The World of Wolves

wolfgang said:
MMMNoooo, Shadora the color changing tearor of a wolf.
Ps I was wondering if any you had a problem with me draw your Characters.
I don't have a problem with that and as far as I know he still has her I will ask him Tomorrow to be sure
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Do any of you ever sleep? Haha honestly! I don't think you guys have taken a break yet xD )
Lol *sleep what is this sleep thing you speak of it sounds dreadful and displease me*
O-o child! Nu. Sleep deprivation can kill you! *picks up, carries to a soft bed, and tucks in.* sleep my child sleep. *pets head in a weird manner*
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
O-o child! Nu. Sleep deprivation can kill you! *picks up, carries to a soft bed, and tucks in.* sleep my child sleep. *pets head in a weird manner*
*hisses showing sharp fangs* I am a vampire in the night * Jumps out of bed with that and runs up a wall literally*

A man who was turned into a vampire and felt weak and powerless against his new and furious instincts and urges and had to fight with them but eventually won and caged his inner beast so now he is no longer a bloodthirsty monster unless he chose to be

Ok so the wolf is the vampires instincts and urge to drink blood and the little boy is the vampire who runs and hides from the wolf aka his instincts/urges but soon the boy aka the vampire gets sick of running and faces the wolf aka instincts/urges and is able to cage the wolf (the scene where the hands grab it and pull it into a pit that closes) or control his instincts/urges and once the wolf is defeated he is a the one who controls the wolf aka instincts/urges and he is only a bloodthirsty monster when he chooses to be
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Huh. Didnt get that at all from the vid haha
My mind works messed up that is just what I got from it a vampire struggle to control there inner demon
wolfgang said:
I take it the little girl's father is that big burly dude who punched out that the one guy.
Yep pretty much

@Cyber Wolf

Hey haven't seen you post yet are you still interested in this rp
Uh in order for them to get her, they'd have to reach to where you guys are in the arena and pulls her to the edge and drag her up the wall xD
UnicornBunny said:
Did you guys need anyone?
Ya we can use some more people


Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Uh in order for them to get her, they'd have to reach to where you guys are in the arena and pulls her to the edge and drag her up the wall xD
The Arena is like a big fenced area like a gladiator ring from Roman times but caged in she wouldn't be able to jump down into the arena the only way in is from one of the side doors I'll put a hole in the fence and change my post

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