• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The War (WIP)

Name: Carson Rahzor

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Human<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.879e83ae7e760e7671555b747563e3db.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.879e83ae7e760e7671555b747563e3db.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not so human<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e4e53b9835c8df94b1b6fefea16254f9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e4e53b9835c8df94b1b6fefea16254f9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Lizard humanoid


Can shift into his lizard form at will

Enhanced speed and reflexes

His tail is razor sharp and can cut through most object except metal

Personalty: He's just a assassin with a screw loose. Carson has no good sense of morality and just kills so he can get paid or just because

Bio: (optional)

Extra info: Only takes contracts from the earth kingdom, his homeland

Theme song: [media]




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Name: Illena Gray

Age: 18

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-3_12-7-25.png.93e8d4824f51f74be4296ce24e16ea58.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-3_12-7-25.png.93e8d4824f51f74be4296ce24e16ea58.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Cat hybrid

Powers: High agility, fast, easily accustomed to dire situation.

Personality: Out going and warm hearted


Extra info: Hates the rain

Theme song: N/a



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Name: Bel'Naga

Age: ???

Gender: N/A


-Physical Form-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8e1a4c88_BloodElemental.png.4358d008a4ce8a55f931ec7e4831c9d9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8e1a4c88_BloodElemental.png.4358d008a4ce8a55f931ec7e4831c9d9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-True Form-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8e1a9b02_BloodElemental.jpg.ab021ce88fcad478dfe1c229237f48d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8e1a9b02_BloodElemental.jpg.ab021ce88fcad478dfe1c229237f48d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Blood Elemental


Blood Siphon: Being a magical being made of pure blood he can absorb any blood he comes into contact with, adding to his own pool or using it however he sees fit. This is the only way he can regenerate lost blood mass and/or become stronger

Solidification: Using his magic he can use his blood as physical weapons, such as a sword or spear, or he can transform into a physical human shape

Fervor of Bloodlust: Whenever his blood comes into contact with another's he can cause them to go into a temporary rampage of bloodlust. Doing so often kills the person upon the bloodlust being 'sated' though seldom does he use this, let alone remember he can do it

Elemental Factor: Due to being a creature of pure magic the only way to render him "dead" is to trap him or unsummon him. Whether it be in an airtight container, or a magic barrier around an area, he can never truly die, only be contained or banished back to his realm.

Personalty: Obedient, Relaxed, Sarcastic, Psychotic

Bio: Being an elemental of extreme rarity he is quite the interesting creature. Blood elementals are virtually unheard of due to having no way to travel between the elemental realm and the realm that everyone else lives in. How Bel'Naga got through is still unknown to most but regardless he's a threat to anyone who crosses him. Known in his realm for using others for his entertainment he'll do anything to see some excitement. Not much else is known.

Extra info: The way Bel'Naga came to this realm is that someone summoned him into the realm, and he is now in their service until they either die or he is no longer needed. Also he's in service of Bellatrix, controlled by @xEmoBunnehx

Theme song: [media]




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Massun Yeri / Ammax


Human/Forest Siren Form


Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the war, but never used this form again, they stick to Ammax, the Ipotane form

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below, just add massive wings to its back)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)


Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols (9mm)

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


Uses a Buddy during combat:


Fast, strong, and Agile



Guardian of the Air Kingdom (Was raised elswere, explains their agressive behaviour)


Lead Warrior of the Sky Kindom

((Sorry for any mispelling! English is not my first language xD ))​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/marguerite_by_goldenrods-d5hur8o.jpg.1dc3f7722345ce8b74680d94a11faabd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/marguerite_by_goldenrods-d5hur8o.jpg.1dc3f7722345ce8b74680d94a11faabd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


















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Name: Mesarth

Age: 248 years (looks in his mid teens to early twenties in human form)

Gender: Male

Height: 125 feet long(Dragon form)

6 feet 3 inches tall (Human form)


Human Form



Powers:Flame Breath, Hypnotism, Shape-shifting (into a human)

Personalty:Normally Kind and caring, but can become fierce and destructive if provoked.

Bio: Mesarth (MEE-sarth) was born in a cave only 27 miles west of what is now the kingdom of Queen Iris. He is fiercely protective of his birthplace and seldom allows humans to meet him there. In an accident on his one hundred and twenty-third birthday, his family was killed. tricked into believing it was the villagers of the now arising town who placed the spell on the land and saved him, he vowed his life to protecting the kingdom. He had, however, one condition to his loyalty. "Should the ruler of this land become wicked, my protection of this place will die." he said when he pledged his allegiance,"Death shall come to all evil who dwell here, from fire in the sky."

Theme song: (At top)
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As the GM permitted me to care for the characters from now on, i will try to care for anyone that had to wait. Anyone already accepted through a vote is accepted, no matter what i say here.

Killorkiller said:


Durrga Valgrus


The Blind Seerer





Place of birth:

Air Kingdom

Appearance: (Anime or realistic.)





Alternate Senses: Due to the fact that Durrga is blind, his other senses have become extraordinarily sharp, so acute if fact that he can pinpoint the exact location of anything with in 30 yards of his location.

Wild Spirit: Having been born in the Air kingdom he has an innate ability to use the air around him for enhancing his movements to blinding speed and aiding him in his martial arts. As well as use the air to tell him of any being in a 40ft radius

Seal of the sixth: Once Durrga breaks the seal, he can reach into the spiritual realm. His attacks then will sever the soul from the body, removing any use of the affected area, if struck in the chest it will remove the soul from the body. This attack connects him on every level to his opponent, anything they feel he feels.

