[The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Here is the obligatory OOC thread. Use it wisely. :)
Standard generation rules apply, but you start with a Breeding of 3 for free. Any higher and you'll have to use bonus points on it.

Characters start with 50xp

All backgrounds are available except for Command. I don't want to have you hauling around a few hundred troops with your characters. A few followers is not a problem, though.

Flaws are allowed subject to approval.

Artifacts and Hearthstones rated up to level 3 are fine, any higher and you'll have to get the ok from me on them.

If you have any questions, feel free to either post or PM them to me, and I'll give you a reply soonest.
I had not specified a House for our bride yet. I was going to have her related to a PC to help explain why you were going along. So if you want to be the lucky one, just let me know what House you want and I'll go with that.

Midboss: Sure.
Tepet would work well for this. They will be getting access to a previously unknown Jade deposit, and with their reversal of fortune with the loss of their Leigons, they need the treaty to go through.
Regarding the approval of artifacts above 3 dots. I had in mind a pair of perfected kata bracers (Books of Sorcery: Oadenol's Codex pg. 42). My reasoning for them would be the fact that my preferred martial arts style (Terrestrial Hero style) does not allow any form weapons at all, therefore putting my character at a severe disadvantage to begin with should combat occur with armed opponents. Of course, THS focuses on grappling, therefore eschewing raw combat prowess for additional ability to neutralize and incapacitate another combatant with other methods.

Still, the bracers provide my character with a significant boost to his abilities, allowing him to forgo the need to buy a charm (dragonblooded get only 7 to begin with, and each costs 10xp afterwards) in order to parry lethal attacks ("Blade Deflecting Palm"), another one to inflict lethal damage ("Become the Hammer") and also give a nice boost to accuracy, damage and defence of his unarmed attacks which is very good as well. Considering that those natural, unarmed attacks are not strong to begin with, at least compared to a typical - let alone an artifact - weapon, I think that the overall effect of the bracers wouldn't result in a broken - in an overpowered way - character.

I should clarify though that I have nothing against those charms in the Dragonblooded MA tree and actually I'd very much like to obtain them at some point as well (there's a very good disarm charm there and also one producing a very thematic elemental effect, plus several expansions of the THS in Scroll of the Monk).

My fluffy justification for them is as follows:

These magnificent in design and function Perfected Kata Bracers, belonged to Peleps Ishiro, great-grandfather of Takeno and were a special gift to him, according to his last will and testament. Ishiro died after Takeno was born but before he exalted, therefore he commanded that if Takeno exalted and showed any aptitude for the Martial Arts, that he's to be given his artifact bracers, to continue the family tradition and feel in their elegant, precise and devastating effect, the fluidity of water, the calmness and grace which in an instant can be turned to utter devastation. When Takeno mastered the Terrestrial Hero Form and - following a demonstration of his understanding and ability to apply the relevant techniques during a martial arts event - was proclaimed an honourable practicioner of the Terrestrial Martial Arts principles, by his sifu the vaunted Tepet Yasal, his family took him to a small island, off the coast overlooked by their estate. There, in a ceremony, presided over by an elder Immaculate Monk and master of the Water Dragon Style, presented him with his great-grandfather's gift and bestowed upon him the duty to honour his last will, by becoming a respected and honourable man and dynast, loyal to his House and to the Realm as a whole, emulating the very principles that made his great-grandfather a figure of respect and renown throughout the Scarlet Dynasty. In honour to Ishiro, Takeno still maintains as his preferred place of seclusion and meditation, his great-grandfather's small house-shrine in the middle of a lake near his parent's household. When in need of seclusion and introspection, Takeno travels there, places the bracers on a pedestal in front of a shrine dedicated to his great-grandfather's memory and loses himself in the black depths of the lake and in the small pagoda above it. It is rumoured by his family that whenever he returns from the lake, an almost unnatural serenity seems to be radiating from him and he looks as if his inner energy reserves are totally replenished.
Nice bit of background fluff for how you got the artifact bracers. I'll ok them for you.
I'm thinking of a Wood-Aspected Cynis Immaculate, a recent grad of the Cloister of Wisdom now spending his days as an itinerant monk. I'll get you a backstory and sheet up relatively soon.
You get a spell with the purchace of the Charm. That is a house rule that I've always used. Other than that, go with the book.
Oh! Hello there. I was wondering whether I would be allowed into this forum or not. My character is...coming along, I guess.
Now that we have some basic character drafts, any ideas on possible connections between our characters... other than the bride that is.
Characters from House Tepet will be going along to make sure that Ramera doesn't decide to ditch the groom at the altar. Exalts from other Houses will be there to oversee the wedding for their own families, since they will have a stake in the treaty being finallized with the marriage to the prince. Lands that have been deeded over, access to Wavecrest military docks and facilities, and things like that are all covered in the treaty.
Inari posted in the inital interest thread that he won't be playing :cry: so I sent a message to Durathsk (I think that was how he spelled it :? ) to see if he's still interested. I hope to have final approvals done by this weekend so we can start posting in the story thread by Monday.
With the outage, it has put me a little behind my goal of starting on Monday. In a few days we'll be all set, with the final tweaks done to the characters. Any other questions from the field? Anyone having trouble with their work?
No real trouble for me, I think. It's a shame that Inari won't be able to join us. :(

I did have a wondering curiosity if Sherwood would be willing to accept home-brew charms. There are a few, not including the Paths of Prehuman Mastery, that I might like to ask about. There is a Step that allows the summoning of elementals, which interests me.


Oh! And my character's sheet should be up.
My character sheet is also posted in its entirety and several gaps have been filled. I think my character should be complete by now. :D

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