The Winds of Change (Cecilia, 2nd)

A cold whisper tickles your cheek as Helmine pulls a little closer.

"You could do worse than Mister Snow and Sky. I doubt there are many that smell as wonderful as he does, and I am sure he would let you research whatever topic that comes to your mind," comments the snake almost dreamily before letting the subject drop.

"Mhm, yes, petite," she continues flatly, circling down across your torso to your waist. "Let's hope you grow where it counts, because eating half of two meals and looking at the rest in passing isn't doing much,"

"And tea is not a snack, no matter how much you drink of it,"

A brief knock at the door signals Dell's return, and the girl enter the room with another bow.

"Master Urteal has accepted your invitation Miss Cecilia," announces your retainer. "Though he wonders what kind of game you'd like to play,"
"Yes, miss nutritionist. If you want to remind me to eat more then perhaps I will make a bit more of an attempt. But tea is definitely a snack. Why else would there be a mealtime named after it?" She jokes. "But let's drop the subject of marriage, shall we? I don't want to think of it while I have that luxury."

When Dell returns, she smiles at her. "Good! I was going to have the 3 Dimensional Chess game set up to play. Less boring than normal chess. Let me fix my hair and we can move to the Day Room."

She glances herself in the mirror and is ready to leave a moment after.
Urteal is already waiting in the Day Room when you arrive, lounging in an armchair with a glass in hand. A decanter of fine Cryolyte vodka is sitting in front of him, a considerable amount of its volume missing, no doubt distilled into his glass beforehand.

Snow is leaning against the wall, silent save the hiss of breathing and an odd bubbling.

"Ah, Miss Arrington," welcomes the Dellebron sedately, raising his glass to you in greeting. "Forgive me if I proffered something such as that without consulting you beforehand. I merely thought it to be the least I could do after the ugliness of my last visit,"
"Please, don't apologize. I'm very pleasantly surprised by the offer and I do hope my father will give his permission. I would very much like to go." Cecilia smiles at him. She moves over to a gaming table and starts to set up what at first seems like a chessboard, the material clear, the pieces separated for the players by either being frosty or completely clear.

"Would you care to play chess?" She asks, placing four columns on the corners of the board and then placing a second board on top. She then repeats this so there are three boards in a tower on top of one another.
"I've seen that look on your mother's face before," replies the Dellebron, swishing about the liquor in his glass, a droll tone infecting his normally dry voice. "Trust me, things will most definitely be going in your favor if Victoria is on your side,"

"I've only played the mundane variant, and I really am more of a cards player, but I am willing to try something new today," he tells you, peering over to get a better look at the game board.
"I find normal chess can be a little dull sometimes. This puts a new twist on it." Cecilia replies. "But I am glad my mother is on my side. At least she listens to things I'm interested in doing... sometimes I wonder if my Father isn't just being contrary because he can be or if he imagines me as being someone different in his mind. I also would have thought he would be a little more welcoming to you this time around." She says as she places the pieces on the board.

She shakes her head at herself, reigning herself back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be speaking of my Father like that. I'm just a little annoyed, I suppose. I feel he's being rude." She gestures to the board. "Would you care to choose a side? The frosty pieces count as black, so the clear pieces start first."
Urteal just purses his lips.

"Your father grew up in a different time, with a much different situation forced upon him," replies the pale man. "I would suppose that he doesn't want you, your sisters, or even your future children, to have to deal with that sort of thing, so he is trying to ensure that the Spire and its relations remain strong,"

"As for me," Urteal gently stares into memory for a few moments before continuing. "The pair of us have our own history,"

Taking a gentle sip from his glass, he looks over the board, tapping an index finger on a frosted queen.

"I believe I'll play as black,"
"Very well. I will take white then." She nods, moving to her own side of the board.

"I suppose I just feel frustrated. Rumours of dealings involving my future going about with little to nothing mentioned to me. Security aside, I would like some say in what's ahead." She sighs a little, then changing the subject. "But, happier things for the moment. What made you decide to offer this trip? Nothing that happened last time you were here was your fault, after all."

