The Winds of Change (Cecilia, 2nd)

Cecilia laughs softly, petting Helmine for her advice. Kind that she gave it, even if it really didn't make sense for humans.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you did just fine, Dell. If you like, we can go over Tradestongue once we're all settled. The immersion in it will help you a lot."

She beams at her and steps out of her room, closing the door behind her and catching her friend's sleeve. "I want to go see us lifting off up on deck if we're allowed to. Let's go!"
No one stops either of you as you make your way to the upper deck, the thrumming of the ship beneath you increasing with every footfall. The vibrations peter out onto an even plateau, merging in a soft, constant hum as the engines fully come into their own. As your break out under the cool blue skies and the blinding brightness of the morning sun, the ship lurches gently beneath you, and the vessel begins to move.

Your parents are still on dock, your mother covering the majority of her face with a handkerchief, waving suddenly as she spots you emerge up deck. Even your father raises his hand in parting, still bearing that proud smile.

Several crew on deck, busily ensuring that the final checks are all complete, though some are pressed against the rails, enjoying the sun, or waving to friends below.

Dell walks beside you, hands outstretched as if she expects to fall, a mildly worried look clouding her features. Gazing out into the people assembled on dock, she swallows the expression, waving to those left behind with a bright yet sad smile.
Cecilia waves to her parents when she sees them, smiling brightly and clutching the rail as the ship moves away from the dock. She watches them for a few moments, a brief wave of sadness at leaving them almost overcoming her. She swallows it back and quickly and discreetly dabs at her eyes before turning to watch the goings on around them on deck.
For the most part, the crew seems to have calmed down. No more busy scurrying, no more hauling cargo. Many are venturing belowdecks, though some others are chatting idly, and yet others still are watching the mountainous bulk of Arrington Spire grow smaller and smaller in the distance.

Of Ku, Julia, Urteal, and Snow, they're nowhere to be seen. The blond man from earlier, Mirkwood, he's still present, flipping through pages of the book in hand, his other digits hovering closely above it with a quill clenched lightly between. He looks to be talking to himself.
Cecilia watches the Spire vanishing into the distance a few minutes more before looking to to Mirkwood. He seems to be busy concentrating and she knows how annoying it is for thoughts to be interrupted. Likely he's still going over the cargo in his head as much as he is in the book.

Giving him a moment, she approaches him and puts on a friendly smile.

"Excuse me? Would you be Mirkwood?" She asks.
The blond man's head snaps up, a thin lipped, severe expression on his face. Delicately, he pushes his slipping wireframe glasses up the bridge of his nose, inspecting you with deep cerulean eyes.

"I am," he intones carefully, tilting his head during his examination. "Would I be wrong in assuming that you would be our esteemed guest, Lady Cecilia Arrington, of the Arrington Cryolytes, Third of Lord Jonathan Arrington?"
"You're not wrong." Cecilia smiles cheerfully at him. "It's nice to meet you, Mirkwood. I hope I'm not interrupting your work." She adds. "I just wanted to meet more of the crew and my previous guides seem to be elsewhere at the moment."
"Previous guides?" he questions with a note of curiosity, briefly looking down at his tally before returning his vision to you with an expectant air.
"Ku and Julia. They showed myself and my companions around some of the ship before we took off but I don't see them about now." She gestures to Dell and Helmine. "This is Dell and Helmine. Dell is also my guard."
"Charmed," is the flat response, the Quartermaster proffering the most perfunctory of brief smiles in the direction of your companions.

"Ah, yes, the children," he continues, peering down at his listings and making several quick adjustments with pen in hand. "They should be on the bridge. The boy is occupied, but the girl will mostly likely be free, if you wish to continue your exploration with an... "official" hand."
"Thank you, Mirkwood." Cecilia nods to him politely. "I hope I'll get to speak with you again soon. I won't keep you from your work."

Turning to Dell, she smiles and gestures for her to follow.

"Julia is on the bridge and she should be able to lead us around and help us to meet people on the ship." She explains, heading in the direction of the bridge.
The bridge is a reasonably large room, its width funneling down towards the end to a seat and controls. Windows at the far end overlook the vastness of the horizon sprawled out before you, a sea of clouds replete with bright colors, glaring golds, warm reds, and soft pinks, interspaced with splashes of azure blue and emerald green as the land peeks up from below. Beyond the rise of the horizon, the curtain of night is descending, a velvety darkness already smothering the fringes of the light ahead. The view is astonishingly beautiful, enough so that you hear Dell gasp behind you, and even Helmine is being uncharacteristically silent.

In the pilot's seat is Ku, surprisingly enough. He seems to be taking the vista before him for granted, listening amiable to Julia's low chatter, the girl sitting on the floor next to him. They don't seem to have noticed you entering, or if they have, they show no sign of it.
Cecilia stares at the view a moment, amazed at the horizon and the mixtures of colours stretched out before them. She'd never seen anything like it. She reminds herself of her manners and clear her throat.

