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Fantasy The werewolf and the reincarnation


New Member
Luna was infront of the wolf den in the zoo. Each wolf was walking by the chain link fence watching her with an intimate look. She moved closer and put her hand slowly to the fence and each wolf moved to lick her hand.
She didn't know why but, with nocturnal animal especially, wolves were tame and made her feel safe. This also was one of the reasons why she got bullied.
Wolves were certainly misunderstood by humans throughout history. It didn't help that some had been known to attack livestock or even man, resulting in farmers and hunters setting out poison and traps to kill the predatory animal that was a danger to their livelihoods. One could not fault the farmers for doing what needed to be done yet one could not truly fault the wolves either, creature that had been both feared and revered since ancient times, creatures that had been hunted for their pelts and had been driven extinct or endangered across areas of the world, their habitat slowly shrinking until they learned to fear man altogether and their guns. If wolves were feared, then it was perhaps man's fear that had given rise to the myth of werewolves, people that could shapeshift into wolves who were either cursed or blessed by the light of the moon and guided by its cycles. Nearly every culture seemed to have some werewolf myth or story in their legends and folklore and yet the legends of werewolves got muddled and changed so that one was not sure if they were ever real or not. One thing that was constant though was that a werewolf was guided by the moon's sway and pull as the tides of earth were guided by the moon and gravity. Thus it was that werewolves had been rendered a myth yet instead they had gone into hiding, living among humans and within the shadows of society to protect themselves though not all were as careful...the loners...the newly bitten...the pups.

Finnegan Eclipse.png
A small russet wolf squeezed his body through a hole in a corner of the wolf den, shaking itself upon getting free, chestnut brown eyes nearly indiscernible within its skull. Gray claws clicked over the cement path as the adolescent searched his surroundings before shifting in the small alcove where zoo workers came to feed and catch wolves to get treatment or held new wolves until they were capable of being integrated into the pack. Standing there was another figure who threw the turned wolf some clothes, their hard malachite eyes staring down at the teen. "Did you find anything?"

"I think so? The wolves here are acting strangely, moving towards the other side of the exhibit where they're being petted by some woman or girl...it's a female anyway. Do you think it's her?"

The older figure shrugged. "Get dressed Finnegan." The teen nodded and hurriedly dressed in the clothes that had been brought for him before the older man turned and looked out of the alcove. Seeing nobody about, he huffed and walked out. "It's safe." Finnegan, his light brown hair a mess and dusty from living in the wolf exhibit, followed the older member of his pack where they ventured back into the crowd. They circled around where Finnegan pointed out the woman by the fence, the older man turning his gaze. "I see," he muttered, watching the wolves look at the female intimately. "Are you aware how dangerous that is?" called the figure, Finnegan slowly following behind their pack mate.
The alpha and Luna was licking under her chin showing they saw her as higher rank. The beta of the pack had given a warning growl to the werewolves behind her. She said, "These guys won't hurt me; they never do. Though, I can't say about others."
She didn't know that her aura would be calming to any nocturnal creature even give off the impression that she was like a mother figure to them. She actually didn't remember much about her life as their goddess due to not having the seal on her be fully released. She could see tidbits but, was around the same power ranking as a normal mortal.
While the two wolves were being subservient to the woman, the beta of the wolf pack had no such reservations in growling at the pair of werewolves behind their goddess. The older figure just showed their teeth at the beta, eyes flashing dangerously and the teen stepped back in case the older werewolf decided to get into a fight. Why the alpha had sent this pack mate to fetch him, the teen wasn't sure. The girl, however, soon spoke of how the wolves wouldn't hurt her and they never did though she couldn't say much about other people. "Regardless, you'd best move your hand away. It's unlikely the zoo keepers would approve or allow such an action due to risk of liability," spoke the older werewolf.

If this was their goddess then she was a weak thing and the older werewolf curled his lip. But if she were their goddess and was being harmed in some way or bullied then that problem had to be corrected. What better way to correct a slight against the goddess then a pack hunt of the individual or individuals responsible? For now, the older werewolf would wait and see. Finnegan's findings had to be reported to the alpha. "Do you attend the local high school?" He glanced at Finnegan behind him, the teen shrugging in response.
She moved to step back and watched the pack keeping thier eyes on them and looked as if they were protective of her. She tried to hide her silver hair as it was another reason she got picked on. Some girls had cut it in the bathroom as a way to bully her. She asked cautiously, "Why do you ask?" She felt cautious due to it even though, she had a feeling of safety but, she wasn't sure if she could trust it.

