The Winds of Change (Cecilia, 2nd)

"That's probably true... But I'd need a true Urd speaker to pick it up right." Cecilia nods. "Perhaps you could help me practise while you're here. Maybe while recalling some adventures you and my grandmother shared." She grins.

"So, what have you been up to over the last year, Urteal? Given Ms. Snow's reaction a moment ago, you have to have something interesting to speak of." She adds, glancing at the woman shadowing Urteal. She also gives a smile to Dell who is shadowing herself.
Dell smiles back, right hand resting on her pistol.

Urteal's brow furrows, and his gaze trails away for a moment before snapping back with a smile.

"Perhaps," he retorts.

"As for what I have been doing, mostly trading. The goods your family allots me is fine cargo, but sometimes requires a special need of the buyer to purchase, so I make my living being a general merchant. As for interesting-"

"He wasn't kidding," interrupts Snow in Tradestongue, her strange melodic gurgling accented much akin to Urteal. "Someone's actually trying to kill him,"

There's a mild shrug from the Dellebron, an uncaring expression upon his face.

"It's hardly news. I mean, what is life for a Dellebron without the shadow of a gun or the smell of liquor?" he continues casually in Tradestongue himself, waxing somewhat poetically.

"It is for the number. They're sad little things, but they're making up for the lack of quality with quantity. At least one a week?"

Helmine looks quizzically from one newcomer to the other.

"I'm sure this would be interesting if I could understand it," remarks the serpent dryly.

Bolded text means they're speaking Tradestongue.
"Someone's been trying to hurt Urteal. I'll fill you in on details a little later." Cecilia assures the ice golem gently, running her fingers under her chin with a small smile.

"That has to be tiring. I sincerely hope they don't occur while you are here and you can relax while you visit." She responds in the same dialect, giving a sympathetic smile to Urteal. "We can put the Guard on alert for you. We simply cannot have our guests in danger while at the Spire."

Switching back to Spirespeak, she continues. "That said, I'm surprised my parents have not made their presence known. You sent word well in advance of your arrival. Of course, I'm not complaining. It's nice to not have them hovering for the moment."
Looking at her, you'd almost swear the serpent pouts and rolls her eyes. Helmine coils up against your shoulder quietly, clearly listening intently.

Dell looks questioningly from you to Urteal, but says nothing.

"Actually, I'd prefer it if you didn't mention it to anyone," continues Urteal. "I've taken precautions to ensure that no assassins would think to look for me here, at least at this current point in time, and I'm certain that if your father did catch wind of it, he'd... be unhappy thinking that I've involved the Spire in this,"
The young woman pouts a little but he might be right. Putting the Guard on alert wasn't the best thing with Urteal's arrival and her Father would be most displeased.

"Very well. I will not say a word about it. I understand that discretion might be the better option in this case." She agrees somewhat reluctantly.

"So...if we are keeping that quiet," She returns to her native tounge to continue and include Dell and Helmine in the topic change. "What can you tell me of news on your travels? I want to travel myself soon, if Father would allow." She continues. "I want to see so much that books and scrolls just cannot do justice."
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"You are right. Tales of travels are never nearly quite so interesting as tales of travels with friends, and that pales in comparison to actual travels," answers the Dellebron.

"So whether the story is first or second hand, all it will serve to do is whet the appetite of wanderlust,"

There's a snort again from Snow, or possibly a chuckle. The distortion in her voice makes it difficult to tell.

"But, tales and travels must wait until a later time," he finishes, stopping outside of the pale doors of his room. "I shall see you and yours at dinner,"
"Of course." Cecilia smiles at him. "See you at dinner, Urteal. Enjoy your afternoon. I hope your stay with us is a pleasant one." She dips in a polite curtsy and nods to Nerrissa Snow. "Ms. Snow." She adds politely, leaving Urteal to settle in and rest after his travels.

She pets Helmine and glances to Dell with a smile. "So, what trouble should we get into today? I have a free afternoon." She jokes as she and her friend continue down the hall.
The afternoon passes slowly. Helmine and Dell have their little squalls together, swiping at each other verbally in a manner that you can't quite tell is affectionate or antagonistic. Word slowly goes around that the Dellebron ship has returned, and with it, rumors about the incident on the last visit. A few words you hear in passing concern your mother and Urteal, but those are quickly quietened once your presence is realised.

Eventually, dinner arrives. It's a much smaller, more sedate affair than before. No large ball, no numerous guests, just Dellebron Urteal, and your immediate family, and their retainers. Snow is slouched rather lazily against on of the walls behind Urteal, her presence mostly unnoticeable save for the bubbling hiss of her breathing. Magnus is standing, as he always does, two feet behind and one foot to the right of your father. Dell is standing on guard much the same behind you, a a very serious look on her face.

