The Void


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!

Without light, there is darkness. Without either, there is void. This void has always existed, a gap between the real world, and another plane altogether. Here, in this void, the worlds mix, causing, at times, odd occurrences to happen, such as all of you being taken there. You are all from Earth, all over the globe, but now have new-found elemental magic thanks to the void. It was present day that you were taken into the void by unseen forces...however... The year is now 3059, and this void has finally spit you all back out, all in the same area.

While in the void, time passed quickly. It seemed like only a month went by at most. None of you know how long for sure. This time may have been spent getting to know the others, but who knows? The void was nice, accommodating, and you never seemed to get hungry, but your abilities hadn't blossomed yet. It was only once you were all back onto Earth that they flourished and appeared.

The world of 3059 is dark, dismal, and overall depressing. You don't know why yet. In this new time, a new world order had been erected, replacing the previous governments. They even went as far as to destroy all history books they could get their hands on that told of the old times, where the government didn't have total control.

Outside of the huge metropolis, there are dark, foreboding forests that line the city like a barrier. It looks dangerous, and even feels dangerous, though it is still very much alive. You came on a bad day, a stormy day so bad that day looks like night, and it would be pitch black if not for the lights from the city. Not only that, but it is a "holiday" of sorts...


  • Fire
  • Plasma
  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Ice
  • Plants
  • Earth
  • Metal
  • Wind
  • Spirit
  • Animal
  • Energy
  • Light
  • Shadow
  • Any other you can think of as long as I OK it

Character Sheet:

Name: (Please put pronunciation, if your name is hard to pronounce)

Nickname: (You can ignore this line if your character doesn't have any.)

Age: (Normal ages, not including time spent in Void)


Specialties: (Other things you are good at. Not elemental magic.)

Abilities: (Choose one element.)

History: (Good-ish size please.)

Personality: (Good and bad traits, and any quirks, along with whatever kind of person they are.)

Appearance: (Picture or description)


  1. No god-modding please. We are all more mature than that.
  2. Be kind and courteous to others.
  3. Pg13 material only please, a little cussing or romance is fine, just don't push it.
  4. Other site rules apply.
  5. One, high school sized, paragraph per post Minimum please.
  6. Be creative, imaginative, and awesome.
  7. Put the word, "Void" somewhere in your sheet, and bold it, to make sure you read.

Link to the Rp:
Name: Pandrora White [Pand-roar-ah] (Yes, I know the normal name is Pandora, but I changed it up a bit...)

Nickname: Rori (she prefers this over her full name)

Age: 16, but she is small for her age (only 4'11)

Gender: female

Specialties: Gauging the feelings of others. (even people who are good at keeping a poker-face, she can usually see through that)

Abilities: Animal!

History: Rori was an average tenth grade student living in New York City with her mom, five cats, three fish, a lizard, and a hamster. Her mother suffered from a back injury when Rori was 14 and she was no longer able to work so Rori worked part-time after school to supplement the disability check her mother received each month. They didn't have a lot of money, and it was crowded in their small apartment because of all the pets they had, but they refused to give up any of their animals. Rori had always loved animals, a trait she inherited from her mother, and once she graduated she planned on opening up her own animal shelter. Obviously, she never got a chance to do that because on her way home from school one day she was sucked into the Void. She sank into a state of depression while in the void, worried about her mother and their pets. She was all alone with only her thoughts and memories to keep her company. She wasn't sure how long she was stranded in that in-between alone for, until one day she came across a group of others [aka, all of the other Rp-ers] lost in this strange place. Slowly, thanks to the company of others, Rori became her bubbly self again. When the Void finally released them, the first thing Rori noticed that was different about herself was her ability to communicate with animals. She immediately made friends with a purple butterfly that she named Miki. Miki now travels with Rori everywhere. The next thing Rori noticed happened gradually. Rori began to sprout a tail, and soon her ears shifted to those of a cat! What on earth will happen next?

Personality: Rori is spunky, adventurous, and playful. She loves to explore and will often get herself into difficult predicaments in the process. Rori loves to make friends with everyone she meets, and if someone doesn't immediately like her she will be consumed with trying to figure out why. When she gets upset it never lasts very long and she bounces right back to her perky self in no time!


Name: Seth Levitus

Nickname: Zen (prefers)

Age: 26


Specialties: Meditation. Martial Arts.

Abilities: Energy

History:Zen was your unusual adult. He had been raised in Okinawa, Japan after losing his mother and father in a tragic car wreck. He was placed into a local orphanage within the city. He never complained about the orphange in his younger days and usually played with all of the other orphans. On his 16th birthday, A strange man from Okinawa came to the orphanage. After many children was examined, He was picked from the orphans up for adoption. The man who adopted him was Yoshi Oronari. Yoshi taught Zen many things and treated him just like a son. At the age of 25, Zen had mastered some martial arts and meditation which is where his nickname came from. After his 26th birthday, His adopted father passed away from an unknown disease which left a whole in zen's heart. A few days later, Zen was deep in meditation when he suddenly got sucked into the VOID. He didn't think anything about it at the time because he was listening to music, but once he opened his eyes he realized he wasn't in his home.. He was kind to all of the others trapped in the void when he wasn't meditating. When the void finally released him, he decided to metitate and practice his martial arts. He could see strains of energy flowing around his fist after meditating then practicing. The void had gave him the ability to see energy and maybe even manipulate it with the right training. He was curious what would happen next.

