The World of Tomorrow


The aircraft returned to their base, and gave the total report to their commanders, which in turn alerted Jacob.D. He then brought this to the President, which in turn decided to try and contact the English Government.

As Jacob tried to contact them, the Polish Army moved on to claim old Republic of Latvia. Their expansion was pretty quick.


A4, 5:00 PM,

Secret Metro.

Moscow died with the Old World, Anya thought, viewing the Lazarus Project lab from the catwalk above. Stacks of Stimuli Boxes being neatly placed on the awaiting Metro 2 Tram. Soon, for the first time since the War, the city will breathe clean, uncontaminated air. All from methodically secured Metro native fauna inside protective cases. Gas masks would no longer be needed for work crews, and soon, full colonization would be possible, the sort her Father hoped for so.

It gave her hope.
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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Incoming transmission sir." a communications operator said to the communications officer. "Whom from?" the officer asked. "Hmm... The Republic of Poland." the operator responded. "Put them through." "At once sir."

Korean Airspace

"Looks like they sent out some planes, sir." a pilot said to the leader. "Orders?" "We wait; if they fire at us we retreat back to Britain. If they don't, try to establish communications."

Singaporean Airspace

"Looks like they cleared the runway." a pilot said. "Landing speed and formation squad." the leader said. The planes slowed down and got in a straight line. They approached the runway.
Agent141 said:
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Incoming transmission sir." a communications operator said to the communications officer. "Whom from?" the officer asked. "Hmm... The Republic of Poland." the operator responded. "Put them through." "At once sir."

Korean Airspace

"Looks like they sent out some planes, sir." a pilot said to the leader. "Orders?" "We wait; if they fire at us we retreat back to Britain. If they don't, try to establish communications."

Singaporean Airspace

"Looks like they cleared the runway." a pilot said. "Landing speed and formation squad." the leader said. The planes slowed down and got in a straight line. They approached the runway.

"This is the general J.D. We wanted to inform you that our scouting troops just returned from Moscov. It's a complete and utter mess. There are people down there, though."

"Also, on another hand, we'd like to establish an non-aggresion pact with you, so we won't be disturbing each other. If you'd like, we can also establish a trading route from Lublin to London
Singaporean Federation

Entrance to the Changi Airport

News reporters were already lining up in front of the old building. Several guards are holding them back from the door. In the distance group of planes began their landing. Zeph chuckles to himself.

Britain really has gone socialist. The hammer and sickle on top of the Union Jack is a nice touch.

Inside the airport, Governor of the 4th district of the Federation Khey Lim was preparing a small force.

"No need for hostilities Khey, I don't want to start our first contact the same way the world ended their contact."

A guard runs up. "They've landed, sir."

"Shall we meet them?"

Engineering crew and scientists from the university were examining the planes from afar. Snipers on top the control tower were watching them. News reporters were lined across the chain fence trying to get pictures of the pilots. Flanked on both sides by Chen and the Governor, Zeph walked outside to the greet the new arrivals with outstretched arms.

"Selamat datang! Welcome to Singapura, the moon among the 5 stars! Although it seems another star has appeared, Britain! I am Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes, this is Minister of War and Expansion Jimmy Chen, and Governor of the 4th District of the Federation Khey Lim. Please come in, you must be exhausted."

Empire of Manchuria

Harbin, Manchuria

Emperor Dowan Cixi and his generals were having a plan to expand their territories further just like what their descendants did to other neighbors, they don't even know if any neighbors that had a government like Korea exist or China.

"Your grace, one of our patrol ships had found a big island which is was once to called Sakhalin Island by the Russians." A general replied. "Great! Send some colonist there, now!" the Emperor said. "Yes, your grace." A general replied. The Emperor looked at the general who leads the Korean campaign "Keep expanding to Korea. If you discovered something over that peninsula, just tell me." and then he looks at the other generals, "I want our Empire to be big. Our focus is to expand to South and to Mongolia, understood!?" the Emperor said. "Yes, your grace!" said by all of the generals. "Good, your dismissed." the generals left the conference.


Vladivostok, Outer Manchuria, Manchuria

About 450 colonists were present in Vladivostok, it is led by General Tang Xu and then transport ships were docked in the Vladivostok shores. The General yelled, "Let's go, for the Empire!" and the colonists yelled, "For the Empire!" and then the colonists including the General himself were sprinting to the ships and then the ship sailed to Sakhalin Island.
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Agent141 said:
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Incoming transmission sir." a communications operator said to the communications officer. "Whom from?" the officer asked. "Hmm... The Republic of Poland." the operator responded. "Put them through." "At once sir."

