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Fantasy The Whisper of Death

Kk, just so that you guys know, you're all going to be settled into hotel rooms right next to each other, courtesy of the Zeialan government, so you guys will have time to get acquainted there
also sorry i havent replied all day. i was at work from 2 est till 10:30. got home at like 11 XP
Yea, Smite's pretty fun. i do like league a bit more just because i'm more of used to it and a bit easier to maneuver
I'm only Silver 4 all over again, just trying to make it too Gold and inbetween posts is the best time to play.

Ah, sorry antari!

(just so you know she has the ability to see lie's, that is why she is quick on stuff!)
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lol it's otay, take you're time. and i know it's just Sapphric hasn't figured that out just yet. xD
I play league as well. We should play sometime.

Anyone here got a Steam account? It's a lot handier than OOC chat or PMs.
If you don't go by Shade Knight, it'd be nice to know what you actually do :V

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