Essence Manifestation: Durrga can channel his spirit to the physical plane and use it to create any element, such as fire, water, ice, lightning, ect. With these he can adapt to any situation or environment. Durrga can also use his spirit to strengthen objects in this plane, making them virtually indestructible. In rare cases Durrga can reverse this process and enter the spiritual plane himself, this can be very useful for traveling long distances, he has only ever done this once in his life and it nearly killed him.

Trial of Will: Durrga can regenerate all wounds by taking the Trial of Will, this can make him recover from near death situations in only a few short hours, but he can not do it while in combat.

Palm of Sealing: Durrga channels his spirit into his palm creating a seal that hovers above it. This attack will nullify any and all abilities and/or magic for a short time.

Army of a Thousand Fists: He harnesses all of the energy he has to increase his speed and strength to a level none can mach, in this state Durrga is so fast that it looks as if there are one thousand of him, this attack can even shatter celestial metal. The stress done to his body while using this can cause Durrga to black out or have much bodily damage, i.e. broken bones, cuts, and the like


Durrga is a strong willed person, he will stop at nothing to get stronger. He will push through any form of pain to keep fighting. Though Durrga is a monk of sorts, he likes nothing better than to spend time in a tavern drinking. He does work as a

mercenary for other kingdoms due to the fact that his own kingdom is no more.


Durrga was born into a slave family that was part of nearly all gone clan. his family was owned by a group of bandits. From an early age he grew up with violence and death around him. His parents where killed by a bandit in a drunken rage, Durrga survived by hiding under a table. The bandit found him eventually, Durrga was picked up by the neck and hurled into a wall. He was then kicked until he blacked out, the final kick landed in his face. When he came to he had lost the ability to see. He spent the next 3 years learning about his family and their heritage, he discovered that he was a descendant of an ancient clan of monks. He then set out to find and learn about his clan, he found their monastery and spent the next 5 years learning and training from their secret scrolls.

Extra info:(Optional)

Durrga is a master of martial arts, he has the mental fortitude to suppress any form of pain. He also has night terrors of the day he lost his sight. Durrga has a large stone coin with several runes on it, it is the only thing Durrga has from his parents, due to that fact he is blind he has no idea about its use.

Theme song: (Optional)


jjcoollay1434 said:
Name: Sir John Walter
Age: 27

Gender: Male


Species:Tainted Human

Powers: (Human manipulation): The ability to command to average human mind into doing his bidding with just the wave of his hand. It wears off in the matter of an hour or so. When used it drains most of the energy from him, hence making him weaker in battle.

(Natural night vision): His eyes are accustomed to complete darkness which allows him to see clearly and perfectly in the dark.

(Dark energy manipulation): The ability to channel darkness and evil from others and use it to his will. The darkness is mystically absorbed through his body and through his hands, hence shooting a dark orb at his target.

Personalty:Greedy, witty and clever. A most destructive combination.

Bio: Sir John Walter works as a royal officer in the Dark kingdom., his duty is the guard the dark Queen with his life. He had worked his way through the social and political ranks of the kingdom and believes it is his turn to be King of darkness. This would have to wait of course, for Sir John is now in the mists of the war between kingdoms and must aid the current ruler into victory. From then will his devious plan start and he will rule as the leader of the Dark Kingdom.

Extra info: John Walters is not very open about himself, he was raised as a mere peasant in the dark kingdom and worked to feed his starving family. At the age of 15 his parents were killed by royal guards in the dark kingdom. Instead of growing a hate for the kingdom he took this as an opportunity to start a new life, one that would lead him into dabbling with the dark arts and finding his way into the higher ranks of the political system until he found himself as a high ranked royal officer. Now he secretly vows to take the kingdom for himself in the name of his parents.
Accepted, though you will only be allowed to use that manipulation on NPcs, not real player characters

Mmetafour said:
Name: Saij Tacllam "The Nomad King"


Appearance: Saij is an unassuming young man, standing at about five feet nine inches, he is thin and at first glance appears very meek, his most distinguishing feature are that he has no distinguishing feature, for someone who lives in the dead Air Kingdom its assumed they'd at least be scared once or twice by the roaming bandit tribes, but he doesn't have a single distinctive scar. He has dark skin as is expected from one who has spent their life in the sun scorched ruins of the air kingdom and nearly golden brown hair. Wearing a slightly modified version of the old brown and dark green air kingdom common robes, his armor is always very light allowing for quick, unhampered movement. He wears a small dagger at his left hip and old air kingdom shortsword on his right, and is usually seen wearing a worn down sack over his shoulder, within which he carries a variety of miscellaneous objects and items and despite disliking the title "The Nomad King" he wears a curiously tawdry crown.

Species: Human

Powers: Saij's more ethereal abilities are rarely seen as he prefers to talk his way out of conflict or danger, that being said he does dabble in forms of old magic that were once practiced by magicians and monks of the dead kingdom.

minor air/wind manipulation: a nearly insignificant manipulation of wind or air such as a small but precise gust or tail wind. This ability is almost completely useless in battle and is typically used for more practical things like playing with old air kingdom toys, instruments or operating wind specific mechanisms that can be found in the ruins. Although if used slyly, any small gust could prove useful, blowing sand and dust into a bandits face has saved a few people on a number of occasions.