A couple girls talked to each other, "Ugh, why would someone that hot would pay attention to the silver freak? Maybe it's out of pity, only the local street mutts would like her. Oh, don't forget the tomcats...haha." when Serena heard that she glanced down feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation.
Watching the girl's movements as she stepped back, both werewolves noticed the wolf pack staring at them, however despite her attempts, they did catch a peek of her hair color. "Because the runt here is also in the high school," he said. However, the conversation that was overheard did not please the older wolf and his head whipped sharply to the females. Finnegan remained silent, glancing between the pair of rude girl and then the silver haired girl who had her head down now. "Perhaps someone ought to teach you some manners," growled the older werewolf as he moved towards the pair of girls, ignoring Finnegan who tried to stop by grabbing him. Screw the alphas!
She looked up and was surprised at his reaction. She hurriedly went infront of the older werewolf and gently put a hand on his chest. She instinctively used her aura to calm his inner wolf and mentally gave the command, 'stay'. She felt that those girls weren't worth beating and she was never a person who liked watching her people fight. Which was why she was called the more gentle between the celestial goddesses.
Both were surprised by the girl hurriedly moving in front of the older werewolf and putting a hand to his chest. His inner wolf snarled at the mental command to stay but backed down with a huff, however whatever she did seemed to calm down the older wolf himself as well. Finnegan stared in amazement as he watched. Nobody really but the alphas and betas could calm the wolf down. "Consider yourselves lucky," growled the older werewolf to the girls. "You owe your lives to her. Finnegan, come," he snapped at the adolescent who dipped his head to the silver haired girl and followed the older wolf in the direction of the entrance. The woman was free to follow them if she wished, it wasn't like the pair would stop her but thankfully the older werewolf had borrowed the pack truck to fetch Finnegan.
She exhaled and looked at her hand a bit before going to head home. She didn't realize what she did but, just felt that it saved the girls from a beating.
The girls were shocked at the revelation that they were about to get thier wrath from a couple comments. A Grey cat had jumped into her bike's basket waiting for her. She pet it before pedaling home to an old apartment building.
Pups scampered about in both human and wolf form under the watchful eyes of omegas who were responsible for pups, the sick, pregnant females and elders as well as being in charge of initiating play and relieving stress on the pack as a whole as two wolves raced through the undergrowth after leaving a large cabin. Exploding out of the undergrowth were Finnegan and the older werewolf who was covered in light cream fur with amber eyes and white skin. He had silver wraith pattern on his fur as well but when Finnegan made to go towards the pups, the adolescent was bitten sharply on his side and the adolescent whined as he shrank from the bite. Blood coming in trickles down his side, Finnegan fell in behind the cream wolf as he barked to an omega. The omega whined in response, pointing with a tail to a hill within the trees and the two wolves disappeared towards the hill in the distance. As they approached, they were greeted by another guard who moved to stop them but a bark from the older wolf caused the female to glance behind her and move along the path before disappearing into the hill through an opening.


The cream wolf paced the ground in front of the hill for several minutes as the guard searched for the alphas, bringing them and one of the betas out. An obsidian wolf with yellow eyes, pale skin and white bottoms appeared before them and next to him was the second alpha, a wolf covered in marble fur with yellow eyes and white cross marking, this wolf settling down onto his belly as he observed Finnegan and the light cream wolf.



Lastly was the beta who sat on the left of the alphas, his body covered in sandy fur and grey eyes, the brother of the cream wolf.

"Well Finnegan? What did you discover?" questioned the alpha as he shifted into his human form, now appearing as a man in his mid forties with black hair and dark blue eyes. None of the wolves took notice of the fact or even seemed uncomfortable with the nakedness of the high ranking wolf. It was just a part of life...human clothes no matter how tight wouldn't stay on a werewolf when it turned due to the entire body changing.

"I think we saw her Alpha Rosary. The normal wolves were crowding up to her at the other side of the wolf den at the zoo and she even calmed down Epsilon Ichor when he wanted to...hurt a couple of humans."

"She didn't confirm or deny that she went to the high school but she was able to use her aura to calm me and my inner wolf," spoke the wolf now known as Ichor.

