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Fantasy The War of Magic Remaster

Lilienne watch him sitting on the window "i don't have time for this i am very busy" with that Lilienne finally reach into warroom
More soldiers arrived via high magic teleportation. They brought along with them building supplies, food, drinks, etc. From there the new soldiers along with builders began construction of the outpost turning it into a small fort. In the time it would take for liliennes forces to arrive the fortress would be almost complete. Archers patrolled the fortress walls using their natural night vision to see in the dark. Meanwhile trade know continued to resume.
Smiles i can wait

Sits on the window sill knowing she would have to come back some time lights a black and takes a long drag
Athena wakes up as her ruined starship layed as a wreckage. she looked around to find trees, and lush forests, and what appeared to be people working on a fortress. "Hmmm, maybe i should take a look." she muttered to herself as she walked over, and managed to sneak past the guards as they took notice of her ship. @Lord Anubis
The fortress was almost completed with a single large magic crystal hovering above the epicenter powering the magical barrier. Meanwhile a scout party of two archers, and 2 worriors made way towers the crashed object seen come from The sky.
Athena managed to sneak past the guards, and Finds malkavian. Something about him drew her to him like a magnet. She then stuck to the shadows as she entered the room he was in.

@Lord Anubis
The scouts discovered a vessal of some kind crashed into the ground. They immediately began sounding a horn to signal back up. Once done they set up a perimeter while one alerted Malkavian to the discovery. In the fortress ' s command room Malkavian stood in full armour lieutenants informing him of their peogress. Then the doors opened, as one of the worriors came" my lord we have discovered a unknown vessal in the distance. It is crashed mostly intact what shall we do sir?" He asked. Malkavian looked in the young man's eyes" take a group of soldiers to that location have a camp formned around it so our scientist may examined it. I want a two patrols to go in opposite directions in a circle around the camp at all times." He said with power, and authority.
"Dammit... My ship!" she whispered loudly, with malkavian hearing her. she covered her mouth and shook, hoping he will not slay her in where she stood. @Lord Anubis
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Everyone in the room heard the females loud whisper, but ignored it finishing there talks. After a few moments they left the room leaving Malkavian there. He turned looking in her direction" I do believe eavesdropping on a military conversation is a bad thing to do." He said waiting for her to reveal herself.
Athena readied her shield and Xiphos blade, ready to defend heself, then goes out into the open. "I am Athena.... and my shipped crashed here..... Who are you?" she asked, getting into her defensive stance. @Lord Anubis
Malkavian looked at the girl before him with a casual face" it's only proper manners to introduce ones self before asking the name of another." He said with authority in his voice. While he did not take a defensive posture Malkavian eyes did glow red signifying he was summoning magice.
Malkavian looked in her eyes" do you not know what mana is my dear. Right know your in my small fortress univited which by all circumstances I should in prison you, however that vessal that crashed being yours I take it? If so then I'd like it if you would tell me how you flew in a vessal like that, and crashed." He said calmly.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Malkavian looked in her eyes" do you not know what mana is my dear. Right know your in my small fortress univited which by all circumstances I should in prison you, however that vessal that crashed being yours I take it? If so then I'd like it if you would tell me how you flew in a vessal like that, and crashed." He said calmly.

"I do not know what mana is, and that ship is mine....... it had a couple engine problems since the bandits i stole it from sabotaged it." she said, putting her shield and blade away. "Sorry for sneaking in, but i needed to see what this place is about." she said in an apologetic tone.
Malkavian smiled" well im glad you see the error of your ways. As for the other things they can be explained in time, as for the ship it has crashed onto my territory. For the time being that ship is mine till I give word otherwise. It has curious technology I have never seen before. That will give me a advantage later." He said calmly.
"Yeah.... i am sure the ship would be of use.... since it is broken after all." She said with a smug face. "How would you use that hunk of scrap anyway?" she asked as she got out a picture of her and a younger girl, and sighed. @Lord Anubis

That was what the first thought Urkraban thought as he heard guards approaching his prison cell. He was sitting in a room with only one small window that was part of the anti-magical door. The room was filled with signs of every kind of Magic. White Magic, Illusion Magic, Black Magic... He could go on like this for some days. All this only to keep him imprisoned.

His smile grew a bit wider.