Pleasantries pass between your father and Urteal, Urteal wearing that smile that does not quite reach his eyes, and your father with his immutable passive expression. Mostly it's things of business they're speaking of, banal small talk, though Urteal continues returning to the merchant paths he's taking.

"Actually, as it happens, I will be passing through Cree Spire on my way to Castle Dour," announces the pale man.

"Oh?" is your fathers response.

"Yes. Considering that it's one of the best medical centres in Imeria, I was thinking of making up for my poor company last visit, and bringing Cecilia with me to have her ear repaired,"

The table goes silent.
Cecilia very quickly sets down her drink to hide her fumble of the glass, looking across at Urteal in surprise.

"Really?" She beams, expression brightening. She hasn't really been enjoying the tension in the room up til this point.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea! Communers have been so slow to respond to envoys and those that have won't travel. I would very much like to have my full hearing ability back."

She looks to her parents hopefully. Not only would she get seen to by skilled medical professionals but it would be a chance to travel and see other places!
A glare flickers across your fathers features, directed solely at Urteal, but the expression is smoothed over almost instantly. Your mother simply raises an eyebrow to the proposition, peering at the Dellebron with an unreadable smile.

Jonathan takes a deep, steadying breath before responding.

"I could not ask you to take it upon yourself to do so, it would be a terrible breach of etiquette. I'll have her sent south with some of our own traders if it comes to it," refuses the man politely.

"Nonsense Jonathan, I have the entire weight of House Dellebron behind me for protection. In addition, I've heard Ceilia has been attempting to learn Urd and Business, two things that I could greatly facilitate. Where better to learn such things than in practice?" beams Urteal, uncharacteristically chipper, his wide predatory grin somehow the very picture of good manners.

Victoria purses her lips as she considers the thought of this, while your father simply closes his eyes, breathing in sharply through his nose.

"No, truly, I think it would be best for everyone involved that if Cecilia was to go south, assuming we are unable to retrieve an able Communer, that she would be heading south with Arrington traders and guards," continues your father, a little more stiffly than before.

Sipping his wine, still grinning that dark eyed smile, the Dellebron shakes his head.

"Heading south with a Dellebron, myself particularly, is nigh on an Arrington family tradition at this point. I have made the journey with your mother, I have made the journey with you, and hopefully, I can make the journey with Cecilia here. If anything, it would be a fine way to improve her standing amongst suitors. After all, a wife well traveled will always have a story to tell, and experience to draw upon,"
Cecilia decides to ignore the latter comments about suitors but nods in agreement. She widens her eyes, giving most pleading expression in her father's direction.

"Oh, please, Father. I've always wanted to see what it's like outside of the Spire. You're killing at least four birds with one stone if I can join the Dellebron traders for this. I get healed, I get real practice with Urd and Business, I gain travel experience AND without any added expense to Arringtons traders who would have to take me, pulling Guard away from the Spire." She points out. "How can you turn down such a good opportunity for me?"
For the first time in the conversation, you father's features subtly change, lips thinning and eyes narrowing. He opens his mouth to reply, but it is your mother that speaks.

"I think it's a good idea," states Victoria thoughtfully, regarding Cecilia with a smile. "Both Urteal and your daughter have made some fine points in favour of the idea, and in fairness, I can't particularly think of anything against it that we can't readily circumvent,"

"I'll even pay for the majority of the trip myself, as a way of apology for my last visit," incites the Dellebron, taking another swallow of wine.

Jonathan's eyes go to Victoria, to Urteal, and to you, all in quick succession. He sighs heavily and sags slightly.

"I... will consider it," he says finally.
Cecilia smiles at her father and mother brightly. That's good enough for her right now. Her mother will likely continue to talk him around to the idea after the meal. She does her best to conceal her excitement, though grins briefly at Urteal before picking up her drink again and returning to formality.
The rest of the meal passes in relative silence between Urteal and Jonathan. The pale man attempts to get conversation flowing again, the merest gleeful twinge to his voice, but your father responds mostly with curt, one word answers. Victoria remains somewhat warmer, but neither she nor Urteal truly attempts to engage the other in conversation beyond the most unremarkable of small talk.