Personality: Zen is usually calm and considerate of others. He doesn't mind helping others out, but if he gets angry he looses his mind and strikes out with rage almost like an insane lunatic.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/5318.jpg.f81171449e8831244374fa4c4828baee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/5318.jpg.f81171449e8831244374fa4c4828baee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Eliza Pond

Nickname: Eli

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Specialties: Cooking and knife fighting

Abilities: Wind

History: Eliza was a problem child. Living only with her single mother, she would only go to school to tell off teachers and get into fights, skipping just to steal some junk from stores and pickpocket strangers. After joining a local gang, she would often get into knife fights with rivals and constantly ended up in the hospital or jail, but her mother always bailed her out. However, at fourteen her mother started to get really sick. After bailing out her daughter and paying for medical bills so many times, her mother barely had enough to keep their house, let alone get decent medical attention. This was eye-opening for Eli. She left her gang (but not before getting a good beat-down for her betrayal) and dropped out of high school to take care of her mom. She worked multiple jobs a day, but would always have time in between sleep and work to make her mother's favorite meals for her to eat when she awoke. One day, on her way home from work with a bag full of groceries, she merely blinked and suddenly she was in an empty place, the Void. Scared and confused, she stayed where she first arrived until her groceries spoiled, then she began to wander until she found someone else.

Personality: Eli's first and main personality is like how she is with her mother: kind, caring, and nurturing. She is very protective over her friends and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. If anything did happen to anyone she cared about, or something made her furious enough, she gets serious and extremely vengeful.


Yeah I know, I was doing a bit of research, but there is blood plasma (and I know it's different ovo) so which one to base the element off of is a choice, I think... But I'm just asking to make sure. ;;
Name: Valkyrie Altora

Nickname: Vi

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Specialties: Since she is blind, all her other five senses are enhanced, especially her hearing.

Ability: Metal

History: Due to their family being poor, Valkyrie and her sister were both sold to a military camp for experimenting on at a young age. When the time came for Vi to be experimented on, she agreed to let the scientists conduct experiments on her willingly, on one condition; that they'd leave her little sister out of the experiments. Thinking that one human guinea pig would be enough, the scientists agreed.

She never regretted her decision, but every day was pain-filled to the brim. The experiments were all highly dangerous and one of them even left her blind in both eyes. Countless times did she cry at night, and many nightmares did she have in her sleep. The only thing that kept her going was her sister, who consoled her after she woke up in the mornings. One day, when Vi was in hibernation in her new body, the scientists decided to conduct experiments on the younger sister, ignoring the promise they made. However, her sister wasn't as tough and sturdy as Vi was, and she died during the process.

When Vi woke up and found out, she was outraged. Using the robot-like body that the scientist had replaced her human body with, she went on a rampage and nearly killed everyone in the camp, but was restrained by soldiers. However, before the scientists could shut her down permanently, she was sucked into the void.

When the void spat her back out, the first thing Vi noticed was her new ability. Not only did she have the strength of a robot, but she could now feel the presence of metal objects with her mind. After a lot of training, she can now feel the presence of even the smallest of metal things, such as jewelry or hidden guns.

Personality: Valkyrie, to say the least, doesn't talk very much. She communicates only when needs to, therefore she sometimes might come off as cold or distant. Underneath that hard exterior, however, is a caring girl who will do anything to protect the people she loves.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd990d7b9_RobotGirl1.jpg.83720fb09fba8de35c931524fbe2b90b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd990d7b9_RobotGirl1.jpg.83720fb09fba8de35c931524fbe2b90b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The plasma in blood is different then the state of matter plasma, I think picking water then working your way up to blood would be best btw I am making a character for this very soon.
Name: Moose Alisha Rerbondè

Nickname: None.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Specialties: Hand-to-hand combat (martial artistry)

Ability: Blood

History: Moose was basically a normal girl. She was quite sociable, with both a mother and father, a sister, and two brothers. In school she averaged A's and B's. The only thing that was considerably different was that, instead of having typical interests she had the hobby of practicing martial arts. It was probably the most important thing to her besides her family, and she would go through great lengths to making sure she had gotten the most out of it as she could at the time.

One stormy day, while she was running to try and get to the dojo where she learned and practiced her martial arts, a freak accident occured. A truck had slipped and was about to crush Moose due to the rain causing it's wheels to go ballistic. Moose, to avoid being killed, jumped off of the bridge she was walking on and gotten into the river where she thought she would be safe. She hit her head while she jumped and instead she ended up knocked-out where the water ended. By that time, a BBB parasite that hadn't been identified had already entered her body. When she went home her family quickly noticed her acting strangely, and she was taken to the doctor, who found the parasite and deemed it to be killer. It grew too much for them to take it out. Moose was supposedly doomed to die. She and her family agreed to put her down while they still had the chance.

