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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends

Full name:


Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.):



Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.):

Weapons and/or powers:

Character picture(Not required):

Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture):





money(currency symbol:$ Be reasonable would you?):

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):
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Full name: Nero Ravenholdt

Nickname(optional): Shade

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Traveler

Age: 16

Gender: male

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): human

Weapons and/or powers: Vampiric powers and shadow magic.

Also a dagger with the handle decorated in gold engravings.

Character picture(Not required):

Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture): He has red eyes and black hair. He wears black clothing and his skin is pale.

Bio: His parents died when he was born, which the little newborn boy didn't seem to have a problem with. He was placed in an orphanage which ten years later mysteriously burned down. After that he disappeared and traveled on his own for six years, killing anything that gave him a reason to do so.

personality: A complete psychopath, almost constantly wears a huge smile on his face when in a battle. When not in a battle he is an extremely cheerful boy.



-Being in control-




-Not being in control-

-People who call their actions 'honorable'-


-People who try to get to close to him.-

money(currency symbol:$ Be reasonable would you?): 100$

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed): -
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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92060644_uwotm8.JPG.2ad5d67db7829bcc4d15ae06d3918473.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92060644_uwotm8.JPG.2ad5d67db7829bcc4d15ae06d3918473.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Full name:

    Miyarkus Trimiad


    Marcus (preferred), Marc (hard c).


    Item Merchant







    (If you're thinking; yes, I'm an Undertale trash)

    Character description:

    Miyarkus is a perfect 6 footer. Despite the height, he is only comprised of bones (and our weight usually comes from our guts and stuff) and isn't exactly bulky so he is easy to carry around like an 10-year old child. He is not the strongest either and is considered "skinny", as ironic as that may sound.

  • (First Person POV)

    Where am I? Help... can't speak... weak...

    Stuck on something too. Caved in, perhaps? There is a hole here in this dark place that illuminates. I should push the many debris beside it. Alleyoop--

    The opening was larger for me to crawl out now and I got out just in time; the boulder I was under on collapsed. Must be because of the debris I pushed broke the structure. I feel weird, then realized; I was
    skeletal. What now? Suddenly a boulder came from another hallway (I think I'm in a dungeon). I was able to escape it and have left the place. The entrance had a large bag. I checked and it was filled with many things labeled with price tags. Were these some person's wares?

    I also only just realized that I have a scarf too. This wasn't here before. This bag also has my name on it, written on a piece of paper. Why can't I remember things? Well, I better get this stuff if I want to live.

    (Third Person POV)

    Miyarkus traveled around not so far places for two years, never staying in the same place twice every month. It took him a while to get accustomed to his life, not even knowing how his life worked in the first place. But his adventures gave him some insight in trap making and some tips and tricks in selling and buying stuff. He has a fine life but he has yet to know who he was before this since, unbeknownst to him, it was more than amnesia...

    Right now, he explores to find but not actively seek new friends and seek adventure.

    Miyarkus & Maliset

    It was on a beautiful morning, ready to sell some more stuff to the villagers and this was his last week before he moves to a different place too. He needed to rest because it was too calming to skip. Suddenly... (See Maliset's Bio).

    Personality & Behavior:

    Despite his appearance, Miyarkus is an innocent young man who is rather kind and caring. He will also say his name is Marcus instead of Miyarkus when introducing himself, knowing the nickname was a bit more appropriate. He'll tell you his real first name when he likes you nevertheless. He isn't talkative but he does the first move of asking to others when he wants to. Sometimes, if not always, Miyarkus stutters because of sheer nervousness. He isn't the backbone of the group but he wants to feel vital nonetheless. He wears a simple expression most of the time but if alone is quite sad and lonely. Although, his personality can change towards Maliset since he acts like her father. TL;DR: Introvert.


    - Success -

    - Friends (though he doesn't actively express it) -

    - Interesting Paraphernalia and Objects -

    - His Scarf -

    - Sweets (yes, he eats) -

    - Maliset! -


    - Cheating -

    - Lies -

    - Pests of all kinds -

    - Jokes-

    - Baffling stuff -

    - Maliset running off towards strangers -


    Initial Money:




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Full name: Gazed Jair'Haleev Zje Temer

Nickname(optional): The Blind Monk, The Librarian of Azad, or The Sage of Qazr

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Traveling historian and former Za A'hai monk

Age: 57

Gender: Male

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Human

Weapons and/or powers: Possesses extreme extrasensory abilities and has more conscious control over his chakras than any other monk known in the past 1700 years. He can channel the natural energy in his body, and his surroundings, through his chakras to perform Feats. Feats aren't magic, they're sort of like subverting the physical laws of reality for a brief moment by utilizing the energies of the body, mind, soul, and nature to "convince" the metaphysical that one is in accordance with the basic laws of the universe. It's an ancient technique shrouded in mysticism and spirituality that is often forgotten by conventional schools of magic and learning due to its obscurity. Gazed also utilizes an ancient monk's staff to help channel the energy from his chakras, a chakram (an ornate bladed disk used to channel chakric energies and can be thrown and retrieved utilizing said energy), an ancient Book of Sa'Rei Ah, a scroll of a mysterious and divine nature. Gazed is also of course a master martial artist, as expected of a Llama of the Za A'hai.