The alphas and beta looked at each other, the guard being quiet as they watched the interaction and report. [color=#1e5b18["And you didn't follow her? Where is this prey?"[/color]

Both wolves shook their heads in response, signaling they hadn't followed the possible goddess and that they didn't know where the two humans were. "It might do to send out an Upsilon or one of the scouts," suggested the beta.

"We'll bring this up with Serenity and the other betas," said Rosary at last. "Tonight. Dismissed both of you," he said, the two wolves bowing and disappearing, the guard being dismissed with a nod from the second alpha and scurried off away from the hill.

"If this is the goddess, then she needs to be brought here."

"Perhaps it is best to wait," said the second alpha. "We don't want to frighten her off or have her be bombarded by the pups. Let us see if she comes to us."
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Serena was on her bed and the Grey cat had moved to lay on her lap. She pet the cat and said, "I had a weird afternoon Misty, I got bullied by the popular girls like normal but, when I was petting Kuro and his pack...a couple of guys tried to beat the popular girls for talking about me. I even felt safe with them...I thought only being surrounded by Altair's(the wolf pack) and Moe's(local dog pack) packs would do that." Misty gave an upset meow before she laughed, "Yes, you and your friends too."

She heard the front door open and Serena moved to lock her own door. She opened the window to let Misty out. She knew how her sister was; a haughty girl who verbally abused or spread rumors on her. Serena was adopted and she knew it but, she never understood why she hated her. She exhaled from frustration remembering that she had spread that she liked to date dogs. She just shook her head and started on her homework.
Serena was on her bed and the Grey cat had moved to lay on her lap. She pet the cat and said, "I had a weird afternoon Misty, I got bullied by the popular girls like normal but, when I was petting Kuro and his pack...a couple of guys tried to beat the popular girls for talking about me. I even felt safe with them...I thought only being surrounded by Altair's(the wolf pack) and Moe's(local dog pack) packs would do that." Misty gave an upset meow before she laughed, "Yes, you and your friends too."

She heard the front door open and Serena moved to lock her own door. She opened the window to let Misty out. She knew how her sister was; a haughty girl who verbally abused or spread rumors on her. Serena was adopted and she knew it but, she never understood why she hated her. She exhaled from frustration remembering that she had spread that she liked to date dogs. She just shook her head and started on her homework.
Oc-meant Altair instead of kuro...
(No worries.)

That evening, the alphas met with their five betas on the top of the hill where the alphas had been retrieved. This left their ten gammas to oversee the pack, their fifth beta pair only just recently been elected as from the gammas. "What have we been called here for Alpha Rosary?" questioned a white beta who was seated on his haunches on the hill. Below them were the Ancients who were previous alphas, betas, gammas and Oracles...their healers. They didn't have any Oracles and only a previous alpha, Rosary's grandfather who had been alpha previously when his heir, Rosary's father had lost his life on a hunt he had been leading as well as a blind gamma who suffered seizures and two retired betas; one from old age and one due to mental sickness.

"It seems Finnegan may have found the moon goddess," said Rosary.

Murmurs sprang up between the betas and their four ancients at the information given. "Are you sure Rosary that the youngster speaks the truth? It's been years since the moon shone her light upon the earth," said the old wolf.

"I can't be," admitted Rosary, "but who else could have calmed down Ichor without myself or Darrel," he nodded towards the second alpha, "or the betas being present."

"If the goddess is here, this could bring issues to us from Roaring Falls," spoke the young gamma, speaking of the pack that lived further inland, their dens set around a roaring waterfall while their pack lived underground in caves and among tree dens in a vast pine and oak forest, mountains and hills breaking up the forest. The wolf's sightless eyes, once blue, were now clouded. His antler fur covered in black Merle made him look like he was covered in soot.


Worried murmurs echoed among the gathering. The pack couldn't afford a war or any skirmishes. "What should we do then?"