Korean Airspace

"Looks like they sent out some planes, sir." a pilot said to the leader. "Orders?" "We wait; if they fire at us we retreat back to Britain. If they don't, try to establish communications."

Singaporean Airspace

"Looks like they cleared the runway." a pilot said. "Landing speed and formation squad." the leader said. The planes slowed down and got in a straight line. They approached the runway.
General Choe sighed. "Pilots, you are ordered to not engage the enemy air crafts and attempt to communicate using flying signals. Do not attack until they attack. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" The pilots of the 6 F-16 Fighters replied as their jets screamed over the skies of Korea.


President Kim's eyebrows furrowed. "So, you have managed to pick up some radio signals and troop movements coming from the north?"

The Minister of Interior Jang Woo Jin nodded. "But not North Korea Mr. President. It seems further. The signals are centered around Manchuria, especially the Shenyang and Harbin area."

President Kim stared out the window. His makeshift office was in the small section of Gangnam that had been restored for hundreds of Koreans. The view was still quite impressive, even with the melted and stumped sky scrapers. "Tell them to contact whoever is in China. And make the message clear that we will not tolerate them taking any parts of Korea. Even North Korea."
Empire of Manchuria

Khelmsk, Sakhalin Island

7 hours later, the 400 colonists led by General Tang Xu had arrived in then shores of a ruined municipality of Khelmsk, Sakhalin Island. As the ships embarked, the colonists stepped out on their shores and create a camp in the beach of Khelmsk.

General Tang Xu goes to the command tent and had contacted the Imperial Heartland HQ of Manchuria, "This is General Tang Xu, we had arrived in some sort of a ruined municipality of Khelmsk, Sakhalin Island. No contacts of people. We need an armed force here already and also we need engineers to rebuild the municipality, over."


Harbin, Manchuria

A royal guard opens Emperor Dowan's door and the royal guard said, "Your grace, the Imperial Heartland HQ needs you and it is urgent." Emperor Dowan said, "I'm coming." the Emperor dressed himself and left the Imperial Palace.

As they arrived in the Imperial Heartland HQ which is just near to the Imperial Palace,
the Emperor entered the HQ. The employees of the HQ noticed the Emperor's presence, they looked at him and bow and they get back to work. Commander Jee Li, commander of the Imperial Heartland HQ approached the Emperor and bowed, "Your grace, you need to see this."

They looked at the massive radio signals coming from the south of Korean Peninsula. "This is new, commander, what is it?" the Emperor asked. "There are massive radio signals coming from the south of Korean Peninsula. I think there is a major settlement there or..a nation." the commander said. "A nation!? We don't even know what's beyond there, Commander. Make the Korean Peninsula a hotspot of one of our invasion campaigns. We shall see what will be the outcome and we need to be prepared." the Emperor said and the Commander nods.

"And also, your grace. General Tang Xu, the one who sent you to Sakhalin Island, needs men and engineers to rebuild Khelmsk." the Commander said and the Emperor nods and the Emperor left the Imperial Heartland HQ


Territorial Gain: Khelmsk (Sakhalin Island)]
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[QUOTE="Emperor Ploppa]

Empire of Manchuria

Khelmsk, Sakhalin Island

7 hours later, the 400 colonists led by General Tang Xu had arrived in then shores of a ruined municipality of Khelmsk, Sakhalin Island. As the ships embarked, the colonists stepped out on their shores and create a camp in the beach of Khelmsk.

General Tang Xu goes to the command tent and had contacted the Imperial Heartland HQ of Manchuria, "This is General Tang Xu, we had arrived in some sort of a ruined municipality of Khelmsk, Sakhalin Island. No contacts of people. We need an armed force here already and also we need engineers to rebuild the municipality, over."


Harbin, Manchuria

A royal guard opens Emperor Dowan's door and the royal guard said, "Your grace, the Imperial Heartland HQ needs you and it is urgent." Emperor Dowan said, "I'm coming." the Emperor dressed himself and left the Imperial Palace.

As they arrived in the Imperial Heartland HQ which is just near to the Imperial Palace,
the Emperor entered the HQ. The employees of the HQ noticed the Emperor's presence, they looked at him and bow and they get back to work. Commander Jee Li, commander of the Imperial Heartland HQ approached the Emperor and bowed, "Your grace, you need to see this."

They looked at the massive radio signals coming from the south of Korean Peninsula. "This is new, commander, what is it?" the Emperor asked. "There are massive radio signals coming from the south of Korean Peninsula. I think there is a major settlement there or..a nation." the commander said. "A nation!? We don't even know what's beyond there, Commander. Make the Korean Peninsula a hotspot of one of our invasion campaigns. We shall see what will be the outcome and we need to be prepared." the Emperor said and the Commander nods.