Character picture(Not required):

Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture): Gazed is roughly 5'11" with dark tan skin. His left arm has intricate reverse tattoos running from his left breast all the way down to the top of his hand. Gazed wears wrappings over his eyes and is a lithe and agile fellow with well-corded muscles. He doesn't appear even close to his actual age aside from his greyish white beard and hair.

Bio: Gazed was raised by a tile maker named Hazir until he was 6, when he was taken by the monks of the Za A'hai temple. He spent the next 30 years there before leaving to study at the great library of Ben'lal Azad in the city of Gazhai for another 10 years. Gazed then decided to travel the world and spent the next 11 years traveling except for a brief return during the Sacking of Gazhai to rescue the Book of Sa'Rei Ah kept in the library.

Personality: Gazed is a stern and mysterious figure. Despite his stoicism, he can be very sociable and humorous at times, although such behavior is very unpredictable. He is a wise and knowledgeable man and many stories and legends have grown up around his various names, although few attribute his true name to them.

Likes: Meditating, meeting interesting people, mysterious things, martial arts, melons, and flowers.

Dislikes: Ego-centric people, cruelty without purpose, terra cotta, and dark magic.

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):
Full name:

Maliset Tenery


Lissy, Mal


Young Friend of the Item Merchant








Maliset can use and summon an array of plants to help her. The environment can give different advantage and disadvantages depending on the plant she wants to summon. Plants follow her willingly and depends on the plant on what they do for Maliset.

Character picture:


Character description:

4'10". She's a simple girl, physically weak but she is pretty as said by many people. Because she was once poor, she learned how to be quick and agile so that she can outrun people who she stole from (not knowing it was a bad thing).


In a small village lived the small girl named Maliset Tenery. Her mother died when she was around a few years old and her father already died before she was born. She learned simple things on how to survive like eating food and drinking water, thought by her deceased caring mother. But one thing she didn't have was how to acquire them so she stole stuff from other people and almost always ran. Her plants helped her with this; sometimes a lot to stop people in her tracks. Her life went on like this until one day Miyarkus appeared in her village, selling items. She didn't care what those items were, what she cared were the many supplies in his bag. She tried to take one food from him while he was (seemingly) sleeping but Miyarkus was quick and caught her fast. She tried to push him away with plants, like she always did to people who caught her, but Miyarkus burned them in waves. After finally tuckered out, she gave up.

"Why are you here? This area's off limits! I even put up a--" Miyarkus started but then Maliset started crying, knowing what kind of punishments she would receive from people who were angry but she felt something different in the atmosphere as the skeleton man frowned.

"O-oh, you're... you're just a kid." Miyarkus said and hugged her warmly. She calmed down and returned it. They talked why she stole and Maliset said it was her only way to live. Miyarkus said that it was wrong but he knew deeply that it was true for her to need to live like that. Miyarkus decided that they travel together so that she will learn a new life than stealing, knowing it would be bad for her in the future. Maliset and Miyarkus then set out together and she was happy to be with a person who showed her kindness for once aside from her mother.


Maliset loves friends. She is an extrovert in many levels and likes runs off to meet new people, unbeknownst to her that it was a problem for Miyarkus to keep her safe. She doesn't like to stay bored and stuff. Since she's a child, she doesn't know how to handle problems and runs off to Miyarkus for anything she has difficulties on.


+ Miyarkus!

+ Many, many food

+ Toys

+ Cute things

+ Flowers


- Evil stuff

- Problems

- Being Lost

- Things she doesn't understand

- Bad guys


Same with Miyarkus Trimiad


Me and Magus here discussed and agreed that my character will have a deep relationship with his character, Miyarkus Trimiad. You know, like a child and fatherly figure relationship.


Plot-wise, this is between the two of Magus' "WARES!" panels. But, those are really just his design, though. Just some plot stuff here :3.
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Full name: Serillia Blindseer

Nickname(optional): Sera

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Traveler


Gender: Female

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Half-elf

Weapons and/or powers:

Naginata, normally referred to as a spear.

Perhaps due to her half-elven blood, Sera has always had immense amounts of magical energy, clearly noticeable by other magic users. Unfortunately, she has little to no ability in using magic. Even creating a small flame requires huge focus to use.

Character picture(Not required): Possibly!

Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture): Sera is slim but athletic, standing at 5' 7. She has long red hair cascading down the left part of her head. While half-elves could generally look like full-blooded elves, she unfortunately inherited a noticeable feature: Her right ear is pointed, while her left ear is rounded like a human's. She keeps her hair hiding her human ear so as to pass off as elven. Her eyes are green.

Bio: Sera was born in an elven village and raised solely by her mother. They were both subjected to harsh treatment and hate by the other villagers due to Sera's blood. She had never met her father. Everything she knows was taught to her by her mother, including her expertise with her exotic weapon, the Naginata.

At the age of 12, the village's hate for mixed blood grew to a new level, deciding to exile the young girl, threatening to do the same thing to her mother if she didn't leave peacefully. And so she did, hoping one day to see her again.

At 14, she met Minnie (separate CS) in a forest, and they quickly grew close. Wherever they go, they go together.

personality: Sera is typically nice to most people, except for elves. She's generally naive about life outside her village. She'd protect Minnie with her life.


-fair fights

-learning about the world



-anything threatening Minnie

-failing at magic

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):
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Full name: Minnie Serenes


Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Traveler, Herbalist

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Lynx-person

Weapons and/or powers: None, besides a carving knife and higher sensibility to hearing and smell.

Character picture(Not required): Possibly!

Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture): Minnie is a humanoid race with lynx features. Her hair is white and she has large feline hears with black tips. Her tail is long, white and has pale black spots. Her eyes are gray and she's 5' 9. She is Mute and Blind.

Bio: Minnie grew up isolated within her village because of her physical disabilities, caused by having eaten poisonous berries when she was young. Being blind and mute made it very difficult to communicate with others. While she became adept with living in her own way, she was never truly accepted as a useful part of the village.

Her other senses compensated for her lost ones, allowing her to go about her life more or less as well as others, though it takes a while for her to get used to new surroundings. She knows her plants and herbs, and she's an amazing cook.

She met Sera in one of her herb gathering trips, deciding soon after to travel with her after becoming close friends. She can trace on peoples' palms to write what she wants to say.

personality: Minnie has a very motherly personality, taking pleasure in simply being helpful and taking care of others. She trusts Sera with her life, depending on her for travelling in new places.

Likes: -Sera


-helping others

-teasing sera

-meeting interesting people

-carving wood


-not being near Sera

-not being able to express herself properly.

Herb bag - For sale and use

2x - Healing herbs (accelerates natural healing). 3$ each

1x - Adrenaline roots (Burst of strength for a short time, also known as a 'Love booster'). 8$ each

3x - Poison/venom antidote herbs of moderate efficiency. 5$ each

0x - Mana leaves (recovers some magical energy). 15$ each

Prepared mixes

2x - Balms for burns. 7$ each

2x - Balms for stress. 5$ each

1x - Balms for frostbite. 10$ each

1x - Mix for common sicknesses, like colds. 5$ each

1x - Mix for flu. 8$ each

Others (ask for these in RP!)

- Common tea leaves

- Flowers

- Raw sugar

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Full name: Kenshin Ryuushintei

Nickname(optional): The Rogue Hero

Role(dark lord, hero, merchant, God etc.): Hero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Dragon Person

Weapons and/or powers:

Ninja Scrolls from which he summons his ninja equipment and weapons


Dragon Soul

Character picture(Not required):


Character description(Necessary if you don't have a picture): Muscle Toned Athletic Build, Stands as 6'0

Bio: To be Revealed in RP

Personality: Ken is very spiritually refined person being raised as a ninja from birth following the 18 Disciplines of Bujinkan. He never lets his emotions control him but channels his emotions instead to the task at hand. The only thing that can throw him off for better or worse is attractive women for obvious reasons. He is well suited to the lifestyle of a warrior, he has no problem killing nor will panic when his allies are dying around him. He will do what he must and never faulter in most situations.

Likes: Attractive Women, Dragons, Weaponry, Martial Arts

Dislikes: Evil Cold Hearted Women, Evil Dragons, Lack of Versatility
Full name: Jennifer Karuva of Anrath

Nickname(optional): Lucius

Role: Banished Princess

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Human

Weapons and/or powers: The holy Sword of Ankrath


Character picture(Not required):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9212c635_LucinadieDuellistin.jpg.570362d16df5ccf5d6e628885b6e5ad1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9212c635_LucinadieDuellistin.jpg.570362d16df5ccf5d6e628885b6e5ad1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jennifer was born the only child of king Gottfried of Ankrath. Her mother died while giving birth. And as Jennifer never was the son her father had wished for, making her a disappointment in his eyes. He rose his daughter like he would rise a son, making her very much different from other princesses. She learned to fight and everything a prince would have learned.

