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Fantasy The Witch Trial

@Yoghurt well since your weapon can turn human yeah he is lol and our teachers are

Caspian- Class Earth

Wynderia- Air (I think, correct me if I'm wrong)

And Miss Mitsuko- Class Darkness/ Adv. Earth
Just giving you guys a heads up that i'm not going to be on much today or tomorrow. So if you guys need to use one of my characters feel free to.
@-@ I think there might be an uneven number again, but @Sexy McGee's Character could be your roommate @femjapanriceball
Yup! It's called The Dogs of Eteariel. I thought about the story for a comic and I decided to post it as an rp for the fun of it.
[QUOTE="Sexy McGee]@Coperkirin21 Posted my cs and can I suggest calling it "Hounds of Eteariel"

Ok and nvm I didn't forget anything. All set. :D )

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