"And also, your grace. General Tang Xu, the one who sent you to Sakhalin Island, needs men and engineers to rebuild Khelmsk." the Commander said and the Emperor nods and the Emperor left the Imperial Heartland HQ


Territorial Gain: Khelmsk (Sakhalin Island)]

Seoul, Republic of Korea

"Mr. President, we have some Chinese units moving aggressively into the Peninsula." General Park Gung Ho stated to the president. The president himself was watching the situation unfold in front of him, with one of the intact Korean satellites relaying pictures from space. "It seems as if they have no intention of stopping."

"Move our troops forward to the north. We need to secure at least Pyongyang." President Kim replied. "Send a strong radio signal to China. Make sure they understand that we will not tolerate our nation being invaded."
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Korean Airspace

"Hmm, why haven't they attacked yet." wondered a pilot.

"Try hailing them." the leader suggested.

"Can't, they use a frequency different to ours." a pilot responded.

"Have you tried to look for that frequency?"

"Yep, but I can't just pinpoint it."

"Picking up some radio signals and a lot of movement to the North, sir." another pilot said.

"Call the rest of the squad back over here, we might need the help." the leader responded.

"At once sir."

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

The pilots had just landed. They were greeted by a Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes. He had invited them in, when the squad leader got a call. "Ello." he had said in a British accent. "Rest of Asian squad here, the squad leader wants you here." the pilot on the other end had said. "We'll be done around here in about 30 minutes." he had responded. "Ok, but hurry, I have a bad feeling about this." "We'll have to go in around 30 minutes, shall we continue?" he said to Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes.

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

Diplomatic Minister Alastair had just arrived at the communications center. "Ah, you happened around in the nick of time sir." the communications officer said to Alastair. "Poland requests a non-aggression treaty with us and and a trade route between Lubin and London." Alastair picked up the radio transmitter, "Ello, I am Diplomatic Minister Alastair. We would be pleased to accept a non aggression treaty. As for the trade route, the shipments will have to be diverted to Oxford, as London is still irradiated."
Agent141 said:
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Korean Airspace

"Hmm, why haven't they attacked yet." wondered a pilot.

"Try hailing them." the leader suggested.

"Can't, they use a frequency different to ours." a pilot responded.

"Have you tried to look for that frequency?"

"Yep, but I can't just pinpoint it."

"Picking up some radio signals and a lot of movement to the North, sir." another pilot said.

"Call the rest of the squad back over here, we might need the help." the leader responded.

"At once sir."

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

The pilots had just landed. They were greeted by a Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes. He had invited them in, when the squad leader got a call. "Ello." he had said in a British accent. "Rest of Asian squad here, the squad leader wants you here." the pilot on the other end had said. "We'll be done around here in about 30 minutes." he had responded. "Ok, but hurry, I have a bad feeling about this." "We'll have to go in around 30 minutes, shall we continue?" he said to Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes.

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

Diplomatic Minister Alastair had just arrived at the communications center. "Ah, you happened around in the nick of time sir." the communications officer said to Alastair. "Poland requests a non-aggression treaty with us and and a trade route between Lubin and London." Alastair picked up the radio transmitter, "Ello, I am Diplomatic Minister Alastair. We would be pleased to accept a non aggression treaty. As for the trade route, the shipments will have to be diverted to Oxford, as London is still irradiated."

"I am glad to hear it. As for us, we had to switch capitals as well, since Warsaw was bombed heavily by Ruskies. Alright. It was pleasure to talk to you" With that said, the connection was halted.

"I want Danzig to be fully operable in 24 hours, send four ships with supplies to the Oxford, Britain" General said, standing up from the desk.

"Has Latvia been captured?" "Yes, we now are close to regaining our full bourders from 1569 AD. About half way, we have to capture Ukrai

ne, and parts of Kievan Rus'"

(Reminding: Latvia is now under Polish Administration.
Agent141 said:
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Korean Airspace

"Hmm, why haven't they attacked yet." wondered a pilot.

"Try hailing them." the leader suggested.

"Can't, they use a frequency different to ours." a pilot responded.

"Have you tried to look for that frequency?"

"Yep, but I can't just pinpoint it."

"Picking up some radio signals and a lot of movement to the North, sir." another pilot said.

"Call the rest of the squad back over here, we might need the help." the leader responded.

"At once sir."