Eventually, the dinner ends and the Dellebron excuses himself quietly, though you can see as he steps away, his grin remains plastered to his face.
Cecilia had been attempting to join in conversation so the entire table hadn't gone silent but also didn't get much further than small talk really. She couldn't discuss Cree Spire or travels without possibly upsetting her father who, she personally thought, was being dreadfully rude to his guest. Still, she wondered if Urteal's grin was simply because he had essentially one-upped her father in the most polite and generous manner possible, or if he was glad to have a chance to prove he could make up for the last time he had visited which, in fairness, had been none of his own doing.

Sometimes her father could be so stubborn...

"May I be excused?" She asks her parents with a smile.
Victoria nods with a smile, before moving over to your father and laying a hand on his shoulder, speaking to him in hushed tones.

Behind you, Dell grins herself.
Cecilia leaves the room to let her parents talk, then finally lets herself grin. "Can you believe that?!" She hisses gleefully to Dell once they're out of earshot of the dining room. "A trip to Cree Spire! I hope Mother can talk my father around, I really want to go! A chance to get out of this Spire and see something new and different at last!"
Dell returns the grin with surprised glee.

"I can certainly say I wasn't expecting it Miss Cecilia," admits the girl honestly, rubbing the back of her head.
"I know my father will insist you come with me. Think of all the exciting things we'll get to see!" She laughs, clapping her hands together. "Helmine too, of course. I would hardly leave her behind."

She heads back towards her room so they can discuss this freely. "I wonder what gave Urteal the idea. I mean, if it's a family tradition then certainly it makes sense and he hardly had the opportunity to extend the offer to my sisters." She continues, practically skipping with glee. Only for a moment, then she catches herself before anyone else sees.
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"That's right..." replies the girl in a thoughtful mumble, brows furrowing in brief contemplation. For a moment, Dell almost looks worried, but she glances up at you, and smiles broadly.

"As for the Master Urteal..." There's a shrug, and her smile becomes bemused. "Perhaps he just enjoys your company Miss Cecilia,"
"Really? Because I thought you had to spend time with people to enjoy their company and we have hardly had more than a five minute conversation. I don't know if fighting our way up the icy slopes outside the palace counts either. Or falling down an elevator shaft." She laughs.

"I have a feeling this may be more to do with my father than with me, Dell. But either way, a chance to travel? I'm grabbing the opportunity with both hands." She beams, pushing open the door to her room so she can dress down and little and go relax in the Day Room. "I would go ask him but if I want my father to be convinced, I can hardly do that without good reason."

She taps her chin, pondering. "There would be plenty of time to ask if Father agrees of course... I wonder if Urteal might like to join me for a game in the Day room. I feel bad if he is cooped up in the guest rooms after coming all this way."
Your retainer inclines her head in agreement.

"Well, that is true," she answers with an awkward grimace. "I don't know about your father though, that's a bit above my station,"

"I can go and extend an invitation to him if you'd like,"

Papers rustle across your desk as a certain sinuous confidant slithers her way through the nest she's made of your research.

"So how did dinner go this time?" inquires Helmine innocently, though pointedly looking at your hips. "Adequately nourished are we?"
"Would you, please? Tell him I am inviting him to join me for games in the Day Room if he is not busy this evening. Ms. Snow is also welcome of course." She smiled at Dell. "I'll wait for his reply first before I leave."

Turning to Helmine, she approaches her desk. "No excitement along the lines of last year thank goodness. But, Urteal has extended an invite to join him to Cree Spire." She explains, only to notice the serpents gaze on her hips. "What are you implying with that, dear Helmine?" She smirks, stroking the ice construct and then extending her hand to let her climb up it. "Does my figure displease you?"
Dell bows briefly and leaves.

"Interesting, an invitation to travel. Is this the build up to an invitation of marriage?" hisses the construct, sliding up your limb. Her weight is a strange cool smoothness, the chill even through your clothes.

"And no, the figure does not displease, as to displease, one would need to present. Which might occur, if someone ate a little more consistently. Then there'd be less risk of me sliding off your hips like an oversized belt,"

She wiggles a little bit, settling on your shoulders.
"Ugh, don't get me started on the marriage thing again. You know how much that whole thing frustrates me." Cecilia pouts, petting Helmine as she settles and then sitting down at her desk. "Plus it would be very strange to end up with someone who loves my mother. I would much rather have a husband who loved me."

"Anyway, I've wanted to travel away from the Spire and if I don't do it before I get end up betrothed then it will all be on someone else's terms and not my own. I want to learn and research my interests first hand. I just need time to pick a topic to focus on." She sighs.

"I do too eat consistently. I'm just petite." She adds, rearranging her papers. "I have three good meals a day, plus snacks on occasion. I am also still growing you know. I have another year at least of it."

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