"Send out an Upsilon," spoke Rosary's father. "Have the apprentices in high school keep an eye on the goddess there."
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The next day, she went to school early. She really wanted to avoid her sister and was sitting near the side of the school playing with a few street dogs. She muttered to herself, "One more year and I can move out." She didn't really like her home life not when, her sister was ordering her around.
She then waited for school to be let in and when she got inside she heard her sister say, "If it isn't the mutt kisser, didn't I tell you to make my lunch?"
Serena said feeling a bit impowered from yesterday, "You don't pay me so, why should I act like your maid and chef? Yes, I have kissed street dogs, cats and even wolves but, those animals are far better than an ugly harpy like you." She exhaled and thought, 'if I can face a pack of wolves, I can face her. If worse comes to worse I will just get grounded and go without supper.' It actually took a lot to make her angry and her sister had long met that mark.
Her sister said, "Ugly? Harpy? How dare you?! Serena, someone who even her parents didn't want says I am not as good as a beast!"
She then moved to slap her hard in the face as Serena said, "If the shoe fits, Karen."
It was decided that Nathan would be the one chosen to spy on and follow the goddess, intervening if necessary. The apprentices, those wolves between the ages of thirteen to nineteen, that were in high school had piled into a van and had taken the road to school. They were running close to the first bell but didn't care as they arrived and the van squealed to a stop, the teens piling out and the younger ones shoving each other. Crouched on the roof of the girl's apartment was Nathan who had settled down with a book to read while waiting for school to let out. The apprentices were there anyway to keep things under control.

They didn't see Serena but they did hear the commotion as they entered the building. One of the older wolves, a senior turned his head as he heard the word 'mutts' and growled under his breath, alerting the others who stopped talking. However, catching the hint of silver hair and being told by Finnegan the potential goddess had silver hair, their ears catching the words thrown towards a girl standing in the hallway. Nobody else appeared to be doing anything either. "Is this normal?"

"You mean teachers not doing anything about bullying?"
said an older apprentice. A couple of the teens darted forward and grabbed the girl who had her hand raised to slap the silver haired girl, having moved forward before they had noticed. The pair bolted for the woman and grabbed her, practically throwing her down the hallway as they hit her, the other teens moving close to Serena.

"You should mind your place," growled a blond haired teen who looked about fourteen.

"I agree with the girl...you're a harpy," said another wolf, red shaggy hair falling into his eyes.
One of the kids nearby said, "Why should we get involved in a family matter? Besides, that girl is weird; any dog, cat or rodent flocks to her and it's said that she'll talk to them like people." Another said, "Yeah, I heard that she had a flock of crows attack someone from the football team before." The ones nearby were telling them the rumors that everyone heard which showed that she was a freak.

When Serena had stepped back a bit to try to avoid Karen's hand hadn't expected anyone to step in. When they did, she felt a sense of security as they gathered around. The apprentices' wolves could feel a motherly aura coming off her and could smell that she did interact with dogs and cats earlier.

Karen yelped as she was hit before she did a tactful retreat giving crocodile tears and you could see a symbol on Karen's bracelet that was Celeste's church(sun goddess).

Serena looked at the teens who helped her, "Thank you," She thought to herself, 'why do I feel safe and an intimate feeling to these guys? I thought I only felt this way with animals.'
As one the teens' heads turned towards the kids' words as one questioned why they should get involved in a family matter and that the girl was weird, another saying that they'd heard she'd set a flock of crows on someone on the football team. "Do you see any mutts here?" questioned the oldest of the teens.

"Only these kids who are cowards," said another teen with shaggy black hair. "After all, only cowards would video something and choose to stand aside why someone is being bullied."

As Karen, she yelped causing some laughter among the apprentices though they could see the symbol on the girl's bracelet. "You're a sorry excuse of a person and a pathetic servant of your goddess," growled another of the wolves after Karen as she fled.

Serena then thanked them for helping her and the teens huffed in response. "So you think she's a witch?" questioned Finnegan, the shy teen's question causing surprise and chortles from the other apprentices.

"You can stay with us," said the older teen. He raised his head, the apprentices smelling the scents of dog and cat on Serena, causing a couple of the teens to sneeze. "Mess with the girl here and you'll all problems," growled the older teen as he cast his eyes around the hallway. "She's under our protection and any words or harm to her will be met with...consequences," he said, his lips drawing back into a snarl to expose his teeth. "If the teachers won't do anything, then we will."
She nodded a bit before she saw the ones who sneezed, "sorry, Moe's pack loves cuddles. Um, a pack of stray dogs that live nearby...that mutt comment was about them." She had heard a lot of the rumors and they weren't true, well quite a few were but, she didn't initiate it. The crows had saw what happened that day and decided to get even for her.

