The war that changed us forever.

Ash Autopsy

One Thousand Club
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The small town we live in, Solinville, might sound like the normal place to anyone. But, standing there is a different story. Solinville is a city that is inhabited by more than just humans.. There are "beasts" living in our forest. For centuries, the humans have kept a treaty with the Werewolves and the Vampires. But ever since the treaty was broken, hell has been raised. Werewolves hide in the city, diguised as humans with a normal daily life. But at night, they feast. Vampires take home in the forest, where they prey on the lives of humans in the city, or animals. The humans take action to stand up for themselves and fight. Let the war begin.




>.>" Vampires... I'm so totally in. BUT! This is the signups? >.<" What's required in a character and what does it have to be like?
Well, but i'm definately in... x-x Just as long as there's... Not more than six or seven people joining. T^T I'll drop out if so. Becuase RPs like that move a little bit too fast for me. Since i'm also busy with life and all. Dx Sooooo I'm sorry, if i do.
Carter sat by the edge of the river, watching his reflection, waiting for someone to dare to sneek up on him.

Marleina was walking downtown, with her hood up.
Raven walked stealthily through the town. She had a bag of stolen food over her shoulder and was looking for an empty area in which to eat it. She went to the outskirts of town and sat against a tree, eating part of a stolen bread loaf. She leaned back against the tree, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. She tucked her cherry-red hair behind her ear and sighed. Today marked a year. Exactly one year ago, vampires had killed her parents and left her alone. Her brown eyes showed some emotion for once, but only momentarily. She did a very good job of masking her emotions, and she wasn't going to let them show through. Not now, not ever. She finished her bread and stared up at the sky.
Caleb picked up the scent of a human. He got up and swiftly sneeked his way through the forest. He peered down to a red-haired girl eating bread. He squinted his eyes and dropped down from a tree branch, standing in front of her.
Raven heard someone nearby, but hadn't reacted in time. She was only human, after all. She had barely stood up when a werewolf boy dropped down in front of her. She could tell what he was because of his agility and being able to sneak up on her so quickly. She wasn't much of a fighter, and defensively backed away a bit.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Wait, he's a werewolf isn't he?? Lol, sorry. But also, I think you named him Caleb xD ))
(( He's a Werewolf. ))

Caleb stepped closer to her, shouting agressively. "What the HELL do you think your doing in my forest!?!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( Lol I did. i just went to change that.. ))
Raven's eyes widened. She was speechless as usual. She rarely spoke to begin with, but especially not when confronted like this.

((Also, Raven is not in the forest, she is just in a place in the outskirts of town. Meh, close enough... Guess it could count either way.))

(( Oh, Lol. ))

Caleb watched her cower and stepped closer to her. "Don't go any deeper." Before she could tell, he was gone.
Raven sighed as he left, and slumped back against the tree. She looked back into the forest where he had retreated to. What he had done just now, leaving her alone with just a warning, was weird for both werewolves and vampires. She couldn't help but wonder... Why hadn't he killed her on the spot?
Caleb sat back in a tree, closing his eyes. He sighed, thinking about that girl, How easy it would have been for him to normally kill someone, but she- she was just so.. innocent.
Raven stood up, picking up her bag of food and putting it over her shoulder. She wouldn't go into the forest. She wouldn't make that mistake. A human wouldn't last two minutes in there. She glanced back one more time, then walked back into town.

((Btw, what time of day/night is it?))

((Oh are we going on real time in this RP? That will be interesting, lol))

Raven walked quietly down the alley where she normally stayed, climbing a fire exit to the roof. She knew it wasn't the best of living situations, but it isn't like she had a choice. Plus, being up high like this would mean that at night the vampires and werewolves wouldn't know where she was and she was less likely to be attacked than people who were out at night or in their own homes down on the ground. She sat near the edge of the roof, under the makeshift canopy she made that somewhat shielded her from light rain.
(( Oh sorry I thought you were asking me but that can be the time xD ))

Caleb oppened his eyes, unable to remain in a sleep. He got down and walked around, wandering out of the forest.
((Lol, that will kind of be a cool thing to do anyway. Unless one of the other people is in a different time zone >_> ))

Raven looked up at the sky. The sun was almost gone and soon THEY would come in. Ravaging everything in sight. Killing the humans off bit by bit, just like they did every night. She stood up and stretched to move back further on the roof, accidentally knocking her bag off the roof. ~No...~ she thought. She looked around. No one was around, but she figured if she left it someone would run off with it by morning. Usually the vampires and werewolves didn't come until long after the sun set, so right now would be the best time to get it. She quickly scurried down the fire escape, looking for her bag. She ran over to it, dropped to her knees and began piling the fruits and breads back into it.

((In case you didn't notice, I won't have much dialog. Raven rarely talks, but she might talk more later in the RP. Usually she would just say one word or a short sentence))

(( Lol I know..))

Caleb watched a back drop from the roof of a tall building. He recognized the scent of the girl earlier from the edge of the woods and stepped over to the bag, waiting for her to come down.
Scott was irate as he slipped through the thicket with steps noiseless, careful not to leave tracks behind him. He'd already taken the time to pick out his path, as to prevent much of his scent being left behind in his escape. He'd also taken precaution, allowing himself to skirt another wolf's territory in effort to escape this one. for once he stepped into their boundary, he'd be locked in a duel of claws and fangs with a dozen or so wolves upon his back.

Needless to say, he desired no such thing.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hey... x.x" I might swap Allura for a more... Gentler... More timid character if you don't mind. She doesn't quite fit into this...))
Raven finished stuffing the food into the bag and stood up. She looked in front of her to see the werewolf from earlier. Had he followed her here? She knew she definitely couldn't make it back up the fire escape. Her only option at this point was to run and hope she made it more than ten feet before he caught up.
(( Oki Doki))

Marleina sat back, picking up the scent of someone near by.

Caleb stepped close to her, inhaling her scent with delight. An ever so tiny smile touched his lips as he circled her, surveying her. "Why don't you speak.."
He knew his efforts of covering his tracks were quite in vain, for the crimson blood that dripped from the wounds upon his chest and back left dots upon the forest floor, lining his path with another that could lead the other pack to his own, already mangled frame. But he held knowledge that they would not attack unless he stepped past the boundary. Nevertheless, he was still careful, ebony eyes upon the clearing ahead.
Raven's mouth opened, but then she closed it. She waited until he was in front of her, then took a step back, her heart racing. She wasn't going to sit here and let him chat her up if he was just going to attack her. But... He hadn't earlier.... Without thinking, her foot moved back to where it was before.

"Because I don't need to."


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