The Walking Dead Sign-Up

First Name: Darren

Middle Name: James

Last Name: Ocreesha

Age: 16

Bio/History: Darren is the twin brother of Sky. When Sky and her mother moved to Georgia, he stayed behind with his father, only coming down for holidays, which was exactly what he was doing before the outbreak. He does not know if their dad still survives.

Personality: Darren is a pretty decent guy. He's not much like his sister with the shyness, pretty much being the exact opposite.

Other: His weapons are a small handgun and an old sword from his dad's collection.

Appearance: Darren has messy blond hair reaching down past his ears and clear blue eyes. His skin is pale with a small dusting of freckles. He's a bit on the tall side but is a pretty average weight. He was always on the track team so he's fit as well. 
It is my job! It is!
Character Sheet:

First Name: Elliot

Middle Name: Emerson

Last Name: Eno

Age: 24

Bio/History: Elliot grew up in the big and busy city of New York. As a child, Elliot was the top of his class in both academics and physicality. But, all that wasn't just natural. Elliot studied hard and practised all day to get to the top. All that just to please his mother. They weren't the richest of families, nor the closest, but Elliot still loved his mother very much. His father had left her because he found a better and richer woman, he had left his mother while she was pregnant with Elliot. The family was down deep into debt and Elliot's mother was juggling fives different jobs to keep the family afloat. Elliot would clean the little apartment they had and cook the meals for him and his mother so that she didn't have as much things to do. Growing up, Elliot promised his mother that he would get them out of debt. And he did. Right when Elliot turned legal to get a job, he jumped at the opportunity. Because of all the time he was at his job, Elliot's grades began degrading (oh god so punny). He was now down to the Top 10 and just barely making it. The teachers were concerned for Elliot and arranged a parent teacher meeting with his mother, who, of course, couldn't make it because of all the jobs she was doing. But, she still heard of it and made Elliot quit his job to focus on school. And so, Ms. Eno, Elliot's parents never married, was now juggling six jobs at a time. Elliot's grades went back up and tipped the scales, although, his mother was dying from exhaustion. Literally. One night Elliot got a call from his mother's 4th job saying that she had died from over exertion. Elliot rushed over to the hospital just in time to see his mother being brought out from a room. Struck with grief, Elliot saw that she was holding a large packet. Gently slipping it out of her hands, Elliot opened the paper packet and saw money. So much money that it would easily bring the family out of debt and pay for his collage tuition. With tears streaming down his face, Elliot chuckled darkly. The family had been out of debt for some time, but his mother was still working over time to pay for the rest of Elliot's future. If only she knew that his future would be a dark and gory world.

The zombie outbreak had started while Elliot was at work, training to become part of the SWAT team. It took some time for the zombies to get in, for they had fire power. Grabbing as much as he could carry, Elliot left the training camp with a few comrades. They watched from afar as the place was overrun with walkers. A few months later, all of Elliot's comrades had died and Elliot was left alone to survive by himself.

Personality: Elliot is a smart man who thinks rationally and usually doesn't let his feelings get the better of him. Putting up a cold hearted barrier, Elliot doesn't let just anyone into his heart for the fear of losing them. With quite the humour, Elliot tends to say mean things without even knowing it. He's pretty blunt and will point out all the faults in a plan, Elliot will not sugar coat anything. But, under all that, Elliot is actually a big softie, looking for someone to love. It's just hard to worm your way into his heart.

Other: His friends used to call him P, because El Em Eno P. El's choice of weapon is: a) crow bar b) knife c) Glock 17 (although he has a bunch of other guns and ammo because he left a military camp)

Picture: Because who doesn't love dem abs and pectoral muscles? He wears a shirt sadly
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> First Name: Alaina

Middle: Jane

Last: Gower

Age: 19

Bio/History: Alaina was working at her local gas station when the outbreak first hit her town. She was attacked by a "crazy guy" and only had a cash register to defend herself. After that, she then ran through the town, seeing that everyone was acting like that "crazy guy", and even eating each other?? She reached her house only to find it completely deserted. On her bed in the room a note read: forgive us. Sitting next to it was her father's pistol and a picture of her father, mother, baby brother, and herself in a happier time. She realized she had been abandoned. Taking the gun she held it to her head and tears ran uncontrollably down her cheeks. But from the corner of her eye she saw her little brother laying in a pool of his own blood, bullet hole through his head. But she did't cry. Instead, she swore she would find her parents and punish them for what they had done to her and her precious brother. She had been on her own since.

Personality: Before the outbreak, Alaina had been a kind young girl. She always listened to her mother and father, and worked hard at everything she did. But after experiencing some tragedies, that sweet, kind, obedient Alaina withered away. She is now tough as a rock, dependent on only herself, and doesn't trust anybody. It's hard to get to know her, but if you somehow gain her trust a bit, she may open up to you.

Other: You'll have to find out yourselves... c: ((I just used my character from the other zombie RP lol. Lazy mee c: ))



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First Name: Erik

Middle Name: Carter

Last Name: John

Age: 42

Bio/History: Erik was a family man before the outbreak. He works as a History Educator in some university. But before that, Erik was in the military for 4 years until he broke his leg during training. He then retired from the Marine Corps. ever since. Erik had 2 daughters, Named Sarah and Jenna. His wife was Norelyn, She worked as a Surgeon in some Hospital. Both his daughters were old enough to live on their own. Sarah lived on her own while Jenna lives together with her boyfriend and future husband.

Personality: Erik is a family man who will always think about his family first than himself. He tends to do things for others as well. Sometimes, when he is down. He tends to drink himself out of depression.

Other: Carries a m21 hunting rifle and a m1911 pistol, both licensed.



To warn people, I post slow.

Here' the actual RP for anyone who doesn't have it:

Neon-o-rific enough???
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Wait can someone tell me what has already happened in the rp? 

RapZebraXoxo said:
**************************************************************************************************Here's the actual RP for anyone who doesn't have it:

Now???? If not, I give up.
Much better.
I am dominant!!!

Um, Sky, Darren, and Jamie are heading to Oklahoma. Sky's falling ill. Jaycee and Rex are still in Atlanta but are heading to his cabin in the woods later.

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