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Fantasy The World Of Innixus (IC)


  • It seemed that they're a tad bit too late. The tavern had been closed, but a gentleman has informed them about a mansion out the city that the elf who worked at the tavern currently resides. "Thank you, good handsome sir. We will be off now." Yamato spoke and just like that, they went off without a hunch. However, Hilda knew more than just leaving the tavern with nothing. Once they're far away from ear shot, she asked "Yama, you're not thinking what I'm thinking, eh?" Yamato turned the goat girl and said "Of course. We're just going to visit her. Now, there are two ways to do so."

    "Two ways?" Hilda asked with a brow raised. "Yes, two ways. First, we'll just drop by their gate, be polite and hope that we can convince anyone to have the elf girl to join us. That's only the first. The second on the other hand..." Yamato took a brief pause, because what they're about to say may shock their companions.

    "We're just going to kidnap her."


    As expected, Hilda reacted rather angrily. "Have you lost some marbles?! Kidnap her?! Seriously?!" She asked furiously. "Now now, that's only the second option. The first one of course shall be our most important one. So relax, until the first one doesn't work of course." Yamato assured, though that doesn't help Hilda from being mad at them for having the thought of kidnapping someone just so to have her join in the party.

    @Huntertabbysandshark3 StealthyShades StealthyShades Britt-21 Britt-21
Everyone who was in a position before will be bunnied back to 1 ship and that'll be the ship that Ci and Fara are running towards at the moment. This'll make it a little easier to reply, get people together, etc.
The Elder The Elder Goonfire Goonfire leviohsa leviohsa Firelie Firelie

Nasir, Logi, Rina, Val, and Nita were all gathered at the ship. Now while some knew eachother, some did not so they got acquainted with one another and got on the same page before the sounds of a yelling Ci had come from the trees. The group having time to look over would see the beastman throwing his hands up and waving them along with Fara following close behind. It was clear they were in distress and something was going on as they drew closer. Shortly after some Lizard-like men emerged from the trees with their weapons and were definitely not happy as a group of them had made themselves known, showing themselves to those who entered their territory. While wanting to engage, there was some hesitation as they noticed different other races among them and that alone was unknown to them. There was a very tiny person with red hair, a girl who seemingly had horns on her head, two normal looking individuals (Which were not normal to them) followed by another man with pointed ears and a seemingly strong posture as if he was a guardian of some sort. This was excluding the one with fluffy ears and the large woman that they had lost control of just earlier.

They seemed to stick to the lining of the forest, watching them and almost growling not sure what to really do in this situation. They had no idea of what these people could do so if they tried to attack, they could be met with death. Some time passed and eventually a larger lizard came from the forest and the smaller ones had bowed which indicated this was a leader, captian, or something of the like. They spoke in a different language and those same lizards got back up and they refrained from doing anything else. The larger one looked over the group, their ship, and even seeing the supplies along the sand. While being quite large, he was quite old enough to rememer stories and more from the past. His gaze went over all the people and he could reconize some of the attributes they possessed like fluffy ears, pointed ears, and even tinted skin. A chuckle came from him but he had hoped that these people wouldn't attack before he had a chance to at least try to make peace. "Who is your leader?" He called out, talking in clear english to the group without issue. "I'm the leader of these well trained soliders. I'm Choszut a lizardman. Or even a descendant of the Draconian race." While his voice was loud, he wanted to make sure they heard him from their distance.​
Luminita Spatafora

It was an odd but welcome coincidence that the winds had carried two ships destined for different sides of the continent to land only a few miles apart. Nita took notes on the condition of the other party's ship, her eyes scanning along the rows of scars from the Kraken's suction cups. Despite the damage to the rails, their boat may be more serviceable than hers after having been broadsided by a ghost ship.

The heavily accented shouting of another explorer assailed her ears and interrupted her appraisal of this vessel and its crew. She turned sharply, drawing her Kukri with one fluid motion in preparation to throw.

