The World of Wolves

You are kinda making all your characters avoid the attacks and making mine take all the damage. You aren't even letting them have a chance to avoid anything. Plus kodiiak's attack was really sudden so she shouldn't be able to move like that. Also what does the mane have to do with anything?

The mane is a lot of fur around the neck and shoulders that keeps the neck safer from attacks because it is think and like a mastiff the skin is looser so when it gets grabbed the skin will shift have you ever seen a mastiff get bit by another dog the skin around there neck protects it from attacks better because when they get bit it shifts so that it is just skin they are holding onto and I had intended to edit the post the Google speak thing isn't working on my phone I guess because I just re read all the way threw it and it got messed up I was doing two at once sorry :)


Sorry I'm kinda going back and forth between two wolf games lol my fault I mixed them together lol I use the same characters in most rps so I have the same wolves in the other one which is why I got them confused

There isn't an outside the cages are like we'll let me get a pic hold on



Ok so the cage is like i nthe the pic and the door swings upward but is in like a dark hall type of thing like the top pic is what the arena would look like to the wolves so to check out a cage you would have to walk inside the doors to the area open up as well so if you went close enough to the cage to check anything the arena or cage door would close because it is controlled by the humans that are in like a control room by the arena

So the cage sits in a walkway to get to the arena and there are two doors the door to the cage itself and the arena door the cage is as big as the opening and so to check the cage you would have to walk into it because it is in that walkway type place
Sorry if I didn't make it clear my ADHD makes it hard to explain things some times sorry that's my fault

Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Ok that wasnt how I pictured it. I will edit that.

Sorry I edited my last post sorry bout that forgot in all the excitement lol xD so it all fixed the right way for you
Hey guys I have to write this quickly and I will make it short and simple. I may not be here for a few days because my phone won't charge and my computer is broken. I will try to find something to use but no guarantees! I'm so sorry. All my electronics are acting up so you can head on with out me if you'd like and I will fill myself in later. Thanks!
@Summer Dotty

Um you can't get near the facility with out a ride you would have to be brought which is why I was trying to find a way to work you in there is no way you would be able to see the humans at all because of the way it is set up and I really don't want to change the world that much so please refrain from changing my world again with out permission and please change the post because the way you changed the world ruins the storyline I had planned
//I was using the Setting/Location thing... It said that one of them had Humans in them so she's stalking them, because it said they had humans in them? I'm so sorry, it didn't say anywhere about that facility being far away. Sorry again, @Shadora , I just had a misunderstanding.

I quote from the things: "TL is a huge area with open field. Filled with food both big and small it is also one of the most dangerous ones since two legs,humans, are staying here."
@Summer Dotty

It is in two leg land bur it is on a cliff face and the only way there is to get driven there same with getting out because the whole place has fortified fences and electric wires so nothing can jump over or dig under the fence which is 5 miles away from the facility it's self and the entrance had huge door that have to be driven into and then has several more sets of doors then to get in or out of the facility you have to go threw a tunnel to the only door that leads outside except one where the fence is down but you can't enter from there because of the other fences

I haven't had a chance to add the Two-legged land extinsuon to the settings and location yet
//It didn't say that on the thing - maybe you should put that? Just a suggestion..? So how are we going to get her there? I'll delete that other post then and put she was asleep
[QUOTE="Summer Dotty]//It didn't say that on the thing - maybe you should put that? Just a suggestion..? So how are we going to get her there? I'll delete that other post then and put she was asleep

Ya I know how to add her in but I was actually working on typing out the extension first sorry it is taking so long having a hard time with discription today
*yawns and stretches* I took a nap

I think I might make Tool look more feral or kinda lion like with the scruff around his neck
Name: Raine Canis

Age: 19


Personality: Cold and precise, hidden beneath a heart of stone is a caring heart that is refused to be shown

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, horseback riding, cleaning.

Expertise: Speed

Bio: Raine grew up to be highly trained from his parents and pushed hard to learn. Through this, the childhood he was meant to have was stripped away and slowly created the cold and calculated soldier he is now. Raine is not meant to be mean, he is just brutally honest and will not hide anything from the team he is in. Under his facade, he is a young man that cares more than most, and this is shown as he protects the ones in his squad as well as civilians.

Anything else?: " Raine: Mommy, why do all the good people die?

Raine's mother: "When you are in a garden, which flowers do you pick?"

Raine: "Only the pretty ones..."

@Shadora this is Raine made for an AoT rp me and my rp partner came up with

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