The Winds of Change (Cecilia, 2nd)

Cecilia nods, no hesitation or discomfort in being given that burden to bear. She felt confident in this, meeting his gaze.

"I will make you proud." She promises with another smile, her voice full of sincerity.
"Good," is your fathers final word.

"If that is the case, the you will be beginning travel tomorrow morning. Dellebron Urteal expects to see you at the ship at the break of dawn. Your mother and I will be seeing you off," he tells you, standing up.

"Pack well tonight, and get to bed early. If I remember correctly, the route that Urteal will be taking can take up to six months or more,"
Tomorrow morning! Six months from home!

Cecilia felt as much nervousness as she did excitement at the thought but kept it from her expression for the moment.

"I better get to work on that then." She laughed softly. "Thank you, Father, for letting me go on this trip. I know I'm going to learn so much from it."
For a moment, your father looks as though he was going to smile again, but instead he shakes his head.

"Good night Cecilia. I will see you in the morning,"

With that, he exits the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Helmine slides around your neck, cool scales against the hot and quickly pulsing veins of your throat.

"Six months. That is a long time to be gone from the only place one knows..."
Cecilia takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She's not sure whether she's going to laugh or cry at the moment.

"It is. But I have to take my first leap into the unknown at some point." She turns to Dormir Lis and carefully hangs up the gown so she can dress in it the next morning.

"It's time to go on a real adventure, Helmine." She grins as she brushed her finger over the enchanted fabric. "I need to pack appropriately for it." She smiles at the serpent, then quickly getting to work selecting what she is going to bring with her.
The construct glides down one arm to slither across your desk, shuffling aside sheathes of paper with her passage.

"I was actually speaking about myself..." she sniffs, continuing to throw your notes into disarray with her mere presence.

"What are you intending on taking?"
"Well, guess we're both taking a leap, hm?" Cecilia laughs, then starting to try gather up her notes and sort them to where she needs to put them.

"Let's see... well I'll be learning Urd and Business, so I should take my notes there. I want to keep up with World History in Magic so... I suppose a book or two in that. Clothes, notebooks, pens. You. Dell." She adds with a laugh. "Make-up, hairbrushes, various things ladies require..." Cecilia sighs a little. "I should make a list. This is for six months..."
"At least," corrects Helmine. "Your father stated that it could take six months or more. I don't think you have enough books here to sate your appetite for that long, let alone be capable of transporting on a ship,"

"Then again, you most likely won't be able to confine yourself to your chambers as you do here," she muses, more to herself than to you. "There is also the factor of Master Snow and Sky to consider, as well as the likelihood of free flowing alcohol,"

The snake fixes you a pensive stare.
"I hope you're not imply I should take that awful embroidery stuff." Cecilia frowns, then pulling out another notebook she's been keeping about magical combat. "Oh, here's something else I can practice." She laughs, starting to separate things out.

"Well, I guess I'll have to see what Urteal has planned by way of lessons but you're right. I won't be able to confine myself and honestly, I really would rather not." She smiles. "But the alcohol doesn't interest me. I'd much rather approach this with a clear head anyway. You also heard what Father said about behaving."
"Master Snow and Sky does not seem much like a teacher," intones the serpent thoughtfully. "In truth, he does not even seem that chatty. What do you think you will learn from him, asides from Urd?"
"I'm hoping to learn a bit more about the Dellebron. See how he runs his ship and his crew. He's a merchant by trade, he has decades of experience in travel and seeing the world. There has to be something he'll be willing to talk to me about." Cecilia sighs, hoping he will actually talk to her and not lock himself away in his rooms like he has done for most of his visit.

"At least I'll have you and Dell, you know?" She smiles, trying to keep optimistic. "And I'll get my hearing fixed too when we reach Cree Spire."
Cecilia tried to sleep. She managed a decent amount but excitement and nerves kept waking her every now and then to double check she had items packed and to write down notes.

Of course she couldn't understand half of what she'd written when she decided she had had enough of trying to sleep. By the time the knock on the door occurred, she was washed, dressed, makeup on, packing check and double checked and almost pacing the room.