This 'Ciaran' rocketed across the beach as if black powder were up his arse. The slight build, the higher-pitched voice... No doubt, he was the farthest thing from a warrior. What was he, then, if not a retainer for the well-armed half-giant on his heels?

Nita's hard stare faded, her eyebrows raising at the assailants halting at the treeline. As their leader stepped out to introduce himself, Nita slowly put away the short blade, her eyes locked on this so-called descendant of Draconians. He called for a parley with the leader? Not good... Luca was somewhere—wherever bratty, spoiled wizards went after being told to shelve their bloodlust—and Nesta was still deep in the bowels of that ship. The best this group could do was present the captains' security escorts.

Nodding to Nasir, Nita took the first fearless steps forward. "I am Luminita and this is Nasir; we are the leaders of this expedition," she declared. "Pray tell, Choszut: what happened that caused our explorers to retreat back here with your warriors in pursuit?" She maintained an even tone and chose her words carefully to avoid accusatory language. Nita also reciprocated the good gesture, assuming the least hostile stance she could manage without seeming unprepared to defend herself; her hands rested on the hilts of the swords at her hips without grasping them.

Interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21 The Elder The Elder
Mentions: leviohsa leviohsa
@ The Whole Group

Rina was sure something would've been in the cave but when they inspected it, it seemed that it was empty and almost abandoned. So their group returned back but when they had, it seemed to be the other ship that was also on the expedition. There were different people and the boat itself was definitely unique all on its own. It seemed that those who were also along with it were grouping up and at the moment she really didn't want to spook them with her telepathy and moving silent mouth. So, herself, Nita, and Logi spoke with a man and woman going by Nasir and Valorie. Both cute names in her opinion. While they all spoke, got to know one another and tried to come up with a game plan she noticed a beastman running as fast as he could along with a taller woman not far behind him. With a tilt of her head, she wondered what was going on What could they be running from at that speed? Rina thought to herself as she adjusted her hammer over her shoulders. Oh...Is that...? Not far behind them there were some lizard people who stopped along the tree line and that made her wonder what the hell they did to piss those guys off.

Eventually the leader came out and introduced himself but yet did not make a move to come closer. It was clear that there was an understanding going on that uh... Everyone was being misunderstood. When the lizard-guy said he was a Draconian of some sort, her eyes widened and those same ruby red eyes looked between her friends and then at the creature before suddenly bolting towards him, dropping her hammer in the process as she came up to him and looked up as if he was a statue of a great god. "Wait, you're telling me you're part of the draconian race that my dwarven friends tell legends about!?" While to the lizard she was talking to him, the others seemed to not hear a word and only watch as her lips moved. However, his companions did point their weapons, they did not dare to attack unless their leader said so. To which he did not and found amusement from Rina as she showed clear interest in his ancestry. "While I don't hear words come out of your mouth, young one, I can still hear you within my mind. This is very Peculiar. But yes, I am one of those descendants." The dwelf was still pretty excited as she looked back at her party who probably didn't expect her to run into danger this way but she couldn't help it.

Looking back at him, she continued "I've heard so many stories! I hope we can sit down and have a good chat!" A pat on the head was given to her and she blinked a few times as Choszut then answered Nita "It seems my guards assumed they were trespassers as they've never seen quite other races like them before. They were worried they posed a threat. However, since I came from my chambers I noticed that well...We have visitors that have been long foretold by my people."
1713629049592.png Nasir gathers aboard Nesta’s ship along with the others. He met a few others who apparently arrived on a different ship all together. He was informed by Nita that some of their numbers had dwindled as well. He pondered just what their trip experience was like, and if it was something similar to their own. Was it peaceful or even just as chaotic?

The crew member that was previously injured, had managed to survive the wounds given to him by those lizardmen. Despite his survival, Nasir still wanted to make that person pay. No one wounds one of his own and lives to tell the story.

