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Fantasy The War of Magic Remaster

"yes as you can see our king has die we don't need nobody coming in at this time" the knight looks away



Name: Adriana Haven

Age: 103

Race: Drow

Profession: Ranger

Status in Race : Mercenary

Equipment and skills : Very skilled with her exsquite bow and error but not skilled in much other combat as she didnt learn anything besides using her bow.

Personality : She genereally has sweet personality until someone crosses her the wrong way.

Any additional information : None

Adriana sighed as she used her machete to whack at another large grouping of bushes in the rain forest she was making her way from the capital of the drow cities Maera Cinlu. She had heard of the death of the human king and was quiet interested in finding out the goings on. It seemed like this trip was taking longer than usual, but it also could have been because it had been so long since she had been this way or that anyone had been this way that the rain forest had grown up, no one ever came this way anymore, not since the days of the war. Adriana for one even though a mercenary tried to stay out of the fighting. Adriana only took jobs for money and mostly took the jobs she knew she could do and get done with quickly. She was more of a home body.

Finnally as her trek came to an end she stood at the end of the human capital looking around, it had been many year since she had traveled here and it looked very much the same but also different, maybe it was just the atmosphere from the death of the king that had changed things. "Hmm been awhile since i've been here." she mumbled to herself trying to stay on the outsides of the city lurking not knowing if her prescene would be welcomed or not.
Lilienne walks down the hallway leaving her son Basil in his room sleep a few mintues had pass she walks outside breathing in the fresh air into her lungs the death of her husbend there hunt Lilienne in here dreams "i have a whole kingdom to lead now...am not sure i can do this without you dear* Lilienne sadly looks up at the morning skies while holding a flower close to her heart @Venomousbunny
Adriana continued lurking on the outside of the city she could see the castle in the distance, she knew the queen would be in great turmoil with her husband's death. Perhaps maybe if she could sneak through town without being noticed and find some way to help the queen. Adriana unlike most of her race was a kind drow. Silently she began moving further into the city hiding in any little places she could before moving closer to the castle. She had her machete in its place on her side as well as her bow unarmed and put away so that she wouldn't seem a threat as she approached the castle.
Lilienne places the flower down away from her chest "for our son and kingdom i will protect them all" Lilienne whisper to herself with saddness in her voice
Lilienne walks back inside leaving the flower behind "i must stay strong..." with that she walks inside
Magnus was in his tower it could be seen by miles away he had posters evvry where in town "magnus bleacrain alchamist tour around the kingdoms come one come all!!!" the posters read magnus was doing some alchamy he was going to turn steel into iron he concentrated hard with his test tubes and potions he had a wand with him tat was made of compleate sakura wood he then continued to concentrate the metal began to glow a silver ywhite color until the glow compleatly coverd it he stopped the stell turned to irn "YES I DONE IT" he said in acompishment holding the iron in his hands smileing in achevement
one of the knight head toward Lilienne she looks directly at him "milady we have news for you the elvens empire leader are coming here" the knight said "ugh damn at a time like this alright let me know they have arrive" with that Lilienne walks pass him
(To make up for lost time)

Malkavian sat in his throne in one of the four floating cities in the sky. These four massive cities were the knew home to the vampire race. Which had bin resurrected from beneath the ground. He had recieaved reports of a group of bandits terrorizing a main trade rout with the humans. Malkavian ordered a small battalion of troops to take control of the outpost the bandits operated from.
(( alright it fine))

Lilienne walks into her bedroom to get some rest after what she heard that bandits were attacking outposts whih she built for the for the traders travelers "great.... after i just lay down to...." Lilienne order all of her finest knights to check out the outpost south of ravendeep

(( btw if you are interested i made a new rp if you guys wish to join https://www.rpnation.com/threads/last-dying-adventure-automatons-coming-soon.78161/))
Lilienne feeled someone watching her she quikly get up "hello who dare have enter my room!?" she shouted in rage
"hm....? it alright" Lilienne notice his hood reviling parts of his ears "remove your hood and tell me who you are?" she ask
The battalion consisting of 6 worriors, 4 knites and 2 mages all vampires. They marched toll they were just outside the small outpost of stone. Their the mages used a powerful spell that launched a nearby boulder at the main gate crushing the wooden gate. Immediately after the worruirs, and knights rushed in beginning their battle with the bandits. The mages put protective barriers around the soldiers, as they used magical blades to fight the bandits.
Lilienne soldiers finally reach the outpost they watch as the unknown soldiers are attacking the travelers outpost "we have to report this to our lady* one of the commander watches in horror meanwhile back in the castle "Lilienne rightful queen of ravendeep for the time being" she said towards him
The Knights sprouted their wings using them to quickly maneuver through the outpost to quickly kill the bandits. After a while the battle died down, as two soldiers Mand the front gate. The remaining soldiers began to settle in taking patrols along the outpost walls. The mages set magical barriers around the outpost to keep magic from harming anything in the bubble. A mess anger was sent to the vampire capital of Necros to alert Malkavian of the bandits demise, as well as more supplies to reinforce the outpost.
Lilienne heard from a wounded soldier there was unknown fighters attacking the outpost "no who is it" she rush towards the war room to find out more informations

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