Karen growled as she left, "You will get it when you come home Serena." She went to the restroom to fix her make up, clothes and started to make calls.
“Not the dogs, the cats, grumbled one of the kids who had sneezed. ”I’m allergic to cats.” The freshman was truly allergic to cats as he pulled out a tissue from a small packer in his coat, dirty blond hair swept back into a ponytail. Nevertheless, the teens now knew the girl liked dogs and hace the name of a stray dog in charge of a pack of feral canines.

“Well, let’s head to our lockers,” said the older teen. A look at thee of the wolves caused them to life closer to Serena, one murmuring that they’d escort her as one starred after Karen as she threatened the girl upon going home. But they’d be in trouble if they did anything to the students at school, the alphas had made that clear. “You sit with us or close to us,” said the oldest teen there.
She nodded, "Okay," she followed them to her locker and you could see a uniform for a local pet store and gym clothes along with her books. She had been working there for awhile to earn money for an apartment.

Misty had climbed up to the roof the older wolf was and mreowed, "wow, you wolves do have a brain; I figured you would only know about her when the signs appeared or she herself figured out what she really is." She let the illusion go showing that it had two tails and that she was a member of the Nekomata clan.
The others disappeared to their lockers as the trio accompanied the girl to her own. Upon opening it they saw a uniform to a pet store and gym clothes. Like any middle to high school student, there were books as well. “You work? Why would someone like you need employment?”

Nathan, whose hair was currently cut, had been engrossed in his book when he scented cat and heard paws coming somewhere, the Upsilon startled to see a cat climbing up to the roof and approach him. It wasn’t every day that a house pet showed up, let alone a cat. ”What are…” But his words were cut off when the cat spoke, saying something about wolves and not expecting them to realize the girl was their goddess right away, figuring that they wouldn’t know she was a goddess until she had figured out what she was. She then dropped her illusion, revealing two tails.

”What does a cat want with the moon goddess? “
Misty said, "You are joking right? Luna made more than just you wolves ya know. She made all nocturnal creatures, us nekomata being one of them. As for what I want...I am quite content with being her pet at the moment. Other than she can't remember who or what she is, it would be purrfect. I don't have to worry about scaring her by talking. Well, that and that hateful girl she's living with." She had started to clean her face with her paw, her species were known to be info gatherers and merchants.


Serena said, "I'm just trying to earn some money for an apartment, one that allows pets. That girl you guys protected me from...she's the daughter of my adoptive parents." Her parents were great but, they often worked overseas so, Karen could bully her.
"I figured the cats had been made by someone else," spoke Nathan as he continued watching Misty for a brief moment before turning his attention back to the street below the apartment building. "Bastet perhaps, that Egyptian feline goddess." She said that the moon goddess luna had made all nocturnal creatures, including the nekomata. Even saying that she was perfectly content at the moment being a pet and how the goddess couldn't remember who she was and not worrying about scaring the goddess by talking, except for the issue of the hateful girl she was living with. "What does the Nekomata clan want with the moon? You can't just be here as a pet," he pointed out. If the Nekomata clan were also interested in the moon as well as the other werewolf packs in the area in addition to his own, there could be more problems then the alphas had figured on.

The trio looked at each other as Serena explained how she was saving money for an apartment by working and the girl who had bullied her was the daughter of the goddess's adoptive parents. "Why not live with us?" suggested one. "Much better then living with someone who hates you."
Misty cleaned her face, "Bastet had been created as our gaurdian god, not our creator. As for what we want, shouldn't a child be with its mother? I mean we Nekomata are technically the wolves and bats younger sibling."


Serena said, "I don't know you guys well enough." She blushed a little as she didn't want to be a burden and she wanted to figure things out...like why she felt as if they were kin and safe around them.
Misty explained as she cleaned her face that Bastet served as their guardian god, not their creator and that they deserved to be with their mother as well as they were her children, the Nekomata being the younger cousins of the vampires and wolves. The vampires and wolves didn't get along at all and had bad relations with each other. "Do you plan on claiming the goddess for your clan? Because once the other wolf packs here that the goddess is alive, they'll be after her to keep and they won't let her be given to no vampires or cats." He wasn't sure what his alphas would decide either on to do with the goddess, but it sounded like the alphas were wanting to put a claim on the goddess.

"Well, at least sit with us. We can even scare off any partners you have."

"Yeah, you won't have to worry about bullies here with us protecting you."

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