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Fantasy The Witching Hour

Sgt Gomez

Four Thousand Club
Millennia ago, witches came to be in the world. There are only legends as to how witches began their existence, but one fact is known: They exist and they are powerful. At first, they were hidden and solitary afraid of reactions, but eventually they got together and formed groups. These groups began to develop their powers and focused them on a specific aspect of their magic. They soon formed schools after these aspects. The schools of Necromancy, Elementalism (Fire, Water, Earth, Air), Summoning, and Polymorphism. Each witch is born with an affinity for a specific type of magic. Rarely, a witch can be born with equal strength in more than one type of magic. They cannot and will not be accepted into a school until they have fully chosen which school they wish to join.

Each school is headed by a head mistress. Each head mistress has a second in command (except for the school of necromancy, more on that later) so when the head mistress dies, the second in command can take over and choose a second in command. The main purpose of the school is to evolve their aspect of magic and teach the new, incoming students how to use their magic properly.

Most of the schools are pretty straight forward when it comes to operations. They receive new students and train them, but the elementalism school has four sub-schools: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Each student within the Elementalism school has a specific strength when it comes to element. The other oddity is the school of necromancy. The school has significantly less students for several reasons. The first and most important is that the school is very reclusive and barely communicates with the outside world. The second reason is because most witches are not born with the affinity for necromancy. The head mistress of the school is the oddest witch of all. No one knows her true name or form, but everyone knows she has the unique skill of soul transference. When her old vessel begins to rot and decay, she simply transfers her soul into a new vessel and continues on with life. It is not written when she initially took over the school of necromancy, but it is thought to be that she is the first and only head mistress of the school. She currently inhabits the body of a 12-year-old girl.

Witches are known to have a specific item that helps them channel their powers and will to form what they wish. The most powerful of witches are able to cast and create without such an object.

Until now, the world has lived in peace with the witches knowing that neither group wished harm upon the other, but the newly crowned King Zachary III has deemed that the country’s hardships are caused by the ill will of the witches. He has put the price of 100 gold pieces per witch that is brought before him dead or alive. It is now up to the schools to work together to find a solution to their imminent extinction.

The Witching Hour | RpNation

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