But even these spells can't hold against the might of Chaos. The spells begann to dissolve. He could fell his power come back to him but... They felled it so they came to bring him into another cell. To keep him for another century in this hell of screams and darkness.


Urkraban stepped away from the door and croached to the coner of the room. He sat himself down and looked at the door with a chuckle. His crazy eyes looking at the door as if they could destroy it. Actually they could but he wasn't right now strong enough for this.

Then the steps stopped right in front of this damned door. He heard the sound of keys. The sweet, sweet sound of this keys. He heard them slide into the keyhole. He heard the mechanism of the door that was a mix of magic and technology. Then he heard the sound he waited years for.


The door opend and a man with a magic sword in the one hand and anti-magic chains in the other entered with a troop of guards the room. They circled him and turned their swords and magic against him and hoped they had everything under control.

"Put him in chains and bring him to section 4." Spoke the leader of the troop to one of the soldiers with the chains.

Before he could do anything, Urkraban broke out in laughter and all Guards of the troop flinched. His laughter was reciprocated by the other prisoners. Soon the whole Asylum was filled with screaming and insane laughter.

As he heard his brothers of chain he stopped laughing and looked with a maniacal glance at the troops that took some steps back in fear.

He reached out his hand to the troops and they did look fearfuly at him.

"Stop him, you idiots!" Shouted the leader of the troop and rushed at him.

He snapped his fingers before he could reached him and everyone in the room (Except Urkraban) begann to fall to the ceiling. The troop slammed against the ceiling and this struck most of the guards unconscious.

He standed up and headed for the exit of the room. He turned for one last time back at the room and bowed to the troop.

"Many thanks," He said chuckling and turned again finally to his regained freedom.


Now after a few hours in which he had sneaked through the clutter of the Asylum he leaned against a tree on a hill and looked down at the Asylum.


Oh! The coffee is finaly finished." He said to the rock on the chair "Well you gotta take your time that you later have something good you know."

He opend a tree with a little door and took out a cup of coffee. He strolled to the chair next to the stone and placed himself there.

"You know it is nice to have a good listener like you, Mr. Stone." He turned to another rock and spoke angrily to him "Not like you Mr. Rock. You don't let me speak out a bit!"

He turned again at the Asylum. He poured the coffee out and 'drank' the cup.

"Do you think I did go a little bit more insane in the Asylum?" He said to the stones "... Don't think so too."

Then out of the Asylum broke out a giant hand nearly destroying the whole roof of the building.

"And I think I got a little bit nicer! I mean I freed all the prisoners in the Asylum, let out the monsters that were imprisoned in the basement... I think I did improve myself." He said while watching how the giant mage was struck down by magic spears while a demon dog was slaughtering the guards that tried to get everything again under the control.

Urkraban snapped his fingers and did let appear a sky high tower with a giant watch on it. "Look at the time! I must go. You know... spread chaos and disorder so that I can destroy reality." He snapped his fingers again and the tower grew wings. He then flew away majestically into the sky to a duck colony and became later the leader of it.

Urkraban did wave goodbye to the tower.

Urkraban pulled a unicycle from his cloak and sat up.

"Good bye, Mr. Stone and Mr. Rock. Gotta miss you two." He said and disappeard into the night while insanely laughing at the world and its laws.

"Sister...... before the morons i worked for had me kill her....... i have brought them down for that, and just wanted to get away from my home planet...... too many bad memories." she said as a tear fell down her face, and dropped onto the photo. @Lord Anubis
Malkavian looked at her placing a hand on her shoulder" i am sorry for your loss athena." He said simpatheticly.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Malkavian looked at her placing a hand on her shoulder" i am sorry for your loss athena." He said simpatheticly.

"Thank you...... Thank you very much....." She said as she started to bawl, crying on his chest. "You feel..... Cold." She said as she felt his hands.
Malkavian rubbed her back" it is alright my dear, and thats cause im a vampire." He said calmly.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Malkavian rubbed her back" it is alright my dear, and thats cause im a vampire." He said calmly.

"What is a vampire, if I may ask?" Athena said as she looked at him and his hands in utter disbelief.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"What is a vampire, if I may ask?" Athena said as she looked at him and his hands in utter disbelief.

Malkavian laughed" we are undead that feed off of blood, and posses high magic." He said calmly.

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