She looks over the clear pieces and then across the boards to Urteal. "Do you need me to go over the difference in rules?"
The Dellebron purses his lips again.

"In truth, no particular reason. There's little going on in my world at the moment asides from that unpleasantness I mentioned earlier, and I decided that a little change that didn't involve violence of some sort might be nice for once,"

He takes another drink, slowly, savoring the taste.

"I merely brought up the incident to make it more palatable, as it's somewhat more polite to suggest such a trip as an apology without overstepping ones bounds,"

There's a frown at the board.

"And no, no need to go over the rules. I'll merely ask when I am stuck,"
"So, what is your real reason, if I may ask?" Cecilia asks, pondering a moment over her pieces before moving one. "I'm just curious. Grateful of course, I would very much like my full hearing back, and a chance to see other places."
The pale man's piece is moved almost instantly after your own, taking a very aggressive, direct action.

"A real reason?" he asks politely, arching his eyebrows.
"Unless you find escorting young women to medical facilities and teaching them business and Urd along the way something entertaining to do with your time?" She replies, grinning back at him. "It was why I was so surprised at the offer. You seem like a busy man is all."
"When one has been doing merchant work for as long as I have, the real bulk of time consumption winds up coming from the travel itself," he replies, taking another drink.
"Ah, so I am along for entertainment." She jokes, moving another piece. "I won't complain. I've always wanted to travel."
"Perhaps a little," agrees Urteal, and there's a gurgling chuckle from Snow, who's idly playing with a kukri. Urteal ignores her, continuing on.

"So do you often invite young women to go traveling with you Master Wind and Snow?" starts Helmine suddenly, sidling her head closer to the table.

The Scion simply raises his eyebrows, glancing up at you with a questioning look.
"Helmine, that's a little rude to ask." Cecilia scolds gently, running her fingers along the snake's head affectionately. "My apologies, Urteal. Helmine's gotten more personality since you last saw her. She is just being curious."
He simply raises an eyebrow, tilting his head.

"It's fine. She merely reminds me somewhat of my sister," replies Urteal, taking another drink, and moving another piece. "But no, that's not typically a behavior of mine,"

"There has been once or twice," he admits, gesturing to Snow, now spinning the kukri in her hand. "But I haven't exactly made a habit of it,"
"Does that make you feel better, Helmine?" The young woman asks the ice golem fondly. "Well, permission pending, I am really looking forward to the trip." Cecilia smiles sincerely.

Observing the board, she takes a moment this time and then shifts another piece, this time taking advantage of an upper tier to do so. "It will be nice to see how well my studied theories work in practice. I should apologize in advance if my Urd is truly terrible." She laughs.
The serpent seems to pout, as if she was expecting more of an offended answer or some sort of outrage.

Urteal smiles, that jagged hungry grin of his and says something in Urd.

Roll Intellect or Intuition to discern what he just said.
He speaks slightly too fast for you to pick up the direct translation and uses some words you're not exactly sure of the meaning, but you know for a fact that he roughly stated that he would enjoy teaching you personally over the course of the journey.

If you'd like to answer in Urd, another roll please of the same.
Well, it was only polite to try and respond. Good thing she had already apologised in advance.

She attempts to reply that she is looking forward to lessons and hopes to be a good student.


Urteal takes your response without a change in expression. There's another swallow of liquor, and finally, he nods his head.

"After hearing that, I'm certain that you'll be a fine student, appalling accent aside," he tells you, moving another piece on the game board.
Cecilia grimaces, laughing a little nervously. "Is it that bad?" She brushes a lock of hair from her shoulder and then takes her turn. He's moving aggressively, she's placing a little more carefully.
"It's a difficult language," admits Urteal, pushing his assault as he moves another piece. "It is in our very blood and souls, a sign of our lineage of divinity. We are born to it. You on the other hand, have been learning it for little over a year. It's unsurprising that your pronunciation is somewhat off, especially if you're learning from another Unascended,"

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