Stacal's Lightstep Technique: Long ago in the ancient gardens of the Air kingdom the Monk Stacal, the first ever to fly, once practiced a technique that was said to have made him as light as the breeze before being able to take off entirely, through years of training and patience, many claimed that he was actually able to traverse the royal gardens by literally standing atop the bushes, flowers and plants, this ability came to be known as Stacal's Lightstep, or simply "the lightstep" and was the first step towards free flight. Saij has been honing the skill for some time, collecting rotting and broken books and pages in the sand to study from the masters long dead. Tho nowhere NEAR as proficient as the old masters, he has gained the ability to make himself much lighter at will, allowing for slightly faster movement or higher jumping, tho, this also makes him far more susceptible to blunt force attacks.

Ventus Blink: There was an enigmatic order of monks among the Air kingdom who were known simply as the World Walkers, who had cracked an ability that in ancient scrolls is described as "the Ventus Doorway" which was said to take advantage of the very essence of wind itself "freedom". World Walkers are speculated to have been able to use "the Ventus Doorway" to traverse from one city to another in the blink of an eye. Despite his best efforts and all his studying, Saij has only used this ability twice his entire life and both times was only able to travel about the distance of five feet instantly, as such it was nicknamed by one of his best friends "the Ventus Blink".

Personalty: Simply put Saij is happy. In the ancient tongue his name once meant "pleasant breeze", and it is shown by the bright smile or smirk that he typically wears. He is very witty and sometimes almost too nice, which is odd for someone who deals with bandits on a week to week basis, he's also a known flatterer and can sometimes be a bit of a womanizer. Saij has an almost overwhelming desire for knowledge, especially in the case of the Ancient Air Kingdom, ready and willing to learn new things from any books, scrolls, or magical items scattered about the ruins. He spends copious amounts of time reading, studying, practicing and meditating. All the time spent around the philosophy of air has pointed him towards the primary characteristic of air itself, freedom, and this is evident in his personality. People are free to come and go from his group of nomads as they please, he finds slavery and even the honor bound chain of command found in most kingdoms to be distasteful, and he refuses to bow to, or be thought of as lower or higher than any other person. Despite being rather carefree, Saij is very intrepid when it comes to the safety and care of anyone who chooses to follow him through the harsh desert, and although he hates the title "King" there is no one else his people know, who deserves the title more than he does.

Bio: Saij was born in the Air Kingdom to a loving mother and father. An only child, he learned how to survive in the desert from his father, how best to avoid bandits, find food and water and seek shelter, while his mother, an avid collector of books taught him all she knew about tactics, magic and desert herbs. When he was nine his father left him and his mother to find food one night and never returned, after mourning his death, he and his mother proceeded to wander the desert as they had been for years. When he was seventeen he took advantage of the tactics that his mother had taught him and with the addition of a bit of wind magic used them to free a small group of people from a particularly nasty group of bandits. For the next three years he and his mother liberated more and more slaves, who were more than happy to join his group and at the age of twenty he had developed a reputation in the Air Kingdom, some calling him "The one true Heir" "the true king of the Air kingdom" and the most popular "the nomad king". Tho it was never his wish to be revered, he certainly enjoyed outsmarting bandits and freeing slaves and has been doing it ever since.

Extra info: Notable members of the Nomad group:

Sara-Saij's 22 year old best friend and self proclaimed head knight of his royal guard (tho he's told her a million times to stop saying that). A feisty, stoic redheaded girl who has the ability to manipulate sand to create weapons or other small mundane objects. He objects never seem to hold however, usually breaking moments or hours after being created, her entire life she's only created two objects that have never broken down.

Harena-Saij's mother, in her older years she has become an excellent healer and medical expert, a supreme magician and a nearly unmatched tactician, were it not for her, half the liberating battles the group has won may not have had such fortunate results. Harena, tho it is hard for many of the followers to believe, reads more than her son.
Accepted. Though the additional Clan members will either be NPCs or need a own character sheet each.

Boe said:
Name: Kybi Kykker
Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Anime or realistic.)

Species: Fallen Angel


•Hardened Wings- Kybi's wings harden, to the point where they can block heavy attacks. The feathers turn sharp, and are very brittle, so they break easily, but also offer great protection. He can't fly while in this state

•Wing Shot- As an extension of his Hardened Wings, Kybi can shoot feathers from his wings, acting as a ranged weapon. The feathers are quite sharp, so they have a good chance to impale the opponent. They can be fired rapidly, in barrages, in bursts, or by the feather.

•Dark Smoke- Kybi can emit a dark smoke, that can give him cover, or give his allies cover. The smoke is nothing special, but it adds to his stealthy, and mischievous nature.

Personalty: Kybi is suspicious of almost everything, and everyone upon his initial meeting of them. He's a good man, although he can get into bad situations, with high up people. His race doesn't help his pleas as innocent either... He keeps his dark side hidden, although it comes out in vulgar bursts every now and then.

Bio: X

Extra info: He travels the kingdoms as a wanderer, accepting any work he can get. He's a poor man, and he just got off trial in the Light Kingdom, under the accusation of stealing from a Market, and threatening the owner of the stand, courtesy of his darker side.

Theme song: 'From Shadows' By Jeff Williams
Accepted, thpugh please add a appearance if possible. Discription would do as well, just at least something.

CoffeeTea said:


Red Xu Kai


468(Has an eternal physiology of a young man.)







