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Fantasy The War of the Fatherland


New Member
The War of the Fatherland

In a land where its North has harsh and unpredictable winters, its South having long summers and expansive forests, and its most southern piece of land a constant blizzard, the story begins in "The Forgotten Era". Hundreds of unnamed bronze-wielding tribes and clans scattered across the Fatherland, an ancient, wondrous continent. There were two races; The Ayaens, a long-living, pale, long-haired, elegant, pointy-eared people with a natural talent to cast "Magic", and The Humanfolk, a people with many cultures and with a natural talent to adapt and survive in many environments. I'm pretty sure you know how they look.
The Ayaens were unable to expand into the north of the continent, because their biological structure was unfit to live there. They were made to survive in their fruitful, forest lands, and not the deadly unsuitability of the ice-covered lands. The South was filled with magical creatures like trolls and dragons. Humans on the other hand spread far and wide across the Fatherland. They thrived and had no problems, for centuries. But then came a dark age for man, a gold age for Ayaens...
The Aylei Kingdom, better known as The First Kingdom, ride and conquered all the South, killing or enslaving any human they encountered. They built large armies and secured the land for themselves. Their King, Aylei the First, showed no mercy. He was determined to create a perfect society where no "human filth" plagued their world. Those who survived fleed to the north, the few places out of enemy reach. This was the start of "The Night Era", when the human kingdoms in the north rose to power. With the discovery of iron, these dynasties came to power ; The Crota, The Tuder, The Northband, and The Iron Kingdom.
They used the new metal of iron to craft superior weapons and armors. After preparing for 5 years, they marched down and cut through all the villages and towns and cities the Ayaens had in the bordering area. They burnt forests and slaughtered anyone with pointy ears. Eventually a treaty was formed; In 253, the Aylei Kingdom offered to free the slaves, show no hostility towards the north, but in return asked for some of their lands back. The humans would've destroyed them, but for now they were spared.
A large border separating the kingdoms was created; 65,000 men from each side, building camps and fortifications to guard. This was the end of The Night Era, and peace was established.
300 years later, the humans are divided with the Ayaen Kingdom. The humans and the "elves", as they now call them, despise each other. Racism is so extreme that it is illegal to go across the border if you're a different race, unless for important diplomatic purposes. Human knowledge of the magical creatures, like dragons have disappeared, but they exist in the lands of the "elves". Tensions, once again,mare rising between the Human Kingdoms and the Ayaen lands. Soon, another war will break out, but not yet. For now things will be subtle. The Fatherland has been divided for long, peacefully but xenophobicly.

The year is 553.


(Hey dudes. This is the first RP that I have hosted, well I hope it launches in the first place. I also might mention this is my first RP on this site and I'm new here. If you want information on the culture of the Ayaens and the variety of human cultures, or the religions of this world, I'll be working on it. Now let me clear a few things up: humans can't use magic, magical creatures don't exist in the human territories, only in deep Ayaen territory, and I'm shit with maps. I used some random app to make the borders. That's all.)
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A Amed1952

I'd be glad to join as well. However, I'm not certain as to what the plot is here. What's supposed to be happening here?
Weall, as you know there is the Ayaen Kingdom, a unified land of elves, and then there are the separated human kingdoms in the north. Tension between the races is going to end up in all-out war. I'm not going to be strict on the roles players choose to do, they can be normal villagers or even high ranking military officers. But the main focus will be the conflicts and battles between the Ayaens and the humans.

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