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

The pilots had just landed. They were greeted by a Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes. He had invited them in, when the squad leader got a call. "Ello." he had said in a British accent. "Rest of Asian squad here, the squad leader wants you here." the pilot on the other end had said. "We'll be done around here in about 30 minutes." he had responded. "Ok, but hurry, I have a bad feeling about this." "We'll have to go in around 30 minutes, shall we continue?" he said to Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes.

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

Diplomatic Minister Alastair had just arrived at the communications center. "Ah, you happened around in the nick of time sir." the communications officer said to Alastair. "Poland requests a non-aggression treaty with us and and a trade route between Lubin and London." Alastair picked up the radio transmitter, "Ello, I am Diplomatic Minister Alastair. We would be pleased to accept a non aggression treaty. As for the trade route, the shipments will have to be diverted to Oxford, as London is still irradiated."
Singaporean federation

Inside Changi airport

On the walk to the conference hall, engineering and staff from the university offered aid to the pilots in preparing the planes for takeoff. Upon reaching the room, they were quickly whisked away by the gaurds. The men sat down across from each other.

"I'll get right to the point." Zeph signaled to a group of attendants bring out some snacks and beverages. "I had prepared a larger feast in celebration. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy it next time. We are about to enter a new era, an era of rediscovery and recovery. However I fear the existence of other more hostile nations. To better meet these unknowns, I would like to form a political-military alliance. I would also like to form a trading treaty based on the policies that the old commonwealth used. While our two nations are very distant, I believe trading may still occur, be it by air or by sea. I am prepared to send the Governor of the 4th District Khey Lim as the ambassador of the Singaporean Federation to the Soviet Republic of Britain if you do plan on returning from whatever calls your attention. Do not worry about transport, we still have confiscated commercial planes from the old era. We would also like to establish a long distance communication network, but that can be discussed at a later date."
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Empire of Manchuria

Pyongsong, Korean Province, Empire of Manchuria

4 km from Pyongyang

Over a hundred thousand Manchurian troops and hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles led by General Kim Song-su; a Kim descendant and loyal to the Empire with a Korean-Manchu blood, are ready to invade Pyongyang in order to expand their territories further and to neutralize any threat such as bandits, mercenaries, etc. in the Korean Peninsula.

Suddenly, unknown airplanes were flying in the skies between Pyongsong and Pyongyang. General Kim Song-us look at the unknown airplanes. He looked at the Commander of General Kim's. "Is that one of ours?" General Kim asked. "No, sir, most of our Air Force is at the Imperial Heartland Region." the Commander replied. "That's strange." General Kim said. He looked something in a distance, like moving men towards the ruined city of Pyongyang, he grab his binoculars and scoped through the distance. General Kim saw unknown troops moving to Pyongyang, he glared at them and amazed how this 'mercenaries' are very organized to take Pyongyang. "Hmm, this mercenaries are very organized, I'm impressed." General Kim continued, "Colonel, contact the bombers from Shenyang to bomb the enemy moving positions and after that, we will move to Pyongyang." The Colonel said, "Right on it, sir." and then the Colonel contacted the Imperial Heartland HQ.

(Pyongyang isn't bombed yet and my troops haven't moved yet.)


Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Empire of Manchuria

Before the Emperor could walk away the HQ. An employee rushed outside to the Emperor. "Your grace! Commander Jee Li called you urgently!" the employee and the Emperor rushed inside the HQ. After the Emperor entered the HQ. A strong radio signal struck the HQ. "What the fuck was that!?" the Emperor yelled. "Eh..your grace, the strong radio signal came from the southern Korean Peninsula. Mainly in Seoul." the Commander said. "Seoul?" Emperor asked. "Yes, your grace." Commander replied. "What do they want? It seems this people are on suicide mission." Emperor said. "General Kim Song-su said they are organized deadly mercenaries which is going towards Pyongyang and our bombers is going to Pyongyang to bomb enemy positions." the Commander replied. "No, give this organized mercenaries a warning, I'll give them a message."

The Emperor sits down on the radio communication and the Emperor said:

We are the Empire of Manchuria, founded 800 years ago, we came to surface 800 years ago and now; we are likely advanced than you. Mercenaries, raiders, survivors, whatever you are. We are giving you a warning, tell your men to leave in the ruined city of Pyongyang and we will bring no harm to your people. If you don't, there will be no second chances, we will invade and we will scourge your lands, your people will die in the hands of the Manchu people. We are millions of men. We are many, we can swarm the Korean Peninsula. You and your people will bow down to me...if you didn't accept my simple offer.