Bound Demon


Blade Of Ra


Although this weapon was originally forged for supporting allies in the heat of battle using the unique railgun like tip of the sword to cast spells, it has been re-purposed by Red so that his magic will work instead of healing spells. This allows for devastating blows if he manages to get the tip of the sword to your face, torso, arms... legs... pretty much anywhere. The Blade Of Ra is an ancient weapon made from the fire of the sun and the liquid iron from the depths of earth. Red found it thrown away in a pile of dead corpses while traversing hell in search of a way out. The sword had been said to carry the souls of all people who have wielded it and that is power is based purely on the will of the user and not the strength of the blade.
Rune Summoning


Red knows an incredibly rare form of demonic magic known only as rune summoning. It is essentially the process of whisking magic circles into thin air and using them in inventive and deadly ways like turning them into platforms or summoning a creature. There are a lot of possibilities.


The Runes that Red summon can be used as a platform or wall to jump off of. For example, he could be being chased by a psycho killer. In order to escape he creates a stairwell of runes for him to run up. As soon as the killer puts his foot near a rune, it dissappears, letting Red escape. The platform can also move around as long as there is someone on it.



Spell Casting


Since most demons are granted this ability, Red has it too. The power to traverse a persons mind (to a degree), pick up physical objects with a thought and in rare cases even travel into an object, possessing it.

Blinking is really just a fancy term for short distance teleporting. Commonly used in rapid succession, blinking has a multitude of uses like escaping or confusing an opponent.

Red generally acts according to emotion and not thought even though he tries his hardest not to. He is usually pretty laid back and doesn't fear anything most of the time. Unfortunately he had some complications with his parents as a child and still to this day is extremely socially inept. When it really matters Red is a great strategist, making the most of his time and resources to get the best possible end result. He loves to toy with his enemies and often confuses them due to his fluent use of abilities. Many people mistake Red as female because of his unusually short clothing and tied up hair, the only reason he wears these are because he grew up in the fire kingdom where the burning hot temperatures are quite hard to handle, Red was raised in an environment where it was normal to wear these clothes. His belts and rags are customary wear for a bound demon and grant him extra mobility and communication with other demons. Red also loves to collect magical charms and trinkets to add to a vast collection he has.


Red was raised in a part of the old underground fire kingdom that was awfully close to the earths outer core, he often got burns and rashes because falling on the ground would singe your skin. He fell, a lot. Red never really got use to wearing the stone shoes the villagers wore, this caused him to fall, trip and stumble a lot while walking. Reds parents were complete alcoholics. Many years ago a rock began to form in the depths of the earth, cracking the rock made a gooey purple liquid flow out that when heated, turned into an alcohol. The drink was incredibly addictive and it began to gain a reputation around the underground fire villages as "the potion of addiction". A year or so later it was outlawed and banned around the entire fire kingdom, the entire supply of it was taken and destroyed. Before the ban, Reds parents regularly drank it because it made them no longer feel pain. As soon as the ban happened, they slowly went insane due to withdrawals and within one day went on a fit of rage before throwing Red into a pool of lava, killing him. Red ended up making a deal with the Devil, in exchange for an eternal life back, he would have to give his will to Satan, king of hell. Red initially refused this offer but he really had no choice. Either stay and be tortured forever in hell or live once more. The choice was obvious, and that is how he got to where he is today. There is a lot more to his backstory, but it will be revealed throughout the rp.


Accepted, though the mind manipulation may only be used on NPCs.

Drama said:
Name: Gef Mutt
Age: 230

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Anime or realistic.)


Species: Mongoose (Poltergeist)

Powers: Nullification, Extreme Speeds, Meh Telekinesis

Personality: He's rather unpredictable. Sometimes he'll be stalking in the bushes, wanting nothing more than to mock you until you can't take it anymore, while other days he'll be as sociable as a celebrity. The only real thing you can pinpoint about him is that he thinks and acts like a hyper intelligent animal. Human problems like "Moral" and "Empathy" do not concern him. He does get along with ratfolk though.

As half-religion freak and half-mongoose, he has a strong hatred towards slutty dressing and women attempting to challenge men. (Against mongoose instinct)

(He's really hard to get along with)

Queen Iris


Queen Bellatrix Vincetia

King Corvus Fortring

Juliana Rogers

Thalia Odison

Queen Azura



Elsbeth Naman'ic


Shylu Vaan

Christina Tarmora

Red Xu Kai


Bio: Once upon a time, Gef was a highly religious man. He was a farmer and a religious man through and through. He happily remained as such until one day his barn caught up in flames. While attempting to save his animals, he ended up attracting the attention of the nearby rodent population as well as losing his own life. Though gef had put in such effort to be accepted by god, he was rejected for reasons still unknown to him to this day. Instead he was reawoken, seemingly weightless, dashing around the barn. Despite his shock, he could feel his conscious slipping away, leaving him with little time to fill his unnatural urge to find life and take it over. With panic about him, he only saw one possible escape. Into the body of a nearby mongoose.

Extra info: He is severely limited by his body being that of a mongooses, including his weaker frame and lack of thumbs to hold weaponry. However, he does possess overwhelming speed and reaction time. His intelligence is unchanged as well, though his personality is adapted to merge with animalistic instincts. He is incapable of lifting a person, though he does have the ability to shove around his enemies, knocking them off balance or disarming them so he can dive in with his swift attacks.

Theme song:

Accepted, i like the idea, though of course his speed may not give him a dogde on EVERY attack. I believe that is clear and understandable.

shadowstrikr25 said:
Name: Locke
Age: Appears to be in the late 20s, actual age is unknown, even by him

Gender: Male


View attachment 257185

Often wears a tattered cloak to protect from the sands and generally avoid looking like a demon.

