatory. Include any tattoos, markings, piercings, makeup or facial scars.
Typical Clothing: Obviously your character is not going to be wearing the same outfit day in and day out, but what is their general style, if there is any?
Personal Effects: Do they have any items that are precious or important to them?
Other: Optional, include any other details that you want
Personality Traits: What are some personality traits and dispositions they have? These can be subject to change, or context-dependent
Strengths: What are their strengths? These can be physical and mental
Weaknesses: What are their weaknesses? These can be physical and mental
Biography: What is their story? What has happened to them prior to the events of this narrative?
Preferred Weapon: Optional if the character is a non-combatant, which weapon have they extensively trained under?
Fighting Style: Optional, is there anything to note about their fighting style?
Abilities: Magical or otherwise
Weapons and Equipment: Optional, do they have any specific weapons or equipment that they keep to themselves? (These can be lost or changed for other items)
Armor: Optional, do they wear any specific armor outside of whatever they can find or standard-issue equipment?
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