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Czernobyl, Old Ukraine

Polish forces couldn't manage to reach the Ukraine, as the Czernobyl reactor was completely obliterated, releasing the rest of it's massive radiation around Ukraine's old bourders. The expansion to the east was temporarily halted there. As for Belarus, the west part of it was claimed by Poland.

The Socialist Republic of Britain

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

The Prime Minister of the Singaporean Federation had offered a political and military alliance and a trade route offer to the Socialist Republic of Britain, as well as a long range communications network. "I believe that is for the boys back at home to decide." the squad leader had said. He pulled out a radio. "Ello, Asian Squadron to HQ, you read me?"

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Read you loud and clear Asian Squad." Diplomatic Minister Alastair said. "The Prime Minister of the Singaporean Federation requests an alliance and a trade route." the squad leader said. "We would gladly accept the trade route, as for the alliance, I would have to discuss that with the Prime Minister and the Military Minister, I'll respond as soon as we get a conclusion." Alastair responded.

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

"Well, there's your answer," the squad leader had said. He looks at his watch. "Oh, well I guess we better be going." the leader said as he motioned for the others to follow him back to their planes.

Oxford, The S.R.B.

Prime Minister Kord and Military Minister Torrad were discussing an invasion of what used to be France. "Our troops would travel across the straight over to France escorted by the navy." Torrad said. "The Air Force will follow them. The troops will land on Omaha Beach. There they will proceed to march across France. The navy will patrol the straight and the Air Force will patrol France airspace, preventing any real naval and air support." Diplomatic Minister Alastair walked in. "The Singaporean Federation requests an alliance sir." he said. Oh dear, another debate... he thought while saying this.
The Empire of Texas

Colorado Front

Walking quietly down the line of kneeling figures, Connor pulls the goggles away from his eyes, a layer of dirt and mud encircling the clean circles near his eyes. Standing to either side of him, two of his Lords, both from provinces near Austin, stood grimly behind him, one of them with a bullet wound to his left shoulder, still in a cast.

Kneeling before them, hundreds of men and women stared at the ground blankly, while Imperial soldiers walked among them slowly, their rifles held at the ready. The prisoners were the last of a resistance force the Empire of Texas had encountered in Colorado. The mountainous terrain the rebels had occupied prevented the Empire from overwhelming them with armored vehicles, so they had to rely on digging them out with ground troops. Despite the bitter resistance they faced, the Texas forces sustained minimal losses against the ill-trained enemy, crushing every defense point they came across. In just three weeks, most of the Colorado mountains were under Texan control. The last holdout, recently destroyed in an overwhelming charge of valiant soldiers, was the last bunker the enemy had. Looking at the defeated foe before him, Connor couldn't help but smile.

Turning hearing approaching footsteps, Connors smile vanished as two soldiers approached, dragging the leader of the resistance between them. The leader, a rather fat man in Connors mind, wore a fine suit that was out of place in the presence of the Texas uniform, which was really just anything they could find. Dropping him, the soldiers clubbed him in the back of the head as he tried to rise, forcing him to his knees. Rising slowly, he spits blood out of his mouth, glaring up at Connor.

Laughing quietly, Connor leans down to look the man in the eyes. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you, general. I have heard so much about you from all prisoners were questioned. Though, I must admit, I never thought you would be quite so large." As the general tried to speak, Connor quickly rose and kicked him across the face, a action that led some of the nearest rebels to struggle against their bonds, resulting in Texas soldiers clubbing them in the heads as well.

Looking down at the general as he tried to stand back up, Connor grunted, drawing his pistol. "This could have been avoided if you had willingly joined us, general. So many more of your people would still be alive now." The humor suddenly dropped from his voice, as he clicked the safety off. "You brought this on yourself." The generals eyes widen, and his mouth opens to plea for mercy, before quickly be silenced by the echo of a gunshot. The generals body crumbles to the ground limp, and Connor lowers the smoking pistol. Turning to look at the prisoners around him, Connor turned and walked away from them.

"Take them to processing. Once they are unarmed and branded, send them home." Entering a waiting helicopter, Connor and the two Texas generals climb inside, and brace themselves as it lifts off into the air. Looking over the mountain ranges of Colorado, Connor smiles. This now all belonged to the Empire of Texas.

Empire of Texas Territorial Gain

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Singaporean Federation

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

"Very well." Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes stood up. "When you return, we'll have that feast we promised. Our own planes will be ready to depart with your squadron to Britain, just make sure you come back." As they walked onto the runway, news reporters took pictures of them. "Take care gentlemen. Remember that the Federation is always ready to aid those who come." The men boarded their planes and began takeoff. Zeph said to the Governor and an attendant, "Prepare two carrier planes with enough food for a round trip. Convert one of them into housing and official work for the Governor. The other will have gifts and two jeeps for a scouting party in Europe." A messenger from the Headquarters Signals and Command Systems at Stagmont Camp ran to the trio. "Sir, you are needed at SIG HQ."