When she turned 18, her father tried to marry her to a prince against her will. Not accepting that, her father went rampage and simply banished her from Ankrath. As she left, she stole her fathers crown just as the most valuable relict of Ankrath. The holy sword. She sold the crown, giving her enough money for the journey. Now she calls herself Lucius, wears a mask and hides her long hair to conceal who she truly is. The watchful eye, however, might recognize her.

Personality:Kind, caring and ready to give her life for justice, Jennifer is the classical hero prince. Though she isnt a prince. She mostly acts like a male, but sometimes her gender comes through.


Fair fights




Her father



money: 500$ through selling the crown

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):

-Jennifer cannot swim



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[QUOTE="Melody Of Slaughter]@Ami the breadling

Cool! Thanks! Can you tell me where people are at? I might join a lonely person randomly.
@Ami the breadling

Honestly, I think all the people who have so far written something in main are in a village called Inderigo.

But quite a few of us haven't written anything in main yet.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Full name: Jennifer Karuva of Anrath
Nickname(optional): Lucius

Role: Banished Princess

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race(vampire,human, elf, minotaur, dragon-person etc.): Human

Weapons and/or powers: The holy Sword of Ankrath


Character picture(Not required):

View attachment 263383


Jennifer was born the only child of king Gottfried of Ankrath. Her mother died while giving birth. And as Jennifer never was the son her father had wished for, making her a disappointment in his eyes. He rose his daughter like he would rise a son, making her very much different from other princesses. She learned to fight and everything a prince would have learned.

When she turned 18, her father tried to marry her to a prince against her will. Not accepting that, her father went rampage and simply banished her from Ankrath. As she left, she stole her fathers crown just as the most valuable relict of Ankrath. The holy sword. She sold the crown, giving her enough money for the journey. Now she calls herself Lucius, wears a mask and hides her long hair to conceal who she truly is. The watchful eye, however, might recognize her.

Personality:Kind, caring and ready to give her life for justice, Jennifer is the classical hero prince. Though she isnt a prince. She mostly acts like a male, but sometimes her gender comes through.


Fair fights




Her father



money: 500$ through selling the crown

Other(In case there's something you want to add or think I missed):

-Jennifer cannot swim

Hmmm, that seems familiar :P
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Dunno, liked the pictures and thought about what character i could make with that. Dont even know where they are from.

Fire Emblem: Awakening. The character is Lucina, she actually does dress up like a man and wields her father ancient sword, Falchion. I just thought it was a funny coincidence. Plus, the use of the Kingdom of Ankrath. Ancrath is a kingdom in the Prince/King/Emporer of Thorns series where the main character comes from, ruled by his father who disavowed him thinking he was dead and pretty much became his enemy when he found out he was alive. If you really weren't familiar with those series then that makes this even more hilarious :P
Cadenach said:
Fire Emblem: Awakening. The character is Lucina, she actually does dress up like a man and wields her father ancient sword, Falchion. I just thought it was a funny coincidence. Plus, the use of the Kingdom of Ankrath. Ancrath is a kingdom in the Prince/King/Emporer of Thorns series where the main character comes from, ruled by his father who disavowed him thinking he was dead and pretty much became his enemy when he found out he was alive. If you really weren't familiar with those series then that makes this even more hilarious :P
I know fire emblem as a name of a game.

I never heard of the series with the thorn thing
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]I know fire emblem as a name of a game.
I never heard of the series with the thorn thing

It's a pretty dark story about a prince who becomes a ruthless bandit and then tries to conquer the whole continent. It's a good one.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Dunno, liked the pictures and thought about what character i could make with that. Dont even know where they are from.

You have committed a heinous crime in my eyes! You shall pay for this!!

...Not really, but I still cringe a little inside, especially when one of my favourite characters (see my entire... you know, theme :x ) used without knowledge of the character.

I guess I'm here now, so I'll end up posting a character myself.
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Full name: Aer Van Volupa

"Pleased to meet you."

Nickname: Volupa "The Lucky"

"A natural roll. Not lucky - natural."

Role: God(dess) of Games

"Not the most liked goddess, am I?"

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Human

"Born a god, but life's more interesting in a human body!"

Weapons and/or powers: Temporary Plane Manipulation (through games)

"The plane is my game."

Character picture:


"If you can beat me at a game of my choice, I shall reveal a piece of my past to you. Just a little incentive!"

Personality: Very playful and yet humble, Aer loves acting as if everything is a game - and insists that any conflict should be resolved with a game. Under her less than sturdy exterior lies a person with knowledge of games beyond any other. To her disappointment, the land she had decided to reside in hasn't much for game variety, but it yet gave her chance to show her skill worthy of her heavenly heritage.

Likes: Games (Quite obviously), Sweets, Unexpected twists/surprises

Dislikes: Violence, Pretentious behaviour, Being beaten at her own game

Money Amount ($): $200
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