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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends

Full name: Lecoro Preadamii IIV

Nickname: Leco

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): War Chief

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Lion-man

Weapons and/or powers: His claws, and his family sword (As seen in his picture below). It is held in two hands and shimmers brightly when drawn. The blade, though forged in steel, is stained in an amber color .

Character picture(Not required):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c925ad21c_Lionwarrior.jpg.8e14fc33981594da26845cc773f96cf8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c925ad21c_Lionwarrior.jpg.8e14fc33981594da26845cc773f96cf8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character description: Huge muscular body, stands at about 7'0.

Bio: Lecoro Preadamii IV or Leco, is a man-lion war chief born into a lion tribe called the Bloodmanes. in the badlands.As a cub, he often roamed the barren landscape outside his village with his elder sibling: Girbopis. The two would spend the day wrestling, playing pretend, and throwing rocks at the rival village's cubs. His father, being the current war chief, would often be away at war. Leaving Leco's mom to care for both the cubs herself. Eventually, the time came for Leco's father to step down, and allow his two cubs to dual in hand to hand combat for the position as war chief. Leco lost brutally, and his brother took their father's place as war chief. Two years of extensive training later, Leco challenged his brother again. As the dual carried on neither brother would stand down. After taking a bite to the arm from Girb, Leco went into a rage. Leco drew his claws. Bellowing roars and the sounds of tearing flesh filled the air and astonished onlookers. Leco had killed his brother.

Even after Leco inevitably won, he still tore at his brother's body, his drunken rage being fueled more and more at the sight and smell of blood. His new servants had to hold him down and subdue him with a heavy blow from a club to make him stop. A funeral for his brother was thrown, but Leco's father didn't attend. He died from shock at the sight of his son's murder. A funeral for his father was thrown. After a week of grieving Leco took his place on the throne as war chief of the Bloodmanes.

His first move as war chief, was to conquer the Whiteclaw tribe to the north of his village. However, Leco had no idea of the Whiteclaw's alliance with humans. On the day of the battle, Leco lead his tribe's warriors to the village, armed with torches and swords. 500 in all. The torch smoke gave away their position, and human cavalrymen charged at them. His warriors were slaughtered from the combined efforts of both the Whiteclaw archers and human cavalry. A defeated Leco and his small band of survivors retreated home. Unfortunately they were followed, and human archers shot any stragglers. With 12 warriors left, Leco finally got back to his territory. Unfortunately, the human hunters were already waiting, and attacked his warriors. Leco, now the only remaining survivor of a 500 man army, is eventually overpowered and tied up. A caravan of Whiteclaws and humans bring him home.

Placed on a hill outside his village. The very hill Leco and Girb would often play pretend warrior on; Leco was forced to watch his village burned down, and his people slaughtered. All the while a human hunter and Whiteclaw warrior mock Leco. After a punch to the face from the human, Leco snaps. So do the ropes keeping him from freedom. The human and Whitclaw die a horrible death.

Leco charges into his burning village, desperately thirsting revenge. After a long skirmish,the humans and Whitclaws flee in greatly dwindled numbers. Exhausted, in pain, and matted in many questionable fluids, Leco falls to the ground and falls into a deep sleep. From that day onward, Leco has wandered the world, the sole survivor of the Bloodmane tribe.

personality: To a stranger; Lecoro may seem like a arrogant, egotistical jerk. But to those few who he has given his trust, he is seen as a brave, courageous, (slightly racist) warrior. Who would put anything and everything on the line to save those he has deemed as a friend. In a heartbeat, Lecoro would happily give his life to save those in need.







Basking in the sun




Humans(only a little, they aren't all that bad...)







money(currency symbol:$ Be reasonable would you?): Money is a new concept to Lecoro.

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):

>If angered, Lecoro may go into a primal, blood thirsty rage. In this state he fights with only his claws.

>Lecoro can drop to all fours and run much faster.

>Lecoro is oddly very cuddly, as it was actually common courtesy in his tribe to kinda just cuddle with everybody.

>Yes, you may pet him. :3



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Full name:



Night hunter, Undead King, Cain

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.):



20(is actually 5,467 yrs old)



Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.):

Transcendent Vampire

Weapons and/or powers:

He has a sword called Ragnarok which can some of Zenon's power is stored. It is of both strong melee attacks, and magic attacks.


Transcendent Vampire Physiology:

The user with this ability either is or can transform into a Transcendent Vampire: a powerful vampiric being who has literally ascended to true godhood either through powerful magical feats or by divine intervention.