Headquarters Signals and Command Systems (HQ SIG), Singaporean Federation

Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes and Minister of War and Expansion Jimmy Chen walked into the communications war room. Chen shouts, "Update on the reclamation forces!" Operators responded, "South Reclamation Force have taken Java Island and have begun combing Jakarta for inhabitants. They have found 4 fighter jets in old Indonesian Air Bases." "Eastern Reclamation Force have just taken Kalimantan Island. They have yet to reach Balikpapan." "Northern Reclamation Force have taken Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh. They are also searching for survivors." Good Zeph thought to himself. More farmland for the Federation and if there are civilians, we can expand our districts. "One more thing sir! Our Northern Reclamation Forces headed to Hanoi received a volley of radio signals from the north. Most of it is static but we were able to make out a few words, mostly 'Korea,' 'China,' and 'Manchuria.'" This will be interesting, our old trade partners have awakened, I must prepare a fleet to meet them. "Sir! We are detecting a signal from a once thought lost Korean Satellite. We're currently decrypting the signal, but it believed to be a surveillance satellite." Are they having a war up north? "Orders?" After a few moments Zeph said, "Once we gain vision, I want to be able to relay the information to our new acquaintances. Have the University launch radio signal amplifiers into the air."

Territorial gains

Parts of Southern Asian between Hanoi and Bangkok

Java Island

Western Half of Kalimantan Island
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Location-Colorado, Formerly Winter Park Resort, Current Empire of Texas FOB

Sitting quietly at the desk, Connor sat at one of the few remaining desks within the former resort. The ski lifts, once used to ferry skiers up the mountain slope, had long since rusted and collapsed, crushing several building that Connor could see from the window of his office. Spread out around the aging complex, dozens of tanks and other military vehicles sat in neat rows, with armed soldiers walking around their perimeter. Now that the campaign was done, he could begin pulling resources and troops away from the Colorado front, and redeploy them to the New Mexico theater, they were receiving word of increasingly heavy resistance, and the regiments deployed to end the rebels here were sorely needed.

Hearing a knock at the door, Connor put down the papers he was currently reading, clearing his throat. "Enter." A few moments later, the door opened, revealing a Texas Ranger, the long black trench coat and Imperial seal on his collar distinguishing his position. With the man was a small woman, barely 5.4 by Connors estimate. Nodding to the Ranger, Connor rose from his desk, moving around extending his hand to the woman. "Miss Olivia Thornton, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." The small woman, extremely pale from living this long in the cold mountains, blushed slightly, bowing her head. "Thank you, My Lord, it is a pleasure to meet you in person as well."

Nodding, Connor turned to the desk, moving over and pulling out a chair for her, which she quickly took. Making sure she was fine, Connor then returned to his seat behind the desk, pouring them both cups of water. Taking a long drink from his, Connor let out a content sigh, before continuing. "Now, to the matter at hand, miss Thornton. You are the leader of the only organization in this entire region that willingly took up arms and aided Texas in its wars here. Despite the opposition, you saw the opportunities inherit in joining with us, and for your insight, you shall be handsomely rewarded." Whistling, the door opened once more, and two Rangers entered the office, carrying a heavily engraved and detailed sword and a small burning brazier.

Rising once more, Connor took the sword from the cushions it rested on, and turned to the woman. "Kneel, Thornton." Quickly doing as instructed, the woman bowed her head as Connor heated the sword over the brazier for a few moments, before turning to face her, the red tiped blade glowing before his eyes. "From this moment further, you are no longer Olivia Thornton of the Colorado Alliance. From this moment forward, you are Lord Olivia Thornton of The Empire of Texas." Pressing the glowing blade against he shoulder, she flinches as the blade burns his shoulder, before being quickly removed. "Rise, servant of the Empire."

Standing slowly, the two Rangers quickly move to support her as she stumbles from the pain. Looking at the Rangers, Connor quickly instructs them to take her to the medica, before escorting her back to her people. The new Lord of this province needed to be seen on her feet, not shaking weakly as she was now. As the three exited the office, Connor moved to the window, grabbing the cup as he passed. Taking another drink, he grunted softly, putting the cup back down. He hated the cold, he finally realized, it was annoying.
Varmandr Vestan

Capitol City,

Coração de Fogo (Rio de Janeiro)

The city was in an uproar, Planes had shown up on the primitive Radar, and were approaching fast, and top scientists and strategists had been called to help identify the craft. Eventually they did.