Speices: Demon


-Wind manipulation, to the point where he could force the air from a target's lungs.

-Insane Alcohol tolerance. Often asks for the strongest brew available, and only Hellfire Ale and Scumble have gotten him drunk.

-Flight, as a benefit of wind manipulation.

-Increased endurance, as he has taken beatings and walked them off. Hasn't shrugged off an impaling though. Dante he ain't


-Proficient with swordplay, daggers, and throwing weapons.

-Proficient in evasive combat and counters.

-Has an excellent poker face

Personality: Locke is a very devil-may-care individual. He constantly ignores insults and is generally a nice guy. He's also one to play pranks on individuals if he gets too bored. If someone crosses one of his few lines, he becomes deadly serious, and even sadistic.

Bio: For the bandits in the ruins of the Air Kingdom's castle, there is one section they refuse to enter called the Demon's Den. Should a bandit get close, howling winds blast them back and a demonic visage laughs. This is Locke, one of the few surviving members of the Air Kingdom. As a child, Locke grew up with his sister, Kayley. The two would often cause trouble and be mischievous little devils. All that came to an end when the Kingdom was attacked. Both Locke and Kayley were skilled in dodging and wind magic, but they were separated. Locke firmly believes that his sister is still alive, somewhere. Since the attack and subsequent ruin of the Air Kingdom, Locke has called the castle and its vast halls home. The section he frequents includes the old throne room, where the King would sit and look imposing. As Locke needed more than just magic to survive, he looked around and found a strange curved sword(i.e. Khopesh). Upon being forced to use the blade when bandits wanted to loot the throne room, he found that it had a strange property to it. Upon the first hit, nothing had happened other than blood staining the blade. When the blade hit the same spot, however, the blood turned into a strong acid that caused the bandit to writhe in pain. Locke later named the blade simply Rend. However, as of late, Locke has begun traveling back and forth and seeing all that he can see. In part, he wants to reunite the survivors of the Air Kingdom and take their homeland back. However, he also wants to find his sister so he may confirm her fate.

Extra info

-Locke is an idiot and oblivious, to the point of other staring at him in disbelief at the level of idiocy displayed.

-Through encounters with many bandits, Locke has learned to be prepared and has a small arsenal of throwing knives and daggers on his person at all times.

-Although the Air Kingdom was peaceful, Locke will eliminate or disable any threats to his life when necessary.

-Locke carries a flask on him that is about half-full of Scumble.

-Locke is a bit of a schemer and has vials of his own blood on his person to use in conjunction with Rend

-Rend was discovered to have 4 different effects. It can cause blood to combust, freeze, explode, or turn to acid.

-Locke is one to stay out of fights entirely and even if he fights, he usually tries to leave as quickly as possible.

-Locke is a gambling man, known to spend what little coin he has gambling.

Theme Song
Pushing air out of someones lungs sounds a tad strong. Maybe you could add that he can only do so while concentrating on it, so if you use it on a person, he or she might do something against it.

Besides that, i would accept him.

Penance said:
Name: Carson Rahzor
Age: 21

Gender: Male


HumanView attachment 258266

Not so humanView attachment 258267

Species: Lizard humanoid


Can shift into his lizard form at will

Enhanced speed and reflexes

His tail is razor sharp and can cut through most object except metal

Personalty: He's just a assassin with a screw loose. Carson has no good sense of morality and just kills so he can get paid or just because

Bio: (optional)

Extra info: Only takes contracts from the earth kingdom, his homeland

Theme song:
Accepted, though enhanced speed may not lead to autodogding everything. Everyone gets hit SOMETIME.


Theme song:
Accepted, though if you use the Fevor of Bloodlust on a person, they wont automatically die.

Supermegabrenda2 said:

Massun Yeri / Ammax


Human/Forest Siren Form

Wearing a tight leather shirt, black leggings and black converses. Wearing red lipstic, sticking out against her light skin. Her hair was once long, but had to cut it in order to escape the war, but never used this form again, they stick to Ammax, the Ipotane form

Ipotane form:

(almost identical to the one below, just add massive wings to its back)


Ipotanes are extremely strong, and only a handfull of things can stop them.

All Ipotane forms are Male, and depend on their other form to reproduce.

Ipotane's can run faster than any wind, and throw punches probably much faster than you blink.

This paticular Ipotane uses as a weapon :

A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one above.


2 small war axes

Not like it needs a weapon...

His 'mane' acts as a blade by itself, strong enough to cut through metal

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Ipotane: Explained above

Forest Siren: Sings a beautifull song, bringing men and woman into their doom. Once they are close enough, and she is sure she wants thi meal, she bites into their neck, sort of like a vampire.

Forest sirens can control The Green, making plants grow or die to their will.

Gender: Female, Ipotane form is Male

Basic personality: Split personalities:

Nice, Caring, Sweet, Bubbly, Loves to cuss

Agressive, Love to cuss, (Just straight up a B!tch)


Siren/Ipotane/Human Form: Double (small) war axes

Ipotane: A massive double-headed war axe, with the end (near the grip) shaped like the one in the image.

Human: 2 Desert Eagle Pistols (9mm)

Best Basic Knowledge:

CQC (close quarter combat)

Worst Basic Knowledge:


Uses a Buddy during combat:


Fast, strong, and Agile



Guardian of the Air Kingdom (Was raised elswere, explains their agressive behaviour)


Lead Warrior of the Sky Kindom

((Sorry for any mispelling! English is not my first language xD ))

i have multiple points to critizize here. Therefore i will do it in the following order.