After sometime Nasir heard his crew call out to him, informing movement coming from the woods. Quickly grabbing his sword he ran to the deck and stood by the railing watching as a horde of lizardmen exited the tree line. Just how many were there. Nasir was always the quiet type unless the need arrives. All of his crew members held up arms but he informed them to wait and hold their actions. If even in a slight chance they were friendly, there would be no need to cause an all out battle. But with these numbers, he doubted the notion of peace.

Nasir waited and listened with his hand held tightly on the hilt of his sword. The first sign of enemy hostility he would act. He listened as Nita was the first to speak after the leader of the lizardmen introduced themselves as Choszut, descendants of the Draconian race.

Amongst Nita’s group an Dwelf girl ran forward as if she held no regard for her own safety. His eyes watched intently waiting for them to strike her down, but nothing happened. It seemed everything remained peaceful…so far. “Worried we posed a threat?” Nasir asked with a scoff, stepping forward onto the brow of the ship. “We simply came to explore, and not harm the lands nor the people of it. But one of your men wounded one of mine first. So please, Choszut, how do you wish to repay this act, so we all can remain peaceful?” He asked simply, as his hand was not removed from the hilt of his blade. In fact his arms were crossed, waiting for his answer. Though he was still on guard, watching all of them intently.
The Fracture in his Fangs
Lawrence A. Wolfmale

"Hopefully you didn't have to wait too long, Lawrence." “Not at all, master.” Wiping the blood off his knuckles… he would have licked his hand clean but that would be inappropriate and not gentlemanly behavior. With a whipping of the horse’s harness tassels, the driver began the journey to the Zhao family’s palace. The duo sat and watched the background go by. A request from Charlotte broke the silence, "I know you don't like to be around other Elves as they make you feel pretty sickly. I'll try my best to be quick, call it a day and we can avoid going home for a little while." The vampire liked the idea of not being in the presence of this father of hers. Especially since that man needs his daughter to do all of his work for him; He always goes out four weeks to months at a time but it doesn’t seem like he gets a lot of shit done.

"As we know, the Zhao family... Well... The children of the Zhao family are quite obnoxious. Pompous boys with no knowledge of the difference between their head and their behind." Oh yes, the pompous Family to the north the only one worse to speak to than the boys is their mother. The only person that Law knows that has been draining royal families for years. She has a new husband, and somehow, the old one always dies for mysterious reasons. How else do you create an empire? Just steal the small ones with a husband or three. "The eldest is the only one I've not heard much about. Though as far as I'm aware he has no interest in interacting with someone of my status." “The eldest son Na'lan Zhao was in line for the throne but with his recent behavior, I assume that he lost his birthright to his younger brother, Kelfir Zhao.” A little bit of joyful laughter snuck through the vampire fangs. “if only they had a sense of dignity in loyalty like humans do.”

"Perhaps that's why you don't enjoy the Elven race. Or at least part of the reason. You have yet to open up to me about that." Perhaps, but there are many reasons why I do not like those things, I will open up a little, but I need something so you can understand“ Law lifted his hand to his mouth. He wrapped his lips around his thumb and pointer finger, and let out a whistle that was silent to anyone, but him and one other. "Of course, I'm patient enough to wait till you are ready to speak about it. Though don't wait till I'm old and gray” The vampire cracked the carriage’s door and held his arm out it, for a moment. When he pulled the arm back in, Scar, his pet crow, was there with a sense of joy. In his mouth was a necklace with a carved jem.

Lawrence snapped his fingers and all the blinds closed on their own. He channeled white magic to the tip of his finger, allowing it to project a beam of light. He put his finger against the gem and faced it toward the curtains. At first, you can’t see much, but once everything focused, he saw a small portrait of a Law that has not aged a day and a beautiful woman next to him. A tear fell on his face, “This is my dear Veronica. I lost her from elves One that believed I was a monster.” He passed for a second to indulge in his wife’s beauty once more “These men and their offspring do not live anymore, but that does not change the fact that I do not trust these people.”