"Sir... They're British. Old markings, as it seems." Top scientist Manuel said to the Leader, Jakob.

Jakob stroked his beard, thinking for a moment, before he made his decision.

"Prepare an airstrip, but ready the Floop guns (AA guns). We don't want them showing hostility."

The City glowed as the pilots approached. It was obvious that this was one of the few not irradiated places in the world, because the Nuclear Powers focused more on Missile silos than people.

People looked up as the British planes came over, people coming out of soot-covered factories, and out of the many Scientific Centers and schools, not knowing whether to hide or to wave. Some people aimed pre-war shotguns up, hoping to protect themselves from the beastly evils.

General Relations manager Christian Killian ran into a Radio centre and started broadcasting to the planes in the best English, as it was the new state language.

"We, the people of Varmandr Vestan, have seen our planes as you approached, and we welcome you to these lands but say you must land at our designated Airport at the beach... We have messages for your leader."

Christian waited for a reply, as Jakob watched the planes...

Jakob spoke as he walked back to the Capitol building. "Just keep working on scientific output... Put some drydocks on the coast for more ships. Tap into the Amazon for supplies."

"Yes sir" a scientist said as he walked away.

Bagota, Columbia.

Special operations general Juan Gevares stood in the mapping room in the city. Half of it had been taken by the first wave, and the second wave was underway.

He sat talking to himself, and drawing on an old map of South America.

"Yes... We take Columbia, we have a stranglehold on the rest of the South America... Then we move North, take Cuba... Central America... If those go wrong regroup at the coast, train more conscripts, and go again..."

He slammed his hand on the table, gleaming with pride.

"I have got to show the Leader! Operation Snake will be underway!"
Location-Austin, Capital City of The Empire of Texas

Soldies marched in close formation down the main streets of Austin, wearing the newly ditributed black and red cloaks that now served as the armies standard uniform. The recent conquest of a city in Oklahoma had led to the capture of several clothes factories, most if them still operational. Tasked with supplying the armies and people of Texas with uniforms and clothes, something they took to with relish.

Watching the most recent formation March past, Connor turned his head as he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Turning, he nodded to the servant standing there holding a phone. Since his coming to power, Connor had tasked several of his technicians and engineers on establishing radio and cellular contact with every corner of the Empire.

Taking the phone from the Mann Connor turned to look back over the city. "Speak."

"High Lord, this is the Louisiana province radar post, we have detected incoming airial units. They bear the insignias of the old nation Great Britain." Suprised by the news, Connor smiled. "Inform the aircraft they are entering secured airspace, and are advised to turn back. They can contact us if they wish to learn more."

Location-Louisiana Province Radar Station

"This is the Empire of Texas radar post, unknown aircraft are advised to turn back now. Amy further contact will be made in person. Ignoring this warning will result in destruction of your craft. Only message."

The comm officer removes the headset from his ears, sighing. If the aircrafts radios still worked, they would receive the message. If not, the anti air units would have new targets.

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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Old US Airspace

The pilots have gotten a transmission. "Heh, not a very nice neighborhood eh lads." the squad leader said. "You can say that again." replied another pilot. "Alright lads, let's head back to Britain." the squad leader said as the planes made a sharp turn.

South American Airspace

The pilots had gotten a message from the ground below. "Affirmative, landing at designated airport." the squad leader replied. "Alright lads, landing formation and speed."

Korean Airspace

"Where the bloody hell are they." the squad leader had said. "Incoming aircrafts, sir. Looks like some of ours." said a pilot. "Alright boys, standard flying position." the leader replied. "We're seeing activity North of Korea, shall we go investigate." said a pilot. "Alright, but keep those weapons primed, don't know what we're getting into here."

France, Omaha Beach

British troops had just landed. Aircraft flew overhead and the British navy surrounded the beach. The troops marched forward. They placed the new Union Jack on the tallest hill they found, signifying their arrival. They then marched across the desolate lands of France.

Oxford, The S.R.B.

After two full hours of debating, the ministers came to a conclusion. "So, from what I hear we accept the offer." P.M Kord said. "Yes." D.M Alastair and M.M Torrad said in unison. "Then it's settled." Kord said ending it.