1. Ipotane:

- The speed you gave is ridicoulus. In any fight, nobody would ever be able to either hit or dogde. I see the point in being faster, but please not that fast.

2. Siren:

- The song would only be used on NPCs, as controlling other characters is not allowed. OR the song would be somewhat preventable from directly leading to her, in some way being resistable.

-Controlling plants already is the ability of the Queen of Plant Kingom. I see why a forrest siren should be able to do so, though your character would only make them grow or die and not control them fully.

3. Companion

-Your character is already very strong, so adding a companion is a bit over the top. I see the point in a pet, but please keep it one that does not assist in combat then please.

CALLA said:

View attachment 258608
















The title makes me a bit confused. The kingdoms are already shown in the overview, so there is no such thing as a queen over all humans. THough of course she can call herself that.

[QUOTE="Christian Dorn]

Name: Mesarth

Age: 248 years (looks in his mid teens to early twenties in human form)

Gender: Male

Height: 125 feet long(Dragon form)

6 feet 3 inches tall (Human form)


Human Form



Powers:Flame Breath, Hypnotism, Shape-shifting (into a human)

Personalty:Normally Kind and caring, but can become fierce and destructive if provoked.

Bio: Mesarth (MEE-sarth) was born in a cave only 27 miles west of what is now the kingdom of Queen Iris. He is fiercely protective of his birthplace and seldom allows humans to meet him there. In an accident on his one hundred and twenty-third birthday, his family was killed. tricked into believing it was the villagers of the now arising town who placed the spell on the land and saved him, he vowed his life to protecting the kingdom. He had, however, one condition to his loyalty. "Should the ruler of this land become wicked, my protection of this place will die." he said when he pledged his allegiance,"Death shall come to all evil who dwell here, from fire in the sky."

Theme song: (At top)
Seems very good for being a dragon. Just notice that dragon scales are not able to protect him from being attacked or killed in a fight, he is not unkillable. Besides that, accepted.

If i forgot someone or anybody has any questions on what i said, please just ask me in the out of character chat.

Drama said:
Omfg, why are people still doing this
As this is not longer true, i must ask you to delete this message.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]As the GM permitted me to care for the characters from now on, i will try to care for anyone that had to wait. Anyone already accepted through a vote is accepted, no matter what i say here.

Accepted, though you will only be allowed to use that manipulation on NPcs, not real player characters

Accepted. Though the additional Clan members will either be NPCs or need a own character sheet each.

Accepted, thpugh please add a appearance if possible. Discription would do as well, just at least something.

Accepted, though the mind manipulation may only be used on NPCs.

Accepted, i like the idea, though of course his speed may not give him a dogde on EVERY attack. I believe that is clear and understandable.

Pushing air out of someones lungs sounds a tad strong. Maybe you could add that he can only do so while concentrating on it, so if you use it on a person, he or she might do something against it.

Besides that, i would accept him.

Accepted, though enhanced speed may not lead to autodogding everything. Everyone gets hit SOMETIME.



Accepted, though if you use the Fevor of Bloodlust on a person, they wont automatically die.

i have multiple points to critizize here. Therefore i will do it in the following order.

1. Ipotane:

- The speed you gave is ridicoulus. In any fight, nobody would ever be able to either hit or dogde. I see the point in being faster, but please not that fast.

2. Siren:

- The song would only be used on NPCs, as controlling other characters is not allowed. OR the song would be somewhat preventable from directly leading to her, in some way being resistable.

-Controlling plants already is the ability of the Queen of Plant Kingom. I see why a forrest siren should be able to do so, though your character would only make them grow or die and not control them fully.

3. Companion

-Your character is already very strong, so adding a companion is a bit over the top. I see the point in a pet, but please keep it one that does not assist in combat then please.

The title makes me a bit confused. The kingdoms are already shown in the overview, so there is no such thing as a queen over all humans. THough of course she can call herself that.

Seems very good for being a dragon. Just notice that dragon scales are not able to protect him from being attacked or killed in a fight, he is not unkillable. Besides that, accepted.

If i forgot someone or anybody has any questions on what i said, please just ask me in the out of character chat.

As this is not longer true, i must ask you to delete this message.

Don't worry I know not to dodge all of life ( :P )
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]As the GM permitted me to care for the characters from now on, i will try to care for anyone that had to wait. Anyone already accepted through a vote is accepted, no matter what i say here.

Accepted, though you will only be allowed to use that manipulation on NPcs, not real player characters

Accepted. Though the additional Clan members will either be NPCs or need a own character sheet each.

Accepted, thpugh please add a appearance if possible. Discription would do as well, just at least something.

Accepted, though the mind manipulation may only be used on NPCs.

Accepted, i like the idea, though of course his speed may not give him a dogde on EVERY attack. I believe that is clear and understandable.

Pushing air out of someones lungs sounds a tad strong. Maybe you could add that he can only do so while concentrating on it, so if you use it on a person, he or she might do something against it.

Besides that, i would accept him.

Accepted, though enhanced speed may not lead to autodogding everything. Everyone gets hit SOMETIME.



Accepted, though if you use the Fevor of Bloodlust on a person, they wont automatically die.

i have multiple points to critizize here. Therefore i will do it in the following order.

1. Ipotane:

- The speed you gave is ridicoulus. In any fight, nobody would ever be able to either hit or dogde. I see the point in being faster, but please not that fast.

