The Weaponeers [Inactive]

A new day has come again in this tale of adventure. We start with a man named Spectra and he seems to be jumping from rooftops looking over the city. "Man, it's a nice day. I wonder what they're serving at the old diner?" Spectra jumped from the roofs into a ally and walked to the diner. "Hey, what's on today menu?" Spectra ask the waiter. "It is the T-bone steak with a side of mash potatoes and gravy." said the waiter. Spectra looked at the menu and ask, "I'll just have the usual." "Excellent, one bacon burger with a side of fries and ice tea. It will be out soon." The waiter went off and place the order. Spectra kicked back and relax. "Today feels like good day." Said Spectra.
Mari plopped her bum down in an allyway next to a stray cat. Her stray cat. "Say meow Tiger" she told the stripped cat, holding some fish bones in the air. The cat sat down and looked at her. "I said say meow!" the girl repeated. The cat tilted its head. Mari held out her hand, a bladed fan appeared out of thin air when she did so. She used her fan to bop the cat on its nose "Say meow." "Meow" "Good cat" she said happily as she handed over the bones.
The waiter came with Spectra's food. "Here you are Mr. Spectra." said the waiter. Spectra looks at his food. "Oh man, this looks goooood today." Spectra began eating, but left the best part for last, the burger.
A cat popped its head up from under the table. Its whiskers twitched and it bit down on the burger. Because it can has cheeseburger. With the tastey snack secured, the cat ran off out of the restaurant.

Mari sat in the ally, her fingers twitching slightly. The cat she'd sent out returned to her, carrying lunch for the both of them "Good kittycat" she said as she pet the cat, detaching the strings from it as she did so. She broke off a bit of the burger and began to eat.
" YOU COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!!" Spectra went after the cat chasing it to an ally. "Now I got you." Spectra sees the girl. "Hey that's my burger."

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Mari looked down at the burger, then at the cat, then at the burger, then at the man claiming it was his, then at the burger, "it doesn't look like your burger" she answered innocently, "look, my cat gave it to me, and it doesn't have your name on it" she said with a nod
Spectra pointed at the burger. "Actually my initials are under the bun written in mustard. Now would you please, give it back. If you're poor I can buy you your own burger."

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Who wrote their initials in food? Mari took the burger from her cat and handed it back to Spectra, "I don't know if you still want this one though..." she said as she looked at the partially eaten burger
Spectra graves the burger. "I had worse once before." Spectra eats his burger.

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Spectra smiled and said, "Sure, come on I'll get you one. Why are you out here all by yourself?"

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"Because...I'm not like you" Mari said a after a little bit of contemplation. Throwing around the fact that she could summon weapons didn't usually jive well with other people. She followed Spectra to get a burger, her cat at her heels.
As they were eating Spectra was having tea. "So you can summon stuff too huh? I thought I was the only one."

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Mari almost jumped when he mentioned summoning weapons. "Y-you too?" she whispered, "I knew there were others but...I never thought I would meet them"
Spectra raised his hand and summon a random weapon. "Yeah, I help the people of this city a lot."