In various forms of traditional folklore, vampires are often depicted as demonic beings who must feast on the blood of the living to survive and possess vulnerabilities to various things such as sunlight, garlic, holy relics, etc. However, Transcendent Vampires are arguably completely the opposite. Transcendent Vampires are often depicted as supernaturally attractive and possess an appearance identical to the one that they had in their previous life. They also appear to have an inherently mesmerizing aura to their presence. Many mortals or lesser beings may often feel an obsessive desire to be around the vampire in question or even follow and carry out their commands as mindless slaves.

Another thing that makes Transcendent Vampires unique is that despite them appearing to be related to things such as dark magic or inherently evil aspects, they are actually in fact shown to be often associated with or even assisting a higher power. In fact, most Transcendent Vampires are sometimes seen preaching or more or less speaking of the relationship they have with the supreme being they may or may not have worshiped during their mortal lifetime.

Overall, Transcendent Vampires are the supreme paragons of the species. They are responsible for maintaining the natural balance between vampires, humans, as well as other monsters. Due to the nature of their powers, they are capable of increasing their already amazing powers even further by absorbing various forms of energy. The user is thus capable of challenging most beings in existence.

Character picture(Not required):



Zenon many centuries ago was like any other man. In his time there ruled an empire called Ruthran Emperium. In this empire he was a well renowned general ruthless in nature, and well adept in defeating all who apposed him. At the age of 20 he had already completed 2 successful campaigns for the empire. it was during his second campaign, that he was cured with vamperism. A witch belonging to the enemy, had made a bargain with a god of darkness. She sacrificed the souls of an entire city to both empower self, and curse Zenon with a most horrible curse. For over the next 1,000 yrs Zenon would begin his hunt for the witch, and the god who bestowed the curse. In that time he ruthlessly killed any associated with the witch, killing off 2 covens, and the temple which worshiped the dark god. It was when he finally arrived on Mount Retrior, where the god awaited with the witch. His powers had developed quite well over those 1,000 years; Which also allowed him to kill the witch, but he was no match for the dark god. In a last effort before the god could kill him Zenon bit the gods neck draining blood as fast as he could. At the end Zenons body was destroyed, however the blood of the dark god passed on his essence. The dark god tried to reanimate himself using Zenons ashes, but he was able to overpower his power. With this Zenon now possessed the power of a god, and now had transcended beyond all he could imagine.

With his new found power Zenon Traveled all over the continent from the badlands in the west to the freezing mountains of Galla in the north to the lush green forest of Kora in the east. He made a name for himself by aiding worriers in battle, that paid him tribute, prayed or offered sacrifice to him. He also sired a few vampires in his time. There was even a vampire order devoted to him though it has bin dissolved for 500 years. For the past 800 years he has slept in his castle up in Galla. That was until he awoke from his slumber by a old presence.


Zenon is quite the calculative individual given his past in military life. Generally he gives off a cold presence not really any indication of other emotions. He is a also very cautious, and likes to draw whatever information from others that is useful. He will always try to plan things out, and when it is time to be serious he never halfheartedly does things. Zenon is very helpful to friends and allies, and will hunt who ever hurts him or his friends relentlessly till their existence ends.

Likes: Death, music, hunting, cooking and watching other beings engage in romance.

Dislikes:Death, any who are rude to him, any who do not treat him with respect.

money(currency symbol:$ Be reasonable would you?):

He has an entire vault the size of a small mansion filled with gold coins/precious stones of various types mostly diamonds.
Cadenach said:
Am I the only one who thinks Zenon is WAY overpowered?
You're not the only one, but the oddly fascinating thing is, if Aer plays the right game against him, the odds would be quite even. Though, Zenon would have to consent to the game first, but, "In the greatest of games, even the stronger may lose"? :P
Soooo, what? The rp devolves into a battle between two gods while we wander around inconsequentially?
Cadenach said:
Soooo, what? The rp devolves into a battle between two gods while we wander around inconsequentially?
It was a joke, is all. I'd agree that he's OP, as I said - I just can't place a way to neutralize that wouldn't effectively be creating more of the problem. The only way I could see the character going through personally would be if Zenon took a more passive role than other characters. Other than that, not much I can say.
Oh don't worry i understand the nature of his full potential. However gods and goddesses generally adhere to certain rules, whether given to them by council or to themselves. I understand Characters like gods are op, but that's what they are. Whether it be the gm or a player all that matters is how the individual portrays said god/goddess. That being said all i can really do is ask you take a leap of faith in my ability to play the role. Besides if i ever overstep myself the gm or any moderator could always correct the behavior to stabilize the rp. After all i am playing in their world not mine.