2. Siren:

- The song would only be used on NPCs, as controlling other characters is not allowed. OR the song would be somewhat preventable from directly leading to her, in some way being resistable.

-Controlling plants already is the ability of the Queen of Plant Kingom. I see why a forrest siren should be able to do so, though your character would only make them grow or die and not control them fully.

3. Companion

-Your character is already very strong, so adding a companion is a bit over the top. I see the point in a pet, but please keep it one that does not assist in combat then please.

The title makes me a bit confused. The kingdoms are already shown in the overview, so there is no such thing as a queen over all humans. THough of course she can call herself that.

Seems very good for being a dragon. Just notice that dragon scales are not able to protect him from being attacked or killed in a fight, he is not unkillable. Besides that, accepted.

If i forgot someone or anybody has any questions on what i said, please just ask me in the out of character chat.

As this is not longer true, i must ask you to delete this message.

The companion is there just to help him get from place to place, not exactly to assist in battles with other characters. Maybe with NPC's, but he gets hurt easily due to his size. Ammax doesent really like using his wings, so he simply uses the Lion xD

The Siren form is no longer in use, therefore count her abilities out. They only use the Ipotane.

Ill reduce the speed on the Ipotane. But can he still be the guardian of the Air kingdom, or does he have to be a Warrior in the Plant kingdom?

I just forgot to add that Ammax is 8'5, and stands at 12'5 when his wings are streached out. Is that ok, or...?
Last edited by a moderator:
Supermegabrenda2 said:
The companion is there just to help him get from place to place, not exactly to assist in battles with other characters. Maybe with NPC's, but he gets hurt easily due to his size.
The Siren form is no longer in use, therefore count her abilities out. They only use the Ipotane

Ill reduce the speed on the Ipotane. But can he still be the guardian of the Air kingdom, or does he have to be a Warrior in the Plant kingdom?
With that changes, i can accept your character. He can be of the air kingdom, i was just telling you why i needded you to nerf those plant abilities a bit.
Supermegabrenda2 said:
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]With that changes, i can accept your character. He can be of the air kingdom, i was just telling you why i needded you to nerf those plant abilities a bit.
Ok :)

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]As the GM permitted me to care for the characters from now on, i will try to care for anyone that had to wait. Anyone already accepted through a vote is accepted, no matter what i say here.

Accepted, though you will only be allowed to use that manipulation on NPcs, not real player characters

Accepted. Though the additional Clan members will either be NPCs or need a own character sheet each.

Accepted, thpugh please add a appearance if possible. Discription would do as well, just at least something.

Accepted, though the mind manipulation may only be used on NPCs.

Accepted, i like the idea, though of course his speed may not give him a dogde on EVERY attack. I believe that is clear and understandable.

Pushing air out of someones lungs sounds a tad strong. Maybe you could add that he can only do so while concentrating on it, so if you use it on a person, he or she might do something against it.

Besides that, i would accept him.

Accepted, though enhanced speed may not lead to autodogding everything. Everyone gets hit SOMETIME.



Accepted, though if you use the Fevor of Bloodlust on a person, they wont automatically die.

i have multiple points to critizize here. Therefore i will do it in the following order.

1. Ipotane:

- The speed you gave is ridicoulus. In any fight, nobody would ever be able to either hit or dogde. I see the point in being faster, but please not that fast.

2. Siren:

- The song would only be used on NPCs, as controlling other characters is not allowed. OR the song would be somewhat preventable from directly leading to her, in some way being resistable.

-Controlling plants already is the ability of the Queen of Plant Kingom. I see why a forrest siren should be able to do so, though your character would only make them grow or die and not control them fully.

3. Companion

-Your character is already very strong, so adding a companion is a bit over the top. I see the point in a pet, but please keep it one that does not assist in combat then please.

The title makes me a bit confused. The kingdoms are already shown in the overview, so there is no such thing as a queen over all humans. THough of course she can call herself that.

Seems very good for being a dragon. Just notice that dragon scales are not able to protect him from being attacked or killed in a fight, he is not unkillable. Besides that, accepted.

If i forgot someone or anybody has any questions on what i said, please just ask me in the out of character chat.

As this is not longer true, i must ask you to delete this message.

Yeah, I that was kind of the direction I would have used. To push the air out of someone's lungs would be tricky. Keeping it out would require concentration. And even then, he usually avoids fights or runs. I'll edit his sheet in a few.
shadowstrikr25 said:
Yeah, I that was kind of the direction I would have used. To push the air out of someone's lungs would be tricky. Keeping it out would require concentration. And even then, he usually avoids fights or runs. I'll edit his sheet in a few.
Alright. Thats all that bothered me. He is accepted after you edited that.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Alright. Thats all that bothered me. He is accepted after you edited that.

Edit has been made.
shadowstrikr25 said:
Name: Locke
Age: Appears to be in the late 20s, actual age is unknown, even by him

Gender: Male


View attachment 257185

Often wears a tattered cloak to protect from the sands and generally avoid looking like a demon.

Speices: Demon


-Wind manipulation, to the point where he could force the air from a target's lungs. Granted, to do so would require Locke being serious, injured, AND desperate to finish the fight while. To keep the air out of a target's lungs would also require immense amounts of concentration.

-Insane Alcohol tolerance. Often asks for the strongest brew available, and only Hellfire Ale and Scumble have gotten him drunk.

-Flight, as a benefit of wind manipulation.