He took one last look at his wife and opened the curtains. He tucked the necklace safely into his jacket pocket. He also fed Scar half a handful of seeds. Scar cooed and clicked at the reward. "By the way, are you okay? Do you need anything?" He looked up from watching Scar eat to his master. “At the moment Im fine, master but if I need something I will ask, respectfully.”
Code By Nano
Location: Ship side showdown.
Boat Crew!
Though she had given warning to the others, she could not pull her gaze from the little bobbing light. She tried to walk away from it, only to find it still in her path. She heard the voices of her companions, though they seemed more distant now. Every attempt she made at circling or evading the little light to return to the others only led her deeper into the forests, and towards that little bobbing light. To late did she discover that there was more than one, and that they had surrounded her.

She had not seen lights like these since her days in the deep waters, and there only ever one at a time. Her tribe knew well the "Lantern Fish" and their dangerous traps, but to find that they nested on the surface was a frightening but exhilarating experience. If she was to survive this encounter, she could rewrite her kinds knowledge of these creatures. But first she must survive, and the best way to escape a circling shark was to strike first.

She approached the nearest lantern slowly, until she could see where it lay in hiding. The creature had buried itself in the dirt, hiding and waiting. Sh'Kashta lunged quickly, ripping and clawing at its hiding place, raking at its flesh. Only, there was no flesh, and the lantern fell free and flopped into the dirt. This was not lantern fish, nor a devious trap. The little bobbing lights that had snuck up upon her were merely flowers. With only a little bit of embarrassment, she took up the unrooted flower and turned to return to the others.

Here she came to realize that she no longer heard her companions voices, and how far the sun had drifted in its course. She had only a vague sense of direction on her return trip, but soon the voices drifting through guided her back. "So please, Choszut, how do you wish to repay this act, so we all can remain peaceful?" the familiar voice rang clearly across the sands. Sh'Kashta finally broke free from the forests, to see the strangest sight. Much of the ships crew was gathered and looking quite alarmed; at the tree line, and around Sh'Kashta herself, were strange new creatures. They stood as humans did, though they had the skins of crocodiles, green and crackled as they were.

She had not seen the creatures from within the trees, and now noticed that she had come out nearly on top of one of them. With a quick bow, and a muttered apology, she shuffled her way past and out onto the sands. Sh'Kashta then noticed that all of the green-ones had been distracted by the small girl. Some plan must have been in action here and she did not want to interfere with it, so she turned and shuffle-ran towards the ship.

Charlotte listened to her butler's words, tilting her head slightly before he had opened the carriage door and in came a pet crow perched on his arm. Before she knew it the carriage was dark and Lawrence began to let her in on his past. Quietly she had listened before the carriage went back to normal. "You are quite something, Lawrence. I'm sorry you had to go through a loss like that." Bowing her head slightly in condolences, her gaze shifted back out the window. "Well now I could surely understand your hatred for such a race and it's not even because of how they look. It's what they did." Just because of her own father she hated people who did what he did. Even if she was part elf herself, she was glad that she didn't take such traits of looking like one of them. "Well, this is why you serve me and we do our own things together. We avoid all of that elf nonsense."

Knowing that her own mother treated Lawrence well, Char had planned to do the same thing. Treat him well, live as long as she can and hopefully he'd be willing to stay with her offspring in the future as he would be alive a lot longer. Just that thought made her smile a little bit knowing that they'd be in the safety of the man himself. But he did have to find a new love, someone who he could keep close to him and take care of and have a beautiful life with. "I hope that you find someone in the future, Lawrence. You could surely use a woman in your life, perhaps relieve some stress." She teased with a gentle laugh from her lips as she leaned back in her seat, crossing one leg over the other. The carriage kept going onward and rumbled a little bit. Causing her to shift a bit and sway with each bump or dip.