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"You summon scissors?" Mari asked with a tilt of her head, "I guess it's not that bad, I summon these," she sad as a fan appeared on the table "and you help people? You mean like a superhero?" that was so cool! She wanted to be a superhero too!
Spectra looked at the scissors. "Yeah, I can't control what I summon, it happens randomly. Yeah, a couple years ago I came to this town in order to find info about my past. Now I just settle here and look after the people who need help. I kinda forgot the reason why I wanted to know my past." Spectra made the scissors away and began to walk out but turned back to say one last thing. "Hey, if you need any help, just come find me. I'll be happy to help." Spectra left the diner.
Mari nodded. She would try not to need help, but as inexperienced as she was, that may not always be the case. Mari finished her burger and she and the cat headed out as well to go back to wandering the streets. She kept an eye out for people in need. She wanted to be a superhero...
Acrobat sat at the edge of the roof adorning a bakery, watching the unsuspecting normal beings below. She sniffed the air, ready for this bakery to start cooking already so she could buy tons of cake. She licked impatiently at a plate with a fancy few dollops of whipped cream with a strawberry and cookie they gave her for free, just because she didn't make it there before they closed last night. Acrobat was unaware that the employee gave her that, thinking she was a creepy girl for staying there, hoping she would go away. Sadly, he was mistaken. Since then, Acrobat was always on time, and this had became a ritual. "Ready for work?!" She chimed down to the guy opening the store below, cupping her hands over her mouth to make her voice heard. Of course, it was heard rather loud enough to others below, giving the former circus entertainer bewildered looks.
Chivalry was finishing up a sword and decided to go get something to eat. He went to the fridge and he sees that he has ran out of bread. "Dammit, well I better go gets from that local bakery, hopefully they're open. Chivalry puts on some armor for protection and heads out to the bakery. "I thinks that's it over there. excuse me, I would like to buy some bread."
The Raven. It was a title given to a mass murderer in the 1980's. The psychopathy was know to give people a Cheshire smile which is where one takes a blade and makes small slits on the sides of ones mouth. Repeatedly torturing them soon after to make them scream. Which in return would make their mouth slowly split open. A horrid way to slowly bleed to death, involving a lot of pain.

Like a birth right, the nickname was given to the boy because of his ability to spawn the same knives used as the Raven. Luckily days of mass murder were behind the boy, unless fate seemed to change in front of him. Now known as Zachary, a young boy around the age of seventeen, was wondering around the Azuma Park. A park named after a great Chinese warlord to be quaint. The land of the park caged a body of water that never got too deep. Just like any other fancy park, there were pretty trees spouting more than a teenager with acne. Different brides of off white color sat here and as well as the occasional bench.

Zachary sighed. He side stepped from being so bored and nearly tripped. The young weaponeer is not classified as a special type. But the throwing knives cut his skin open and eject from the space between his knuckles. Speaking of which, the boy had never seen another weaponeer in person before. There has been one that he used to stay in contact. But he was hunted down. . . Zachary got his mind off that subject and snapped back to the boring dull park he was in.
Chivalry got his bread and walked back to his shop. He got back and fliped the sign outside to say open and started making his lunch. "I wonder if anyone would come today. Oh well, I don't care that much. Not many people use swords or armor." Chivalry sat at his forge and began eating his lunch.

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Mari ran after her tiger striped cat who had ran into Azuma park. The cat ran between a strangers legs, hoping to lose the girl chasing him through this mysterious tunnel. "Mr cat come back!" Mari yelled as she ran after it, passing by Zachary without noticing him. She lifted her hands and shoved them forward, ten fans appearing it mid air and embedded themselves in the ground in front of the cat, cutting him off "You can't run off like that Mr. Cat" Mari said as she picked up the kitten, the fans in the ground disappearing. She turned around and noticed Zachary for the first time, "Oh!" she gasped when she saw the stranger, "I didn't see anything right?" she asked nervously
"?... How odd." Acrobat muttered to herself as she watched a rather peculiar lookin' stranger waltz into the bakery she was residing ontop of and walk out with some bread. He looked interesting, so she decided to follow him out of boredom. She'd be sure to come back to bakery later. And if anything, she would be able to beat him up if he turned out to be some creep. Acrobat gleefully zipped to the streets below, landing quietly on her feet, she then traced the man's steps back to what seemed to be... A shop? So... He was blacksmith of some sort? There was sword and other various weapons everywhere. Acrobat never really had to deal with sword, unless she was watching the sword-swallowing-weirdos she was great friends with at her circus. She peeked in, watching the guy with a raised brow at she awkwardly slipped her whole body in. She wasn't sure what to say, or what to do. If anything, she was so out of place in contrast to the whole shop itself.

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