-Increased endurance, as he has taken beatings and walked them off. Hasn't shrugged off an impaling though. Dante he ain't


-Proficient with swordplay, daggers, and throwing weapons.

-Proficient in evasive combat and counters.

-Has an excellent poker face

Personality: Locke is a very devil-may-care individual. He constantly ignores insults and is generally a nice guy. He's also one to play pranks on individuals if he gets too bored. If someone crosses one of his few lines, he becomes deadly serious, and even sadistic.

Bio: For the bandits in the ruins of the Air Kingdom's castle, there is one section they refuse to enter called the Demon's Den. Should a bandit get close, howling winds blast them back and a demonic visage laughs. This is Locke, one of the few surviving members of the Air Kingdom. As a child, Locke grew up with his sister, Kayley. The two would often cause trouble and be mischievous little devils. All that came to an end when the Kingdom was attacked. Both Locke and Kayley were skilled in dodging and wind magic, but they were separated. Locke firmly believes that his sister is still alive, somewhere. Since the attack and subsequent ruin of the Air Kingdom, Locke has called the castle and its vast halls home. The section he frequents includes the old throne room, where the King would sit and look imposing. As Locke needed more than just magic to survive, he looked around and found a strange curved sword(i.e. Khopesh). Upon being forced to use the blade when bandits wanted to loot the throne room, he found that it had a strange property to it. Upon the first hit, nothing had happened other than blood staining the blade. When the blade hit the same spot, however, the blood turned into a strong acid that caused the bandit to writhe in pain. Locke later named the blade simply Rend. However, as of late, Locke has begun traveling back and forth and seeing all that he can see. In part, he wants to reunite the survivors of the Air Kingdom and take their homeland back. However, he also wants to find his sister so he may confirm her fate.

Extra info

-Locke is an idiot and oblivious, to the point of other staring at him in disbelief at the level of idiocy displayed.

-Through encounters with many bandits, Locke has learned to be prepared and has a small arsenal of throwing knives and daggers on his person at all times.

-Although the Air Kingdom was peaceful, Locke will eliminate or disable any threats to his life when necessary.

-Locke carries a flask on him that is about half-full of Scumble.

-Locke is a bit of a schemer and has vials of his own blood on his person to use in conjunction with Rend

-Rend was discovered to have 4 different effects. It can cause blood to combust, freeze, explode, or turn to acid.

-Locke is one to stay out of fights entirely and even if he fights, he usually tries to leave as quickly as possible.

-Locke is a gambling man, known to spend what little coin he has gambling.

Theme Song


Accepted. Start posting anytime.
Name: Jgraz Trel-Fra

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Species: Human

Powers: He can use almost all types of magic, but his best type is defensive earth magic. He can use any type of elemental magic, but his most prominent element is earth. He can do any simple spell from just about any magical field.He can't teleport, stop time, reverse aging, bring people back to the dead (if he does bring someone back, he dies in exchange for his life), and he struggles with using all four elements at once.

Main spells of the elements.


Wall/Dome: He can bring up the ground beneath him to create a shield. He can also use this to lift himself to hard-to-reach places.

Crystals: He can create crystals from rocks to throw at people or cut things.

Transmutation: This takes a large amount of time and is a very complicated spell. He can turn any metal into any other metal.

Create Earth: This is the hardest and most tasking earth spell to use. He can create earth from nothing.


Movement: He can move water from its source to another place.

Freeze Water: He can freeze water into ice.

Create Water: This is the hardest and most tasking water spell to use. He can create water from nothing.


Flight: He can fly for short durations.

Fog: He can create fog to shroud areas.

Create Air: This is the hardest and most tasking air spell to use. He can create air from nothing. For use in areas with no to little air.


Sparks: Creates sparks to burn or light things on fire.

Light: A sliver of pure light to illuminate dark areas.

Fireball: A brief yet powerful fireball that can make things or people explode depending on intensity.

Create Fire: This is the hardest and most tasking fire spell to use. He can create fire from nothing. It is a constant flame and takes enormous effort to control.

Personalty: Calm and calculating, he likes to learn and experiment with different types of magic. He will help anyone, as long as he isn't being used.

Bio:(Optional) T/B/R

Extra info:(Optional) Just take the picture and imagine the fancy clothing as dirty and smudged with burn and stain marks.

Theme song: (Optional)
Last edited by a moderator:
SakuraTree said:
Name: Jgraz Trel-Fra
Age: 16

Gender: Male


Species: Human

Powers: He can use almost all types of magic, but his best type is defensive earth magic. He can't teleport, stop time, reverse aging, bring people back to the dead (if he does bring someone back, he dies in exchange for his life), and he struggles with using all four elements at once.

Personalty: Calm and calculating, he likes to learn and experiment with different types of magic. He will help anyone, as long as he isn't being used.

Bio:(Optional) T/B/R

Extra info:(Optional) Just take the picture and imagine the fancy clothing as dirty and smudged with burn and stain marks.

Theme song: (Optional)
So know i know what he cant do, but can he actually do? Like can he use any kind of elemental magic? Or any kind of simple magic? Any kind of magic in general sounds a bit strong, no?
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]So know i know what he cant do, but can he actually do? Like can he use any kind of elemental magic? Or any kind of simple magic? Any kind of magic in general sounds a bit strong, no?

I see your point.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Well, then it would be great if you would edit the cs you posted to clarify everything.

I am.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Well, then it would be great if you would edit the cs you posted to clarify everything.


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