"You have an incredible view from up here." She smiles at them. "May we join you both for a few minutes?"
Julia looks up, a wide, excited smile breaking out across her face.

"Oh we'd love you to!" she chimes, beaming at you so brightly you can't help but feel the room lighten as well.

Ku keeps his hands on the controls, and his eyes on the horizon.

"S'fine, with me," is his non-committal call back.

"So how'dya like the ship so far, huh?" smiles young girl, making her way over to you, long skirt swishing all the while.
"I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm hoping to be introduced to more of the crew soon, if you wouldn't mind a little later, Julia? I'd really appreciate it." She smiles back at her. She really likes this girl, she's so cheerful!

"I didn't realize you were the pilot, Ku." She adds genuinely surprised. "Are pilots normally as young as you?"
"Nope," responds the olive skinned boy, still not turning from his position.

"Nah, Ku got special trainin' 'cause he's the only one who can use the "special" engine," explains the cheery girl, looking up to you.

"I may not be able to understand the child, but if her tone were any more saccharine I feel it would be something you'd put in your morning tea," drawls Helmine, circling your neck with passive disdain.

At this, Dell just shakes her head and smiles, but Julia looks to the snake as if noticing it for the first time.

"Ooooh that's pretty. And it-... she? She. She's smart too," says the child, her mouth open with wonder, quirking up in a smile. She makes a face, as if tasting something strong, squinting with the expression as she peers at your construct. "Cold though, and a little bitter, like salt or something,"

The serpent in question pauses, watching the girl with some interest, and considerable suspicion. "Is she saying something about me? Is it something good?"

A moments pause.

"If she's badmouthing me, tell her I eat small children who annoy me,"

Dell snorts.
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Cecilia laughs at Helmine's comment and tickles the serpent under her chin. "She said you're very pretty and smart, Helmine." She informs her before switching back to conversation with Julia.

"This is Helmine, she was a gift to me from my family when my sisters left after they married. She was made with Cryolytry and with the help if a Heartwright. She's got quite a personality on her and I'm very fond of her. Even if she can be unknowingly rude sometimes." She leans down a little to let Julia have a better look.

"She only speaks and understands Spire I'm afraid. I haven't taught her anything else yet or even know if she can learn other languages."

Tilting her head, she wonders at the girl's expression. "Have you any affinity for magic yourself Julia?"
Nodding vigorously, Julia beams back at you, eyes misting over with wonder as she hovers over the waiting serpent.

"Yup!" she confirms, tentatively reaching a hand towards the icy construct. "I'm a Heartwright!"

Helmine inclines her head in acceptance, leaning in the girl's direction, and Julia gently accepts.

"Oh, she's so cold!" she squeaks, carefully running her fingers over Helmine's scaly form. "But smooth and soft..."

"Mm, yes, I am a specimen of exquisite craftsmanship," murmurs the snake in unknowing agreement.
The blonde young woman laughs, smiling at them both. "That's wonderful, Julia. So if both if us worked together one day we could make something like Helmine." She grins. "My father and eldest sister constructed her body and I'm a Cryolyte myself."

"She is full of praise for you." She adds to Helmine.
"Neat!" is Julia's reply. "I do a little of stuff like that with Ku already, but his stuff is easier because they're kind of smart all by themselves. None of them are as pretty as yours though,"

"Well of course," purrs Helmine languidly, rolling around your shoulders once more. "As if there would be any doubt, all things considered,"
Cecilia smiles. "Well, she's is certainly flattered given what she's telling me." She straightens up, looking out the windows. "Do you get to enjoy this kind of view all the time? It's breath-taking."
There's a vigorous nod from the young girl.

"The Spires got some really pretty views, 'specially when you're all high up in the ship. You get to see the lightning, or the rainbows, around it. And sometimes you get to see Leviathans. They follow the ship and make funny sounds,"

Ku is quiet, though occasionally he bobs his head to whatever Julia is saying.
"Leviathans? Oooh, I hope we get to see one." Cecilia grins, clasping her hands together in excitement. "I can't wait to see more and we've only just set out. How exciting!"

She admires the view out the window for a moment, feeling a bit of a thrill at the height while also amazed by what she can see below them. "So, what makes the engine so special that only Ku can pilot it?" She asks curiously.
Dell moves closer to the window, pressing her hand against the glass, as if trying to touch the teeming clouds. Her face is still rapt with wonder, a broad smile easily encompassing her features. Ku spares a glance or two her way, between watching his flight course, though says nothing but a quiet grunt.

"The special engine is a..." Julia's face scrunches up as she stares of into the distance, mouth forming strange syllables.

"Centra-flew-gull Shape Trap... sissin Engine?" she hazards with an uneasy smile.

"Centrifugal Shade Transition Engine," calls back Ku suddenly.

"Thank you Ku~," giggles the youth.
"Now that's a mouthful." Cecilia grins at Julia. "I didn't take engineering in my studies I'm afraid and that does sound fascinating. I hope I'll get a chance to learn more about it."

She nudges Dell. "Better view than from the Spire right?" She grins at her friend and bodyguard.

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