[Territory Gain: Northern Parts of France]
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Empire of Manchuria

Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Empire of Manchuria

No one seem responded to the Emperor's message to the 'mercenaries' in the south of Korean Peninsula. There will be no second chances. "Commence the invasion, soon, the Korean Peninsula will be ours." the Emperor said. "Yes, your grace, bombers will bomb the enemy positions in the ruined city of Pyongyang." Commander Jee Li said. "Good, now show them how it feels to get ignored by a person." the Emperor replied. "Yes, your grace." Commander Jee Li said.


Pyongsong, Korean Province, Empire of Manchuria

4 km from Pyongyang

Colonel approached General Kim Song-su. "The Emperor said we will attack." the Colonel said. "Finally, we will take Pyongyang and I'm sure this organized mercenaries will retreat back to the former capitalist American-puppet land." General Kim said.

And then the bombers bombed most of the organized mercenaries (Korean army) near Pyongyang and the portion of the ruined city of Pyongyang was damaged a little by the bombers. General Kim Song-us ordered his invading army to start marching to Pyongyang, the Manchurian invasion to Korea will continue up to this day.


Pyongyang, former North Korea

After the bomb, hundred thousands of Manchurian troops, hundred tanks and armored vehicles had swarmed Pyongyang. The soldiers fired against the surviving 'organized mercenaries' (Korean soldiers) and they were killed by the Manchurian soldiers. The organized mercenaries retreated further south, I don't know where they'll go but it's further south.

The imperial Manchurian flag was raised in the ruined government building in a former North Korea. Manchurian soldiers noticed that the dead mercenaries were bearing a South Korean insignia after that fight. General Kim doesn't believe that the South Korean government would exist, a nation that it is dead one millennia ago. After that, Korean workers and engineers were sent to Pyongyang to rebuild the ruined city, which is one of the major reclamation projects throughout Imperial Manchuria.

Result: 'Manchurian invasion to Korea' has officially become an official conflict between the Empire of Manchuria and the existing Republic of Korea which they don't believe that ROK exist.]

Gained Territory: Pyongyang lands in North Korea.]



-We need to attack the Ukraine with all we h--

-Shut up, all we need to do is gather Belarus and Esto...

, Korwin, nikt cie nie lubi! Twoja partia dawno wymarła! Zgadzam sie z posłem przede mną, musimy ustanowić nowe podatki na wojsko!

[F*ck off, Korvin, no one likes you! Your political party is long gone! I agree with the man before me, we've got to establish new taxes for our military!]

-Gentlemen, may I call for order, please? Now: Who wants to establish new taxes to capture the rest of Belarus and try to capture as much Ukraine as the radiation will allow?

TAXES: 72%

CALM: 20%



The next day, polish general Michael Pilsudzki, the grand-grand-grand-grand son of Joseph Pilsudzki, got the news that they'll push on towards the Belarus and claim it. After that, they've got to capture as much Ukrainian territory as possible for them to do.


The shipment of various food has departed from Danzig's port, and slowly made it's way towards the nearest English port from Oxford on "Dąbrowski". Since Old England was pretty dependant on food import, Danzig government made sure to deliver:

-2 tonns of apples, sternly conserved

-500 00 kilograms of wheat

-20 thousand kilograms of petroleum. After the nuking of Polish territories, the new government discovered massive amont of it, and began to recover it. The news about it was hidden, so only Poland and now England now know about it.
Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Command Systems (HQ SIG), Singaporean Federation

"What... am I seeing?" Zeph said as footage from the satellite came on screen. In a series of photographs, planes flew over a ruined city, followed by a large army from the north. Soldiers could be seen headed south from the city. After a few minutes, a decrypter spoke up, "Based on the key buildings and old world textbooks, particularly the giant triangular prism, that city should be Pyongyang, the North Korean capital." Silence enveloped the room. After about ten minutes, MWE Chen gave orders to relay this information to the British squadron.

There is no need to fear a nation as far away as North Korea. We can still offer peace with the fleet I'm preparing. Zeph thought to himself.

"Update on Reclamation Forces!" Zeph shouted to break the atmosphere. "Northern Reclamation Force have secured Hanoi, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh. There is a total population of 75,000 survivors. No formal government exists." "Southern Reclamation Force have also secured Jakarta. 25,000 Survivors. No formal Government." "Western Reclamation Force have just reached Balikpapan. Forces discovered a dock with one battleship. Status is assumed non-functional." Good, we can expand safely. "Send engineers and scientists to the battleship to see if we can repair it. Fortify the cities and see if we can re-establish the rail system connecting Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Bangkok to Singapore. Begin advertising open land and agriculture needs in the new territories. Bring the survivors to Singapore for reintegration into the federation."

Territorial Gains


Ho Chi Minh

100,000 Pop increase

1 non-functional battleship.

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