@Cadenach ,@Pandorian
Also in my case my character has a opportunity to create a plot line in the world, given gods have bin used for such things in many stories.
I actually wanted to make Lecoro have control over a huge army, but I figured it'd be cooler if he did something else sometime in the story that i'm thinking of.
  • Nessim Rooks


    Nicknames: Rook, Rookie, Street Rat

    10 (Though he's rather intelligent and mature for his age. In this case, he "acts" around 14-15.)

    ??? (Cursed Human)

    Thief / Traveler


    Height: 4'11

    Money: $250 (He's a thief. He sold and stole some shady things in his young life.)


    Unlike many children around his age, Rook is a rather quiet, isolated child. In fact, Rook doesn't appear to be able to speak, often using signs and short gestures as a method of communication. Despite his silent alienation, preferring to play with animals or being alone in contrast to others, he is a generous young boy who steals from the wealthy to provide to the poor, while other times he steals just for his own survival. He's quick to give up things if it means benefiting someone else. While it seems he is unable to speak, he does attempt to make a few acquaintances here and there, though he doesn't put relationships as his first priority.

    He's rather mature and intelligent for his age, able to find solutions to problems in creative way, appears to be able to read at a higher level than many children, and is well aware of the things that he is capable and incapable of doing. Rook also bears a large amount of patience, and is able to stay level-headed in frustrated situations. While he does appear to be indifferent most of the time, he is still a child, and is quite curious about the world. Because of this, he tends to daydream, and get's distracted quite easily.


    Rook isn't good at physical confrontation, and has a rather weak defense and offense. Taking the appearance of his body into account, he has medical wrap up and down his body, along with many scratches and wounds. His clothing appears very worn and old, and indeed, he doesn't appear to be wearing any shoes. However, he's much more agile than the average human being, and holds a significant amount of dexterity with him. He has an impressive amount of stamina with him as well, able to run for long distances without getting tired.

    While he's weak offensively, it doesn't mean that he isn't strong. Rook has had to climb market stalls and trees to escape being caught while in darkness. His eyesight and hearing are good for his age, and he's capable of quickly carrying his own weight and a little more. But do note that he is still a child, and it's extremely easy to overpower him in terms of combat.

    Rook is still .... relatively... human, of course. He appears to have a black rat and a white mouse with him. He has often become the center of attention in many towns for extremely impressive thievery. It appears that he's rather good to adapting to different environments quickly.


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Full name:
Just Craggard.

Merchant (He prefers the term “collector”)



Half llugat, half human Llugats are a vampiric like species characterized by their white skin and gaunt features)

Weapons and/or powers:

  • Within his coat he has poison tipped daggers, as well as other random weapons. He uses the daggers most frequently.
  • He has many, many items within his backpack. Many of them are useless, but something in there could be of use.
  • Due to his llugat blood, he can dart about abnormally fast, and also has heightened hearing.
  • Llugats are also capable of entity binding, a complicated procedure in which an entity can use a mortal as a host. Due to mutt status, it’s unclear whether Craggard can do such a thing without burning up. Binding with a soul with so much energy as a God would destroy a human.

Character description: Craggard comes across as seedy looking. Despite him being on the chubby side, his face is surprisingly gaunt with his crimson eyes. He hasn’t had a haircut or a bath in ages, and it shows. He has shoulder length hair, usually slicked back and spiked at the end. He has a pale complexion and bags under his eyes. He also has long fingernails that are taken terrible care of. They're snagged and scratched up. He usually wears long boots and a long coat lined with ratty white fur. Wears chains around his neck, causing him to slouch. He also carries a huge backpack with him everywhere he goes. It’s almost as wide as he is and a bit taller. He usually has a toothy grin on his face.

Bio: Craggard is a simple merchant who hails from a small, isolated city of Ak Ena. Mixed race llugats are a taboo there, and he hasn’t been there since he was very small, despite having visited all over the world. He typically wanders from place to place aimlessly in hopes of business. (More details are to be revealed)

Personality: Craggard often acts childish, but he’s cunning enough to live as long as he has without pissing someone off enough to kill him. For all the people he infuriates, he is able to be clever if forced to through talking his way out, thanks to years of haggling. he has a tendency to bite off more than he can chew. He’s quite easy to surprise when in battle- he’s so sure of himself that he’ll win that he never considers the possibility you might best him. He has a tendency to be rather dishonest and a bit of a hypocrite.

Likes: Money, shiny things, compliments, women, red meat

Dislikes: Stingy people, snobs, hot weather, people who insult his business

Other: He's a bit of a sexist.