What more could she say to her Butler? Small talk was cheap but it was always hard to talk about anything especially when he knew a lot about her knowing her from birth. So the pair tried to talk a little bit within the carriage, sharing some small laughs, funny moments, ideas about life, etc. Just things to pass the time and while Lottie didn't want it to end, good things always did come to an end. They drew closer to the Zhou estate and Charlotte was already dreadding it. "I really hope this goes by quickly so that we may go into the city and get some sweets or something of the sort..."

Faraine Zolas
On the Boat w/Crew | Goonfire Goonfire Britt-21 Britt-21 Thropian Thropian The Elder The Elder Firelie Firelie

Somehow, seeing the calm Leader filled Faraine with more distrust. With the outwardly hostile soldiers, she knew their prerogative. With this Elder Lizard, she hadn't a clue what was going through his head, or what he wanted from the group.

Golden eyes watched the scene unfold, including a flustered Sh'Kashta shuffling her way onto the ship. The mercenary arched a brow at her in silent confusion, before looking at the oddly quiet scene unfold. Maybe the Dwarven girl was using magic to speak? Why can she not speak aloud?

Faraine sighed, arms crossed. Nasir seemed to feel similarly to her, hand never leaving his blade. She couldn't blame the fellow half-elf, especially with her lingering resentment from her chase mere moments ago. More thoughts begin to race, remembering her discoveries.

They can manipulate the earth where they stood. So, why not the seabed beneath the boat? She, and her crewmates, were at a complete disadvantage. The half-elf shifted her weight, grimacing at the thought.

“We simply came to explore, and not harm the lands nor the people of it. But one of your men wounded one of mine first. So please, Choszut, how do you wish to repay this act, so we all can remain peaceful?” Her gaze quickly shot down to Nasir, wondering if she could telepathically tell him that one wrong move and this Elder can send a hunk of the beach flying toward him. Or, make the seabed rise beneath the whole ship and send them to their deaths?

Faraine fought back a groan at the situation, and instead decided to walk over to Nasir. Clearing her throat, the half-giant held up a hand to shield her mouth, leaning down to whisper something in his ear.

"They can manipulate the Earth. Lift it, shape it. I didn't see much, but use caution in how you speak to them. We're outpowered. And outnumbered." Her voice was low, and she wasn't sure if they would hear her, but she couldn't let this information sit in her mind. Quietly, she stood up straight before backing away from one of the proclaimed Leaders of the crew.
Ciaran + Luminita Spatafora

Ciaran had skidded to a halt near the ship's gangplank. Shaken and winded from the heated pursuit, he remained quiet with the exception of his heavy breathing. The air was thick with tension as Nasir and a knight he had never met parleyed with the leader of the pursuing lizardfolk. The even tone of Nita contrasted with Nasir's thinly veiled outrage.

"Easy, Nasir," Nita spoke. Though the crew member was wounded, the attack seemed more like a choice made in the heat of the moment. People swatted bugs in a panic all the time; the only difference here was physical scale. "I would like to think this incident was an accident. Were it on purpose, we would not be speaking now."

The giantess who had retreated behind the rudimentary defensive line stepped up to mutter something in Nasir's ear. Though curious, Nita's gaze flickered between them and Choszut. "Here is what I propose: Our wounded crewmate needs medicine and we require information about the region— geography, flora, fauna. We can also establish trade in the near future, if you wish."

Hearing talk of medicine, Ciaran decided to step forward. Standing three paces behind Faraine, he raised his hand to get the negotiating parties' attention. "Val an' I 'ave knoowledge 'f our 'omeland's herbs. We c'n apply 'em t' our sailor, if w' knoow wha' they do."

"As you can see,"
Nita added without missing a beat, "we are a hardy and adaptable people who wish to be as self-sufficient as possible, even on foreign soil. Our mission is not to trouble this land or its people, but to learn about it."

: Britt-21 Britt-21 The Elder The Elder
Mentions: leviohsa leviohsa

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