Cecilia crossed the room and opened the door. "Yes! I'm awake!"
Dell's eyes are wide with surprise, her hand still raised in knocking as the door swings open.

"...excited, are we?" she mumbles with a growing smile.

"She's ventured off to sleep and woken up exactly seventeen times during the night, before giving up entirely around two hours ago," remarks Helmine with something resembling sourness. "Were I capable of sleeping, it would have been somewhat irritating,"
"I kept thinking of things that I wasn't sure I'd packed." Cecilia laughs. "But yes, I'm excited and nervous and not entirely sure my breakfast is sitting right but I think I have everything." She lets Dell in.

"Are you excited? Did you sleep okay?" She asks, scooping up Helmine and placing her around her shoulders with a spin.
Dell smiles, stepping inside.

"Surprisingly good Miss Cecilia, but then again, I've had training against the jitters. In all honesty, I could probably sleep through a bomb," she admits.

"The snoring tends to drown it out," is Helmine's snide aside.
"Helmine!" Cecilia gasps, giggling. "Don't be mean."

Brushing her hair from her face, she smiles at Dell. "I suppose I have been a little too jittery for her liking. Are we leaving soon?"
You can almost hear the serpent smirk.

"I was actually talking about a certain Arrington. I hear the legends say her room is the source of all the winds on the mountain..." she continues dryly.

Dell promptly slaps a hand across her mouth, trying and failing to stop the avalanche of chuckles, instead transforming it into hearty snickering.

"N-No, Hel- Helmine," manages your bodyguard between guffaws, shaking with suppressed laughter. "T-That's ver- That's ver- That's very rude,"
Cecilia flushes and gasps. "Helmine! If you're going to be like that I have half a mind to confine you to rooms. Or a box!" She scolds, tapping the serpent on the nose.

Looking at Dell, she tries and fails to keep a straight expression and swats playfully at her with one of her cushions from her armchair.

"That's not funny!" She giggles.
As you fall into laughter, Dell's facade fully cracks, and the girl bursts full into a fit of giggles.

Helmine watches the pair of you, rolling her eyes, an expression she's gotten surprisingly good at in the past year.

"Perhaps I'll find better company in Sir Snow and Sky..." murmurs the serpent, more to herself than anyone else.
Cecilia giggles and takes a breath to calm herself, though she beams at Dell.

"Well... we should make a move in getting things to the ship. I believe I'm all packed..." She looks around her room again for the thousandth time, stroking Helmine's scales gently and rather absently.
Venturing throught the corridors to the dock, you find the the ship is exactly where it was previousl, your parents already waiting outside it, speaking with the tall, pale from of Urteal. Servants swarm about it, a mixture of your own Spire's attendants, and those belonging to House Dellebron. As the three of you approach, they cease whatever conversation they were having, instead looking to you.

Dell shoulders the weight of your bags without complaint, in addition to her own rather sparse packings. Helmine, of course, requires nothing save the box she arrived in.
Cecilia is carrying Helmine's box and one of her lighter bags because she didn't want Dell carrying all of them. She smiles as she approaches them, putting down the box and bag before crossing the distance.

"We haven't been keeping you waiting, have we?" She asks, having been sure they were on time if not early in her excitement.
Urteal shakes his head, still carrying that faintly bored, implacable expression.

"Not at all Miss Arrington, I was merely talking to your parents about my route and plans," the Dellebron tells you.

Your mother says nothing, instead stepping forward and embracing you strongly.

"I'm going to miss you Cecilia," she murmurs into your ear, the velvety ruffles of her fur jacket soft and ticklish, their comfort compounded by the warmth of her body.

"You're the last of my little baby birds to leave the nest, even if it's only for a little while,"
Cecilia feels her eyes sting and hugs her mother back tightly. "I'll miss you too. I love you and I will write to you about what I see and learn when I can." She tells her quietly, trying to keep her composure and smiling to keep back the tears. Oh, this is more difficult than she was expecting it to be.

When her mother releases her, she turns to her father.

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