Money: $150
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Roland.jpg.6c141922d6a9e4e4fcf97edb7ba39af1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Roland.jpg.6c141922d6a9e4e4fcf97edb7ba39af1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name:Mikahil

Nickname(optional): Mika

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Adventurer



Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.):Elf

Weapons and/or powers: Katana, has the power of all energy. (Kinetic, magnetic, electric, etc)

Character picture(Not required):Picture above

Bio: I was born in a hidden village, and when us males get to be older than sixteen, we have the choice to choose a role in the village, or to be kicked out and set as an adventurer. Once you leave with all your things you may never come back, and the only thing you get is a small amount of money to start you off. I chose to leave the village because I felt like I could be something more than just a harvester or a breeder, so I set off on my travels hoping to find my great purpose, and maybe make some coin along the way.

personality:Quiet, sometimes steals, likes to hunt, and tries to find ways to make money. (I'm not a penny pincher xD )

money(currency symbol:$ Be reasonable would you?): $500

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed): I'm a survivalist, so money for food and other things wouldn't be much of a necessity.



  • Roland.jpg
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So your katana has "the power" of ALL forms of energy? Kinetic, electro-magnetic, thermic, etc?
Full Name: Ryusuke Kurai

Nickname: Ryu The Devil Swordsman, or Ryu.

Role: Traveling Swordsman

Age: 21


Race: Half Demon and Human

Weapons and/or powers: Using multiple swords he is a skilled swordsmen, with five in total. He carries extra swords due to his demonic strength from his demon blood which allows him to mover faster and react faster as well.

Character picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1c2596dacd6cfed66ea302c8cfbd30ca.jpg.a419481d681610b62bc8872970eb589a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1c2596dacd6cfed66ea302c8cfbd30ca.jpg.a419481d681610b62bc8872970eb589a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:Ryu lived a normal life up until his sixteenth birthday, when his mother died to the hands of a really powerful demon, his father. Ryu's Mother had fled with him as an infant to keep him away from his father due to his corrupted and twisted views. After witnessing his Mother's death Ryu filled to the brim with rage, his demon blood boiling. Killed his father, it was a difficult battle, but even the young Ryu was well trained with at swordplay. But during the process he learned his body could not handle the strength of his demon blood. So he use a powerful magic necklace, his mother had planned to give him for his birthday to seal his strength and keep his demon blood from rampaging. He vowed to slay demons or any being that proved to be evil and corrupt, and became a traveling swordsman.

Personality: Talkative, friendly and protective of those he cares for. If he makes a friend, they are friends until the end, he will do everything in his power to protect them and any other person in need. He can be a bit odd at times and a bit annoying.

Likes: Swords, animals and meat.

Dislikes: Vegeatables, people picking on the weak, and seeing his friends get hurt.

Money: None at the moment.



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[QUOTE="Ghost Hunter]Yeah, but the moderator hasn't been on in a while.

Alright, i'll make a character sheet.
Full name: (Name is unknown)

Nickname(optional): The Mortal Blur

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Thief

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Human

Weapons and/or powers:

Fantasy Master.


The Hidden Claw


Character picture(Not required):


Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture):

Picture available above

Bio: His parents died when he was 5 years old and he taught himself how to steal from others to make a living. He kills anyone who gets in his way and if he sees a corrupt public figure he will kill that person in disgust using basic assassination skills. He has no special powers but he has a black panther as a pet called Diablo (Spanish for demon) that he cares for a lot, someone trying to kill Diablo would result in their downfall.

personality: A bit cocky but will become friends with people that he grows attached to.

Likes: Stealth, money, and his pet.

Dislikes: Corruption, guards, and prison

money(currency symbol:$ Be reasonable would you?): $5

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):

Diablo looks like this:

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[QUOTE="Ghost Hunter]Can...can Lecoro cuddle with Diablo? (The lion warrior guy above)

Not inviting Aer? -huff-
[QUOTE="Ghost Hunter]Can...can Lecoro cuddle with Diablo? (The lion warrior guy above)

Maybe, also was the like supposed to mean i'm in? Or do I have to wait for approval from the creator of the roleplay?
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The moderator is supposed to do that...I wish I could. I don't think it's very fair all these great characters are signing up and not getting accepted. And Aer can join! Everyone can join!! Leco doesn't care, you know what, that's how we're gonna defeat the ghouls, one big freakin' cuddle party. BAM! Problem solved.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Cuddles.jpg.5c138661da89a9d34484a7dbd392cb61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Cuddles.jpg.5c138661da89a9d34484a7dbd392cb61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It'll look something like this, but with less lions.



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