Right before Moose was about to be killed, she was sent to the void, then placed back to her world. Due to the void, the parasite that had domiciled within her brain had grew in size and shape. It even, due to the void again, acquired a human-like conscience.

((If this is okay? And sorry if it sounds terrible, I couldn't think that much while making this and the personality ; ;) )

Personality: Moose is humble and quite approachable. She is self-aware of herself and others, often having an idea about their basic emotions, and a tendency to act accordingly. Because of this, she might be a bit naive and gullible to those who purposely put a mask over themselves and hide who they truly are. She will rarely act mean.


Name: Wesly Davison

Nickname: Wes

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Specialties: Having a Strategic Mind, Close to Mid range Combat.

Abilities: Fire

History: The Davison Family has along list of Ancestry for being well trained servants, guards, and maids for well and successful families. As for Wes though having dreams of his own was forced to follow the rules and prepare his life to follow in his families foot steps. On the trip to his new Master's home Wes was sucked into the Void. And it was there he let his passion unfold and thought about his owns thoughts and ideas once more. His since of security and Paradise soon faded as he brought back and later sent back to work for his Masters. It was there while after a freak accident he jumped into a burning building to save his Master's Wife coming out untouched or singed. He's still not sure what happen but he feels that something else happened to him while in the void.

Personality: Calm and Truthful nature do to his family training. Can be short tempered and when he does smoke forms from his skin.

I would love to be water. Is there any way I can reserve that one? I will come back in make my profile in a bit.
Name: Thane Jackford(Jack-furd)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Specialties: Good with any two handed weapon and has random moments of him being extremely good at hand to hand combat, carpentering(making things with wood) and blacksmithing.

Ability: Fire

History: His father was a MMA fighter and worked as a carpenter to make some extra cash. His father taught him how to fight but it never really stuck with him unless he got into a fit of deep rage in which all his father taught and also what he learned on his own would come flooding back into him and he would become an almost unstoppable fighter. Throughout his life he had gotten into several fights, had almost beat a couple of kids to death and had broken at least half a dozen Then one night after his father won a match, his father died in a car crash. Some people say it was people who had bet against his dad and lost a great deal of money did it but nothing was ever found out. After his dad died he was left with his delusional mother and his ass of a brother. Still he tried to live his life as best he could. He was on his high school's baseball and football team and was a star player on both. He had plenty of friends but never any real close friends.

Personality: He's caring but acts cold at the same time. He isn't against conversation he just has a hard time coming up with the right words to say so often he will just enjoy the sound of silence more. He fears of being to selfish but often is very selfless instead but tries not to show how much he cares about others. He has a temper that doesn't show that often and he tries his best to control it but sometime it just escapes from him.


(can my character have the bat he has in his hand too?)
Name: Karjo (Car-jo)

Nickname: Jo

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Specialties: A cat-like type guy, He's a guy that seems a little off in his own world to say. He Specializes In the arts of Sojutsu. (Spear-fighting)

Abilities: Animal

History: Jo Was always the weird cat man down the street you'd see walking his cat for some odd reason. He was a normal person not very much to him except the fact of his cat obsession. He graduated high school at the age of 16 (this was his only abnormality) and IQ of 213. Jo always had the dream of becoming a professor at a university, so at the age of 23 he accepted a job being a anatomy professor, Despite all his efforts into going to through the loops and jumps, the university after only 4 months of teaching there, he was fired and replaced by a woman younger than him maybe because his boss was a bit of a perv to begin with. That night he was fired he felt like his whole dream was crushed and stomped on; He went to over 5 local bars getting multiple drinks, seriously getting wasted. The way home to his small apartment he was mugged of his tie and his briefcase(there was nothing much in it of course), Yet despite the fact that he was mugged he didn't give a Hooper snapper to the world. An hour later he was unconscious in some damp alley way by an old beggar that was thinking about taking his shoes off of him Until he flashed away as if sorcery was in the making. This was the moment he slipped away in to the Void.

Personality: His personality is somewhat like a cat's personality. He is stubborn and will snap back at you for something you might have said to him. Jo has that odd stare that will pierce you down with a "slash" of his eyes. Often he relocates himself to where he's most comfortable, also to examine people at a distance before confronting them. Despite his Very High IQ, He has a lack of "book" knowledge which contradicts why he wanted to be a University Professor in the first place.

Appearance: (normal)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/1156595253.balaa_obsidian_snow_by_balaa1.jpg.438b4eed4fdd4ded38ff0f2545615903.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/1156595253.balaa_obsidian_snow_by_balaa1.jpg.438b4eed4fdd4ded38ff0f2545615903.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Hellluuuu Guys I hope I can Join cause it sounds like an awesome RP group and I'm
VERY new to this website soo... I hope i don't screw anything up.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/url.jpg.b8c1afe8ec8737719353e9d960b69f39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/url.jpg.b8c1afe8ec8737719353e9d960b69f39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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